A Great Kisser

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A Great Kisser Page 27

by Donna Kauffman

  She eyed him warily. “I’d have sworn I didn’t see you drink more than a half glass of champagne.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “So…where is this flattery leading?”

  He managed to look affronted. “It’s sincere flattery. Can’t I tell my sister I’m proud of her?”

  “Sure. Right after you tell me you’ve decided to go back to the state fair air show circuit with Betty Sue. Because there’s about as much chance of that as—”

  Now he frowned. “I’m not that bad, am I?”

  “You didn’t used to be,” she said, then nudged him in the ribs.

  “Ow,” he said, rubbing the spot. “You have the pointiest elbows.”

  “It’s a girl weapon. Shh, don’t tell.”

  The guys called out that they were heading up, and Jake and Ruby Jean both turned and waved to them. Then RJ slipped her arm through Jake’s and turned them both in the direction of the doors. “But now you’ll understand why I’ve been so set on finding you somebody. You were getting downright cranky.”

  “I wasn’t cranky. It just takes a lot to keep the school going and trying to figure out how I was going to get Betty Sue race ready and—”

  “And you needed to get laid. Regularly. And by someone who knows how to do it.”

  “Seriously, stop before I need therapy.”

  She stopped them both short, just as they stepped out of the wide glass doors and into a clear, star-studded night. “So, that’s why you’re being all nice to me!”

  “I’m always nice to you,” he said, truly affronted now.

  “You…and Lauren Matthews. You’re not just getting laid regularly, you’re—oh, my God.” She didn’t wait for him to say anything, not that he knew what he’d have said, but threw her arms around his neck and hugged the breath right out of him. “Oh, I’m so happy.” She leaned back and looked at his face. “It’s so obvious, I can’t believe I missed it. Of course, I don’t think I’ve ever known exactly how you were going to look when you finally got hit with the arrow, but wow.” She punched him on the arm. “It looks good on you. You’re actually glowing.”

  He rubbed at the spot on his arm. Ruby Jean was no featherweight when it came to punching. “You missed your calling. Professional wrestling could make a fortune with you. And I don’t glow.”

  She was too busy smiling and buffing her nails on her shirt. “And I take all the credit for being the one to hook you two up.”

  Jake groaned, even though he knew this moment had been an inevitability. “You already knew I was seeing her. You told me so earlier.”

  “Yes, but I thought…well, I thought you were just, you know…being how you usually are with women.”


  “Meaning you enjoy their company, but you always pick women who have no chance of turning into anything permanent.” Her expression suddenly fell. “Wait, you…what are you going to do about her being from Washington? I mean, you wouldn’t follow her back, would you?”

  “First of all, you know me better than that. And it’s not that she’s not worth changing my whole life for, but she wouldn’t expect me to and I don’t know that it’s going to be an issue.”

  “Why? Isn’t the senator she works for like in line for the presidency at some point?”

  Jake knew that Lauren hadn’t told her mother yet, but that she’d planned to tonight. Still, he couldn’t be the one to share her secret, not even with Ruby Jean. “We just started seeing each other. Trust me, okay?”

  “Why, so you can let her walk away? Jake, I swear—”

  “You don’t have to. And I have no intentions, at least at this point, of letting her walk away from me. I don’t know what or where or how, but we’re both interested in figuring that out. And that’s the best I can offer you. That, and that I’ve never been this sure of anything in my entire life.”

  She goggled, then beamed. “Wow, now look whose gone and grown up.” She hugged him again. “I’m so proud of you.”

  He laughed and hugged her back. “Thanks.”

  She linked her arm through his again as they walked over to where they’d parked their cars. “If there is anything I can do, anything—”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I think we can handle it.”

  Ruby Jean snorted.

  “You just said how proud you were, remember?”

  “Yes, but your track record, frankly, sucks. Remember?”

  “I never wanted any of them to stick around. This is completely different. And I’m usually pretty good about getting what I want.”

  Ruby Jean laughed. “That much is true. Well, the offer stands. I’m more than happy to provide a united front and do what I can to help win her over.”

  Jake grinned. “Oh ye of little faith.”

  “Oh, I know you know how to hook them, why do you think I asked you to escort her in the first place? But keeping them on the line? Novice.”

  “Says the woman who hasn’t dated anyone for more than a month in the past four years.”

  She merely lifted a shoulder. “Haven’t found anyone I want to stick around longer than that. But I always had hope that I would. I don’t think that you ever hoped for that; in fact, I was beginning to think you preferred to keep your single status in check.”

  “I don’t know that I thought about it one way or the other. I had other things on my mind, and it wasn’t a particular goal, but it wasn’t something that ended up just happening, either.” He stepped closer. “I do want you to be happy and…you know, you’re bright, smart, sharp as a whip, and well, RJ, you’re too good for Cedar Springs. Arlen doesn’t know the goldmine he has in you. I really think you should consider maybe heading out to a more populated place like Denver, or beyond. Lauren might even be able to help you with that. I know she probably has some great contacts and I’d have to ask, but I can’t imagine she wouldn’t be willing—”

  Ruby Jean put her hand on his arm. “I don’t want to leave Cedar Springs—well, you. I don’t want to leave you. You’re all I’ve got, Jake.”

  “You’ve got the whole world, Ruby Jean. And I’m not going anywhere; I’ll always be right here. So spread your wings a little. Think about flying a little farther from the nest.” He shook his head when she started to speak. “Just think about it. Okay?”

  She looked into his eyes for a long moment, then took a breath and said, “Remember the other day, when I was asking—begging—you to go pick up Lauren?”

  He smiled. “It’s now a day I’ll never forget.”

  The sweetest smile flashed across her face. “I like you like this.”

  “I like me like this, too. So, go on…”

  “Okay, so remember when I told you that I had aspirations with Arlen, that I see a ladder to climb there?”

  “Yes, you did say something about Arlen wanting to campaign for some other office, but didn’t mention which one. Why, what does he want to run for?”

  “You can’t say anything.” Then a stricken look crossed her face. “Wait…you’re seeing Arlen’s stepdaughter. I wasn’t thinking about that.”

  “Just tell me, RJ. I’m always first with you and you with me. I’ll deal with the juggling.”

  “Okay. And I’m sorry in advance, but…”

  “Just tell me.”

  “He’s gearing up to make a run for governor.”

  “Governor? Of Colorado? Does he have the right connections for that? I mean, I know he’s got a history in California, but that was a very long time ago.”

  “I think his time as the Covingtons’ son-in-law sort of got him noticed and he’s been working toward this for a long time, more than anyone knows. Certainly more than I did. I figured he was considering retirement, not…well, not this.”

  “How could the whole town not know about it?”

  “I’m not kidding when I say he’s been super hush hush about this. No one on his staff here knows. I didn’t either, until it kind of slipped when he was asking me about Lauren. I guess beca
use we’re such a small town, he doesn’t want to make it known until he actually declares.”

  Which was understandable, but still…“Governor. I didn’t think he still had any aspiration for higher office. I’d have thought, especially now with being married that he’d be eyeing the other direction. Retirement.”

  “Me, too. I think everyone is thinking that. And I think he’s letting them think about his replacement, only he doesn’t plan on riding off into the sunset; he plans on hitching his ride to a whole new star.”

  “Does Charlene know?”

  “I have no idea. But when he was talking to me about Lauren, about being worried about her estrangement from her mother, and let it slip that he couldn’t afford to not have family harmony if his plans for…and then he broke off. I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. So I asked him, plans for what. I told him that, as his executive assistant, I was on his side, in his corner, and would do what I could to advance his cause. So, he told me in strictest confidence that he was being considered by his party as a possible contender for a bigger role in Colorado politics, but that it had to remain under wraps for now. I can’t think of any other role he’s ever wanted but that one. Ever since being part of the Covington family and their talk of helping him get the nod.”

  “Does he still have their support?”

  “I’m not really sure what he has. He didn’t tell me anything else. I’m frankly surprised he trusted me with as much as he did.”

  “You’re his senior assistant.”

  “I know, but…I don’t think he’s working with anyone here on it.”

  “Meaning he has someone somewhere else helping him?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe it is just Lars and Chuck Covington helping him lay the groundwork. All I know is that if he declares, then I want to be in the best possible position to be on the team that runs his campaign. And then, who knows?”

  Jake shook his head. It was a lot to take in. On many levels. “Is this what you really want to do? Do you really support him as a man, or is this just your ticket out?” He lifted a hand. “I’m asking sincerely.”

  “I’m not offended, Jake, because I don’t really know. I didn’t picture this for me, either, but there aren’t exactly any other pictures falling into place, and so this seems like the best, I don’t know, launch trajectory, for lack of a better description. I don’t necessarily want to leave here and I definitely don’t want to leave you, but maybe I just need to put myself in a place where more options are available, where I can see and learn about new things.” She smiled. “Find my picture.”

  “I think that’s a great plan.” He was happy to hear she wasn’t planning to hitch all her dreams on Arlen’s star, because he was the type to use people up and spit them out when they no longer served their purpose…and that was just here, in small town Cedar Springs. If he had more power, greater leverage, who knows what he’d become. “And no clue on whether Charlene knows about this?”

  “No, but I’d have to assume she would; she’s his wife.”

  “Right.” And that just launched him on a whole other path of questions. Well, he would have a lot more to talk about with Lauren tonight than he thought. “Do you know, at all, what his immediate plans are? When he plans to throw his hat in the ring?”

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. I think he was really nervous about Lauren coming, about getting that settled, first. But it has to be soon if he’s going to have any chance at next year’s election.”

  Jake had stronger feelings now about why Arlen was so concerned about his new family’s reunion, and most of them weren’t charitable. “Would you do me a huge favor, and when you know, let me know?”

  “Of course.” She frowned. “Is there something else going on?”

  “You know things are a little rocky with them, and they’re working on it, but…well, this just adds to it.”

  “Jake, you can’t say anything. You can’t. If anything is said, like in the heat of the moment, he’ll know it originally came from me. My career would be immediately over. It would jeopardize everything for me.”

  “I know. I understand. I won’t do anything to compromise you.” Which was a promise he had every intention of keeping, although possibly not the way Ruby Jean assumed he would. There were all kinds of thoughts and questions swirling around in his mind now. And they not only possibly affected Lauren, but her mother, and now his sister. No way was he just going to sit back and see how things worked themselves out. He just didn’t know the exact path he was going to take just yet.

  “Jake,” Ruby Jean said, a note of warning clear in the single word.

  He kissed his sister on the cheek. “I’ve never let you down, have I?”

  “I shouldn’t have told you.”

  “Yes, you should. In fact, it might have been the smartest thing you’ve ever done. And given how smart you are, that’s saying something.”

  She sighed. “You are a really bad suck-up, you know that?”

  “Yes, but you’re my only sister, so you have to love me anyway.”

  “I do.” She hugged him again. “I really do.” She looked up at him. “So much going on. With both of us. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time.”

  He grinned. “Just focus on the exciting part. Okay?”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Thanks for tonight, for helping out, for…everything.”

  “Anytime. Let me know when to come back and help you ferry these guys back to the school.”

  “The hotel will shuttle them up, no worries.”

  “Good. Okay.” She opened the door of her SUV and slid in, then shot him a knowing smile. “Have a good time with Lauren tonight.”

  “You’re my sister. To you, I’m a monk.”

  “Right. You’re so lame. Go have fun.”

  “I will. And don’t ever expect me to say the same thing to you when you have a guy waiting.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I won’t. But I love you for watching over me, even if you make me crazy.” She closed the door and lowered her window. “And who’s to say I don’t have some guy waiting for me tonight? Maybe two guys!” He could hear her laughing as she zipped the window up and pulled out of her space.

  “Not funny!” Jake called after her.

  But she was gone with only the echo of her laughter in the night air.

  He shook his head, but he was smiling. Things never changed, and everything was changing, all at the same time. What a day. What a night. And he still had to talk to Lauren. He’d been excited, all but climbing out of his skin, all day, wanting to get back to her. Which, given how amazing a day he’d had, was really saying something. But the whole time all he could think was how much better it would have been if he’d been sharing the whole exciting day with her. That was such a first for him.

  He climbed in his Jeep and gunned the engine. He couldn’t wait to get to her. He wished they didn’t have so much to talk about. He wanted to scoop her up, tell her about the deal, his plans for Betty Sue, then take her to bed and make love to her until they were blind with exhaustion.

  But now there was the possible campaign. He needed to know what she’d told Charlene today. And if Charlene had revealed anything about her spouse and any possible plans for their future. Maybe that explained Arlen’s allure. First Lady of Colorado had a pretty nice ring to it. Not that he saw Charlene as a gold digger, whatever the gold, but he didn’t really know her. Even Lauren said she was learning all kinds of new things about her, and she was her daughter. The Matthews background was pretty heavy on political achievements, so it wouldn’t be out of the realm of supposition anyway.

  One thing he did know was that family could make you think about things differently…and he wondered what Lauren was thinking now, about her future, maybe even about him.

  He had to figure out how to make sure she had the knowledge she needed to make things right with her family…and also protect his sister. He knew he could trust Lauren to keep his sister’s best
interests at heart. But if she was put into the position of having to decide between her family and his…well, that was also a first for him. He’d never had someone who meant as much to him as his family, so he’d never been put in that position. But he was there now, he realized. And it was hard. Not to mention a little scary. He wasn’t sure what Lauren would do, because he wasn’t sure what he’d do. Dammit. He hated complications.

  He pulled out of the resort lot and headed into town and Lauren’s motel. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any better answers when he got there. Maybe they’d just have to figure it out together.

  The idea that he had someone to help him figure things out was another in a series of the day’s little revelations. It was a little disconcerting…but it was a whole lot more comforting.

  As long as he didn’t screw it up.

  Chapter 18

  Lauren tossed her purse on the bed and pulled open the nightstand drawer, then frowned. “I could have sworn…” She turned around and scanned the room, then crossed over to the desk. No laptop bag, which wasn’t surprising because she was positive she’d put it in the nightstand. She crossed back over, pulled the drawer out again—like it was magically going to reappear, which of course it didn’t—then started to close it when she caught sight of the black zippered bag tucked between the nightstand and the bed. She slid the drawer shut and pulled the bag out, frowning, as she laid it on the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress.

  Had she put it there? She always tucked it out of sight when she left her room; it was an old habit from spending a lot of time in hotel rooms while on the campaign trail. Her room had been cleaned while she was out, so it could have been moved, but why would the maid take her computer bag out of the drawer and put it by the bed?

  Lauren was unzipping the bag with the intent of sliding the computer out to turn it on to make sure nothing else odd was going on, but paused when there was a knock on the door.

  Her face split into a wide grin and her heart skipped a few beats. She immediately decided the computer mystery could wait until tomorrow and slid the computer, bag and all, back into the nightstand drawer where it belonged, and all but bounced off the bed. She didn’t even pause at the bathroom mirror. It was ridiculous how much she’d missed him today, probably foolish, but that didn’t keep her from racing to the door. She peeked out of the peephole, and her pulse jumped another notch as she slid the chain and opened the door. “Hi,” she said, knowing she must look like a giddy schoolgirl, all but bouncing on the soles of her shoes.


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