Hot to the Touch

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Hot to the Touch Page 1

by Samara King

  Hot To The Touch

  Copyright © 2018 Samara King

  Samara King Books

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  About Samara King

  Chapter One

  IF THERE WAS ONE THING a woman always remembered about a man, it was the way his hands felt against her skin. Well, depending on the right man! Belinda Gilles turned to the left, right and then returned center mast to stare at her reflection in the full length mirror. There was nothing sane about wanting a man she didn’t even know his name. Yet, her fingers had touched every inch of his body. A forbidden night - one year ago!

  The cranberry hued dress clung to every curve of her size fourteen body. She was not the type to hold out for the unexpected; hoping for something was nearly impossible to occur just brought a lot of heartache. Her past had taught her that. Being in love with two men had been one of the hardest things she'd done. One was buried underneath eight feet of earth and the other, helped it happen.

  Belinda shook her head. She didn’t want to think about Nate or Jordan. She’d come a long way from her days in Leimert Park. Memories of hot summers, lowriding and the two men that had captured her heart at a time she’d needed love most.

  No. Not tonight. Tonight she wanted to relish on her success. Club Reign was one of the most exclusive clubs in L.A. Stars and celebrities visited from all over the country. And she had been doubly rewarded for her success as the club had blossomed into "the" spot. Her spot. She smiled. "You go, girl."

  She knew what others thought of her, that she was a gold digger for marrying Brandon Forde when he was fifty-nine years of age and she was a mere twenty-three. Brandon had been good to her. He'd loved her and in her own way she'd loved him. He'd never expected more out of her than she could allow. His death had been a blow to her and at times she found herself missing him with a ferocious need for his confidence. He'd been more of a mentor than her husband. She'd never stepped out on her marriage, had taken their vows seriously. Despite what the society set thought, she'd been Mrs. Brandon Forde in every way that counted in the short ten years they'd been married before he'd died of a heart attack.

  Belinda maneuvered her head through the twisted knot of her hair, the dangling crystal earrings glittered against the light of her bathroom spotlights. She was ready for this evening; the anticipation was thick as it'd been last year. She loved a good party and she loved that fact that people knew who was throwing it.

  She'd put so much of herself into Club Reign, having little of a social life outstand of the organizations and associations she donated too. For all intents and purposes she was the window of Brandon Forde. No one would us suspect that she was highly in need of being fucked, but not by just any man. Him. She didn't want anyone else. And this time she planned on concreting the deed and making her mystery man aware of how she felt.

  Her fingers trailed down the side of her neck, her eyes fluttered close as she remembered his lips, soft and so giving and commanding at other times. His hands had branded her his. She felt it within every part of her body. The throb between her legs made her densely aware that it'd been exactly a year since she'd been touched, desired sexually.

  She'd gotten repeated offers from others to be her lover. But she wanted only one thing, another night, followed by another with this man. She'd found herself daydreaming about him, counting down the days as she and her staff had planned for the second Grown and Sexy Masquerade ball.

  She'd been found smiling and only to a wave it off as happiness about the plans for the ball. If only they knew. Her mind was filled with a heart pounding need to feel him inside her again, stretching her, filling her with the need to be consumed.

  She could never remember feeling that way in her life. Her body had melded into his without regret and explanation. She was not that type of woman who hoped, but she hoped for him, all of him tonight.

  Last year....

  “Dance with me.”

  This wasn’t the first time Belinda Gilles, owner of Reign, one of the most exclusive clubs in L.A. had heard those words. Normally, she would shake her head “no” and keep on her path. She was a businesswoman, first and foremost. She didn’t have the time to fraternize with patrons of her club. Since planning the first annual Grown & Sexy Masquerade Ball, she’d found little time to herself.

  She had to concede that so far, albeit, one mishap, the night was turning out to be a success and let her feel the satisfaction of months of hard work and preparation to make Reign an even greater success. Her success. The little dirt poor girl she’d once been would never surrender again to poverty.

  “You do know how to dance, don’t you?”

  Belinda turned her head in the direction of the man’s smooth voice as it pulled her out of the deep introspection. There was something about his tone that resonated something within her. She tried her best to be personable, despite the iciness the general public labeled her with the title “The Black Ice Queen.” A gold-digger whom married for money.

  She didn’t give a damn what the public thought, everything that she was today was due to her diligence to overcome her past.

  And look how far you’ve come!

  Joy radiated under the scalloped lace mask she wore. Her brown eyes met the hazel gaze of the stranger. His platinum eye mask matched the stunning designer suit he wore. Broad shoulders, six-three, and dimples. His eyes penetrated into hers, holding her captive, a feat she’d let no man attempt since her husband had died almost two-years ago.

  “Who’s asking?” Intrigued, Belle let her gaze wonder over him, more than liking those big hands and the striking presence he presented before her eyes.

  "Let's just say a man who's been watching you all night."

  Normally she would say no thanks and move on. But there was something so seductive about his voice. She was rooted in her spot. She smiled. "I hope you liked what you saw."

  "I did."

  Lord, she was flirting. She couldn't remember the last time she'd done that. The last time she'd actually wanted to do that.

  "One dance."


  She pulled into her his arms and immediately felt this attraction. A body heart that seared her down to her toes, welded her body against his as they moved to the seductive sounds of Jazz. On the private deck she was on, she knew that he had to be a VIP member of Reign to get to. She wasn't thinking that this man was a celebrity, or that he was just some man taken with her because of her name, no, all she could think of was how good his body fit against hers. She sighed.

  "You move very well. I like it."

  Belinda grinned. "As do you. I can tell you are a good dancer. How do you like the ball?"

  He gazed down at her. "A lot better than I did before. Holding you feels good."

  His voice washed over her like the feel of warm heat. Her muscles became languid as if she were getting the best massage ever. It's just a dance Belle nothing more. Still her mind liked the flirty mood of the mome

  "Thank you."

  They moved, closer than she'd allowed any man to her since her husband had died. Her hands braced around his shoulders and his just at the edge of her back. The sweet scent of jasmine and roses brought the earthy scent of life around her. When was the last time she'd felt like this. She couldn't remember slowing down to feel. Since Brandon had died she'd wanted t nothing more than to forget the loneliness she'd felt. Operating the Club had seen to that. And she'd become a success in the process. She wasn't surprised that she was feeling overwhelmed by every sense at this moment, however, feeling this attracted to this stranger made her pulse race.

  "You're a beautiful woman. Can I ask you something?"


  "Why are you up here alone? The party is downstairs. A man would have to be crazy to leave you here by yourself."

  She smiled, liking the fact that he didn't know who she was. That from under this mask for this moment she could be whoever she wanted. Say, whatever she wanted and it would be their secret. She something within her raced to the dark, liking the ability to hide, to pretend. Just for this moment.

  "I came alone. It's New Year’s Eve, who wants to be alone."

  He nodded. "I just can't believe someone as beautiful as you would have that problem."

  "Well believe it, dating hasn't been on the top of my priority list" She gazed up at him. She liked the way his he eyes shined in the moonlight. It was as it was if he were peering into her very soul. “I’d could say that the same for you too. Why are you here? Alone?"

  He chuckled. "Ok, well, I haven't found someone to share my time with. A lot like you I suppose. I had previously been detained with something that took a lot of my time."

  Belinda liked the sound of his voice. Everything about this man flowed with ease. His grip on her back was soothing and enticing. Her spine tingled with awareness. She smiled. "It would appear that we are in the same predicament this evening."

  "It would appear so." He continued to watch her. "Would you like to be my date this evening?"

  She should say no, thank him for the dance and go back downstairs to see to her guests, but her feet wouldn't move. She was enjoying being held, liking way too much the feel of his fingertips splayed against her back and the slow pattern he'd created as he pulled her closer against him. Her cheeks fused with heat. "I'd like that."

  They moved slowly side to side, both watching the other with curiosity, sexual awareness and the p tension between them was vibrating at a hundred miles per hour. She couldn't walk away if even if she wanted to. He captivated her. She knew common sense to tell her that he was a stranger, but she couldn't help feeling like there was something familiar about him. Something welcoming. And she didn't feel so empty anymore.

  "Can I tell you something?"


  "I like holding you. There's something about you and I don't know what it is. Like I know you."

  "Maybe you should tell me your name."

  He grinned. "Maybe you should tell me yours."

  They laughed and didn't disclose the information.

  "Tonight I'd like to be anonymous, if you don't mind. Sometimes I feel trapped into who the world expects of me because of my name."

  He nodded. "I know what you mean. I'd like that too."

  Had she really just disclosed something so personal to a man she'd known all of ten minutes? Belinda put her lip. Ad if as if sensing her unease, he said. "Don't worry; your secret is safe with me. We're both together in this moment and nothing matters outside of that. “He paused. “Can I be honest with you?"

  Belinda shook her head.

  "Your body feels so good against me. And I need to be frank with you. I can barely think of nothing else but finding out what's underneath that pretty gown of yours."

  She blushed. "Is that so?" She wasn't about to back down. She wasn't so scared little girl. She knew what she wanted and flirting with this man, being here with him made her feel alive, wanted. They were grown.

  "Yes, it's so."

  "I have to be honest as well. I h never have allowed my guard down with a man in quite some time, but tonight ...tonight I want to throw caution to the wind."

  "Me too."

  Belinda pulled away from him, walked over to the double doors and locked them. She could feel his eyes on her, watching her with the intent of a man who wanted to feast, to give and not take. And she wanted it too. She wanted to be forbidden, to not be the poised and proper lady people knew her as or the Ice Queen. Tonight she wanted to be desired, naughty and touched.

  Chapter Two


  "You move like a queen."

  "Some would say that makes me saddity."

  "I say it makes you a woman who needs to be treasured."

  "And is that what you aim to do tonight?" She turned to find him mere inches from her. Her chest brushed s against his chest. Her stomach was knotted in with butterflies as he held out his hand; his fingers caressed the side of her cheek.

  Belinda almost melted. It'd been over two years since she'd had a man touch her that way. Her lips trembled.

  "Yes and more." His voice deepened. He bent down closer, the smell of his cologne waved in the air, making her feel dizzy.

  His lips were just above hers.

  "May I kiss you?"

  She couldn't speak, didn't want to break the spell he had over her, the intensity between them, she nodded, waiting for his touch.

  His mouth brushed against hers, teasing and oh so sensuously he nipped the corner of her bottom lip.

  Belinda moaned. Her arms snaked around his shoulders pulling him closer.

  He pressed against her, his mouth punishing her with a hot and deep kiss. His tongue mated with hers.

  His arms bracketed around her touching her only with his lips as they shared a hungry dance of nips and twirls. Belinda felt herself falling, trembling to a place she had dared not to think of, the place of fulfillment that h beckoned her tonight roared in ferocity. She wanted nothing more than to feel this man between her thighs, taking all that she had to give and giving all he had to give.

  He broke away, his breathing was ragged. He pressed his forehead to hers. "I don't normally do this. I hope you don't think me too forward."

  She smiled. "It's a little too late for that isn't?"

  He chuckled. His eyes found hers. "I suppose it is." He didn't waste another moment, recaptured her lips and pulled her fully against him. The hardness of his erection pressed against her gown and made her pussy throb with need.

  Oh this man had no idea what he was doing to her. Did she even know what she was allowing him to do to her? What she had dreamt about, but had not voiced to another soul. Until tonight. And he was the one she would seek her satisfaction with, demand and conquer the loneliness that had almost choked her just moments ago. Tonight she would give in. Tonight she would have her say.

  Oh this man had no idea what he was doing to her. Did she even know what she was allowing him to do to her? What she had dreamt about, but had not voiced to another soul. Until tonight. And he was the one she would seek her satisfaction with, demand and conquer the loneliness that had almost choked her just moments ago. Tonight she would give in. Tonight she would have her say.


  His lips were pliable and teasing for a second and turned hot and needy. With his tongue dipping between her lips, swirling against hers He pulled her closer, and his hands found her ass mod molding her hips to his palms.

  Belinda groaned her in surprise. It felt so damn good. To be held an again. To be wanted and to want.

  Her arms went to the tie at his neck and quickly unraveled it. His hands slowly inched up the hem of her dress. His touch was blazingly hot to t and in contrast with the coldness of the night air. He was making her dizzy.

  Fucking him was all she could think about. Not tomorrow, not the partygoers last night and not the clicking hand of the current year's demise.

  She wanted him. />
  Within a blink of an eye their clothes were off. She stood before him naked without shame, maybe a little as his eyes travelled over her. Like a man who treasured what he saw as he touched every inch of her skin with his gaze.

  She couldn't remember what made her do it. But she turned around in a circle, letting his gaze take in all and each and every curve of her voluptuous body. He licked his lips.

  "You're beautiful."

  She smiled. "Thank you." Her eyes swept over him and lower, and lower still, His dick was hard, long and would fill her to the brink of pleasure.

  "Can you handle me?"

  "Why don’t you find out?"

  He lifted her in his hands like she weighed non nothing. Belinda chuckled before wrapping her legs around his waist. She was coming to enjoy the way his eyes danced with hers through the masks they wore. Her breathing hitched as if she couldn't catch her breath. As if this was the last moment she’d ever have to be this wickedly decadent with this man.

  "I will."

  He maneuvered his dick between her legs and teased her with the head of his shaft. He was a gorgeously built man. Long and thick.

  Belinda lost all train of thought as he thrusted inside her tight walls, her body instantly wrapped around his dick and contracted.

  "Ahhh!" The hoarse whisper felt like a heated prayer w in the velvet black night sky and the rhythmic beat of music beneath them was a powerful aphrodisiac. The slow dull of music pulsing beneath them. Her head fee fell back as she took in the sensation of having him stretch her, and pump inside of her.

  Oh this man had no idea what he was doing to her. Did she even know what she was allowing him to do to her? What she had dreamt about, but had not voiced to another soul. Until tonight. And he was the one she would seek her satisfaction with, demand and conquer the loneliness that had almost choked her just moments ago. Tonight she would give in. Tonight she would have her say.


  His lips cajoled for hers at first and then turned hot and needy. His tongue dipped between her lips, swirling against hers. He pulled her closer, his hands found her ass molded her hips to his palms.


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