The Emerald

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The Emerald Page 22

by Bob Nailor

  "Where are the priests?" Ballec asked.

  "In your absence, I had a chance to speak with these two and discovered the priests were forced to do what they have done." Azre stood. "I sent them to your chambers to await you and receive their absolution."

  Ballec stepped back. "In my chamber?" He hesitated and finally looked at one the guards. "Bring them here to the main hall where I can hear their confessions."

  The guard looked to Azre who nodded approval. The guard immediately went to get Jopab and Percho.

  # # #

  The guard entered the Holy Father's chamber where he found Jopab and Percho on their knees, waiting.

  "You can quit your prayers, priests. The Holy Father commands your presence in the main hall. Come with me."

  He turned and stood by the doorway, waiting.

  Jopab and Percho stood, straightened their robes and casually strolled out the door and down the hallway to the main hall. The guard followed behind.

  "This is a quicker way," Jopab said and walked through the kitchen where the cooks prepared the evening meal.

  "I wish to get a drink," Percho said and stalled by the urn where he poured water to refresh himself.

  Jopab glanced at the preparations being made and frowned at the two priests who hovered over the soup, adding a substance he didn't recognize as a spice. He was sure it was Sleeper's Dream, a substance made from certain mushrooms and berries. It was then he noticed the filled bowl, the Holy Father's bowl of soup, sitting to the side and the other bowls yet to be filled. He nudged Percho and nodded in the direction of the two priests. Percho barely nodded his head in acknowledgement.

  "Get a move on," the guard snarled. "Lord Azre has better things to do than wait for you." He pushed Percho.

  The two priests entered the main hall and immediately noticed Ballec sitting with his brother on the bench. They scurried to stand before Ballec. Both knelt quickly in obeisance.

  "I humbly beg the Holy Father's forgiveness for us," Jopab began. "Our transgressions appear serious, but were coerced into a situation. I felt perhaps I could foil the attempt, and continued with the charade."

  Jopab and Percho remained kneeling, their foreheads mere inches from the floor. They stretched out their arms, palms up, in supplication to the Holy Father.

  "I beg the Holy Father's forgiveness," Percho mumbled.

  Ballec stood, retrieved the staff beside him and slowly approached the two men.

  "Attempts to kill the Holy Father can only be absolved through proper veneration," Ballec said. "You will need time in solitude to reflect upon the act. But, the final result is death when Truth has been realized. Mother Hagontha only rules if chaos can continue." He spun the staff with the curled dragon wrapped around the top. Its face resembled that of a human female. Ballec stopped before Jopab.

  "Kneel to the floor and place your hands on the floor," he demanded.

  Jopab did as commanded and waited.

  Ballec stepped on the fingers, pushing them to the floor under his sandals. "I absolve you of your sin." He lifted the staff into the air and let it slam downward to pierce Jopab's palm.

  Jopab gritted his teeth and using the arts of chaos, turned the pain away. Tears welled and dripped to the marble floor where a slow stream of blood pulsed toward them.

  Ballec turned on his toes, grinding his feet into Jopab's fingers.

  Percho's hands and forehead were already in position. He waited.

  Once more Ballec moved forward, stepped on Percho's fingers, grinding them to the floor. "I absolve you of your sin."

  Percho waited. The pain was excruciating as the staff drove through his palm. Percho's eyes blinded white and he wanted to jerk away and cry out, but he held silent.

  Again, Ballec turned on his toes, grinding his sandals into Percho's fingers.

  "To fulfill Mother Hagontha's rule of chaos, you will not be killed. You have suffered her anger and trial in silence. You may now depart in peace. Go!"

  Jopab and Percho pulled back onto their heels and placed a hand over the hole in their palms, sealing the blood flow as best they could with thumb and fingers.

  "Thank you, Holy Father," they said in unison. Bowed and headed for the exit where they could get bandaged.

  Before they were out of the room, Ballec clanked the metal staff on the marble floor.

  "There is to be a banquet tonight in honor of my brother's attendance here in Zornal. All," he waved his hand to include Jewyl, Chardo and the guards. "All shall be included in the feast and sit at my table tonight."

  Jopab and Percho gazed at each other in surprise.

  "To honor you, Jopab and Percho, who helped to capture my attempted assassins, I offer you both a place at my table." He waved a hand to dismiss Jopab and Percho. "Go. Repair your hands. Mother Hagontha smiles on you."

  Jewyl stepped forward. "It is indeed a great honor to dine with you, Holy Father, but you seem to have forgotten." She twisted so Ballec could see her chains.

  "Fear not, Jewyl," Ballec said, his voice sweeter than dripping honey. "During the meal you will find your bonds released." He lifted a finger into the air. "Fear not, brother, I will assign my personal guards to watch over the meal and none shall escape." He paused. "I assure you, Azre, not one soul will leave the room without my permission."

  He gazed at Azre. "I can put your prisoners in a room under the auspices of your guards."

  "That would suffice, Ballec." Azre stroked his chin, questioning the actions of his brother. Does he even realize I am here to see his fall as Holy Father?


  The Sacrificial Dinner

  "Come. Hurry." Jopab wrapped the last of the bandage around his hand. "This will make things difficult until it is healed, but better to have a damaged right hand than be dead."

  "I agree," Percho said while tying of the ends of his bandage.

  "We must get some oil and cinnamon. It is the only thing I know to repel or lessen the effect of Sleeper's Dream." Jopab pulled the cork on the vat of oil and filled the flagon. Another he held ready to assure they had enough.

  "This is the cinnamon." Percho held up the dried sticks. "I have a knife." He quickly scraped the cinnamon into a saucer.

  Jopab looked up from his work to see if any noticed them in the storage room. The Holy Father may have absolved us, but he hasn't exonerated us, Jopab thought.

  "Work in haste, Percho," Jopab said. "If we are caught, Mother Hagontha will not be able to save us and all will be lost."

  Percho nodded silently and continued to scrape the cinnamon.

  # # #

  "Drink this," Jopab commanded and handed the leather flagon to Jewyl. "It will save you at meal time." He handed a second flagon to Chardo. "You, too." He stood back. "Coat your stomach with the cinnamon oil. Drink at least half the contents."

  Jewyl grabbed the leather bag and gazed cautiously at it. "You smell of cinnamon already."

  Jopab nodded agreement. "This ointment will disguise most of the cinnamon scent unless you talk. Don't talk too much until after you've had something to eat. The soup has been tainted with Sleeper's Dream to make you groggy. Ballec has a foul plan afoot."

  The priest dropped ointment on his fingers and quickly applied it to Jewyl's neck and lower jaw.

  "It smells of onion and vanilla." Jewyl pulled back from the scent.

  Jopab smiled. "It blends well with the cinnamon to disguise the scent."

  Chardo swallowed and wrinkled his nose at the taste of the heavy oil. "How did you get in here?"

  Percho smiled. "We informed the guards we were bringing you scented water to curb your thirst before the meal." He pushed the flagon to Chardo's lips again. "The guards were a little concerned and I finally confided it would fill your stomachs and you'd drink less of the Holy Father's ale and wine. The fools agreed and let us in."

  "What of Azre?" Jewyl began another guzzle of the oil.

  "He is next on our visits." Jopab scrutinized the flagon in Jewyl's hand
s. "I will ask him which guard he wants to include. One more good gulp and you should have enough." He gazed at Chardo's vessel. "You, too, drink a little more. This will not completely stop Sleeper's Dream, but it will help to keep you in control of your mind. Now drink."

  The door opened. A guard leaned in. "Better hurry. They don't need that much to drink."

  "As you wish," Jopab said, and nodded to the guard. "Come, Percho. We must be about our business." He took the flagon from Jewyl's hands. "Watch me at the meal for what you must do."

  # # #

  "Lord Azre," the guard began. "The priests, Jopab and Percho, are here to seek a short audience with you."

  Azre absently motioned for them to be allowed in, but continued to read the parchment, gently tugging and pulling on his dark beard. Jopab and Percho quickly approached the man at the small table. They knelt before him.

  "Lord Azre," Jopab said. "May we discuss an important matter in private with you?" He gazed at the three guards standing about in the room.

  Azre gazed up from the parchment and examined Jopab. He pointed at two guards. "Leave us."

  "Jopab, I will not be left alone with a possible traitor. One guard will remain. He is my most trusted and loyal."

  "Thank you, my lord," Jopab said. "You have answered the one question I would ask." Jopab stood. "My Lord Azre, I fear there is a threat on your life during the meal. When I was in the kitchen earlier I noticed what appeared to be Sleeper's Dream being added to the soup."

  Azre stood, pushing the stool away, allowing it to fall on the floor. "Who would dare to poison me?"

  "Excuse me, but as I stated earlier, for you to be deified, you must die. I fear your brother, the Holy Father, is planning to sacrifice all of us to Yendisa tonight."

  Azre gazed down at Percho. "Is this true?"

  Percho nodded.

  "I'll have my brother brought here immediately."

  The guard turned and walked to the door.

  "No! Wait!" Jopab yelled. "I have brought an antidote to Sleeper's Dream. I only have enough for you and the one guard you trust." Jopab nodded at the guard who waited at the door. "Please, Lord Azre, drink the flavored oil. It will coat your stomach. It won't stop the drug, but it will lessen and delay the reaction."

  "Why do you tell me this?" Azre walked to Jopab and stared him in the face. He reached down and fingered the flagon. "What do you gain?"

  "I serve Lord Azre. By you setting Percho and I free today, we have been able to move freely about the temple and learn what the Holy Father plans to some extent. Also, anything I can do to stop Yendisa from usurping the powerful chaos of Mother Hagontha, I will attempt to accomplish that which is necessary until my death." He offered the flagon to Azre who took it, pulled the cork, smelled, and then tasted the contents.

  "It is oil! And cinnamon!"

  "The oil will coat your stomach. The cinnamon will help to make it taste better, and also counter the berries in Sleeper's Dream."

  "How do I disguise this strong cinnamon scent?"

  "With this, my lord," Jopab said and showed him the vial of ointment. He turned to Percho. "Offer your flagon to the guard."

  Azre waved his hand, signaling Percho to move. "Drink!" Azre said to the guard.

  The guard nodded and pulled the flagon from Percho's hands. He tipped it to his mouth and guzzled.

  Lord Azre waited, watching.

  "He still stands," Azre finally said.

  The guard wiped his tunic sleeve across his face and smacked his lips. He handed the flagon back to Percho.

  Jopab walked to the guard and smeared the ointment on the guard's neck.

  Azre lifted the flagon to his lips and drank. Between guzzles, Jopab put the ointment on him.

  "Tonight, during the meal, watch me for what to do and don't eat too much of the soup. We will begin to get groggy, but much later. I will be watching your other guards for my queue. They will not have this protection."

  "I must keep a close eye on you, Jopab," Azre said while placing a hand on the priest's shoulder. "You are observant." He smiled. "And sneaky."

  "As I have said, Lord Azre, I only wish to serve Mother Hagontha." Jopab smiled at the ruler of Dianiya. "May Mother Hagontha smile on us tonight and continue the chaos which is needed to complete tonight's performance."

  # # #

  Ten priests stood about the great dining hall, five on each of the long walls. Their faces stoic as they held a sword in their fisted hands with the gleaming blade tips leaned against their foreheads.

  Lord Azre entered with his guards and stood at the table's edge, waiting. Two large throne-like chairs with small tables in front them sat on a raised dais. Four large chairs, two on each side, were at the closest end to the dais.

  The Holy Father arrived with one priest at his side. They entered from the opposite end where Lord Azre had entered.

  "Please, dear brother, join me here." He pointed to the dais. "Your guards may sit anywhere at the table except the four chairs of honor nearest us." Ballec twirled his robe in the air and sauntered up the four steps to the top of the dais. He pointed at the chair next to him. "Come, Lord Azre." A moment’s hesitation. "My brother."

  Jopab and Percho entered, using the same entrance as Ballec. At the other end, Jewyl and Chardo entered with two guards.

  Ballec brought his hands together. "Jopab and Percho. You will sit at my right hand." He pointed to the large chairs on the right side of the table. "Jewyl and Chardo." He smiled. "You will sit on my left side." Ballec sat.

  Azre climbed the four steps and sat in the very large cushioned chair.

  "I will bring your soup," the priest said and disappeared.

  "Ah, a very special soup, my brother." Ballec softy clapped his hands together at the delight. "The flavors are most intriguing. I do hope you enjoy it. I had it made special for tonight."

  A flurry of priests entered the room with trays filled with bowls of hot soup. Within moments everyone had a bowl in front of them.

  "Eat," Ballec commanded. "Mother Hagontha blesses this food as we partake." He grabbed his spoon and slurped the soup through his lips. "Excellent, as always." Ballec kept watch as the guests spooned the soup into their mouths. He smiled.


  Yendisa's Sacrifice

  Lord Azre smiled and dipped his spoon into the soup and tasted it. "Interesting flavor," he said. "Perhaps I should have my cooks come to take lessons on how to make this."

  "It is an old recipe of the temple," Ballec responded. "Tonight is about honor and destiny." He pointed at Jopab and Percho. "We honor these priests who helped to capture those who would attempt to end our lives." Ballec once more turned an innocent look to his brother. "I have been informed she attempted to kill you in your own throne room. Is that true?"

  "I offered her marriage, Ballec." Azre frowned. "She refused and wanted freedom. I never once considered my life in jeopardy." He spread his arm to encompass the men at the table. "I surround myself with guards and am protected at all times. Even now you offer me guards to protect me."

  Ballec sat back in his chair, surprised by Azre's words. "Why, yes. Yes, I have offered guards to protect you."

  Azre took another small sip of the soup to give the impression he was eating. He watched his guards who unknowingly ate the soup with great gusto. It was then he noticed the guards now seemed less excited and moved sluggishly. Azre glanced at Jopab who smiled absently and let his head loll slightly to the left. He let his shoulders slump and he turned a fake gaze at Ballec.

  "Have you finished your soup?" Ballec asked.

  Azre nodded and let his eyelids flutter, pretending to be sleepy.

  "Perhaps I should have the cooks bring in the next course," Ballec offered. He stood and watched Azre's guards.

  One guard slumped forward, his face spilling the almost empty bowl of soup. His head hit the table soundly. Another guard repeated the action. Jewyl turned her head away from Ballec, smiled and finally let her head sink to the
table as she had seen the guards do.

  "Gather them together and bring them to the chamber," Ballec commanded. "I will prepare for the ceremony." He stepped from the throne-like chair and pulled his robe about him as he stepped downward. "Be quick before they are so soundly asleep you will need to carry them."

  # # #

  Ballec moved ceremoniously down the steps to the grotto where he knew his eleven acolytes would be waiting, ready to move forward with the ceremony. The human gifts would be bound and properly attired for their service to Yendisa during the sacrifice. Ballec smiled. The first to go would be the six simpleton guards.

  The firelight of the chasm flared and Ballec hesitated on the last step before making his entrance.

  Yendisa smiles on her sacrifices, Ballec thought as the flames of chasm dwindled. He cast a glance at the open chasm and smiled. Perfect! The carved arches of the holy chamber glittered in the light.

  "Bring me the first offering," Ballec yelled.

  Two of the priests grabbed one of Azre’s guard and lifted him into the air, just inches off the floor. The drugged guard, now wide-eyed, struggled, jerking and screaming behind the gag in his mouth. He fought to be set free.

  "How dare you," Azre screamed.

  Ballec turned, knife in hand, to face Azre who stood against the distant wall.

  "Careful, Lord Azre," Ballec called, his voice sickening sweet. "As the one most honored and being deified, you will watch the full ceremony until it is your time." Ballec paused, fingering the knife, letting the blade flicker in the firelight. "If I cannot count on your offered silence, it can be arranged to make you silent." Ballec tittered, twisting the knife’s blade in the fire’s light. "I'm sure you understand."

  Ballec strolled to the guard who now stood at the edge of the chasm. The two priests held him tightly.

  "Even the slightest flinch, I will push you into the flames," the priest on the left whispered. "Be a man."


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