Keys of Candor: The Red Deaths

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Keys of Candor: The Red Deaths Page 34

by Casey Eanes

“Let them go free, NOW!” screamed Seam who shook under Kull’s grasp.

  The guards slid to the side, allowing Willyn, Grift, and Wael to pass, but Grift pushed past them all and ran for his son. Before he could reach them one of the guards smashed the butt of his rifle into Grift’s head, causing him to collapse on the floor.

  In a panic Kull yelled, his eyes wild, “I SAID THEY GO FREE! Did you not hear me? Or do you think I’m joking?” He slammed the dagger down deep into Seam’s shoulder. Seam buckled under the blow, howling. “They all leave safely or the King dies!”

  The guards retreated a few feet and opened a path to the door, but the opening provided no guarantee that they wouldn’t all be shot upon exiting. Kull examined the scene as his father lay motionless on the floor. Willyn’s eyes kept darting back and forth from one guard to another as she assisted Wael. His face was bruised and swollen. The three were surrounded by an army of guards, hungry for the command to open fire.

  Kull stammered, “I want to see them go free or he dies. Bring up their feed on the datalink screen. I will watch them leave freely or this blade cuts your King’s throat the rest of the way.”

  He pressed in further with the knife, bringing a desperate cry from Seam who flailed his arms in agony, trying to swat away at the knife.

  “Do as he says! Now!”

  The guards spread as Willyn pulled Wael through the door. One of the soldiers lifted Grift’s limp body and dragged it close behind. The datalink screen ignited, showing a black and white feed of Willyn, Grift, and Wael making their way down and out the Spire. Guards stood by, their weapons lowered. Soon they were outside, and Kull could see them far below from his vantage point on the Spire. A transport rolled up, and Kull could see the outline of a figure running out to assist them. Adley. Adley was helping them up into the transport. Soon the vehicle sped out into the desert without anyone trailing them.


  Grift rubbed at his head as he regained consciousness. He blinked the shadows from his eyes and searched the truck bed for Kull.

  “Where is he? WHERE IS KULL?”

  Adley laid a hand on his shoulder and tried to pull him back into his seat. She said nothing, but her face was painted in grief.

  Willyn broke the silence, “We had to leave him. There was no other way.”

  Grift eye’s flared open. “You left him!? How could you leave him?” He cried out before stumbling back, fighting for balance until Wael reached out with a heavy hand and grasped his wrist.

  Wael’s voice cut through the dark desert night. “Grift. Kull saved us all. He made his choice. It was his choice to make. Not yours.” His face was stern as he continued, “Kull gave us a gift. A chance to fight back. It is now up to us to decide what to do with this gift.”

  A thunderstorm of grief erupted over Grift’s face. Wael’s strong hand stayed on his arm as painful sobs ripped through his body. “But he is just a kid. He doesn’t understand…”

  Wael lifted himself to level his tattered face with Grift’s, “He is no child. Only a man would have done what he did. He made a promise with Rose that he would guarantee your return. He made his choice.”

  Grift fell back into his seat and wiped the tears from his eyes. “He’s all we have, Wael. He’s ALL WE HAVE. I am supposed to protect him and I failed. I failed to protect the key! I have failed!” He screamed, allowing all of his pain to roar through him. “I’ve FAILED!”

  Wael turned to face the back of the truck, toward the Spire shrinking in the distance. “We have all failed, Grift. I am afraid that I have failed us most of all.”

  Grift shook his head as he answered, “What are you talking about, Wael? How can you say that?”

  Wael’s face dropped and his gaze drifted back to the horizon as he spoke. “I am afraid I provided information about our Order to Seam’s informant. My own flesh and blood has betrayed us into Seam’s hands, and now the Keepers are no more. Vashti has betrayed me.” Hot tears began to roll out of the stoic monk’s face as deep, untold pain quaked over him. Grift held his friend as the dark desert rolled by. The rest remained silent. Wael wiped his face and locked eyes with Grift and spoke.

  “But your son has succeeded in freeing the few people that know what has to be done to fight this evil. Kull is in Aleph’s hands now. Strong and mighty is his grip.”

  Grift grasped Wael’s wrist. “Then it’s time we fight.”

  Willyn sat up and glanced between the members of the company, “Sorry to interrupt, but how do we fight them? Look at us!”

  Grift’s face turned to stone. Whatever terrible grief that had overtaken him looked as if it had been thrown into the bottom of the sea. He took a deep breath and paused before turning to her, “We find and destroy the rest of the mirrors before Seam gets to them. Then we make him pay for what he has done to us.”


  Kull lifted his eyes to the dozens of guns trained on him. He lifted the knife from Seam’s throat and dropped it to the ground. He had done all he could. He trusted that his father would fight to finish what he started. Even though they lost their keys, at least he and Wael were alive. That was enough for him. They were more equipped to continue the fight than he could ever hope to be, and he knew Grift could protect his mother better than anyone else.

  The guards pressed in around Kull and soon he felt the razor sharp pains of electricity traveling up and down his spine and a barrage of clubs beating down on him. He collapsed to the ground and looked out one last time over the horizon. The last sight he had before everything went dark was that of the transport's dust trail cresting the horizon, leaving him behind to die in their place. It was the only way.

  As an avalanche of pain fell over him, his hand reached up and held his mother’s pendent, still hanging on his neck. Somehow he had not lost it. He rubbed his finger on the small etching of Aleph’s rune.

  There was no regret.

  He took his only opening.


  This has been a labor of love for us over the last few years. A lot has changed during our journey writing together. New jobs have been secured, children have been born, and life keeps on going. If it weren’t for the belief and faith of our family and our friends, I’m afraid Candor would have never seen the light of day. This book is a testament to the love and support that they have offered to us every step along the way, and we want to acknowledge that.

  We both especially want to acknowledge our beautiful wives who allowed us to journey with Kull, Willyn, and Seam for so long. Devin and Janet, there would be none of this without you both. Thank you for believing in us.

  We also want to thank our beloved beta-readers who contributed so much to this project. We appreciate each of you and value your friendship and contributions so very much. This story is immensely improved because of your input.

  There is more to tell in the world of Candor. We hope you’ll stick around to see what’s next.

  Until then,

  -Seth and Casey


  Seth and Casey grew up together in North Carolina, and are lifelong friends. In “real life” they hold their posts as a librarian and a banker respectfully enough, but have always had deep interests in creating art, music, and now stories.

  Keys of Candor: The Red Deaths is their first collaboration.

  It won’t be their last.




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