Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 11

by Mercy B

  Pulling her pants down, he helped her to maneuver out of them. She wore a thin pair of underwear, enticing him even more. His eyes glowed from the flawless skin that she possessed. Amazing, she was. Jonathan removed her underwear next. Followed, was her shirt and bra. Soon, she was completely naked.

  Staring down, Jonathan admired KinZu’s frame while removing his shirt and bottoms. Right back at her lips, Jonathan sucked on her top and then her bottom. Keeping her focused on his eyes, Jonathan stared back into hers as he grabbed ahold of his massive hard on. His heavy dick sat in his hand as she prepared to enter KinZu. It wasn’t long before his man had found it’s home. A constant roamer, he was always sure to make it’s way back to where he belonged.

  “Jonnnnnnn…” KinZu arched her back and dug her manicured nails into Jonathan’s arm. His penetration was causing a ruckus in her piping hot tunnel. Pleasure and pain, they mixed beautifully as she mastered the task at hand.

  Removing himself only to enter again, Jonathan was desperate to bring her juices out and onto his throbbing manhood. After the second time of committing the act, he was granted his wish. Sounding as if he was stirring a batch of cheesy mac, Jonathan poured passion into each stroke that he delivered to KinZu’s pussy.

  Minutes later, the couple were tired, trying to keep hold of the orgasmic high that they’d both been apart of. KinZu laid thinking of how she’d express the fact that she was pregnant –and with twins. She felt as if it was no better time than the current one. Both of them were relaxed and the intimacy was thick in the air. Jonathan, on the other hand, was stuck wondering if he could live up to every expectation that KinZu was setting, or would he fuck up again. It seemed to be in his nature.

  “Jonathan.” KinZu started.

  “Yes?” he responded, immediately.

  “I have something to tell you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “When I went to the doctor… I found out that I was pregnant.”

  KinZu felt Jonathan’s muscles tighten. She was laying on his chest, as they both rested from such an intense sex session. Neither could do much more than keep still and try to regain their strength.

  “As of today, I’m six weeks.” She continued, figuring she should give him as many details as she could. “Just last week, I went for an ultrasound and got some even more exciting news. We’re having twins.” She smiled, even though Jonathan could see her, he could here it in her words. She was excited. “I was able to hear their heartbeats. They were so strong. I’m just happy that we’re starting over because I don’t know how I would handle being a single parent –especially of two. I’ve been trying to picture it all, and my visions only includes you. I understand that we are young and you are still making mistakes, but I pray that this is it. There isn’t too much more I can take. I’m tired Jonathan, and I just want to get this right.” KinZu sighed, happy to finally get everything in the opening.

  Seconds passed without another word being spoke. “Jonathan?” she questioned. Lifting her head, she turned to see if he’d fallen asleep. He was so quiet.


  “Did you hear me?” she asked, laying back down on his chest.

  “Yeah, Kin. I heard you.”

  “Don’t you have anything to say?”

  “I… uh…” he stuttered. “I… What am I to say?”

  “I don’t know. Say that we can make this work. I can’t raise them alone, and I shouldn’t have to.” She went on. “It’s not fair to either of us.”

  Still, Jonathan remained quiet. He was at a loss of words. When KinZu said that she needed to talk, he wasn’t expecting her to say that she was pregnant –especially not with twins. Given, he was careless with his semen, but he hadn’t grasped the consequences until they were staring back in his face. Children, he just wasn’t ready for. He figured he was still trying to discover who he really was. Besides, there were so many plans in the future, and having kids would just postpone them all. The timing was all the way off, and as much as he didn’t want to, he had to express it.

  “Say something.” KinZu egged him on. “Please.” She raised up again, staring into his face.

  Sucking on his tongue, Jonathan shook his head, knowing that he was about to disappoint KinZu once again. However, he couldn’t let this happen. He wouldn’t let it happen –not if he could help it. Bringing children into the picture was the wrong thing to do, and it was obvious.

  “Kin.” He lifted up. Getting out of the bed, he tried putting distance between himself and KinZu. “I can’t lie and say what you want me to say. As much as I love you and what we have, bringing children into the picture right now isn’t the best decision. I know we laid down and created them, but really think about this… Like, really. We can barely get it right with us two. How much more complicated do you think things will be with children in the picture. I’ve got dreams, baby. There will be time for children. We’re young, and now just isn’t that time.” Jonathan pleaded his case.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t understand. What are you saying?” KinZu asked, not wanting to admit that her boyfriend was denying her of happiness –once again.

  “I don’t think we should have them, Kin. I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.” He stressed.

  “Like, are you saying that I should get rid of my children?” KinZu questioned, pointing to her flat stomach.

  “Please, don’t say it like that, KinZu. Understand where I’m coming from. We’re still kids ourselves. I can barely keep you happy now. Do you understand how much more stressful it’ll be if children were involved? Man, Kin, don’t think that I’m tripping. Like, just think about what I’m saying.”

  “Na, motherfucker. I hear exactly what you’re saying. You’re asking me to kill my fucking children.” KinZu became livid. “How could you,” within the moment, she went from angry to saddened. “Huh?”

  “KinZu, I just…”

  “Jonathan, you just nothing. You always do this. You’re always doing this to me.” KinZu’s tears hit the floor before she could even finish her statement. Penetrating the cheap carpet that reeked of age and sweat, KinZu stomped her right foot –like a child who was denied it’s way.

  “KinZu, please. A nigga just know how this can turn out. I don’t want to…”

  “You don’t want to what? Keep hurting me? Jonathan, all that I’ve wanted from you was your love in return… But over and over you keep proving to me that that’s impossible. Like, how hard could it be? To just love me? Am I not worthy? What is it? Do you recognize the fact that I love you? I fucking love you. I love you more than I even love myself. I’m crazy for you, Jonathan. Why can’t you see that? I don’t understand!” KinZu spilled her emotions, heaving from the crying that she was doing.

  Turning to her left, KinZu begin to pace the floor. She could no longer stay still. She was in panties and her bra, spazzing. She wanted to lay hands on Jonathan at this point, but it wouldn’t solve anything.

  “I see it, baby. I promise. I know that you love me.”

  “Well, why keep doing this to me?” she stopped and looked over at Jonathan. He had his head in his hands as he rubbed them back and forth –a sure sign that he was stressed.

  “What did I ever do to you Jonathan? Huh, please tell me.” She started. There had to be an explanation for his harsh treatment. More than ever, KinZu wanted to know what caused it.

  “All you do is bring me pain. Like, what did I ever do to receive this much turmoil? Was I not good enough? Pretty enough? Did I not suck your dick enough? Am I not available enough? Am I not spontaneous enough? Do I not fuck you good enough? Am I not popular enough? Am I just not enough? Huh? Please, tell me! Tell Me. PLEASE!” KinZu could no longer hold back. Rushing Jonathan, her open hand landed on the right side of his face.

  The loud sound effect of her palm clashing with his face caused her adrenaline to rush. “TELL ME!” she demanded an answer. Again, her hand went up, but this time she brought it down on his head. He ducked, trying to dodge her,
but he wasn’t quick enough. “Say something, dammit!” she cried. “TELL ME!” she yelled at him.

  Lifting her hand again, Jonathan caught it midair and brought it behind her back. Careful not to be too rough, he grabbed her other hand as well –just before she could use it to hit him. Pulling her into him, he tried to calm her. Wrapping his arms around her, he buried his chin in her neck. Pain resided within as he witnessed the effects of his true feelings. No matter how upset it made KinZu, nothing could change his views on the situation. However, he was crushed as he looked on while KinZu fell apart –right before his eyes.

  Giving up the fight, KinZu fell against Jonathan’s back. Weak, barely able to stand, she cried out for Jonathan. “It has to be me. Isn’t it? Just tell me. I just want to know. I NEED to know. What have I done? Jonathan, please. PLEASE. Just tell me, now. What did I ever do? Why do you keep doing this to me? To us?” she cried. “Why?”

  “I don’t know, Kin.” It was the only thing that Jonathan could muster up.

  He felt pathetic. In that moment, he knew that KinZu would never recover from the blow that his words sent her way. Even more so, his beliefs and stand with the pregnancy. Right then and there, he wished her well. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she’d lack forgiveness for the horrid advice that he’d given. Yet and still, he hoped that she took what he said and made the best decision for them both.


  “She said nigga you got nerve

  To come up to me talkin' bout abortion

  This my body nigga so don't think you finna force shit

  See I knew that this is how you act, so typical

  Said you love me, oh, but now you flipping like reciprocals.”

  KinZu laid in her bed as silent tears rolled from her eyes and onto her wet her pillow. For two weeks, she’d combed her mind, thinking of the many reasons to go against Jonathan’s advice and carry her children to full term. In the short time since she’d found out she was pregnant, she’d become attached to them.

  However, she had come to the decision that they deserved better than to enter a world where their father didn’t even want them. KinZu knew that such a situation could get very messy, and she wanted no parts in it. Knowingly bringing two precious lives into the world without a plan or explanation as to why their father doesn’t want them was just something that KinZu wasn’t interested in.

  Sadly, she’d scheduled the abortion procedure, and was due to see the doctor the very next day. Graduation was four days away, and she wanted to have healed, properly. Reed had been her normal supportive self. Once KinZu finally decided what it was that she would rather do, Reed fronted the money. Relieved that she didn’t have to ask Jonathan, KinZu thanked her friend for being as generous as she was.

  “You sure you’re going to be okay while I’m gone?” Reed asked. She didn’t have to hear KinZu make a sound to know that she was having a moment.

  “Yeah. I think I need a minute alone, anyway.” She answered. “Go on, and have yourself some fun.” KinZu encouraged. “Knock his socks off.”

  “Hush!” Reed laughed.

  “You’d better stop playing and give that man some ass.” KinZu joked.

  “Chill. For real!” Reed hissed.

  “So how are you going to ask my a million and one questions, and then chicken out?” KinZu wiped her tears and raised up. Propping herself up on her elbow, she looked on as Reed smoothed her edges down with a bush.

  “I’m not chickening out. Just having second thoughts.” Reed expressed.


  “I don’t know. I’m just scared.”

  “There’s nothing to be scared about. Keem is a good kid. He’s got you.” KinZu assured Reed.

  On the other side of town, Rosa went into RaKeem’s study to hand him a package that had come in earlier in the day. Already knowing what he’d received, Keem thanked and dismissed her. Tearing the package open, Keem removed his new cell. After having dropped his secret cell in a bowl of cereal, he had suffered water damage. Luckily, he was able to back it up on his iPad. None of his data was lost, and for that he was happy. A crisp new rose gold iPhone 6 had been sent, per his request. Ripping the box to shreds, he called Rosa back in to have it placed in the trash outside. He didn’t want to risk Reed seeing it. Following instructions, Rosa trashed the box exactly where RaKeem had told her to.

  Keem ran upstairs to get his iPad from his bedroom, and then came right back down. Connecting his iPad and new phone, Keem allowed all of his data to be transferred onto his new phone. His contacts, messages, pictures, and notes were uploaded immediately. Five messages from Danity came pouring in the minute he had turned on the phone. After making sure that everything was good, he responded to her urgency to contact him.

  What’s good? He texted.

  Hey, where have you been?


  I’ve been trying to reach you.

  Fucked my phone up.

  Can you come by tonight?

  Yeah. Soon as I finish up with Reed.


  RaKeem had made plans with Reed, and he wouldn’t miss them for the world. They’d scheduled a hot balloon ride, and Reed was excited about it. After making sure that she was home, he’d see to Danity. Placing his cell on do not disturb, he opened his drawer and placed the cell in his hiding spot. RaKeem closed the drawer, and stood to stretch. Looking at the presidential Rolex on his arm, that sat next to his iced wrist wear, Keem thought that Reed should be dressed by now.

  Taking his iPad back to his room, he placed it on charger and grabbed his keys. He checked the mirror as he walked out, making sure that he was decent enough. Heading out of the door, RaKeem was sure to lock up behind himself. His driver was waiting near his front door when he stepped out.

  Sighing, he groaned at the grumbling clouds above. Surely, it was about to rain, and they’d have to postpone their plans until the weather permitted. “Damn.”

  “I’m going to Reed’s.” he directed his driver.

  He reached in the pocket of his designer jeans and removed his cell phone. Dialing Reed’s number, he waited for an answer. “Hello.” Her angelic voice made RaKeem smile. Reed was everything.

  “Baby.” He started. “It seems as if it’s going to rain.”

  “Noooooo.” Reed sobbed. “What are we going to do?”

  “Don’t worry. I have things under control. Just make sure you’re at your best when I pull up.”

  “Always.” Reed blushed.

  “Are you blushing, Reed Coleman?” he chuckled, knowing her like the back of his hand.

  “No. Why would you say such thing RaKeem Jones?”

  “Because I know my Reed.”

  “Do you?”

  “I do. I know she’d better be ready when I pull up, too.”

  “I’ll be ready. Promise”

  “I’ll see you soon, love.” Keem ended the call with a smile on his face.

  Although he’d seen Reed just the day before, he was missing her something awful. She truly made his days, each and every one of them. Her spirit was so inviting. She’d be graduating in a few short days, and Keem had already prepared her present. She’d be thrilled. He couldn’t wait to see the smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes once she laid them on her prize.

  Standing outside of the car, RaKeem waited for Reed to emerge from the doors of her building. Looking up towards Danity’s window, he saw her staring down. Whenever he claimed to be on his way to the campus, she was posted at her window. Staring back at him, she blew a kiss. Just as Keem decided to entertain her antics, he heard Reed’s voice.

  “Who are you smiling at?” she followed his eyes.

  Luckily, be the time she looked up, Danity had moved from the window. Relieved, RaKeem joked, “Come here nosey! You look amazing by the way.”

  Using his right hand, he brought her into his chest and hugged her. Squeezing her tightly, he inhaled her Gucci Guilty Intense perfume that he’d purchased just days ago. At the same ti
me, Reed took in his scent. It was always her favorite.

  “I missed you.” Reed sang.

  “I missed you, too.”

  Smiling, Reed stepped back and looked at RaKeem. He truly made her happy. Each day that she was granted with him, she considered a blessing. He’d effortlessly steered her clear of the bitterness that was luring and trying to take hold of her life after the rape. Keem’s way of handling her was appreciated. She couldn’t have asked for a better mate. Together, they made magic.

  “I love you, RaKeem.” She told him, kissing his lips.

  “Don’t start with that mushy shit.” He nudged her with his knuckle. “Let’s go.”

  “Whatever, nigga!” Reed laughed, forever wondering why he never told her that he loved her. She could only remember a time or two that the words had slipped from his tongue. Not pressing the issue, she allowed him to open the car door so that she could get in. Just as they started to pull off, it started to sprinkle.

  Not before long, they were pulling up to Keem’s house. Reed scurried out of the car, careful not to get wet. Keem held a large black umbrella over her head as she made her dash for the house. Rosa greeted them both at the door, taking their coats.

  “Thanks, Rosa.” Reed nodded.

  “Welcome, Reed.” She spoke, English broken.

  “So what are the plans?” Reed asked, wondering why they’d come to the house.

  “I was thinking movie night.” Keem shrugged.

  “I can get with that. In the theatre room?”

  “Yeah. Rosa should have set it up by now. I called her after I got off of the phone with you.”

  “Oh okay. Well, what are we waiting on?”

  Grabbing RaKeem’s hand, she pulled him towards the theatre room –which was located downstairs. Removing her shoes before walking into the room, Reed was sure that Keem did the same. The plush rug that had been placed on the inside was not to be touched by anything other than socks or bare feet. Shoes were not permitted inside of the theatre room.


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