Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 19

by Mercy B

  Reed felt right at home, sinking into RaKeem’s mattress. The lemon scent had begun to circulate, causing Reed to smile. Her eyes, soon, closed and minutes later she was out like light. Sweet dreams followed her, placing her at peace.

  The morning sun was much like the devil as Keem tried to open his eyes. His lids shut themselves back after the bright light burned his eyes. Throwing his arm over his face, he begged God to turn the light down a notch.

  Knowing that his prayers wouldn’t be answered, RaKeem hesitantly lifted his lids one more. As he thought, his head as spinning due to a horrid hangover. Immediately, he began to reprimand himself for drinking so carelessly. Drowning in his sorrows wasn’t going to bring his girl back, fighting for her would. Rightfully, he knew that she was doing what she thought was best, but her time alone had run out.

  RaKeem didn’t know what he’d do or how he’d do it, but he would win her over again. Whereas he’d been in the slum about their split, he was now hopeful. The talk with Dade had set him straight. Even a stranger could see that what they had was special.

  Looking down at his clothing, he noticed that they’d been changed. Barely remembering anything besides his talk with Bella, RaKeem wondered when he’d put on a change of clothes. Shrugging, he didn’t put too much thought into it. He got up from the bed, moaning and groaning. It was time for him to make his exit.

  He slowly walked down the hallway. Keem could hear Bella and RahMeek arguing over who was picking Reign up from school. It was Bella’s task, but she complained about traffic, and asked Meek to scoop her for once. However, it was Meek’s job to get her there, so he wasn’t having it.

  “Morning Keem.” Bella waved once she recognized his presence.

  “What’s up, yo?” Meek asked, nodding his head.

  “Morning.” he said, horse.

  “Would you like breakfast? I cooked.” Bella smiled. “You should probably put something on your stomach to soak up that liquor.”

  “I’m good, thanks Bella.” Keem frowned.

  His head was pounding. He needed to get to his own bed so that he could sleep the day away. Anything on his schedule would just have to wait. RaKeem was taking a day to himself, and didn’t give a damn who didn’t understand.

  “No problem.”

  “Meek, throw me some keys. I ain’t bout to wait on my ride.”

  “Nigga, who said I trust ya ass enough to drive my shit?” RahMeek boasted.

  “Here, Keem.” Bella threw RaKeem the keys to her Bentley after picking them up from the table.

  He caught them midair. “You still going to get my daughter. Don’t think you’re slick Bella. How you just going to give that nigga your keys?”

  “They’re my damn keys, RahMeek.”

  “I bought the car. What if that drunk ass nigga wrecks?”

  “You’ll buy me another one. I need an upgrade, anyway.” Bella yelled, laughing.

  “Na, that nigga going to be buying you another one.” RahMeek pointed at Keem.

  “You know I’ve got you, sis. It ain’t shit.”

  “Thanks Keem.” Bella smiled. “Oh Yeah, Reed texted me last night.”

  RaKeem’s ears perked up.

  “She wanted to know if you were still here.” Bella smiled, lifting both brows.

  “How did she even know that I was here in the first place?”

  “I had a talk with her.”

  “How did that go?” he was desperate to know.

  “Not as I planned. Go get some rest, and we will talk about it later.”

  “Aight.” Just as fast as he’d perked up, he’d been let down.

  “See you later,” Bella waved. “Don’t wreck my shit!”

  “Bella!” Meek hissed. “Watch your fucking mouth!”

  “How you going to try and check me and then turn around and curse, Meek? That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Just watch your fucking mouth before I stick something in it, aight?”

  “That’s my cue to roll.” RaKeem chuckled.

  “Aight.” Meek nodded, saluting his bother.

  Keem took the long road home, deciding exactly what he’d say to Reed when he saw her. His intentions were to go home and sleep off his headache, but he couldn’t imagine not going to her home after she’d been nice enough to check on him the night before.

  He was aware that she and KinZu had moved into their own home, and he’d gotten the address when they did. When the time was right, he’d always planned on going over. He figured that time was now. Once he went home and got fresh, picked up a couple of flowers, and got Reed a new fit from the mall he would be on his way. Whether she wanted to or not, she was going to accept his visit. Although he’d invited himself, he didn’t plan on leaving until he had a word with her. too much time had elapsed, and they needed to reconcile.

  Whipping Bella’s ride into his driveway, he was surprised to see a small Lexus coupe parked near his front door. A pleasant surprise it was. He’d heard through the family that Reed had purchased herself a new ride. Delighted, Keem hopped out of Bella’s car after coming to a complete stop. He’d totally forgotten to put the car in park. As he went to get out, it started rolling away, causing him to try and stop it with his feet.

  “Damn.” He laughed at himself. He realized he’d forgotten to park the car and shut off the engine. Hurrying back inside, he sat and pressed the brake. Keem placed the car in park and shut it down.

  This time, he was able to get out and get up to his front door. RaKeem was inside and up his stairs with the quickness. He knew without a doubt that he hadn’t missed Reed this time –like he had in New York. The lemon plug-ins had been refilled, and the aroma trailed him up the stairs. Bursting into his bedroom, he was overwhelmed with emotions when he saw Reed sprawled out on his bed. Her hair was wild, meshing with the sheets on his bed, and her mouth was slightly agape. She was flawless as she slept. Reed was the most beautiful girl that Keem had ever come into contact with, and she was all his.

  Rushing to her, RaKeem hopped on the bed and began to kiss all over her face. He couldn’t control himself. He prayed that she didn’t wake up in the mood to mix because he was being over the top. His plans to go to her home had been cancelled immediately. She’d come to him. As perfect as she was, and as much as he didn’t deserve her, she’d come back to him. That in itself was the perfect example of her selflessness and will to love so beautifully.

  “Reed. You came back to me.” Keem whispered.

  It wasn’t RaKeem’s kisses that woke Reed, but the moisture on her face had. Opening her eyes, she looked up to him with burning desire. He was still as handsome as she’d remembered him. his curls had grown out a bit more, and Reed adored the new look. Lifting her hand, she placed it on his pained face.

  Wiping the few tears that had slipped out of his eyes, she said, “It would’ve been much easier for me to walk away… that’s why I chose to stay.” She smiled. She didn’t bother to stop the overflow of tears that soaked the pillow beneath her.

  “Don’t cry.” Keem tried to catch every tear that fell from her eyes, but there was too many. “No. Don’t cry.” He pleaded with her.

  “I love you, Keem.” Reed admitted, nodding her head. “Although it still hurts, I know that we can get through this.”

  “You’re awesome Reed. Magical even. What did I do to deserve you?” Keem questioned. “I’m so sorry. I promise to never do it again, Reed. I beg of your forgiveness.” He lowered his head even further and kissed her tear stained cheeks. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I promise to love and commit myself to you from this day forth, Reed. It’s only you. You have to believe me. I want this thing we have to last forever. Don’t ever leave me again. I won’t ever give you a reason to. Okay?”

  “I won’t ever leave you!” Reed assured Keem.

  “Stay right here. Please. Don’t move.”

  RaKeem got off of the bed and hurried into his closet. Pulling out the top drawer to his dresser, he retrieved the small velvet box. Opening i
t, he was sure that Reed’s beautiful ring was still inside. Kissing it, he closed his eyes and said a quick prayer.

  Keem was no fool, and there would be a lot of work, on his behalf, that needed to be done but he was willing. He’d do anything to secure his spot in Reed’s life. She meant the world to him, and he’d rather not be without her.

  Walking back into the room, he was glad to see that Reed was still there. As disobedient as they came, of course she was no longer in bed, but that was just fine. In fact, she was turned with her back towards him as she wiped her eyes. Sneaking up behind her, RaKeem dropped to his knees and opened the small box.

  “Reed Coleman, this wasn’t exactly how I planned this. Hell, I hadn’t planned it at all. But, I feel like there is no better time than now to express my deepest sincerest love for you. You complete me, girl. I knew it from the start, but with growth and separation it was confirmed. You’re the light of my life. I don’t know what the fuck I’d do without you by my side. I know I fucked up, and this is in no way an insult to your pain. I will fight my way back to the place in your heart that I belong. However, I just felt like the time was now. In celebration of our reuniting, I thought that it was the perfect time to commit. To you, Reed, I commit myself. All of me. I’m yours. If you’d have me… Reed, will you do me the please of being my wife?” Keem spoke from the heart. He’d thought of their engagement as a more romantic one. He’d wanted the entire world to see him propose in the beginning, but things never ever really worked out according to plan. Keem was appreciative of their moment alone, because it was perfect.

  Reed had yet to face Keem, because she was a huge ball of emotions. She was filled with joy and sadness all in one. The love of her life was on bending knee, asking for her hand in marriage. He was the man she loved. But at the very same time, he was the man that had caused her more pain than anyone or anything in her entire time on this green earth. If he’d loved her just as much as it seemed, she didn’t understand how he’d been the source of so much pain. Turning towards Keem, Reed began. She could barely form a sentence as she tried to figure out exactly how to relieve herself of the words that would surely burn RaKeem’s soul.

  “RaKeem Jones, this is a beautiful ring, but…”

  “Please, Reed.” Keem didn’t dare let her finish. The but had broken his heart before the rest emitted from her vocals. His most valuable vessel had fell from his chest and landed on the the floor –near his bended knee.

  “But I don’t want you to think that it’s as easy as proposing to get us back to where we need to be. I love you no less, but you hurt me. You really did, and I haven’t finished healing yet. It just pains me more to be away than to stay. SO, here I am. I’m accepting this ring.” Reed reached out and grabbed the box, admiring the beautiful jewelry. “Under one condition.”

  “Whatever you want, Reed. Whatever you need.” He begged.

  “You stop at nothing to get us to a place that we have never been before. Our love was great back before everything happened, but I think that we have the potential to surpass even that. I want you, all of you, to dedicate your time and attention to what we have. I’m not just some toy, Keem. You will not play with me. There wont be another chance. This is all you get. Right here. Right now. I’m giving you the only chance that you’ve got, so don’t fuck it up!”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  “Now get up here and kiss me.”

  Lifting from his knee, Keem obeyed. Anything that Reed wanted, she would be granted. He owed her that much. “So, will y…”

  “I’ll be your wife, RaKeem.” Reed smashed her lips into his.

  The couple kissed for what seemed like an eternity, neither wanting to let go of the other. They’d been through a rough couple of months, but it felt good to come out on top. As it had been said before, their union was much to precious to be parted. They’d been brought back together, and RaKeem refused to tear them apart again. In his heart, and in Reed’s as well, they both knew that this was it. They’d marry and flourish as husband and wife. Both of them had so much to look forward to. Placing the past behind them was the only obstacle. Reed was still hurting, but Keem would grow to be her healing. She couldn’t see herself anywhere other than where she was at the very moment. Her heart was filled with compassion as she looked into Keem’s brown eyes. He was her everything, and vice versa. She couldn’t wait to prosper and grow old with her fiancé, even though he’d given her the Youngin’ Blues. When time permitted, they’d both heal and move as far away from their hurt as possible. Reed was anxious to feel even better than she felt all of those months ago. Without a doubt, she knew that Keem would make it happen.

  “I love you RaKeem Jones.” She pulled away and stated.

  “I love you, more… Reed Jone.”

  The End…

  Secrecy: The Story of KinZu Noble

  April 2016


  The aroma of Christian Dior was prominent, slicing through the air with each peddle that was taken. Routinely, every eye in the building was trained on the vicious vixen that swayed her way across the ballroom. The floor length mink had been imported just a day prior. It was compulsory that the Italian design arrived in time for the the big night, or else all hell would’ve broken loose. Not giving two shits about the extra $2,500 that was required for expressed delivery, the order was placed without hesitation. That was just the way that shit worked.

  Under the fire red mink was a custom gown, fitting for only a queen. The silk material hugged with little to no room to move. Black in color and unique in style, it was suitable for the grand event. The Manolo Blahnik Swan Embellished Swan Satin Pumps clicked and clacked on the marbled floor, causing a bit of a ruckus. Heads turned and bodies shifted to get a better view as the rare beauty strolled.

  With grace and gumption, 26, year old KinZu Noble, glided across the sea of billionaires with the assistance of her counterpart. Tonight’s charity event had caused for her presence. Although she’d much rather be in the comfort of her very own mansion, curled up eating popcorn, she’d substituted her quality time to accompany the infamous Daniel Worthy. After all, the $100,000 that had been deposited into her account prior to her arrival had been enough persuasion to get her out of the jammies that she was in.

  “Sorry I’m late, darling.” KinZu spat. She’d gotten accustomed to lying. It came with the territory. “You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to correct my eyeliner. The artist never showed up. Maybe I should’ve rode with you as you suggested after all.”

  Daniel Worthy smiled as he pulled KinZu into his arms. “It’s quite alright.” He squeezed. “As long as you made it.”

  “I wouldn’t dare miss it for the world.” She pulled back.

  Stepping closer into this space, she licked her index finger and cleaned the dried dressing that had crumbled above his lip. She could give a fuck less about the crust that was on his face, but her forged concerns were all apart of her act.

  “Honey.” She chuckled, “What have you been eating?”

  “A little of everything.” Daniel admitted.

  “I see.” KinZu raised her brows.

  “Sweetie, I’d like for you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Rec Southerland. This is my beautiful wife, KinZu Worthy.” He waved his hand back and forth as he made introductions. “Rec is the big guy that I’ve been telling you about. Mr. and Mrs. Southerland donated over a million dollars to A Worthy Cause this year alone.” Daniel placed his hands on KinZu’s waist and turned her to face the older gentleman and woman that were standing behind her.

  Rather than roll her eyes into the top of her head as she’d wanted, KinZu smiled –bright eyed. “Oh my God, Danny has mentioned you several times. It’s nice to finally put a face to the name. We are thankful for your hefty donations. I hope that you received the cards that the Mr. and I sent you two.”

  Of course Daniel wasn’t the Mr. and KinZu sure as hell wasn’t the Mrs., but it wasn’t for anyone else to know. Their status wasn’t up for
discussion. Whatever was quoted to the associated was what it was. There wasn’t any debating. Daniel was a trusted businessman, and no one would ever peg him to be a liar. Besides, KinZu could be your part-time wife, children’s mother, mistress, partner, girlfriend, enemy or whatever other reasonable partnership that needed to be shammed for the public eye. There weren’t many regulations to her occupation, but there were some aspects she wouldn’t even attempt to embark on.

  The highest paid escort in the city of Philly, she was proud to be. There wasn’t a single soul on the face of God’s green earth that could berate or denounce her profession of choice. KinZu was genius, never participating in even one day of dick sucking and was awarded the life that her naysayers could only dream of. Undoubtedly, she was that bitch, and hated to be mistaken for anything else.

  “Yes. We did, dear. Thanks so much.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Daniel had forewarned KinZu on a few things that had taken place during the time that had lapsed between their previous event, and now. He’d seen her flash cards and emails keeping her up-to-date on his dealings and involvement with the community. Being a wife is a little too complicated, KinZu had concluded time and time again. Each week, she was receiving new information to store in her mental. It was one of the main reasons that Daniel’s tab was so high.

  Besides the $100k that was paid to attend any function, Daniel also wired $5k along with the emails and notes that he sent weekly. This was a small fee that KinZu required to remember the data that was sent. She was one that often suffered from memory lost, so to keep the millions of events, charities, and functions that he was involved in was a task in itself. So for her inconvenience, she required compensation.


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