Vampire School (Elite Academy Book 1)

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Vampire School (Elite Academy Book 1) Page 8

by Scarlett Haven

  Right then and there in that classroom, I make the decision that I’m going to fight for bitten vampires. It doesn’t matter that they were born as a human. Even if their DNA was different, even if their blood was different, even if they weren’t as ‘strong’ as a born vampire, I would still fight for them. Because every vampire deserves to be treated the same. Bitten vampires are our equals.

  I know this class is supposed to sway the minds of the so-called elite. It’s supposed to make us see the point of view of the elitists. That is why my uncle, the king, made this class mandatory. He wants everybody to believe the same. But if this class has done anything for me, it’s made me more determined to fight for the underdog.

  The teacher glares at me a few times as he wraps up the lesson, but I’m not bothered by it at all. When he dismisses class, he asks me to see him up front. I gather my things and walk up.

  “What can I help you with, Sir?” I hold my head high as I look at him, not wanting to slump down to his level.

  “I expected more from you, Everleigh Ingram. Your uncle speaks highly of you, and I regret to say that I am disappointed by your lack of respect.” He wrinkles his nose, like something smells bad. “I expect you, of all people, would understand how superior born vampires are.”

  I force myself to smile. “Neither of my parents were born. But, of course, you know that. So I don’t hold the same views as you. And I’d assume that you, somebody who has been around for a very long time, would be more open to people who have a different opinion than you. I would use this class to open up debate for both sides instead of trying to shove your own agendas down our throats.”

  He narrows his eyes. “That type of attitude will get you banned from this class.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. Hard. “If you want to ban me, go ahead and try.” I lean closer and whisper, “I’m sure my uncle would be glad to have a phone call from his favorite niece.”

  His face pales, and I know I’ve won.

  “Have a good day, Sir.”

  I turn and walk out of the classroom, feeling lighter than ever.

  5:07 am

  Missing piece.

  There is a party tonight at a house on the other side of the island. I know I shouldn’t want to go after what happened at the last party I went to, but I do. I almost feel like I need to go.

  Jude, Asa, and Henry don’t want me to go. In fact, they’ve been trying to talk me out of going, but I feel like I’m supposed to go there.

  The party is different tonight, because it’s not just Elite Academy. Students from Mystic Academy will be there as well.

  Mystic Academy is a school for vampires too, but they only accept bitten vampires, where Elite Academy only accepts born vampires. We could probably get in a lot of trouble with the school if they knew that we were ‘fraternizing’ with the enemy school, but I think it’s worth the risk.

  “We can do something else,” Asa suggests.

  We’re already driving toward the party, so I don’t know why he’s still trying to talk me out of it.

  Jude is driving, Henry is in the passenger seat, seemingly scared of Jude’s driving, and Asa is in the backseat with me.

  “Henry, are you okay? You look a little pale,” I say, ignoring Asa for the moment.

  “I forget how terrifying it is to ride in a car with an eighteen-year-old behind the wheel.” His voice is tight.

  I laugh.

  Jude is a pretty terrible driver, but we’re vampires. It’s not like a car crash would kill us, or even hurt us. Any broken bones or scratches would heal before an ambulance even arrived.

  He ends up having to park the car a few blocks away from the house. Asa complains that it will be hard to make a quick getaway if we need to, but I think he’s being a little overprotective. Yes, I almost died, but we don’t even know if I was the target or if I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  As much as I don’t like to think about it, things between the born and bitten vampires are getting tense. It’s only a matter of time before civil war breaks out amongst us. I hate it. But I can’t help but think… maybe I was attacked not because I’m royal, but because I am a born vampire.

  We walk inside the party together. Asa sticks close by my side. Thankfully, Henry and Jude are more relaxed.

  I know that Asa doesn’t understand why I wanted to come tonight. Even Jude and Henry aren’t thrilled about it. But the second we walk into the house, a rightness settles over me. I know that this is right. We are supposed to be here tonight. It’s fate.

  As we head farther inside, I notice that even Asa starts to relax his shoulders a bit. I think even he can feel the rightness to this.

  “Do you guys feel that?” Jude looks between Asa, Henry, and I.

  The three of us nod.

  “I have felt this all night,” I admit. “As soon as I was invited to this party, I knew I was supposed to be here.”

  Asa lowers his head, mumbling something that I can’t make out.

  “What?” I lean closer to see if I can hear him any better.

  He shakes his head. “I think I know what this is, I’m just hoping that I am wrong.”

  I look at him, hoping he will elaborate, but he doesn’t.

  I can’t with Asa today.

  This boy went from literally hating me, or at least pretending like he did, to now doting on me. The sad part is, I’m so freaking happy that he’s my mate I can’t even be mad at him for treating me terribly.

  Someday, I will make Asa pay for ignoring me like he has.

  I scan the room, looking for a familiar face, or at least a friendly face. That’s why I came here—to make friends.

  My eyes lock with a guy who is standing across the room. His head is cocked to the side as he looks at me, his lips slightly parted. But it’s not his curious expression that has me looking back at him. It’s my reaction to him.

  When a vampire finds their mate, it’s the guy who makes the first move. He knows. The girl doesn’t know for sure until they make skin contact. But with this guy, I know that he is my mate. He is the missing piece. He’s why I haven’t completed my mate bond with Jude, Asa, or Henry yet. He’s what’s been holding us back. He is why we waited, and we didn’t even know he existed.

  I have never seen the guy before. I’m fairly certain that he doesn’t go to Elite Academy. That means he either goes to Mystic Academy or maybe he’s already graduated, but I doubt that. He appears to be around my age, but then again, that doesn’t always mean anything.

  Vampires ages differently. Sometimes, a vampire will be frozen in their teenage years while they wait for their mate. Sometimes they age until their early twenties. But never do we age over mid twenties to early thirties. I don’t understand how the aging works, and neither do vampire scientists. The only valid reasoning they have is magic, which makes sense. Magic is what made vampires in the first place.

  The guy, he has big brown eyes that he hasn’t taken off of me. His dark brown hair is short on the side and is cut into an almost faux hawk on the top.

  I have to talk to him. I have to get to know him.

  I take a step toward him, and when I do, his expression changes. He is no longer curious, but he looks pissed. His eyes are narrowed, he crosses his arms over his chest, and his nose wrinkles, almost in disgust.

  Does he not like me?

  My step falters, and I don’t move toward him any farther.

  What if he doesn’t think I’m pretty? What other reason could he have to look at me like that? Or maybe it’s because three of my mates stand behind me. That could be it too. Maybe he doesn’t want to share his mate with three other guys. I can’t even blame him for that. I wouldn’t want to either.

  My chest aches, so I rub at it with my hand, willing it to go away.

  The guy turns and walks out of the room, not giving me a backwards glance. I feel warm blood start to leak from my eyes, but I can’t even bring myself to care. My mate just rejected me, and my heart can’t ta
ke it.

  I feel somebody tug on my hand, so I turn around to see Jude standing there. He pulls me into his arms.

  I shouldn’t be sad. I have three mates who adore me. Most girls only have one mate. But still… it won’t ever feel complete without… him.

  My heart shatters as I realize that I don’t even know his name.

  Saturday, September 12

  8:07 pm


  I try very hard not to think about my mate who rejected me, but I can’t get him out of my mind.

  Last night, Henry found out that his name is Rowan. He’s a student at Mystic Academy, which means he is a bitten vampire. I know that it’s going to cause an uproar, a bitten vampire being mated to a royal, but I’m hoping everybody will be too distracted by the fact that I have four mates to worry about the fact that one of them is bitten.


  It’s a good name. It suits him.

  We looked for Rowan for a few minutes last night. I wanted to leave, but the guys wanted to find him and talk to him. I guess he had already left, so we came back to my dorm. Henry, Asa, and Jude all stayed the night. I know they only did it because I was feeling like absolutely crap, but I’m glad they did. It felt right. I like sleeping with all three of them, even if I was a little squished on my bed. It was nice to wake up in their arms.

  Henry and Jude go back to their own dorms when we wake up, leaving me with Asa. I know that things with Asa and I are good now, but I do worry that he’s going to start hating me again. It’s something I worry about constantly.

  Asa scoots closer to me on the bed, pulling me into him.

  “I want us to complete the mate bond,” he says.

  My heart races at his words.

  I know that I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to complete it right now. I want to make him mine forever. After we’re mated, he won’t be able to go back to ignoring me.

  “But before we can, I have to talk to your dad.” Asa sighs, and I can feel just how much this has been weighing on his mind. He’s probably been thinking about it for years.

  I sit up so I can look him in the eyes, and I grab his hand. “You know my parents will be supportive of this.”

  He nods. “In theory, yes.”

  “I’m serious, Asa.” I squeeze his hand. “They know that fate decides, not us.”

  He smiles, but it’s only for my sake. His shoulders are still tense.

  “I’ll go with you,” I offer. “I think it would be proper for me to be there with you. And maybe I can stand between my dad and you if he decides to punch you.”

  Asa laughs, knowing my dad would never punch him.

  At least I got him to relax.

  “I know your parents will be happy for us once they get over the shock.” He cups my face with his hands. “But this is something that I need to do on my own. Your father and I have been friends for years and I owe this to him.”

  I nod, understanding completely.

  Plus, it might be easier for Asa to tell them before they actually see us together. That might be a little bit weird, even though I know they will be understanding.

  “Just imagine if your roles were reversed. If he were the one coming to tell you that your daughter is his mate, how would you feel?” I ask.

  He grins. “I’d be happy for him. I’ve always been happy for your dad. When he met your mom, it was crazy how much he changed. He went from being grumpy and cynical to being this happy go lucky guy.”

  My dad is happy. So happy. It’s hard to ever imagine him being grumpy. It warms my heart to think that my mom is the one who brought so much joy into his life. I wonder if I will do the same for Asa, Henry, and Jude.

  And maybe Rowan someday, but I try not to think about that.

  “What’s caused this frown?” He rubs his finger along my lips.

  I sigh. “I was just thinking about Rowan. I’ve been trying not to, but I can’t help it.”

  “I understand.” He purses his lips. “I wish there was something I could do to make this all better.”

  “I just have to trust that fate knows what it’s doing. I don’t think Rowan would be my mate if he were going to reject me. Maybe he just needs to get warmed up to the idea.” I shrug my shoulders, trying to show Asa it’s not a big deal. “Maybe he doesn’t like the fact that he has to share his mate with three other guys.”

  “If that’s true, it’s his loss,” Asa says. “You are beautiful and kind and you have the biggest heart. If he doesn’t see that you have enough room in your heart to love us all...” Asa pauses, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, Everleigh. Rowan will come around.”

  I hope Asa’s right.

  Truly, I don’t think I could survive if Rowan rejected me. My heart would just shatter.

  11:27 pm

  Hate me.

  With Asa gone to my parent’s house, and everything that is going on with Rowan, I am feeling a little bit down. At the same time, I’m trying to stay positive. I don’t want bad things that happen in life to control my reactions and feelings.

  Henry asks me if I want to go to the beach with him, and I’m glad for the distraction. And Henry Watson is the best kind of distraction.

  Henry holds my hand as we walk along the shore on the beach. Small waves crash up, covering my feet and ankles, occasionally splashing up my legs.

  This is my happy place—the beach at night. It’s so peaceful.

  Humans don’t really come to the beach when it’s dark. I used to think it was because they sleep at night, but I’ve since learned that humans can’t see in the dark. I feel sorry for them. They must not be able to see well with their puny human vision. They’re missing out on so much beauty.

  “I like the dress you’re wearing,” Henry comments.

  I grin. Most guys don’t really notice clothes but Henry is trying. I think it’s sweet.

  “When I was young, girls didn’t really wear short skirts.”

  I really love hearing about how things have changed over time, so it’s cool that Henry tells me this.

  Even though my dad is only two hundred and fifty years old, he always talks about how vastly different things were when he was younger. He said phones didn’t even exist, not even the old landline kind, and the internet wasn’t thought of. I can’t imagine a world without cellphones and social media, but who knows what will change in the next few hundred years.

  I raise an eyebrow at Henry. “Do you prefer a girl’s skirt to be long or short?”

  He glances at my legs. “I prefer them short on you.”

  I am absolutely going to take that as a compliment.

  “Have you always lived in Florida?” I ask, hoping to learn more about him.

  He shakes his head. “I was born and raised in Georgia. But I was raised on the coast, right on the beach. My mother loves the water, so I spent a lot of time in the ocean growing up.”

  That sounds lovely. When he mentions his mom, I realize I don’t know anything about his family. “Do you have any siblings?”

  “I was an only child until recently. About five years ago, my parents decided they wanted more children.” He smiles, revealing a dimple in his left cheek. “I have a four-year-old brother, a two-year-old sister, and a three-month-old sister.”

  Since vampires don’t age, there is no limit on when a woman can conceive a child. Many vampire women decide to have children when they’re over one hundred years old. It’s very common.

  “My brothers and I were a surprise to my parents,” I tell him. “They were having fun traveling, so maybe they will pick up doing that again now. But I imagine they will want more kids soon. I know my mom won’t be able to stand a quiet, empty house.”

  Henry pulls us to a stop and we stare out at the water. I can’t get over how beautiful it is tonight.

  “What about you, Everleigh? Do you want kids?” Henry’s question shocks me a little bit. I guess I wasn’t expecting it. I’m only eighteen, and most vampires don’t meet their mate this young.
To be honest, I haven’t even thought about kids yet.

  But Henry and Asa… they’re both much older than me. What if they are ready for kids?

  Still, I have to be honest with Henry. I’m not just going to give him the answer I think he wants to hear.

  I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and turn to Henry. “I think that someday I will want kids, but not for a while.”

  “I want to wait too. I know this sounds selfish, but I want you all to myself for a little while without having to worry about kids.”

  I grin, relieved that he feels the same as me. “Well, you do have to share me with Asa, Jude, and…” My voice trails off and the smile turns into a frown.


  The truth is, Henry might not have to share me with Rowan, because Rowan has rejected me.

  Henry pulls me into his arms, gently stroking my back with his hand. “He will come around. And when he does, I will gladly share you with him. I will share you with all of them.”

  Henry is sweet. Sweeter than I deserve.

  I truly don’t understand why I have four mates, and I definitely don’t know what I did to deserve them. But I am so thankful for them. I can’t imagine my life without them.

  Henry pulls back from our embrace and grins at me. “Let’s walk more.”

  I’m glad for the distraction.

  As we stroll along the shore, a bigger wave crashes up, getting the bottom of my dress wet. I squeal because I wasn’t expecting it.

  Henry laughs. It’s a deep laugh, and hearing it gives me butterflies.

  “You’re adorable.” He smirks. “Just everything about you is cute. I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of the sounds you make. It makes me excited for the sounds you will make when you come.”

  This time, I am the one who stops walking. My heart is racing and I honestly don’t care that we’re on a public beach. I want to complete my mate bond with him right here, and right now. I open my mouth to tell him so when I hear somebody scream.


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