Whiskey and Orange Slices

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Whiskey and Orange Slices Page 7

by Michelle Edwards

  I let them out of the apartment and called Matthew.

  “Are you alright?” he questioned sounding out of breath.

  “Yes, can you send someone to come get me please?”

  “We’ll be right there.”

  I stuck the letter in my back pocket, locked up and headed downstairs. I didn’t want to be stuck in my apartment while I waited.

  It didn’t take long for the familiar SUV to pull up to the curb and Matthew jumped out pulling me into a hug.

  He swiftly pulled back and looked over my body.

  “I’m fine. I’m still human.”

  He sighed in relief.

  “Can we go?” I asked wanting to just get away from this area as fast as possible.

  Matthew moved out of the way and we got into the SUV where Glen and Ethan awaited us.

  I looked at Matthew once he climbed in.

  “What? I brought backup in case we needed it.”

  “Well for one, you didn’t need it. Two, what are the girls doing?”

  Ehan chuckled.

  “What?” I asked.

  “They are getting things ready for tonight.”

  “Oh.” I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the envelope.

  “John asked me to give this to you. He nearly choked me to death for attempting to look in it.” I explained.

  Matthew’s eyes flashed red as he took it out of my hands. He ripped it open and I could see his eyes scanning the paper.

  “Hell no.” He growled.

  “What do they want?” I questioned looking over his arm.

  “They want a free pass. Screw that. I’m not giving them a cent. Nor am I letting them anywhere near our community.”

  “What?” I didn’t think, I just snatched the letter from him.

  Sure enough, that’s what they asked for. Actually they didn’t ask, they were demanding money and to be let into Matthew’s community. If he refused, they promised to kill me and expose him.

  I shook my head, I couldn’t let this happen. I couldn’t be part of the reason that Matthew and everyone gets exposed. They would be treated like lab rats and killed.

  I sat back in the seat and stared out the window.

  It was still light out and the trees whipped past.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of this.” Matthew sighed.

  I snapped my head in his direction.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Well we can’t exactly let John and Marty roam around free with the threat of exposure.”

  “So you are just going to kill them?” I cried.

  “We don’t have a choice, Bethany.”

  “No you can’t do that! Do you know what that would do to my mother? Losing her memory and then losing her son! The only child she remembers? I may hate John right now, but there has to be another option.”

  Ethan looked back at Matthew and the look in his eyes told me there wasn’t another option.

  “We’ll see what we can do,” Matthew whispered.

  I stared out the window again until we pulled down a long driveway that I’ve never been down before.

  I gasped at the beautiful home staring back at me.


  “Yeah.” Matthew breathed.

  We got out and I just stared at the castle in front of me. The old stone was worn, but looked like it was made that way. Matthew led me inside and there was an entire catering and set up crew inside.

  “All this?”

  “Yeah, well it’s not just our normal ritual, it’s a party. So I want to make sure that people at least have fun.

  “Up the stairs, first door on your left. That’s where the girls more than likely are,” Ethan said when he walked up behind us.

  “Matthew,” Glen said motioning for him to follow him.

  Matthew kissed me on the cheek and walked away with Ethan and Glen.

  I stared after him wondering if they were going to work on a plan to kill John. I knew that Matthew was lying when he said they would work something out. They didn’t want the risk of having someone running around threatening their secret.

  I walked up the stairs and was met at the top by Jess.

  “Oh good! You’re here! Come with me!” She said pulling me into the room where Alexis and Christina were giggling.

  “Ready to get pampered?” Christina asked.

  I nodded.

  For the next few hours the girls and I had probably the best afternoon I’ve had in a long time. Someone came in to give us pedicures and manicures. Matthew sent massages therapists up before we showered and got ready.

  Jess pulled a dark green dress out of the closet.

  My eyebrows rose. “Is that mine?”

  “Yes ma’am.” She handed it to me.

  I stripped down to my bra and panties and slipped the silk dress over my body.

  It hugged to me just as perfectly as the first dress she picked out for me.

  “How do you do this?” I asked in awe.

  “It’s a gift. I just have an eye for sizes. I can’t really explain it.” She shrugged.

  I slipped on the shoes that she placed in front of my feet.

  “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you for this.”


  I looked at myself again in the mirror before heading down the stairs with the girls.

  Ethan waited at the bottom with Josh.

  “You ladies look fantastic.”

  “Where’s Glen and Matthew?” Jess asked.

  “They are taking care of a few uninvited guests. Nothing to worry about. Come, let’s get you all something to drink.”

  “I’m good, I’m just going to get a bit of fresh air.”

  “Do you need company?” Jess questioned.

  I shook my head and walked out of the front door while Ethan led them in the other direction.

  The cool air felt good after being cooped up in a room with three other women.

  I looked around not seeing Matthew or Glen in sight. The sun was setting behind the woods but it still shined through making the grounds look even more beautiful. Almost memorizing.

  I didn’t even hear them coming. Marty grabbed me and pulled me tight against his body, his hand covering my mouth.

  “Scream and I will enjoy every second I drain your body dry,” he growled.

  I held in the scream that begged to come out of my mouth. I watched John cross in front of us walking up toward the front of the house.

  I shook my head as much as Marty’s tight grip would allow.

  “Stay here and keep her quiet.” John hissed as he rounded the corner out of sight.

  “Let’s go for a walk.” Marty laughed, turning me toward the other direction.

  I closed my eyes tightly and let a single tear fall down my face. I was terrified, but the only thing running through my mind at the moment was the fact if I was one of them I would have a much better chance at defending myself. All I wanted was to turn my body around and rip Marty to shreds. I was so angry at him for lying to me. For trying to kill me and hurting my mother. I hated the fact that I couldn’t call her up and chat like I used to. Marty was the reason why that wasn’t an option anymore.

  I sucked in as much air as I could.

  It’s now or never. I thought to myself.

  I tripped over my own foot, taking Marty by surprise and pulling us both to the ground.

  Before he could react, I grabbed the closest stick and shoved it into his body. I didn’t even look to see where I just pulled myself up off the ground and ran. I screamed out Matthew’s name as loud as I could.

  Alexis was at my side faster than anyone.

  “Let’s go!” She grabbed a hold of me and pushed me toward the house.

  My hands grabbed my dress tight as I ran as fast as I could in heels.

  Josh sped past me and I could hear Marty screaming in the distance.

  I stopped in my tracks and then I heard John. His painful screams coming fr
om around the house.

  I tore off my shoes and ran as fast as I could.

  Matthew had John against a tree. John’s eyes were bright red, but I could still see the pain flashing through them.

  “Stop!” I cried as I stopped just next to them.

  Matthew snapped his head in my direction.

  “He is threatening you and us.”

  “But he’s still my brother.”

  I looked at John, who really didn’t even look like the brother that I had grown up with.

  “What happened? Why did you decide to become this?” I cried.

  Matthew lowered him, but kept a tight grip on his body.

  “I needed an out. This was my way.”

  “But you ruined any relationship we had. You are going to risk your life when you could be spending it with mom.”

  His eyes flashed back to their normal color.

  “Mom doesn’t want me around. She never did. She always wanted her daughter.”

  I shook my head, “She doesn’t remember me…” I whispered.

  He groaned. “Give her about a month for the poison to wear off.”

  I shook my head and looked at him. “What did you say?”

  “Marty and I poisoned her to keep losing her memory of you. Why else do you think she remembered everything else but you?”

  I held my stomach, the urge to puke up what I had for breakfast was almost overwhelming.

  “I loved you and looked up to you, John. Now you’re nothing but an evil monster that deserves to die.”

  “Bethany…” Matthew breathed.

  I waved my hand at him, “Just do whatever you want.”

  I pulled my dressed back up into my hands, my shoes were wrapped around my wrist and headed back into the house.

  John’s screams were the last thing I heard before I let the door shut behind me. The warmth from inside felt like a blanket being wrapped around my bare shoulders.

  “Bethany!” Jess rushed over and put her hands on my arm.

  “I’m fine. I need some water or whiskey or something.”

  “Whiskey Crush coming up.” Jess pulled me into the kitchen and made me sit at the bar stool in there.

  “I’m so sorry about your brother.” She sighed as she made my drink.

  I shook my head, “I’m not. I don’t even know who that man was.”

  Matthew came into the kitchen moments later with Ethan and Josh behind him.

  “Are you alright?” Matthew asked sitting down next to me.

  I nodded, “As good as I can be.” I held up my glass and took a mouthful.

  The whiskey burned going down my throat, but it didn’t bother me.

  Matthew smelled my glass, “Whiskey?”

  I nodded.

  “Will you marry me?” he chuckled.

  I turned my head and looked at him like he was serious.


  He laughed, but stopped the moment his eyes locked with mine.


  “If you are going to propose you might as well do it right.”

  He was speechless and quite frankly so was I. I felt numb, but at the same time I felt empowered and like I could take on the world. Tonight I learned my brother was a monster. I learned that my ex was nothing but scum and that my mother will eventually remember me. She will eventually ask for her daughter and know me by name. I hoped that I could convince her to move here.

  I shook my head, “What am I talking about? Of course neither of us are ready for marriage. We just met for crying out loud. I’m going to go drink this in the other room.” I smiled, grabbing my drink and shuffling into the other room.

  Chapter Twelve


  I sat there and stared after this woman who had captured my heart in the little time we’ve known each other.

  “Matthew!” Alexis screeched.

  “What?” I pulled myself out of the trance I was in.

  “You are going to just let her walk away like that? She just told you she wanted to marry you!”

  “With what ring would I propose? And on top of that she’s human.” I sighed. She’s human. She can’t marry me.

  “Who the hell cares what she is. She loves you. She made that quite obvious. She loves whiskey which is your favorite drink of choice. She knows your deep dark secret and we all approve.”

  “Be right back.” Jess smiled walking away.

  “Where is she going?”

  Glen shrugged, “Who knows. I’ve stopped asking.” h

  He laughed taking a mouthful of the contents in his glass.

  “The ceremony is going to need to start soon Matt,” Ethan noted.

  I nodded. I still had a commitment to the people here tonight. We still had humans to turn, rules to explain and a party to happen.

  We walked into the other room where people were gathering. Thank goodness the noise outside never made it in.

  I stepped onto the tiny stage we had set up.

  “Thank you all for coming out tonight. As you know, tonight signifies new life. As vampires, we either chose this life or we didn’t, but no matter how we ended up here, we are here. I’m honored to be the senator of California and even more honored to be able to lead you and the new members each year.” I looked down to see Bethany had made her way to the front of the crowd. Her eyes sparkled and smiled as I spoke.

  “So every year we have a list of men and women who want to go through the transition. While this isn’t an easy choice, it’s a choice they’ve stuck to and are ready to make. So to kick off this year’s ritual, please welcome the new members!” I stepped and turned to the side where a small group of people walked in. They were led by Ethan. The man I trusted with my life.

  Jess whispered at me while Ethan began to speak.

  “What is that?” I whispered back, looking down at the little red box in her hands.

  She smiled. “I have a secret. I knew your family very well. I’ve been around for a while. Way longer than anyone here even knows. Your mother and my mother were damn near sisters and when your mother was dying, she asked me to give this to you when you were ready. I honestly never thought the day would come, but here it is.”

  I opened the box and my mother's ring stared back at me. I looked up into Jess’s eyes and it all came back to me in a large wave of memories.

  Jess was the girl down the street. The one I thought was weird growing up. The one that was there when my mother died from cancer. Suddenly she left after my mother’s untimely death.

  “Are you a witch?” I asked.

  She smiled. “Your bride awaits.” She stepped back and into the arms of Glen.

  I didn’t hesitate, I grabbed Bethany’s hand and pulled her out the front door.

  “Matthew, we are going to miss the rest of the ceremony.”

  I shook my head, “I’ve seen it. And it’s just about over anyways. Bethany I love you. I have loved since the first time we met. I knew you were just what I needed at my office, but also for me. Marry me. For real,” I said, opening the box in front of her.

  “Matthew…” she whispered. She looked up at me, tears welled up in her eyes.

  “We can make it work. I promise.”

  She nodded. “Only under one condition.”

  I smiled. “Okay.”

  “Turn me. Tonight.” Her voice echoed and in that moment I knew I had chosen right. The woman who fought for those around her, the one who treated everyone with more respect then some of them deserved.

  She was the one I was waiting for and I realized it over a glass of whiskey.


  Thank you to my amazing husband. He’s the guy that stands over me making sure I’m meeting my word goals. He’s the one that never says no to anything book related.

  Thank you Crazy Ink for always having faith in my work. Thank you for teaching me and for always having my back!

  About the Author:

  All aboard! Romantic adventure awaits!

vel the world with International Bestselling and Award-winning author Michelle Edwards.

  Wife to an Army veteran and fur mom of three, she resides in North Carolina. Born and raised in Maryland, she’s an avid traveler with cruising her preferred way to explore.

  Her life and works promise worldwide adventures for curious readers. From military bases to supernatural worlds and back, Edwards brings readers on eclectic adventures that stick with them long after departure.

  To date, Edwards is the author of the Hunting the Night Series, Orange Glazed Attractions, and A Warrior's Soul. Upcoming adventures include:


  Enlisted: North Carolina

  Hell’s Guardian

  Demonic Destiny




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