The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe; Or, There's No Place Like Home

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The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe; Or, There's No Place Like Home Page 21

by Amanda M. Douglas



  They sat over their breakfast, and talked a long while. And then, afteranother glimpse at Granny, they went up to see the flowers, which hadbegun to recover rapidly from their misfortune.

  "Why, Hal, it's a perfect little green-house, and oh, how fragrant!There are some tuberoses coming out. What an awful shame about thatcold night! So you have wrecks on the land as well as on the sea?"

  "I don't mind now. Your return makes up for all the misfortunes. Wewill have enough for some bouquets to-day;" and Hal's face was onegrateful smile.

  "And what will we have for dinner?" asked Dot. "It ought to be a feast.I wonder if Kit will get home in time? Oh, I'll tell you! we will nothave our dinner until about three."

  "Sensible to the last, Dot. Why, it is almost ten now; and ourbreakfasts have just been swallowed."

  "We will have some chickens," exclaimed Hal.

  "And a cranberry pie."

  "Who is to make it,--you, or Hal?" laughed Joe. "He used to be my verydear Mrs. Betty. I don't know how we should ever have lived withouthim. Hal, I must confess that there's some rare good fortune in storefor me. I had to stop a while in New York; and to think I shouldstumble over one of the very men who was last to leave 'The Argemone.'And he tells such a marvellous story! I suppose every thing lookeddifferent out there in the storm and darkness and night, with deathstaring us in the face; for, after all, I only did my duty, and ourpoor captain lying sick too! I don't mean ever to go very far awaywhile--while Granny lives; but there's nothing like the sea for me!"

  "Oh!" exclaimed Hal, with a soft little sigh.

  "Well, the upshot of it was, that they, the owners, and this Mr.Parker, made me take a little gift,--five hundred dollars. I know whereI can get enough more to build a real green-house. You see, the falloff the hay-wagon did for you; and you'll never be a great hulkingfellow like me, fit to take the rough and tumble of life."

  Hal clasped the arm that was thrown protectingly around him.

  "No, you'll never be very strong; and you shall have the green-house.That will set you up for old age even."

  "Dear, noble Joe!"

  "Not half as noble as you. I often used to think of you, Hal, outthere, miles and miles away, amid all manner of strange sights; and itwas my one comfort that you'd always stand by Granny. What comrades youhave been! And after this, you see, I shall be able to do my share."

  Hal winked away some tears.

  "Here's where we used to sleep. Oh! did you dream then that I'd be sotall I should have to go round, bowing my head to every doorway, justas if I believed in Chinese idols? And here's the old garret, where wedreamed our dreams. Hal, my darling, I'm glad to see every old boardand crack and crevice in this blessed place!"

  They went down presently. Joe stole off to Granny again, while Haland Dot went about their household affairs. Hal soon had a couple ofchickens for roasting. Dot made some savory dressing, stirred up herfire, baked her pie first, and then put the chickens in the oven. Halshovelled away the snow, and took out two beautiful heads of celery,crisp and creamy.

  Dr. Meade dropped in. You may imagine his rejoicing. They made himpromise over and over again, that he would not tell a single soul inMadison. They wanted this dear Christmas Day to themselves.

  "He's a hero to be proud of, Granny," exclaimed the doctor delightedly."Such a great stalwart fellow, with a beard like a Turk, and a voicelike an organ! Why, he overtops us all! Dot, if I were in your place,I should give his pockets a wide berth; for he could stow away such aweeny thing before your disconsolate friends would miss you."

  Dot laughed, as if she wasn't much afraid.

  "The excitement has not hurt Granny?" queried Hal.

  "No, indeed! It's better than quarts of my tonics, and gallons of portwine. She only wanted a good strong motive to give the blood a rushthrough her veins."

  "I was quite afraid last night."

  "She'll weather it through, and come out in the spring like a lark. OHal, my dear boy, God is wonderful! 'And so He bringeth them to thehaven where they would be.'"

  "Yes. I've been thinking of it all the morning."

  "Merry Christmas, everybody. Not a word will I say."

  Joe was still watching by the window, when another sleigh stopped, anda brisk little figure sprang out, running up the walk. He opened thedoor.

  "Hillo!" he cried. "Here comes Kit, scalp-lock, fiddle, and all."

  "Oh!" in the utmost wonder and amazement, glancing around as ifsuddenly bereft of his senses. "Oh, it isn't Joe, raised out of thesea! It can't be!"

  "Pity the poor fishes," said Joe comically. "Think of the banquet towhich they might have asked all their relations."

  And then Kit was in his arms, crying and laughing; and, if Joe's headhad not been securely fastened, it never could have stood the pressure.

  "Oh, dear darling old Joe! How were you saved? What _did_ Granny say?"

  And then the little goose had to go and cry over Granny.

  "You have really achieved a fiddle," exclaimed Joe at length. "Kit, mydear, you are on the high road to fame."

  "Not very _high_," returned Kit. "But it's splendid to have. Hal gaveit to me, and I can play quite well."

  "We shall have to give a party some day,--a golden wedding for Granny."

  "Or a golden Christmas. O Joe! I can't believe it a bit. I was awfullydisappointed last night when it stormed, and they said I shouldn't comehome. I thought how lonely Dot and Hal would be this morning."

  The two smiled at each other, remembering the Christmas hymns in thegray dawn.

  Dot's dinner began to diffuse its aroma around the room. What withboiling and baking, she had her hands full.

  "Let us put both tables together," she said to Hal "It will give us somuch more room. And it's to be a regular feast."

  "Over the prodigal son," rejoined Joe. "Kit, here, who spends hissubstance in fiddles and riotous living."

  "No: it is Dot who does the latter."

  Dot laughed. "You will not complain, when I ask you to share theriotous living," she said.

  The tables were set out, and Dot hunted up the best cloth. White enoughit was too. Then the plates: how many were there? For somehow her witsseemed to have gone wool-gathering, and she had a misgiving lest someof them might disappear.


  Kit gave a great cry, dashed open the door, and flew down the walk, hisscalp-lock flying, until he went head first into a snowbank.

  "Kit's demented, and there's a girl at the bottom of it," said Joe. "OKit! you've gone the way of mankind early."

  "It's Charlie!" almost screamed Dot, following as if she had been shotout of a seventy-four pounder.

  "Charlie! Oh, what a blessed, blessed Christmas!"

  They dragged Charlie in,--not by the hair of her head, for that washardly long enough. Charlie, in a pretty brown dress and cloak, asquirrel collar and muff, a jaunty hat with green velvet bands and agreen feather. She was quite tall, and not so thin; and a winter ofgood care had completed the bleaching process commenced at the mill.She was many shades fairer, with a soft bloom on her cheek, while hermouth no longer threatened to make the top of her head an island.

  "O Hal! and where's Granny? And"--

  She paused before Joe.

  "Why, Charlie, you're grown so handsome that you really don't know yourpoor relations."

  "It's Joe! What a great giant! Oh! when did he come?"

  "And we thought him drowned," said Dot, half crying. "We heard it everso long ago! It was so splendid to have him come back!"

  "Shut the door," exclaimed Hal.

  "Why, I thought it was dreadful cold," said Kit, glancing round at thewide open door.

  "Cold isn't any word for it! If we had a cast-iron dog we should haveto tie him to the stove-leg to keep his hair from freezing off. It'slucky I wear a wig."

  "You're the same old Joe," said Charlie, laughing.

  "But where have you been, Charlie?"

  "In New York. I've such lots and lots to tell you. But oh, I must seeGranny!"

  So Granny had to be hugged and kissed, and everybody went to look.They all talked and laughed and cried in the same breath; and nobodyknew what was said, only they were all there together again, and Grannywas alive.

  "I intended to come home yesterday, but it stormed so fearfully; andto-day there were so many detentions, that I began almost to despair.But I had some Christmas for darling Granny, and I couldn't wait. Seehere,"--and Charlie began to search her pockets energetically. "Fiftydollars, Granny; and I earned it all my own self, besides ever so muchmore. And I'm going to be a--a"--

  "Genius," said Kit. "Hooray for Charlie!"

  "It's all about the pictures. Mr. Darol sold some designs for me, and Iwanted Granny to have the money; but I never dreamed that she had beensick. And did you miss me much? I never told Mr. Darol about it untilyesterday. I suppose it wasn't right. And oh! Granny, I'm sorry if I'vegiven you the least mite of pain; but all the time I've been as happyas Joe's big sunflower."

  "We shall set Granny crazy," said thoughtful Hal.

  "Oh, my dinner!" and Dot flew to the stove-oven like the "moon-eyedherald of dismay."

  There was no damage done. The chickens were browned to a turn. She tookthem out on a dish, and made her gravy, and then Hal came to help withthe vegetables. Potatoes, onions, carrots stewed with milk dressing,cranberry sauce, celery,--altogether a fit repast for anybody'sChristmas dinner.

  "If Granny could only come?"

  "I've been thinking that we might take her up a little while atdessert. She asked to sit up before Charlie came. What a day ofexcitement!"

  "O Hal! it's all lovely. And I can't help thinking how good God was_not_ to let her die in the night, when we were to have such a happyday. He saw it, with the angels keeping Christmas around him; didn'the, Hal?" said little Dot.

  "Yes, my darling."

  "And I'm so full of joy! I can't help crying every other minute! And tothink of that magnificent Charlie earning fifty dollars!"

  Hal went to summon the "children," and explain to Granny, that if shewould be very quiet, and take a good rest, she might get up when thedessert was brought on. The old woebegone look had vanished from herface, and the faded eyes held in their depths a tender brightness.

  She assented rather unwillingly to the proposal, for she could hardlybear them out of her sight an instant. Hal closed the door between, butshe begged him to open it again.

  "I'd like to hear you talk. I'll lie still, and never say a word."

  A happy group they were, gathered round the table. Dot was perched upat the head, and Hal took the opposite end, to do the carving. Theyhad time, then, to look round and see how pretty Charlie was growing.The contact with refinement, and, in a certain sense, society, hadimproved her very much. If any thing, she had grown still farther outof the Wilcox sphere.

  Then she had to tell her story.

  "You really don't mean Mary Jane Wilcox?" interrupted Joe. "Why, weused to go to school together!"

  "I never thought of them," said Hal, "when I was considering whereI could write. Then Granny was taken sick, and the bad news aboutJoe,--and somehow I had a fancy that you were safe."

  "Mrs. Wilcox has been like a mother. She _is_ good, and I do like her;but, somehow, she is not our kind, after all. But oh, if you could onlysee Mr. Darol! I am going to stay a whole week, and he is coming outhere. I told them all about you, Hal."

  Hal colored a little.

  "I'm glad I went, and made a beginning. There is ever so much hardwork before me; but it is what I like. I am actually studying woodengraving. And Miss Charteris found me some work to do in my leisuretime. She is as lovely as she can be, and a real artist. Think of hergetting five hundred dollars for a picture!"

  "And if you should ever do that!" said Kit admiringly.

  "No: I haven't that kind of genius. But they all do say that my talentfor designing is remarkable; and I shall be able to earn a good deal ofmoney, even if I do not get as much at one time. I'm so glad, and sothankful!"

  They all looked at brave Charlie; and, somehow, it didn't seem as ifshe were the little harum-scarum, who never had a whole dress for sixconsecutive hours, who ran around bare-headed and bare-footed, and wasthe tint of a copper-colored Indian. Why, she was almost as elegant asFlossy, but with a nobler grace. There was nothing weak about her. Youfelt that she would make a good fight to the end, and never go astrayin paths of meanness, deceit, or petty pride.

  Then they had to tell what had happened to them. She had all therejoicing over Joe, without any of the pain and anguish. For, now thathe was here, she could not imagine the bitter tears which had been theportion of the household.

  How gay they were! There was no china on the table, no silver forks, nocut-glass goblets; but the dinner was none the less enjoyable. Therenever were such roasted chickens, nor such cranberry sauce, nor suchcelery! And certainly never such glad and loving hearts. The sorrowsand successes drew them the more closely together.

  What if Granny had let them stray off years ago, to forget and growcold! Ah! she had her reward now. Every year after this it would pourin a golden harvest.

  "We will have our dessert in style," said Hal.

  "Kit, please help take off the dishes, for I know Dot must be tired."

  "I will too," responded Charlie promptly.

  They gathered up the fragments, and carried them in the pantry, tookaway the dishes, brushed off the cloth, and then came the crowningglories. First, two beautiful bouquets, with a setting of crisp,fragrant geranium leaves; then a dish of apples, rosy-cheeked andtempting.

  "It is fortunate that I made a good large pie," said Dot with muchcomplacency.

  Hal bundled Granny in a shawl; but, before he could help her out ofbed, Joe's strong arms had borne her to the kitchen. Hal brought therocking-chair, and they made her comfortable with pillows.

  They all, I think, saw a strange beauty in her on this Christmas Day.The little silvery curls,--they always _would_ curl; the pale, wrinkledface; the faded eyes, with their youth and glory a thing of the past;the feeble, cracked voice; the trembling hands,--all beautiful in theirsight. For the hands had toiled, the voice had comforted, the lips hadkissed away pains and griefs. Every furrow in the face was sacred. Whatwatching and anxiety and unfaltering labor they bespoke!

  Dot poured her a cup of tea: then she proceeded to cut the pie.

  "Dot, you are a royal cook!" exclaimed Joe. "We have discovered yourspecial genius."

  It was very delightful. Granny had a little slice, and added herpraises to the rest so lavishly bestowed.

  "There never was but one such Christmas. If I were a boy, I shouldpronounce it 'red-hot,'" laughed Joe. "I'm almost sorry to outgrow theboyish tricks and slang."

  "And you can't cool it," appended Kit, with a melancholy shake of thehead.

  "If there was one face more," began Granny slowly.

  Yes, just one was needed to complete the group.

  The sun stole softly out of the window. The happy day was drawing to aclose. Would life, too, draw to a close without her?

  "Hark!" exclaimed Dot.

  For the merry jingle of sleigh-bells ceased suddenly. Was it someunwelcome guest to break in upon the sanctity of their twilight hour?

  A knock at the door. Charlie, being the nearest, opened it. A ladydressed in deep mourning, and a tall, fine-looking gentleman. Shecertainly had never seen either of them before.

  The veil was raised. Oh, that face, with all its fairness and beauty;the golden hair, the lustrous eyes! They all knew then.

  "O Granny, Granny!" and Florence was kneeling at her grandmother'sfeet, kissing the wasted hands, her sad, pathetic voice broken withsobs. "I had to come: I couldn't stay away. I've been selfish andungrateful, and God has punished me sorely. And, when I turned tohim in my sorrow, he brought before me all my neglect, my pride, mycruelty. O Granny! can it be forgiven?"

  "There's nothing to forgive, child."

  She kissed the sweet, wet face. At that moment she forgot every thingsave that this darling had come back.

  "Yes, there is so much, so much! You don't know. For, after I wasmarried, I might have come. Edmund was tender and noble. This is myhusband, Mr. Darol."

  She rose as she uttered this, and made a gesture with her outstretchedhand. Mr. Darol bowed.

  "This is my dear grandmother Edmund; and these are my brothers andsisters. It is so long since I have seen any of you, that you seemstrangers to me."

  There was a peculiar silence in the room.

  "Oh!" with a low, imploring cry,--"have you no welcome for me? Have Iforfeited _all_ regard, all remembrance?"

  Hal came round to her side; but she was so stately and beautiful, thathe felt almost awed.

  "It is Hal, I know. Oh! take me back in your midst: for only yesterdayI buried my little baby; and I know now the sense of loss that Ientailed upon you."

  They all crowded round her then. Not one had forgotten darling Flossy.Kisses and fond clasps. They were so glad to take her into their circle.

  "This is Joe," she said, "and Kit, and Dot. O Charlie! to see you allonce more! and to have you all alive! For I have been haunted witha terrible fear lest some of you might have fallen out of the oldhome-chain. Not a break, thank God!"

  Then she brought them to her husband. Oh, how wild she had been whenshe fancied that she _might_ be ashamed of them!--this group of brave,loving faces, full of the essential elements of nobility.

  Ah, Florence, if you had known all their deeds of simple heroism!

  Charlie helped her take off her wrappings. She had not changed greatly,except to grow older and more womanly.

  "Granny has been ill!" she exclaimed in quick alarm.

  "Yes, nearly all winter. But she is better now. O Flossy, I am so gladyou came to-day!" and Hal's soft eyes swam in tears.

  "It was Christmas. I could not help thinking of the dear old Christmaswhen we were all together. O Hal! if you could know all my shame andsorrow!"

  "Joe," said Granny feebly, "will you take me back to bed? I'm tiredagain. I'm a poor old body at the best. Then you can come and sit roundme."

  "Shall I send the driver away?" asked Mr. Darol of Florence.

  "Yes: I can't leave them to-night. You will not mind?"--

  She glanced around as she uttered this, as if apologizing for the pooraccommodations.

  "No, I shall not mind," in a grave tone.

  Granny was carried to bed again. Hal shook up the pillow, andstraightened the spreads. Joe laid her in tenderly, saying, as hekissed her,--

  "You have us all home again in the old shoe!"

  The room was neat and orderly; poor, to be sure, but with a cheerfulair. Hal brought in the flowers, and Kit some chairs, and they madequite a party.

  "But think of the dishes!" whispered housewifely Dot. "And not a cleanone for morning, we've used so many. But, oh! wasn't it elegant? AndFlorence is a real lady!"

  "We had better slip out, and look after our household gods," Halmurmured in return.

  Before they were fairly in the business, Charlie joined them.

  "Let me help too," she said. "I don't hate to wash dishes quite as muchas I used; and I am so happy to-night that I could do almost any thing!"

  They were a practical exemplification of the old adage. Many hands didmake light work. In a little while they had their house in order.

  "But what a family!" exclaimed Dot. "Where are we to put them all?"

  "I've been thinking. Florence and her husband can have my room, and wewill make a bed for Kit and Joe in the flower-room. They won't mind it,I guess."

  "Dot can sleep with Granny, and I can curl up in any corner forto-night," said Charlie.

  "Hal never had a wink of sleep last night. We talked and sang Christmashymns, and Granny thought that she would not live."

  Charlie gave a sad sigh.

  "You are angels, both of you," she answered. "And when Mr. Darolcomes,--oh! isn't it funny that Florence's husband should have the samename? I wonder"--

  Charlie was off into a brown study.

  "Oh!" she exclaimed, "isn't it odd? Florence's name is Darol,and there is my Mr. Darol. Why, I do believe they look somethingalike,--Flossie's husband, I mean."

  To which rather incoherent statement no one was able to reply.

  "Perhaps we had better put my room in order," suggested Hal, returningto the prose of housekeeping.

  Dot found some clean sheets and pillow-cases. Charlie followed them,and assisted a little. The bed was freshly made, a clean napkin spreadover the worn washstand, towels as white as snow, and every thingneat, if not elegant.

  "Though, of course, it will look very common to Flossy," said Dot witha sigh. "I feel almost afraid of her, she is so grand."

  "But she isn't a bit better than we are," returned Charlie stoutly. "Ithink Hal is really the noblest of the lot, and the most unfortunate.But I told Mr. Darol all about the green-house, Hal!"

  Hal colored. Charlie was a warm and courageous champion.

  Then they went down stairs. Florence still sat at the head of Granny'sbed, and had been crying. Hal remembered his hard thoughts of Flossythe night before with a pang of regret; for, though they had been poorand burdened with cares, death had not come nigh _them_, but had takenFlorence's first-born in the midst of her wealth and ease.

  Charlie went round to them. "Florence," she began a little timidly, "doyou live in New York?"


  "I've been there since the last of August."

  "You?" returned Florence in surprise. "What are you doing?"

  "Studying at the School of Design."

  "Why, Charlie! how could you get there?"

  "It was very strange. I almost wonder now if it really did happen tome. You see, I worked in the mill, and saved up some money; and thenI went to New York. You remember Mrs. Wilcox, don't you? I've beenboarding there. And, while I was trying to find out what I must do, Imet a Mr. Paul Darol, who is a perfect prince"--

  "O Florence! we have heard all this story," interrupted Mr. Darol. "Itis the little girl for whom Uncle Paul sold the designs. She wantedsome money to take home, you know. He never mentioned the name."

  "Then he is your uncle," said Charlie, quite overwhelmed at hersuccess.

  "Yes; and you are a brave girl, a genius too. Florence, I'm proudenough of this little sister. Why didn't Uncle Paul think,--but youdon't look a bit alike."

  And this was Charlie! Here were the brothers and sisters of whom shehad felt secretly ashamed! Joe, the dear, noble fellow; Hal, tenderand devoted; heroic Charlie; ambitious Kit; and fond little Dot. Oh!instead, _she_ was the one for whom they needed to blush,--her ownselfish, unworthy soul, that had stood aloof the past year, when shemight have come to their assistance. How it humbled her! She evenshrank away from her husband's eyes.

  "I think Granny is growing weary," Hal said presently, glancing at thepallid cheek. "She has had a great deal of excitement to-day; and now,if you will come up stairs and look at my flowers, we can let her havea little rest."

  They all agreed to the proposal.

  So Hal gave her a composing draught; and, though Joe was fain to stay,Granny sent him away with the others. They had all been so good, thatshe, surely, must not be selfish; and, truth to tell, a little quietwould not come amiss.

  For, happy dream! she _had_ lived to see them all come back. What morecould she ask? That she might recover her health, and feast on theirsmiles and joyousness; and she prayed humbly to God that it might beso, in his great mercy.


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