Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3)

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Exile in the Water Kingdom (The Elemental Phases Book 3) Page 12

by Cassandra Gannon

  Ty nodded.

  “Of course, you were. Jesus.” He muttered. “I’m going straight to Hell.” Gion was quiet for a beat. Then, he actually chuckled. “You did look very grown-up in that dress, though.” He agreed dryly. “I thought that, too.”

  Ty blinked at his unprecedented show of amusement. Gion’s laugh sounded rusty and dark, but it vibrated something deep inside of her. It actually took Ty a second to understand that he’d just paid her a compliment… sort of. Ty loved compliments.

  “I was going to apologize for not remembering you being there, but I think it’s probably good that I don’t. Lecherous old man.”

  Instantly, Ty wished that she could take the words back. That was the closest she’d ever come to teasing Gion. Really, it was the closest she’d come to teasing anyone but her family since the Fall. Ty liked to keep her distance from people and joking with them didn’t facilitate that goal. Besides, she was never confident that anyone else understood her sense of humor. Parald used to look at her like she was from Neptune whenever she’d shared something funny with him. Either that or he took her seriously and demanded that she explain what she meant by that remark.

  Ty’s body tensed up, waiting for some outraged complaint.

  Instead, Gion’s mouth curved. “Yes, well, even if I did break a few decency laws with my admiration of you, I still don’t repent.”

  Ty let out a breath, relaxing, again. Gion got it. He was bantering back. She felt a stab of relief and delight. The Darth Vader of the Elemental realm had a sense of humor. In one day, he’d already jumped about three-hundred places on Ty’s “Why did he have to survive the Fall?” list.

  She flashed him another grin and her hand slid over a trumpet. Gion had the instruments set up here and there on the music hall’s white chairs. “Well, maybe you came to ogle little girls, but I mostly remember the music. That’s all I really cared about at any concert. I was never good at socializing.”

  “Neither am I.”

  “No, but you have so many other talents.” Ty sighed. “I wish my parents were here. We had an entire artists’ community, at one time.” She looked around the music hall and seeing it as it once was: alive and full of magic. “I wish they could have heard you, just now. They would have been so proud that you’re part of the Water Kingdom.”

  Gion’s expression reflected such astonishment that Ty almost grinned, again. He watched her as if he expected her to burst out laughing and proclaim that statement a ridiculous joke. “Are you kidding?” He prompted when Ty remained silent.

  “No. I’m entirely serious.”

  “Well, I don’t think that your parents would want me here, at all.” He finally got out. “God, what sort of family would want me near you? Just because I know which end of the violin is up? I kill people, for God’s sake.” Now, he sounded insulted on her parents’ behalf. Like she’d disparaged their memory by suggesting that they might admire anything about him.

  Ty’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Gion wasn’t being modest or fishing for some compliments of his own. He truly didn’t believe that anyone would be impressed with his abilities. “Gion, Clea had an amazing talent. Listening to her was spiritual.”

  He frowned over that non sequitur. “I know.”

  “Well, you have that the same sort of gift. You aren’t supposed to be a warrior. You’re an artist.”

  Gion snorted. “You’re still too young.” He said flatly. “Just go back to bed, Tritone.” He headed for the door, but Ty moved into his path intercepting him.

  She had no idea where she found the courage for that, and she really had no idea why Gion stopped short instead of just shoving past her. But, Ty had the horrible thought that, if she let him walk away, he might never pick up an instrument, again. Gion needed to understand his talent. She felt it. If he refused to listen to her, it would be disastrous, somehow. Another terrible loss for a world that had already endured too much.

  “Play something else.” She ordered.


  Ty faltered at the unequivocal refusal, not sure what to say next. “Well, I’m the queen so you have to do what I want.”

  Gion looked utterly unimpressed with that logic. “Or what? You’ll put me in the stocks?”

  That image actually held a certain appeal. “Just don’t push me. I’ll go out and build some just for you.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she met his eyes. “One song. Please. This is important.”

  Gion’s jaw tightened. He looked over at the tuba. Ty felt his powers slam out hitting the keys and rushing Air through the instrument. The fastest version of Mary had a Little Lamb ever preformed anywhere in the universe echoed through the room.

  Gion meant it as some kind of wiseass statement, but Ty didn’t care. It dazzled her that he could achieve something like that with his energy. Her own powers were so slight. She’d always been too weak to do anything special with them. Ty overcompensated by developing her mind instead of her energy, figuring that, if she couldn’t be powerful, at least she could be smart. But, Gion’s energy was limitless. Without even trying, he awed her.

  Instead of conceit at his skill, Gion just looked discomforted, though. Ty couldn’t understand it.

  He arched a brow as the hurried tune ended. “Satisfied?” Gion didn’t wait for an answer. He started past her, again.

  This time Ty let him go. She didn’t have the backbone to keep pushing him about this, even though she knew that her parents would expect her to encourage her subject’s talents.

  Always too weak.

  Ty pressed her lips together.

  She stared out at the night beyond the glass wall for a long moment. Then, against her will, her eyes slid over to the piano. It was the only instrument she knew how to play. Moving closer to it, she brushed her thumb over the keys, checked the doorway to make sure that Gion was really gone. Then, she carefully sat down so she could work the pedals.

  Another quick look over her shoulder ensured that she was still alone. Ty checked the sheet music that she’d left on the stand the last time she’d played. Strauss’s Blue Danube. Ty’s favorite song in the world.

  Okay, she could do this.


  Ty bit her lower lip and concentrated on the keys. Her energy always seemed so hard to focus. She drew some of the water vapor from air and tried to force it against the piano. Her face creased into lines of deep focus, struggling to play the first notes by using her powers to press the key.

  It didn’t work.

  Not that she’d really been expecting it to. The water vapor was too heavy. It slammed against the keyboard, jarring the notes together as several keys went flat. Ty winced at the noise.

  Damn it.

  She tried, again. For twenty minutes, she worked on the hitting just one key, again and again, over and over. And again and again, over and over, she failed. The Water energy just wouldn’t cooperate.

  She obviously didn’t have Gion’s talent, but Ty had hoped that she could practice and eventually produce something. The Water forces weren’t going to let her, though. She could tell. Gion’s Air energy seemed so fluid and light and powerful. Ty couldn’t come close to that control, no matter how much she wanted to.

  Too weak.

  Ty sat back in defeat and ran a hand through her hair.

  She was always too weak.

  Suddenly, the keys started moving. All by themselves they went up and down, playing the opening of the Blue Danube in effortless perfection. Ty’s lips parted. She glanced under the grand piano, although she had no idea what she was searching for. No one else was lurking beneath her. And Ty, clearly, wasn’t creating the music, even if she did automatically move her bare feet against the pedals to match the keys.

  In fact, there was only one way in the universe that the waltz could be playing. Ty looked back over her shoulder and saw Gion leaning against the doorframe. She didn’t want to say anything to spoil the music, so she just beamed at him.

  Gion regarded her seriously as
the song got faster. He was too far away to see the sheet music, so he had to be playing it from memory. But, he didn’t miss a note. Ty turned back to the piano, enjoying the way the keys danced under his powers. She could feel the Air energy rushing around her as it hit the notes.

  More instruments joined in.

  Ty head swam as Gion seamlessly incorporated a woodwind and brass accompaniment. Strings and percussion came next. All the different instruments she’d been examining earlier came to life under Gion’s massive talents. It wasn’t even close to a full orchestra, but he somehow made the music swell so it seemed like the waltz filled every piece of the room and palace and world.

  Moisture filmed Ty’s vision.

  It was magical. He’d brought magic back into the room.

  Gion kept watching her. His impassive face revealed nothing. It was as if he didn’t even notice that he was achieving unheard of artistic heights. How could Gion possibly do this? How could he use his energy to play so many different instruments at once? How could he make it sound so… right? No one should be that powerful.

  Gion created something so incredibly beautiful that there were just no words for it.

  Ty looked back at him and realized that the Water Palace was hosting its greatest concert ever. The music rose and twirled in the air. The joyous passion of it rushed through her and Ty started laughing even through her tears. Her parents would have loved this.

  Her eyes closed as the beautiful waltz and Gion’s powers swept around her. Deep inside, Ty experienced the deepest feeling of peace and joy she’d had since her ninety-third birthday. Still on the piano stool, her body swayed in time to the bright, clean melody. The Blue Danube became a part of her.

  As the final crescendo of notes poured over her, Ty opened her eyes, again, and Gion finally moved. He stalked into the room and his gliding rhythm matched the song’s exuberant flourish. Even his cape seemed like it was dancing. Icy blue eyes fixed on Ty and she felt her breath catch.

  Gion’s gaze swept over her modest white nightgown like Ty was wearing nothing, at all. That should have frightened her. Gion always frightened her. But, it was hard to be frightened of a man who’d just played a waltz for her. Ty didn’t move as he prowled closer. She felt her heart beat speed up and her stomach clench in excitement.

  The music stopped and Ty didn’t even notice.

  All she could hear now was the buzzing in her head as Gion reached for her, jerking her off the piano stool. Ty gasped, her body coming up against his. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. He was big. He towered over her, swamping her senses.

  Ty waited for a panic attack to kick in, but all she felt the thudding of her pulse.

  And Gion.

  His colossal powers slid against Ty’s, his palm holding her elbow, anchoring her to him. Gion pressed her back against the keyboard. Ty’s eyes locked with his, reading the intent in harsh expression. All the things about Gion that usually terrified her became beautiful.

  His body kept her trapped. The stance was aggressive, but he didn’t go any further with his hands. Gion’s powers continued caressing her, though, touching places no one else had ever touched. Ty had no idea how he could do that. Only Matches should be able to feel each other’s energy so completely.

  Except, Gion could do anything.

  Ty’s eyes drifted shut under the erotic pressure of his powers stroking hers.

  Gion shifted closer, not touching her any further physically, but radiating energy. He wasn’t going to force her. Gion, the supposed pinnacle of selfish, “take what you can carry and then burn the rest” evil-ness, was trying to coax her.

  And it was working.

  He wanted consent.

  Ty gaze fluttered back up to Gion’s savagely refined face, giving it to him without saying a word. Neither of them had spoken since he’d come back into the room, because they simply didn’t have to. At this moment, they were on the same exact page.

  Triumph flashed across Gion’s features and then his mouth was covering hers. A whirlwind of power swirled around them. The delicate fabric of her nightclothes drifted against the black of his cape as Gion pulled her against him. Ty’s world became nothing except heat, and want, and sensation.

  She’d never been a big fan of kissing before, but now Ty realized that her earlier experiments had been faulty. She hadn’t tested a large enough sample to render a legitimate, scientific opinion. Parald’s lips had been wet and disgusting, but Gion was a very different subject. His mouth felt incredible.

  Surrendering to the moment, Ty gripped the front of his shirt and kissed him back. Her bare feet went on tiptoe, so she could reach his lips. And then she wasn’t touching the ground, at all. Ty found herself lifted up off the ground, so that Gion could set her right down on the piano. The cacophony of noise from the keys barely even registered. Ty’s energy felt like a band, pulling tighter and tighter.

  She moaned as Gion threaded his fingers through her hair, angling her head for deeper penetration. Even sitting on the keyboard, he dwarfed her. Gion must’ve liked the submissive sound Ty made, because his free hand grew more insistent. The tie of her robe was yanked free, with an erotic jerk. He pulled back to stare at the neckline of her nightgown, his fingers very deliberately going to the pink bow at the neck.

  He pulled the ribbon loose as if he had every right to.

  And Ty let him.

  This couldn’t happen naturally outside of Phazing. All her research confirmed that. The urgency was too overwhelming. Too consuming. It swamped Ty’s senses.

  And it couldn’t be Phazing.

  Ty couldn’t Phaze with anyone, except Parald and she would never do that. No matter what, she’d never let her energy combine with that sociopath’s. So, that meant Ty was immune to all Phazing energy. She’d never feel it. So, why was this happening with Gion? She couldn’t think straight.

  Oh God.

  The buttons of Ty’s nightgown gave way, exposing her breasts to his view. She lost her frenzied train of thought at Gion’s hungry expression. Ty had never been half-naked in front of a man before. Most Elemental men liked curvy women best, but what if Gion didn’t? Ty wasn’t thin. She uncertainly moved to cover herself with her arm, but Gion caught her wrist, holding her back. His full attention was on her bare skin and Ty’s nipples got even harder under his gaze.

  Oh God.

  Even after his exertion with the music, Gion had so much energy. Ty felt it cascade over her as Gion’s desire grew. She didn’t tug her wrist free, even though she could have. His grip wasn’t that tight. Instead, Ty just let him look at her. And touch her. He released her wrist and carefully brushed her nipple like he expected her to retreat.

  Only she didn’t.

  Ty was spellbound.

  Gion created a symphony inside of her.

  His touch grew firmer at her acceptance, but he was still so gentle. He had the hands of a musician. Long, elegant fingers tested the weight of her breast and Ty felt the Water energy swirling to get free. It wanted to find Gion. To combine with the Air forces.

  And he wanted her, too. A lot. Ty could feel it all around her, inside and out. As amazing at it seemed, Gion wanted her with a focused, primal reverence. Pent up desire went into every stroke as he explored her breasts, seeming to memorize them. There wasn’t a spot Gion didn’t touch and claim. He found her nipple, again, tugging at it gently and Ty gasped.

  Gion let out a long, shaking breath at the sound. He looked as if he’d been suffocating for a long time and someone had just given him oxygen. Wonder and greed and gratitude were reflected on his face. Like Ty was precious. Like he couldn’t believe she was letting him touch her. Like he never, ever wanted to stop.

  Ty felt something melt inside of her.

  She leaned forward and very softy kissed the underside of Gion’s jaw as he caressed her. That move was --without a doubt-- the most forward thing that Ty had ever done in her life. It was the first time she’d ever instigated anything with a man. Gion wanting her, his obvious admir
ation, made Ty braver than ever before.

  She absolutely couldn’t have found a more appreciative recipient of boldness.

  Gion’s icy blue eyes went molten. His turned his head to capture her lips, again, his dominant mouth slanting across hers. His energy slammed out and drove their passion to new heights. Ty’s nightgown was already hitched up and he found the inside of her knee, pushing her legs open so he could stand between them.

  Ty wasn’t so sure about that maneuver.

  She gave an anxious whimper as she felt him pressed against the thin material of her panties. She broke contact with his mouth. “Gion?”

  The energy drowned her in pleasure. She didn’t want to stop, but visions from her past temporarily took over and Ty felt vulnerable. Gion was so much stronger than her. He could do anything he wanted and Ty would never be able to stop him.

  She wanted Gion. And she’d never wanted anyone before. But, memories were crowding in on her desire, overtaking her pleasure and causing Ty to panic. Or maybe she was just expecting to panic and creating it herself. Ty hadn’t been this close to a man since Parald and Parald hadn’t felt this way. When Parald touched her, it had felt wrong. Tainted. She’d always fought against it.

  But being near Gion was a drunk, syrupy pleasure. Ty absolutely didn’t want to resist him or the pulse of his energy. When he touched her thigh like that, though, it set off alarm bells.

  Turquoise eyes nervously found his.

  Gion might not have understood the back story, but he knew what she wanted. He didn’t step away from Ty, but he did remove his hand from her leg. Gion’s intense blue gaze regarded her solemnly and Ty flushed. She didn’t want to explain that having someone forcibly spread her legs apart panicked her, so she didn’t say anything.

  A few seconds passed and then Gion bent down to kiss her, again. He moved very slowly, as if he expected her to recoil.

  Ty smiled in relief and leaned up to meet his lips. She really didn’t want this to end. Scientifically speaking, sex was the closest she’d ever get to Phazing and Gion was the only man she ever felt any desire for. She didn’t really understand it, but Ty had spent her entire life being practical and safe. Look where that had gotten her. Just once she was going to enjoying doing something impulsive and illogical.


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