Trust I Seek

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Trust I Seek Page 26

by Laura Gates

  She was on the stage in front of thousands of people. Metal music blared from the speakers, but no one was on stage with her. Suddenly, the scene changed, and she was in the hallway of a hotel. She could hear a man and woman moaning from inside the door she was standing by. She soon realized it was Beau's voice she heard. Suddenly, a room key appeared in her hand, and she opened the door. To her surprise, it was Jude in bed with the woman. He sneered at her. The woman was blond and looked trashy. "Carrying my baby?" Jude said, but with Beau's voice. Jude climbed out of bed, suddenly wearing clothes. He walked towards Evie as she backed up out of the room. The scene changed again to a dark alley just outside of the studio. Jude spoke again, still with Beau's voice. "That baby should be mine. You should be mine. I will do whatever it takes to make that happen." Jude then pushed Evie against a wall and began kissing her neck. Evie started to scream.

  She jolted awake, screaming herself. She looked around and saw she was home safe in her bed. "Evie!" she heard Beau shout from downstairs before running up to the master bedroom. "What's wrong? What happened?" he asked, sounding worried. "Sorry, bad dream," she said. "You okay? You haven't done that in a while," he said, remembering the nights he stayed at her townhouse on the couch, listening to her whimperings and screams. "Yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to scare anyone," Evie said. Beau wrapped his arms around Evie.

  Ah man, she thought to herself, already with the vivid dreams. Evie knew she needed to take a pregnancy test soon and tell Beau about the situation. She made the decision to tell him tomorrow after the show if the test was positive.

  Because Evie still wasn't feeling her best, Beau made dinner; spaghetti with meat sauce. It smelled really good to Evie, but she felt frustrated because all she wanted was carbs. The special meat sauce even smelled delicious. Beau had a unique recipe for his meat sauce as well as a secret ingredient: ground elk meat that Beau personally shot and ground up himself. Evie had elk meat a couple of times as a teenager while she was out hunting with her dad, and she loved it.

  Beau even had a salad ready to go for Evie, which she ate, trying not to throw it back up so as not to raise suspicions. Evie did her best to give the kids a bath, but her exhaustion fought against her gumption. Luckily, Levi was able to wash his hair and body by himself, but Harper still needed help. When bath time was over, the kids went into their rooms to get dressed in their pajamas. Beau read them a story, sang their lullaby to them, and tucked them in.

  Beau walked down the hallway and found Evie fast asleep on their bed underneath her favorite blanket. The TV was on, so Beau took off his shoes, slid underneath the blanket behind Evie, and turned on one of his shows. Evie stirred and woke up. "Sorry, Babe. I didn't mean to wake you," Beau said. "It's all good," Evie said sleepily. "Are you feeling any better? I noticed you were able to keep dinner down," Beau observed. "Yeah, I'm just exhausted, I guess," Evie said. "You've been tired all day today. Normally, you are Miss Energizer Bunny," Beau said with a smile. Evie smiled. "Maybe this illness is taking more out of me than I thought," Evie said. "Are you sure you'll be better by tomorrow?" Beau asked.

  "What choice do we have if I can't go tomorrow? I still have to take care of the kids, so I might as well go."

  "I'm just worried you'll get others sick."

  "I didn't throw up dinner, so I don't think I'm contagious anymore."

  "Okay. But if you get me sick…"

  "I doubt I will. I'm feeling better-ish." Beau and Evie laughed.

  They fell asleep on the bed, watching Beau's show underneath the blanket until Beau's phone rang. "Bruh, where are you?" Evie could hear Luke yelling on Beau's phone. "What time is it?" Beau asked groggily. "It's 5! Our flight leaves in two hours!" Beau swore. "Evie, we need to go!" Beau shouted, leaping off the bed

  Evie stirred, and that's when nausea came back with a vengeance. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Evie, are you still sick?" Beau asked. "I'm fine. You go wake up the kids. I'll gather our stuff," Evie said. "But you threw up again!" "Beau, just get the kids. We need to get to the airport ASAP!" Evie shouted.

  Beau grumbled but got the kids loaded in the car. Evie brought down their suitcases and put them in the back of the Range Rover. Once she climbed in the car, Beau sped to the airport. They got to the airport with an hour to spare. They were able to get the bags checked in. They breezed through security as fast as they could and ran to the terminal. They were able to sit down by boarding with a half-hour to spare before TSA would let passengers on the plane.

  Evie was very proud that her nausea was gone. Again, she thought to herself, it goes away with exercising, eating, and sleeping. She facepalmed. "How are you feeling? I was surprised you were able to run through the terminal keeping Harper by you," Beau said. "I'm doing okay, right now," Evie said. Beau put his arm around Evie and kissed her cheek. Evie leaned into him.

  Suddenly, she realized she had a pregnancy test to get. "Beau, I need to go get something real quick. Will you stay with the kids, please?" she asked. "Absolutely. Just hurry," he said. "I will." She ran to the nearest gift shop and found the cheapest test she could see. She knew she wouldn't have time to take it right now, so she ran back just as Beau and the kids were ready to board the plane. They tucked the kids into their first-class seats so that they could go back to sleep. Beau and Evie sat across the aisle from the kids. They soon fell asleep and slept all the way to Omaha.

  They got into various cars that took them to the arena. Evie was going over schedules and on the phone with multiple security companies to make sure security would be provided. There had been a few attempted break-ins in previous cities, so Evie was trying to prevent future robberies. They arrived at the arena where crew members immediately went to work setting up the stadium. Evie went into one of the locker rooms to find a place to put Harper's pack n play. She also found a place to put a couch for Levi to sit, watch his tablet, and sleep when the time came during the concert to say goodnight to him.

  Meanwhile, a crew member named Preston handed out the concert clipboards Evie put together for the band members. "It looks like Evie set up an interview with a reporter about the progress of the tour so far at 4," said Preston, handing Beau his clipboard. Beau glanced at it to make sure it was legitimate, and everything checked out. He was to have the interview in his dressing room, which he thought was strange since all of them were usually in the tuning room. However, Beau trusted Evie.

  He looked at his watch and realized it was almost 4, so he ran to his dressing room. Sure enough, standing outside was a female reporter wearing a form-fitting pink dress and a blazer with high heels. She had long blond hair and was very curvy. She was attractive, but she was no Evie.

  "Hello," Beau said as he approached the reporter. The reporter faced him. "Hello! Rachel Wilson," she said, holding out her hand. Beau shook it. "How are you today?" Rachel, the reporter asked. "Doing well, thanks. How about yourself?" he asked back. "Pretty good. So, shall we?" Rachel asked, motioning to the door. "Yes, here," Beau said, opening the door and holding it for Rachel. She walked in.

  Meanwhile, Evie was helping crew members set up the stage and equipment areas for Beau, Kade, and Rick. Everything was accounted for. After someone tried to break into their storage unit a few concerts ago, Evie wanted to take extra precautions to keep all the guitars and amps safe. Her violin was among the collection of guitars as well as old tee shirts, retired guitars, and props from previous tours that were put on display for the VIP ticket holders were also in the storage unit. She knew that crazy obsessed fans would do anything to get their hands on Death Toll memorabilia.

  Since soundcheck was about to start, Evie decided to escape to the bathroom to take the pregnancy test. After she was done, she waited for the appropriate time before reading the test. She looked down at it. Sure enough, it was positive. She smiled. She had to go tell Beau and the kids. She put the test in her back pocket as she washed her hands and walked out of the bathroom.

  She looked around, but couldn't see Beau. "Where's Beau?"
Evie asked Brian, the guy who tuned Beau's guitars as she walked past him. "He's in that interview you set up for him in his dressing room," said Brian. "He doesn't have any more interviews until we play in Fresno. Who said I set it up?" Evie asked. "Preston did," Brian said, pointing to the guy who told Beau about the interview.

  While Evie was going to interrogate Preston, Rachel proceeded to ask Beau questions. "How do you feel the Dark album is being received?" Rachel asked. "I think the fans love it. It is a bit more mainstream than what we have done in the past, but there are still lots of metal elements in it," Beau said. "What do you think is your most popular song on the album?" Rachel was writing down responses on a notepad. "Probably Nothing Else Matters. Enter Sandman is pretty popular, and so is Frantic. Wherever I May…" "Nothing Else Matters, you say? The song inspired by your girlfriend?" Rachel interrupted. "Yeah. I think that the song shows a softer side to…"

  Rachel suddenly stood up from her chair, climbed into Beau’s lap and kissed him. Beau immediately pulled away, pushed Rachel out of his lap and stood up. “What the hell are you doing?” he shouted. “We’re just getting started,” Rachel said as she walked towards Beau. “Are you even a real reporter, lady?” Beau asked. “What do you think?” the woman said again reaching behind her dress. To Beau's surprise, she unzipped her dress, and it fell down to her ankles.

  Before Beau could see anything, he closed his eyes. "Okay, lady, you need to get out now," Beau said, trying to find a button in his room to page security. "We're not done yet," said Rachel in a sultry voice as she approached Beau. He soon realized he was cornered. His phone was on the other side of the room, so he couldn't send a text to anyone. Rachel leaned against Beau. He felt so helpless. He didn't want to hurt the woman, but he couldn't think of any other way to make her stop. She started running her hands all over his body. She began nibbling on his ear and neck. That's when Beau struck. He found a way to pin the lingerie-wearing woman down on the ground.

  Just then, the door opened. "Beau, that interview…" Evie looked down at the ground only to see the love of her life pinning a woman wearing the skimpiest lingerie down. Beau looked up in horror. Evie, Levi, and Harper were in the doorway. Evie froze before she covered her children's eyes. "Babe, I can explain," Beau tried to say. "Don't," Evie said before walking out from his view. Beau let go of Rachel and ran after Evie. "Security!" he shouted once he saw a bodyguard and pointed to his dressing room.

  Evie walked outside of the arena holding her children's hands. "What was Beau doing with that naked lady?" Levi kept on asking. Evie tried to ignore his questions, but he was persistent. "I don't know, Bub. All I know is that we can't stay here," Evie said, trying not to hyperventilate. "Where are we going?" Harper asked. "I don't know, Sweet girl. I'm working on it," Evie said.

  Just as she was pulling out her phone, Evie heard a familiar voice calling her name. "Jude?" Evie said, looking to her left. Sure enough, Jude was walking towards her and the kids. "Dad?" Levi said. "That's not Daddy," Harper said loudly. Those words stung Jude as he walked to Evie.

  "What are you guys doing out here? Isn't the show going to start in about a few hours?" Jude asked. "What are you doing here in Omaha?" Evie asked, puzzled. "I had a business meeting, and I thought I should see the success my ex-wife has inspired. I also wanted to ask your permission to see the kids tomorrow before you head out."

  "Why Omaha?" Evie asked. "We're opening an office here, and I am overseeing the project," Jude responded. Evie shrugged it off, too emotional to care. "You still need to answer my question. Why are you guys outside?" Jude asked. "Oh, we are actually leaving. Not sure where. Probably hotel first to get our things," Evie said. "Where after that?" Jude asked. Evie started crying because her life crumbled before her. "Honey, what's wrong?" Jude asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

  Beau searched all over the arena, trying to find Evie. "Brian, where's Evie?" Beau asked, grabbing Brian. "I thought I saw her go outside with the kids," Brian said. Beau let him go and ran outside. His eyes skimmed everything, trying to find Evie.

  Suddenly a dark figure caught his eye; Jude. He was hugging a crying Evie while the kids held onto her legs. Dude, get your hands off my girl, Beau thought, continuing to run towards them. Soon, a cab pulled up by them, and all four climbed into it just as Beau got to the curb. “No, no, no… NO!!!!” Beau yelled, placing his hands on top of his head. Jude's smug face stared back at him as the cab faded from Beau's view.

  Chapter 21

  Jude Wins

  Evie packed her belongings in the hotel room, as well as Levi and Harper's things. Jude waited in the chair. "Where to after this?" Jude asked. Evie, still holding back tears, responded, "Probably back to Annapolis." "Right. Want me to accompany you back?" Jude asked. "Sure. I don't care," Evie said. "Okay," Jude said.

  Evie stopped gathering her things. "You want to come back with us?"

  "Yes. I've just missed you guys so much."

  "You have a phone. You could have called to come and visit at any time."

  "I know, but I thought showing up here would show you guys how serious I am about seeing you, especially to Levi."

  “Fine, whatever you want to do is fine,” Evie said, trying to process all that had happened in the past 30 minutes. Pregnancy, ex-boyfriend/father-of-your-child pinning a slut down, ex-husband showing up out of the blue to see you and the kids. Man, could this day get any worse, Evie thought to herself.

  Once Evie packed everything, she left her room key on the dresser by the TV. Jude asked his son, "Can I hold your hand, Bub?" Levi hesitated. "You haven't called me Bub in a long time," he said. "I know. I just missed my little boy, but you're not so little anymore. You are becoming quite the young man." Jude smiled.

  Levi hesitated again, but he grabbed his father's hand while Evie carried Harper. "Mommy, is that my real daddy?" Harper asked. "Yes, Sweety, that's your real daddy," Evie said. Jude smiled. With that, he put his arm around his ex-wife and daughter. "Hey, how's my pretty girl?" Jude asked Harper. "You are my daddy," Harper said, remembering Jude.

  They climbed back into the cab, where they proceeded to the airport. When they got there, Evie asked for three tickets to Annapolis. "Four, actually," said Jude handing the TSA agent his credit card, "make them first-class, also." Evie looked at him in disbelief. "You don't have to do that." "I know, but I can tell you are very anxious, and I want to help you out," Jude said.

  Okay, weird, Evie thought, but she brushed it off still processing what happened. "Thank you," Evie responded. Jude paid for the first-class tickets, and all four of them proceeded to security.

  They sat in the first-class waiting room. Jude pulled out his phone to give to Levi to watch Netflix since Evie left the tablet at the stadium. Harper was asleep in Evie's arms.

  "So, are you ready to tell me why you are leaving your job? The biggest tour to date? Your boyfriend?" Jude asked, hoping everything had worked according to his plan. Tears began flowing down Evie's cheeks again. "Beau cheated on me just like you did," Evie cried. Jude did his best to act remorseful, and Evie believed him. "Seriously? Why would a guy want to do that to such an incredible woman?"

  Evie looked at Jude in disbelief, and he soon realized he was the pot calling the kettle black. "Yeah, you're right. I did that." Jude was still trying to figure out his next move. "Well, maybe it was a misunderstanding," Jude said, feeling disgusted that he defended the behemoth. "He was pinning a practically naked woman down on the ground when I opened the door to his dressing room. How could I misunderstand that?" Evie asked. Nice touch, Jude thought. He would need to call the Omaha Police Station to bail Rachel out of jail because she needed to be back to work on Monday.

  Much to Jude's relief and pleasure, Evie buried her face into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort her. Soon, Jude, Evie, and the kids were called to board the plane. Once they were in, Evie tucked Levi under his blanket in his comfy first-class seat while Jude laid Harper down in her place. He covered her wit
h the blanket he remembered Evie making for her. So many happy memories filled his mind of his wife and children as he watched them.

  Jude and Evie sat down in their first-class seats. "Again, Honey, I'm so sorry this happened to you… again," Jude said. "Please stop calling me Honey," Evie said, a little annoyed. "Why?" "Because you are acting like we're still together like nothing happened. You are being super nice to the kids and me, and it's freaking me out. This entire time, you've been looking at me like I'm the only woman in the world, and I am so confused and vulnerable…." Evie soon began crying again.

  Jude wrapped his arms around his ex-wife. "I didn't realize how much pain you were in," Jude said quietly, and he truly meant it. "For months, all I got were mind games from you. I felt worthless, unwanted, like trash," Evie shrieked. "Again, I'm so sorry, Honey. I'm here, now," he whispered, trying to calm her down, but then Evie threw his arms away. "With all due respect, you're the last person I want to comfort me right now." "You're right. I seem to have lost that trust," Jude agreed, "so, what can I do to make it up to you?"

  As she wiped tears away, Evie thought about Jude's question. "I don't know. I need to see a major change from your behavior," Evie said. Jude understood what she meant. "As in, you want me to focus more on the kids and you before you can trust me again?" he asked. "Yes, but I know that's going to be impossible with your job and affairs, so after dropping me off in Annapolis, I don't want to see you unless you are committed to putting us first. No more late nights, affairs, yelling, mind games, passive aggressive statements, and narcissism. If you commit to all of these conditions, you can see us on a regular basis," Evie said.


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