The Devil's Plaything

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The Devil's Plaything Page 6

by Claire Marta

  Releasing a long breath, I battle with indecision. I’m cold as fuck. Hungry. Really badly in need of a pee because the kid is playing football with my bladder and have no desire to stand around all day.

  “Fuck it.” Shoving the guys aside, I step out further into the snow.

  Maintaining cool detachment, I inspect each potential target. All of them are mounted. The metal covering their faces makes it harder for a head shot. My attention drops to the chest guards. Close enough and a bullet would have no problem ploughing through the barrier right into their demonic hearts. In a beat I have a game plan. Tightening my hold on the grip of my weapon which I keep loosely by my side, I tease the trigger.

  A sudden movement distracts me. Removing his helmet, the leader’s face comes into view. Mossy green eyes sparkling with intelligence. A straight nose surrounded by a neatly trimmed chestnut beard. Grey mottled horns protrude from a shaggy mane of hair framing his attractive appearance.

  “Caesar?” I can’t hide the tremor in my voice. It’s like seeing a fucking ghost. Features so similar, just younger, I’m shocked how quickly it manages to paralyze me at the reminder of our dead friend.

  The male smiles sadly. “He was my brother. My name is Tiberius.”

  Chapter Eight

  I recover my composure quickly. “I’m…”

  “I know who you are.” Dismounting, Tiberius strides to stand before us. “Mavi, Leo, and Snatch. Caesar spent many hours telling me stories about you all. He saw you as his surrogate children.”

  This close, I can see the differences between him and his brother. Where Caesar was more heavily set Tiberius is more muscular. The flecks in his irises are a lighter shade of green.

  His eyes linger on Leo. Something passes silently between them because my friend blushes a pretty rose pink.

  “Bring up the spare horses and furs to cover them before they freeze to death. Dawdling here too long is dangerous.” He calls, noting the way we shiver. “Come. Our campsite isn’t far. We have food and a place you can rest without fear of attack.”

  Smoothly, I stow my gun in its holster. “That’s very generous of you, but we need to find a gate back to Earth.”

  “There are none that I know off near here, but there is one closer to my city. Come, let us go.”

  Pressing my thighs together, I resist the urge to jiggle. “I really need to pee first.”

  Leo snickers beside me.

  “Very well. The cave will give you some privacy.” Tiberius suggests, hiding his amusement.

  Not waiting for anyone else to comment, I hurry back into the dimness. Satisfied no one can see me I find a spot to relieve myself. So much for my reputation as bad arse assassin. With all the hormones, pregnancy symptoms, aches and pains it feels like my body has been possessed. I guess in a way it has.

  “Can we trust them?” Snatch mutters low when I re-join them.

  “Do you want to stay in that cave waiting for another attack?”

  “Point taken.”

  Feet crunching in the hard-packed snow, we move towards the waiting group. Baleful brown eyes rolling in my direction, the mare I’m presented with snorts through her nose.

  “Easy girl.” I croon, patting her long elegant neck, her hair coarse against my hand. After the fight they’ve just had I can tell she’s still skittish. My touch seems to soothe some of her stress away. Nudging her face into my chest, she accepts my answering caress. Bond established, I move to mount.

  Staring up at the saddle, I pull a face. How the fuck am I supposed to get up there? I’m not as agile as I usually am. Any attempt would be un-lady-like and result with me falling on my arse. Before I have time to voice my annoyance large hands slip under my armpits and lift me with unnatural ease. Swinging my leg over the horse, I snatch up the reins.

  Grinning encouragingly up at me the warrior holds out a soft grey furred cape.

  Holding my growl in, I allow him to help me slip it on. I’m not made of glass. Not some fragile female who needs or desires to be taken care of.

  “Suck it up, Mavi.” Leo smirks, lining his own steed up beside mine. “It looks like you’re going to have to rely on others for a while and God knows that has to sting.”

  “Bitch, please, I don’t need help.”

  “Which one of you is Mavi’s mate?” Tiberius asks, breaking into our whispering.

  “Neither of them are.” I assure him, noting the way he relaxes. I flash Leo a wink. It looks like he’s definitely got an admirer in this chieftain.

  “You are with child and need the support of a strong male. We have many fine warriors who would wish to fight for your hand in marriage and protect you.”

  Swallowing the string of swearwords burning on my tongue from that chauvinistic comment, I concentrate on staying astride my mount. “I don’t need one. Thanks.”

  “Your little one will need a father. A guiding figure as she or he grows.”

  Leo laughs at his persistence. “Trust me, Mavi can handle herself just fine and you really don’t want to condemn one of your tribe to a hideous death by tying themselves to her.”

  I throw him a dirty look. He makes me sound like a bloodthirsty freak.

  “What? We both know none of them would last five minutes with you.”

  Most likely true and I wouldn’t want to offend Tiberius by killing one of his men. Not yet anyway.

  “I understand you are suspicious and have a right to be considering where we are. How did you find your way to the fifth dimension of Hell?”

  “We got attacked by a soul taker.” I explain, keeping my mount level with the demon leaders. “He managed to teleport us here before we got the chance to kill him.”

  “Well, now you are with us and we will defend you so put your minds at rest. Once we have finished our hunts we will take you back to our city.”

  The soldiers around us post themselves in a formation keeping us in the centre of the troop. I recognize the tactic. One to keep marks safe.

  “You’re out here for sport?”

  Tiberius nods, riding with a confidence only honed from hours in the saddle.

  “Every six months I take my best warriors out to track and kill the most feared beasts in our land. It’s a way for them to prove their bravery. The finest pelts we gather are sent to our King in tribute.”

  “The Devil?”

  Flashing me a look I can see my question has confused him.

  “Of course. There is no other sovereign who reins over us.”

  “We heard Markaz was trying to take the throne.” I reply with innocent calculation.

  Posture stiffening, he keeps his profile forwards. “We have no love for the warlord. Even before his uprising he was not one to be trusted.”

  We find the encampment situated farther down the mountainside. Cosy beneath an overhanging outcrop, it gives the perfect barricade against the bone-jarring wind and the fall of the snow.

  After a thirty-minute ride my arse is numb and my stiff limbs aching. This time there is no protest when one of the strong muscular males helps me dismount. Trying to walk like I haven’t just been fucked six ways to Sunday, I pass the tents, limping towards the campfire. Leo can’t hide his grin at my discomfort. Even Snatch is trying not to laugh. Bastards.

  A buzz rushes through the soldiers who’ve been left on guard. Their suspicion turning to excitement when it’s explained who we are.

  Easing down onto a fur, legs stretched out before me, I get some blood flowing. Horse back is my least favourite way to travel. When you’re expecting it’s just plain hell. Heat washes over my skin from the fire chasing away the chills.

  “Caesar never mentioned you.” I tell Tiberius as he takes the place beside me with regal grace. “Then again, he never spoke about where he came from.”

  Now that I have a chance to study him more closely I see the colourful string of beads that sway against his right grey horn. Strung on a hook, the metal is hooped through a tiny hole.

  “I know he had a desir
e to fit in. With the line of work you do he was frightened of being judge because of what he was.” He confides quietly. “Here, this will help heal the wounds on your shoulders and make sure they don’t get infected.”

  Handing me a pot, he unscrews the lid. Using one long finger he scoops some onto the end. Tugging my top aside, I wince when he works it into the wounds. Whatever it is it smells revolting.

  Leo and Snatch settle down on the furs to my right. Rubbing their hands together, they soak up the welcome warmth.

  “We only found out he was a demon not long before he died.” I continue, watching them pensively.

  “The last time we spoke he had many concerns for you, Mavi. He was not sure what he could do to help you.”

  Guilt tries to choke me. If it wasn’t for me he wouldn’t be dead now. I can’t hide my emotions even though I try. An overwhelming urge to cry storms through me. Sniffing, blinking rapidly, I manage to hold them back.

  “Are those tears?” Snatch asks incredulously.

  Rubbing my hand across my eyes, I remove the dampness. “It’s just the smoke getting to me.”

  “She’s hormonal.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Leo.” I snap angrily at his self-assured tone. My mood swings so frequently now I’m surprised I don’t have whiplash.

  Murmurs ripple around the warmth of the blaze as the other males gather. Many of their horns are adorned by similar styled beads Tiberius is wearing.

  Leaning closer he gives me a crooked grin. “You have a fire to you my men find appealing.”

  Finishing his first aid, he adjusts my top back into place before retrieving the pot.

  “Do they now?”

  Their interested stares have not gone unnoticed.

  “They believe you are something wild to be tamed.”

  Tugging the cape around me more firmly, I brush the softness of the pelt between my fingertips. “Not even the Devil himself could do that, so if I were them, I wouldn’t even try. Not unless they want to lose a body part they’re fond of, along with a spine.”

  The only male I’m interested in has emerald eyes, no moral boundaries, and an evil smirk. Lucifer has done nothing but haunt me. I can no longer picture my life without him. I’m fucking cursed.

  “I thought demons normally have red eyes, but you all have green ones.” I comment, shifting my thoughts from the Devil to the males sitting around us.

  “Blooded demons have red eyes.” Tiberius informs me, tone becoming sombre. “A result of drinking human blood and a requirement to join the legion of the damned. Not many demonic breeds are born naturally with that colour.”

  Another piece of information I have been lacking. Gabriel has really kept me in the dark about a lot of things.

  “What is this? It’s really good.” Leo asks, breaking into my thoughts.

  Nibbling on a piece of chunky dark brown meat from the bowl he’s been given he looks like he’s enjoying it.

  “Stewed giant mountain rat.”

  Mid bite, his expression turns sour. “You’re shitting me?”

  Tiberius frowns at his shocked response. “I do not understand your sentence.”

  “He can’t believe it’s rat we’re eating.” Snatch clarifies, poking his own food dubiously with a fork.

  “I caught it myself with the other warriors this morning.” Tiberius tells us proudly, puffing out his chest.

  Wrinkling his nose in disgust, Leo abandons the meat, tossing it back in the bowl. “It’s vermin. I can’t eat that. It’s disgusting.”

  Temper fraying, I jab him in the ribs with an elbow. “Don’t be a rude whiny bitch. Just eat. You liked it before.”

  “That’s before I knew I was eating mutant rat.”

  The heaviness of disapproving gazes moves over us. As the atmosphere shifts I know Leo’s comments haven’t gone over well.

  Forcing a smile, I meet them head on. “Sorry about my friend. He’s kind of like a finger in the arse. It’s either a wonderful surprise or makes everything fucking uncomfortable.”

  A roar of laughter reverberates around the campfire. I’m glad they get the joke.

  Taking a slice from the plate I’m handed, I take a bite. I groan my approval as the flavour of the succulent tender meat hits my taste buds. It makes me realize how ravenous I am.

  “Should you even be eating that let alone enjoying it so much?” Leo asks.

  Licking the grease from a finger, I use my palm to wipe it away from my chin. “I’m starving and so far, it’s the only thing I’ve been able to eat without puking my guts up. So yes, I’m going to savour every morsel and not care what it’s come from.”

  Stuffing more into my mouth, I chew quickly, satisfying my hunger. It’s not enough. I need more.

  “Slow down. You’ll make yourself sick.” Snatch warns, grabbing my wrist.

  Hissing through my teeth, I shake myself free. Offering another full plate, Tiberius leaves it tentively by my feet.

  “Many of our pregnant females favour this particular meat. They know what they need to feed the offspring they carry.”

  “Mavi’s not a demon…well, she’s half demon, but still I’m not sure she should be this attached to enjoying roasted rat.”

  “And the father of the child?”

  Leo falls silent.

  Although he doesn’t speak I can sense he has theories to that answer.

  Chapter Nine

  “You wish to share a tent together? An unwed female and two males?” Tiberius frowns with a mixture of bafflement and disapproval at my request.

  After several hours swapping battle stories I’m exhausted to say the least. My focus is diminished.

  “We’re not going to fuck if that’s what you’re worried about. I’d rather have them close if the shit hits the fan.”

  Also, my way of making sure no horny demon tries to sneak in and join me. It would be such a shame to put a bullet in one of them after they’ve been such pleasant hosts.

  “She means if anything bad should happen.” Snatch clarifies at the chieftain’s pained expression at my language.

  “Very well. As you wish.” Directing us towards the cluster of white tents, he points towards one most central. “That is where you may sleep peacefully. My guards are on watch and nothing will disturb you.”

  Without reply, I sluggishly move towards the little haven. Breasts feeling sore, the fatigue I’m experiencing is only eating away at my energy. Within, I find an abundant nest of the finest furs. Crawling into the centre, I let my weary body collapse on its side, cocooned by lavish softness. Sliding off the holster, I leave it somewhere I can easily reach it. Eyes closed, I’m aware of movement as Leo and Snatch take a place on each side of me in our makeshift bed.

  Tugging a loose pile of the covering over us, Leo uses them as blankets. “Well, this is cosy.”

  “Looks like Tiberius has taken a liking to you.” I murmur back. “He couldn’t take his eyes off you all evening.”

  “I have to admit he’s cute for a demon.”

  Turning my head, I take in his messy dark blonde hair, crumpled pink shirt splattered in places with dark red stains. “Fuckable cute?”

  “Oh yeah. I’d do him in a heartbeat.” Closing his eyes, he settles back.

  Snatch snuggles closer, spooning me from behind. It should feel weird, but it doesn’t. There’s nothing sexual in the way he nestles, just a need to keep body heat. I find it comforting.

  “Tell me straight. Don’t sugar coat it. Where the fuck have I been for the last eight months?”

  The questions keep burning a hole through my thoughts since the moment I remembered who the fuck I am. Now that we’re alone and not in a life-threatening situation I can finally ask.

  “I hate to break this to you, but you were dead.” Snatch’s voice mumbles muffled by my hair. “Decapitated. A messy way to go.”

  An image of the nightmare I had previously sends me into a cold sweat. “I hope you killed the fucker in retaliation.”

  An awkw
ard pause follows.

  “You don’t remember, do you? Mavi, your brother was the one who killed you.” Leo confesses.


  I experience an unpleasant ringing in my ears. “No…”

  “I’m sorry, Puddin’, but it’s true. He was attempting to assassinate the Devil and you jumped in the way. Everything happened so quickly. Nathan vanished after that. Raziel went after him and Lucifer…well, he wouldn’t leave you.”

  I don’t want to believe it. Not Nathan. No.

  “If this is true then how am I here with you now?”

  “Lucifer had your soul imprisoned somewhere. He had Raziel retrieve something and it brought you back to life. We only know that because Cassandra told us on one of our weekly visits.”

  The Devil himself had me resurrected? Why? What nefarious scheme does he have up his sleeve this time or maybe the reason is staring me in the face. Our bargain isn’t complete. The return of my soul to eliminate his rebellious generals and only Markaz remains.

  “Eight months after I died? Why that long?”

  Snatch’s hand moves to my hip before bouncing about awkwardly with his indecisiveness of where to drape it. “They had to perform a ceremony. The stars or some shit had to be in alignment. It brought you back into your timeline as if it had never been interrupted.”

  Hand curving over my extended stomach, I feel the baby kick. I was pregnant at the last battle. She’d already been growing inside me and I hadn’t even realised. Had that been part of the Devil’s plan? To get me knocked up? I can barely remember how many times we fucked without using protection. I should’ve known the first time I saw Lucifer all those months ago he was going to be nothing but fucking trouble.

  It makes me wonder where he is now. For all his pursuing and seducing me, I’ve barely seen him since coming back. Why? If I know anything about the King of Hell by now, he doesn’t do anything without a reason. He knows I’m with child. Where the fuck is he?

  “At a guess, and if you weren’t screwing anyone else at the same time, I would say that he’s her Daddy.” Snatch continues gently, mirroring my thoughts.


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