The Devil's Plaything

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The Devil's Plaything Page 10

by Claire Marta

  “We owe you a debt of gratitude.”

  Tiberius. Looking a lot humbler than when we last talked, the demon Chieftain moves to my side.

  “Next time, don’t brush me off when I say I want to help. It will make the experience a lot less painful for you, got it?” Voice rough, I smooth fingers over the spot I can feel little feet bouncing around inside. She’s more active than she has been. Maybe all the excitement has set her off and caused the unwelcome contraction.

  “I will not underestimate you again, Mavi StClair. You are more than capable of holding your own.”

  With one long, distasteful, sweeping look he takes in the carnage of the charred wendigo bodies and his massacred men before striding from the chamber with the rest of his party in tow. The second they’re gone Leo and Snatch crowd me.

  “Puddin’, is the baby coming?” Leo asks, expression pale and drawn.

  “No, I think I just over did it.” I hate admitting it. “I had a contraction of some sort.”

  Wrapping a supportive arm around my waist, he curves me into his side. “Let’s get you back to camp so you can rest there and have some more vermin meat you like so much.”

  Letting myself slowly lean into his body, I accept the strength of his support. “Good, because she seems to be using my bladder as a punching bag.”

  Snatch laughs. “You’re a little arse kicker just like your mummy.” He tells my bump, giving it a light rub.

  Emotions well up. I need to start thinking about the future. Names. Where to give birth. What the hell I’m going to do because I’m sure as shit not going to be able to carry on working the way I do. Not with an infant to bring up. My life is going to change in a big way, sooner than I realise, and this is my wake-up call. I’ve never seen myself living in a house with a white picket fence. One of those perky mothers who Pinterest everything.

  Gulping in fresh icy air as we step out into the overcast light, I let if fill my lungs and push down the squirming knot of uncertainties.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  The shock in Leo’s voice snaps my attention further down the winding path. Standing on knotted haunches, the beast is huge and grotesque. Tattered remnants of black cloth flutter around it’s thick muscled hips. Twisted horns protrude from its mane of shaggy black hair. Grey, mottled, leather-like wings spread wide, both are tipped with razor sharp barbs. With its back to me I can’t see it’s face.

  Tiberius and his warriors are cowering in fear. Heads down, faces ashen, they don’t try to defend themselves from the onslaught.

  Reaching for my gun, it only takes a second to remember I’m out of ammo. Fuck.


  Understanding my silent order, he throws out his hand, summoning an axe left forgotten in the snow. It doesn’t obey. Trying repeatedly, it takes a fourth attempt to move it. Wondering what the fuck is going on with him, I catch it with ease. Tossing the weapon, the blade cleanly cleaves into the creature’s spine.

  It’s answering bellow is a chilling sound. Almost in slow motion it’s mighty head swivels in our direction. Red eyes sear through me right to the marrow. Power pulses off the creature in sinister waves. I’d recognize it anywhere. Lucifer.

  The Master of Hell tosses the soldiers closest to him away as if they were mere stones.

  Raziel descends from the sky in a beat of velvety black wings wearing a grim expression. Landing expertly, he removes the axe from his boss’s back, blood barely trickling from the wound.

  “You dare to keep my executioner hostage? I will wipe you and your kin from this realm permanently. There will be no record, no speck of dust left to mark that you ever existed!” Long skinny tongue flicking out, Lucifer turns to loom over our protectors.

  Every taut line in his monstrous form screams death. I know what he intends to do. My feet are moving before I realise it. Grasping a male in one huge paw, he lets him dangle above the ground, his victim’s eyes bulge as he fights to breathe.

  “Leave them alone!” Digging fingernails into the flesh of his corded forearm, I attempt to loosen his grip.

  Anger darkens the Devil’s beastly face. Abandoning his prey, he turns aggressively on me instead. A clawed hand encircles my throat. It tightens until the pressure bruises. Primal terror scrambles my thoughts, sending my breathing into erratic pants. I’d say a prayer, but I don’t think God is listening anymore.

  Running the tip of his nose up the length of my exposed neck, he breathes me in. “I can smell your fear and aggression.”

  “They haven’t done anything to warrant your wrath. In fact, they helped stop a wendigo nest from spreading and you can be sure as shit you don’t need one here. We’re also their guests, nothing more than that.”

  The flick of his long snake-like tongue caresses up over the curve of my jaw, making me flinch.

  “Look at me, Mavi.”

  Instead of obeying, I keep them fixed on his bare chest. I’m too tangled up in dread to comply.

  Leaning in, he rubs his cheek sensually against my own. “Am I so frightening to look at?” His whispered breath is warm against the shell of my ear.

  I won’t lie. He’ll know if I do.

  “Yes.” I answer honestly, my voice cracking under the weight of his will. It’s so tiny I’m surprised he can hear it.

  Not all pretty faces hide the virtuous. Monsters can be just as beautiful as angels. I’m finally seeing the other side to him that’s been hidden beneath all along, yet even now it petrifies me on a level I don’t fully understand, or want to.

  “Why shouldn’t I slaughter them all where they stand? Stain the ground with their blood and be done with them, hmm?”

  “Because they are loyal to you. There would be no sense in killing them.” Finding some courage, I tilt back to meet his red burning eyes. “And it’s not part of your game. You didn’t predict this move, did you? You didn’t foresee this outcome in this fucked up game of chess we’re still playing. That’s why you’re so angry. Why you attacked.”

  A slow smirk plays across his lips. The same one which makes me want to either kiss or kill him depending on my mood.

  “You inspire so much violence, but here you are asking for mercy. There is always a game to be played, darling, you just don’t know the rules, and it makes it much more interesting this way, don’t you think?”

  His mouth slams down on mine. The beat of my heart pounds in my ears as he drinks my emotions straight from the kiss. It sends sweet fire coursing through my veins. Sears me with a need to fuck him no matter where we are.

  “Please, don’t hurt them. They’ve been through enough.” It’s a shaky whisper against the savagery of his assault. A plea.

  Before my eyes, the hideous visage crumbles into fine dust, blowing away on the wintry breeze. His horns vanish as quickly as the leathery wings fold against his back. The handsome face I know so well stares back at me, cruel lips quirked with whatever emotion he’s experiencing.

  “What will you give in exchange for their lives?”

  “What do you want?”

  “You know what I want.”

  I do. This is fun to him. He’s enjoying watching me squirm. It’s a deal he somehow knows I won’t refuse. I let Caesar die, but I won’t let his brother join him. The Devil wants everything and I know he plans to take it. He’s changing the rules of the game or maybe he’s not. They were never laid out for me in the first place when we started this lethally seductive dance.

  “My heart. Is that literally or figuratively?” I can’t help asking with apprehension. Demons are known for eating that organ of their victims, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Master of them all also enjoys them as a treat.

  Stepping back, he offers me his hand. “Does it matter?”

  “What if I kill Markaz for you?” Gingerly, I take it, feeling his strength and warmth enclosing mine.

  “That’s already part of our arrangement to get back your soul.”

  “I’ll continue having sex with you.”

  Amusement sliding over his face, he chuckles. “Do you really think that you can prevent that from happening?”

  He has a point. So far, I haven’t been able to resist his sensual charisma. It would be like trying to breathe without air.

  “You don’t get it permanently and I better still be breathing by the time I win it back.” I agree, knowing this is only going to lead to more trouble of epic proportions.

  “Very well. Our deal is struck.”

  Imposing and regal, he stalks towards the kneeling warriors, black robes billowing around his feet, keeping me anchored to his side.

  “Tiberius, forgive the misunderstanding. As a reward for finding Mavi and her companions I will grant you a boon of your choice whenever you decide to collect it.”

  Raising his head, but refraining from making direct eye contact, the demon Chieftain shifts nervously under the weight of the Devil’s attention.

  “Thank you, my King, that is very generous of you.”

  Even I know it’s rare for him to give out favours for free. From the buzz around us so do all the demons.

  Escorting me through the snow indicates our time here is over. Glancing over my shoulder I give Tiberius and his band a wave goodbye. Raziel herds Leo and Snatch together, shooing them after us.

  “You’re lucky to have bumped into Tiberius, the rest of the demons who live on this plane are cannibals and slave traders. You were supposed to remain in Gabriel’s keeping.” Lucifer’s words are clipped and angry. “I have a warlord and your brother to hunt. I have no time for this.”

  He’s angry. It’s vibrating out of every pore.

  That’s why I’ve barely seen him. The Devil has been occupied with preventing Markaz gaining power.

  “You need to stop hunting my brother, and no one asked you to come find us.” I keep my tone light, but determined.

  Whatever Nathan is now I must be the one to deal with him. He’s lost. Confused. With time, I’m sure I can help him with whatever changes he’s going through. He also tried to behead the Devil something I doubt will be forgiven by the male at my side.

  “We need to confine him before he hurts himself and others.”

  “Let me find him and talk to him…” The bones in my hand crack as the grip he has on it tightens, forcing a pained cry from my lips.

  “You are forbidden to go near him.”

  Prizing my fingers free from his cruel grasp, I flex them, making sure nothing is broken.

  “If you think you can stop me from seeing him, think again. He’s my family.”

  Leo and Snatch watch awkwardly, wisely staying silent. Raziel smirks, arms folded over his wide chest.

  “Do you think everything stopped with your absence?” Lucifer’s tone is an unpleasant sneer. “He’s fully in possession of his demonic abilities, unlike you, who have yet to fully embrace them. It makes him a valuable asset.”

  His words hurt. They pierce my heart, needle sharp, which he’s already pried open like an oyster shell even though he doesn’t know it. Tears blind me. Fucking pregnancy hormones making me weepy. This is just a collision course for more pain.

  “So what you’re saying is I’m good enough to screw, but you’ve decided my brother is now the better option as a weapon you can manipulate and use?” I snap, rounding on him furiously.

  “Do you really wish to have this conversation now?”

  “Why not? Didn’t I die preventing a blade to your dark twisted heart? Where’s your gratitude for that? And while we’re at it, what about this? Did you set out to get me pregnant?” I fume, gesturing to my stomach.

  Immediately his expression softens. “It pleases me seeing you this way.” Hand caressing over my swollen bump, he draws me close, into the protection of his side. “You belong to me, Mavi, to do with as I choose. Did you forget?”

  Shoving him away, I back up until I hit something solid. “Like fuck I am. The bargain you had with Gabriel is null and void.”

  “But the deal we struck to save your new friends still stands and there is no way you will wriggle out of that one.”

  Large hands gently close over my shoulders. Without even looking I know it’s Raziel.

  “I know you two are eager to hate fuck each other, but can you at least wait until we’re somewhere less open for attack?” The Nephilim grumbles.

  Warmth rushes over my skin, bathing me in a golden light so bright it momentarily blinds me. White spots dance before my eyes. I blink, disorientated. Vision clearing, I see we’re standing in the Devil’s throne room.

  Three scantily-clad whores kneeling by his chair raise elegant heads in unison, hands pausing in their task of brushing out the length of their long silky hair. The smiles of welcome sour the second they see me. Their gazes latch onto my pregnant state. They recognize me, and I them.

  The mutual hate between me and his fuck toys is evident. Inching up to draw my gun, they’re saved from a bullet to the head when Lucifer issues a harsh command in demonish. Leaping up at their masters bidding, bare breasts bounce as they scurry from the hall.

  Lips pressed together in a long, thin, white line, I flash him a look of pure hate. I’ve never wanted to throat punch someone so bad. Of course he kept them around. Who’s going to suck his cock with Hell in a state of eternal winter? He’s probably been fucking them the last eight months while I was dead.

  It’s hard to admit there’s been a void in my life the whole time we’ve been apart, one filled only when I’m in his presence. It’s like walking on the edge of a cliff knowing at any second I could slip, plummeting to the sharp rocks below. Obviously, what I feel doesn’t go both ways. Why couldn’t I have steered clear of him the first time we met?


  I barely have a chance to turn before I find myself in a bear hug.


  The Devil’s teenage oracle. His adopted daughter. Young, pretty her long black hair is tied back in a pony-tail. Taller than the last time I’d seen her, I can see she’s blooming into the young woman she’s destined to be.

  “Hey Cass, it’s good to see you too.” I tell her as she squeezes my rounded middle with considerable strength.

  “I knew…what was coming, but I couldn’t tell you.” Tears shimmer in her big blue eyes. “My predictions are almost always accurate. I’m so sorry. I need to explain. It’s all jumbled in my head.”

  Raziel is beside us so quickly it makes me jump. “Now is not the time, kid. Why don’t we get Snatch and Leo settled in their rooms? You haven’t seen them for a couple of weeks and it will give you all a chance to catch up.”

  Untangling her arms, he tugs her away as if she were a bothersome child.

  “Raz, please…”

  “Mavi and I need to speak first.” Lucifer cuts in, his voice booming and final.

  Expression crumpling, Cassandra looks forlorn. Whatever it is she’s desperate to say it’s important to her. Hoping to fuck it isn’t some freaky prediction that I’m going to regret later I give her a reassuring smile.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” I promise.

  Wiping the dampness from her eyes, she gives a small nod.

  Shepherding her towards the main doors, Raziel gestures for my friends to follow.

  “Come on. Lets order some pizza. These two look like they need it.”

  “And alcohol,” Leo pipes up.

  “A change of clothes would be good,” Snatch adds as they vanish into the hallways.

  Lucifer comes towards me slowly, as if he thinks I feel threatened by his approach.

  “You, my darling, need reminding that you are mine.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Stepping out of the bathroom, refreshed after a long hot shower, I find Lucifer waiting.

  “Take off your clothes. We communicate better when you’re naked.” He instructs the second I hit the bedroom.

  Hands on my hips, I face him defiantly. “You expect me to obey that command?”

  I’ve just put fresh clothes on and I’m not
about to struggle out of them just to please him.

  “If you want to get fucked, yes, I do.”

  My pussy throbs at his dictatorial manner. I press my thighs together as I feel a pulse of sexual heat.

  “I have plenty of questions I need answers to.”

  Bridging the distance between us with purposeful strides, he tugs up the end of my baggy t-shirt.

  “First we fuck, then we talk.”

  Letting him pull it over my head, he’s quick to remove my bra, discarding it to the marble floor. Moaning softly, I enjoy the sensation of his fingers massaging my sensitive heavy breasts.

  “So lush and perfect,” he praises, hungry gaze locked on mine.

  His warm breath floats over the pebbled peaks of my nipples. I’m instantly aroused into a lust filled daze leaving me pulsating all over with need. Slowly, he raises both my arms above my head. Something circles my left wrist, snapping shut. A tight metal cuff biting into my skin jolts me back to awareness.

  “What the fuck?”

  Before I can move he’s clipped the second one into place. Looking up, I find them attached to a hook dangling from the ceiling.

  “I think I have your full attention now.”

  Pinching my nipples, he rolls them between his fingers, sending goose bumps up and down my chest.

  “I’m no prince charming, Mavi. I’m a wolf. The biggest beast of all who will shred you apart to take what he wants. Everything you’ve ever heard about me is true. I’m a monster with no soul to save, and you should be terrified.”

  Abandoning his ministrations, he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of my black leggings and strips them and my panties in one go. With quick, deft movements my trainers are removed.

  Rising to his full height, he stalks across the room, determination in every calculated step. Moving to a cabinet, he opens it easily. Watching me with an evil smirk, he eases on a pair of gloves, working them down the gaps between his fingers.

  “What are those for?” I ask nervously.

  “You’ll find out in a minute.”

  Reaching into the cabinet, he picks up what looks like a hand-held cattle prod. Grip made of rubber, two wicked prongs poke out of the end of the red shaft.


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