The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 20

by Garrett, Wade H.

  A few days later, I took a road trip to see where he was living and to get an idea of how I would be able to abduct him. After seventeen hours of driving I finally arrived in Phoenix. It took another hour until I found the address that was listed on the website. It turned out to be a vacant apartment located in the crappy part of town. I wasn’t surprised that Andrew’s father had his son’s place of residence at a location that nobody would care about. I drove to his father’s address to see if I could locate him there. The property was guarded by rock walls and steel gates. After I went down a few miles I turned around so I could make another pass before I headed to a hotel. When I approached the house, the driveway gates were opening and a black van was starting to exit the property, and as I passed by I noticed Andrew the pervert was driving. Through my rear-view mirror, I saw he had pulled out behind me, and as he followed, I thought to myself how this could turn out to be easier than what it first appeared to be. A few miles down the road he pulled up beside me at a red light, and as I looked over at him I noticed what a real stupid ass he was. His black van looked like a gay A-Team van, and the sides near the back had heart-shaped windows, and next to each of them was a white hand painted playboy bunny. The van was accessorized, or I should say gayorized, with curb feelers, a playboy bug deflector and heart shaped tail pipes. The interior had a large set of dice that hung from the rear-view mirror and tacky dingle berry balls that lined the headliner. When the light changed, I hesitated to see if he was going to turn, but he went straight, so I followed behind him. Fifteen minutes later he pulled into a busy Cyber Café. I parked on the opposite side of the parking lot where it was dimly lit. I watched as he carried a laptop into the building. He was wearing baggy pants and a bright green shirt, which made him look like a teenager dressed in hip-hop clothes. Abducting him from the café would be risky because of the large amount of people that were coming and going. Instead of cracking him in the head with a club, I casually went in and sat at a table behind him so I could scope out what he was doing. While I attempted to blend in with everyone else, I discreetly observed him as he typed on his laptop. I could see he was on some type of teen chat room going by the username ’14 & rich’. As I eavesdropped on his conversations I noticed he was deceiving kids by pretending to be a teenager, and he had all the kids’ lingo down to an art. He was also striking up conversations with the younger crowd and hitting on the girls that actually talked to him. An hour or so later he left. As I followed him back to his father’s house, I thought of different ways I could get him. I didn’t want to stay in Arizona and I didn’t want to drive back and forth. While the gate closed behind his gay-mobile I thought of a slick idea that would save me time in the field. I headed back home to set my plan in action.

  Over the course of several weeks I chatted with ’14 & rich’ on the Internet and deceived him as he was deceiving young kids. I pretended to be a fourteen-year-old girl who showed interest in him, and to ensure the conversations couldn’t be traced back to me I used a laptop registered with false information and an untraceable wireless connection. After several conversations, he wanted to hook up and party with me at an abandoned warehouse on the outside of town, a place where the younger crowd hung out, according to him. I responded with excitement as I replied that I would. He was concerned how I was going to get there because I wasn’t able to drive. I knew he was fishing to see if I was going to bring someone else, so I told him my older sister was out of town and I would sneak out and use her car. We set the date for the upcoming Saturday around 10 PM. He also gave me the directions and all the details I needed to know.

  Shortly after noon on Friday I disguised myself as a black pimp.” Seth glared at Dicky. “African American pimp.”

  He looked down.

  “Like I said, I had disguised myself as an African American pimp with a really large Afro. I left Texas around 2 PM on Friday, and arrived in Arizona around 7 PM on Saturday. I arrived at the warehouse three hours early so I would be prepared when he showed up. The building was way on the outskirts of town and it had a chain link fence that surrounded the property, which made me feel better about going forward with my plan. At the rear of the building there was a set of gates where old railroad tracks entered the property. They were open just as he had stated. I drove through the gates and parked my car between a set of silos as he instructed me to do. This wasn’t my territory and I was uncomfortable with the whole situation. Anything could go wrong and I didn’t have any backup plans as I usually do. I had three hours to check out the building and surrounding grounds before Uncle Touchy arrived. The only unlocked entrance into the building was through a broken dock door; again, Andrew’s information was correct. Within a few minutes or so of walking around the inside I realized the building was still in use. And I could tell it didn’t have any signs of partying teenagers. I had a strange feeling—something in my gut was telling me his father probably owned the building, and that would explain why he knew so much about it and felt comfortable meeting an underage girl there. In case something went wrong, I went outside and cut a large opening in the chain link fence several hundred feet from where my car was parked so I could have an alternative escape route. There were two exterior lights near my car, and one around my alternative escape route, so I shot out the bulbs with a CO2 pistol. Most of the security lights on the interior were burned out or had been broken. For the ones that were burning, I took the pistol and shattered their bulbs, except for the one below a mezzanine by the broken dock door.

  At 10 PM, Andrew arrived as planned, but he wasn’t alone. A short, chubby, Hispanic guy with a thin goatee and a large Afro came in with him. When the two walked into the middle of the room, Andrew started wolf whistling and his buddy began to act like a fool as he was dancing and making a body movement as if he was having sex with a farm animal. While I hid on the mezzanine in the dark, I watched the two punks walk around and search for their jail bait. After a few minutes, they headed into another section of the building. I had brought a voice changer so I could convert the sound of my voice to sound like a young girl’s. Before they went too far I spoke into it. “Over here.”

  Andrew and his buddy turned around and walked over towards me. They stopped at the edge of the dark and started looking around.

  Andrew put his hands on his hips. “Hey, where are ya?”

  “Hiding from you.”

  He adjusted his crotch. “Don’t be scared, we don’t bite.”

  His buddy laughed. “Unless you want us to.”

  “You’re not fourteen, and why did you bring a friend?”

  Andrew snickered. “I thought you wanted to party.”

  “With somebody my age. You tricked me. I want you to leave.”

  Andrew started to get a little irritated. “Just come out!”


  “Then we’re just gonna have to find ya.”

  His buddy grabbed his crotch with both hands and shook his package. “Come on baby, you know you wanna party with us.”

  I remained silent to see how they would react, and after about ten seconds Andrew yelled, “Fuck it,” as he walked into the dark portion of the room.

  His buddy followed him. “Oh baby, now you’re really gonna get it.”

  They were walking around in the dark portion of the building when I said, “Please just leave me alone. You’re scaring me.”

  Andrew and his buddy turned and started walking in my direction, but I was on a mezzanine above them, and when they came to the end of the room and didn’t find me, Andrew became hostile. “Get your ass out here, bitch! You’re starting to piss me off!”

  “Why are you doing this? If you don’t leave I’ll call the police.”

  Andrew quickly yelled out. “You ain’t going to call anyone, bitch. And besides, there’s no cell phone signal way out here.”

  His buddy spoke out. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but it’s going to happen either way, so if you don’t want to get hurt I suggest you come out.”
  I purposely knocked over a couple of boxes, which made some noise.

  Andrew yelled out to his buddy. “The bitch is upstairs! Let’s find a way up there. You go that way and I will go this way.”

  They took off in separate directions to find a way up. Within a matter of seconds Andrew’s buddy found a ladder and started climbing up towards me, and as soon as he reached the top, I jumped out of the dark and shouted, “Boo!”

  Soul Train flinched, and when he started to yell, I kicked him in the throat so hard that he released the ladder and fell to the floor. A few minutes later, Andrew came back into the room and found his buddy lying on the floor unconscious, and as he knelt, I snuck up behind him and knocked him in the head with a club. While the two perverts were lying in a pool of their own blood, I sedated Andrew with a strong sedative, then gagged and tied them up. Before I did anything uncalled for, I checked the chubby guy’s wallet to see who he was, and when I looked at his driver’s license I found out his name was Arnufo and he was thirty-three years old. I needed to find out more about him to determine if I was just going to leave him lying on the floor or take him back to the chamber with his butt buddy, so I went out to my car and pulled up his criminal record on the Internet using my laptop. Unfortunately for him he had a past criminal history. It included two sexual assaults, an attempted rape, carjacking, burglary and a multitude of smaller things. He was also registered with the state as a sex offender, and what really irritated me was his permanent address was the same as Andrew’s.”

  Seth grabbed the bars of the large cage and violently shook it, which caused the suspended man to scream as the fishhooks tugged on his flesh. Seth walked over to Dicky. “It’s really pathetic that these two ass clowns were bucking the system and living their lives as they wished, and being registered as sex offenders really hadn’t affected their lives. It’s no doubt that having a molester sign in your yard is embarrassing as shit, but what good is a sign when it’s in a yard across town while the predator is walking around the mall with a hard-on? I think the solution is all child molesters should be killed immediately following a conviction, then have their organs donated, but of course the human right activists would have a coronary. My second choice would keep them in prison for life so they could be raped over and over until their ass fell out, but in reality, when they are given a life sentence, they get out in eight years. My third choice would be to cut off their dick and balls and tattoo their face in several places with large bold letters or a symbol that states they are a molester, but that would be considered cruel and unusual punishment to a portion of our society. The ones who scream out the most about human rights have lived a very sheltered life and they have never had a horrible act bestowed upon them or a loved one by a ruthless person who had no concerns or mercy for their victim.”

  Dicky held his head down.

  Seth walked back over to the large cage. “Before I made another move I loaded Andrew into the trunk of my car. When I had originally checked out the facility I had noticed there was only one unlocked way into the property, which was through the railroad entrance, so I locked the gate closed with my own chain and lock. I also set up some motion sensors like I had done at the Terryhole cabin—the last thing I needed was to get busted by the police or someone while I was torturing the shit out of Arnufo. I could have easily taken him back to the chamber with his buddy, but that wouldn’t be as fun as what I had planned for him, and by leaving him where the police could find him would somewhat make an example out of him to rest of the molesters.

  Now that I felt somewhat comfortable knowing there was no easy way for someone to walk up on me, I went to my car and grabbed some items, then went back into the building to get the party started. Arnufo was still unconscious, so I removed his restraints and gag, then strapped a metal band around each of his ankles. Each band had an insulated number ten-gauge wire soldered to it. The ten-gauge wires were part of a heavy-duty two-conductor cable that extended about twenty-five feet from the bands to where it was connected to a hand-held switch. The switch was connected to a large battery in conjunction with a high output coil. There was a rheostat in line with the electrical wires to adjust the voltage so I could increase or decrease the current flow as needed. I had originally built the device, which I call the Motivator, years ago as a way to retrieve information from scumbags, and I still have it; it has proven to be very effective.”

  Mutherfuckin’ Seventies Pimp

  Seth walked over to Dicky and grabbed the bars. “There was one time I had used the Motivator against two shit heads that worked at Herb’s Chicken Shack. It’s comical, so remind me later and I will tell you about it when I’m done with this story. And you better not forget.”

  He nodded in a cowardly way as to say okay.

  Seth walked back over to the cage and looked at Andrew. “Hey, fool.”

  Andrew moaned.

  “Pay attention. You finally get to hear what happened to your butt buddy, Arnufo.”

  Andrew moaned again as he looked at Seth.

  Seth leaned back against the large bird cage and pointed backwards with his thumb towards Andrew. “I waited patiently for this fucker’s friend, Arnufo, to wake up, and after about forty minutes or so he came around and sat up. At first, he stared in a daze at the bands and electrical wires that were attached to his ankles. When he finally stood up, I walked out of the dark and startled him. Arnufo staggered a little as he looked at me with a confused look. I had disguised myself to look like a pimp that had time warped from the seventies. I had painted my skin black and I was wearing a huge afro with a large comb sticking out of the top of my head. I was wearing lime green bellbottom pants and a cream-colored long sleeved pimp shirt that was tucked in. Gold and silver chains and medallions hung around my neck and fancy bracelets and a large watch dangled from my wrists. I had rings on every finger and fake gold teeth that sparkled as I smiled.

  While I stood in front of him wearing my Mr. T starter set I slightly lowered my large gold-framed sunglasses, and as I looked over the top of them I asked, “Whassup, muthafucka? Ya ready to par-tay?”

  Arnufo threw his hands out to imply what the fuck. “Who the fuck are you?”

  I raised my glasses back up. “I’s goin’ to be yo D.J. tonight, bitch.”

  Arnufo pulled out a switchblade and pointed it at me. “I’m gonna stick you, motherfucker!”

  He didn’t hesitate to start moving towards me as he cursed me. I pushed the button on the controller, which immediately caused his eyes to get real big, then he started twitching and moving like a zombie. After a few seconds, I let off the button and started pushing it in one-second intervals. He was jumping around in a dancing motion as I lit his ass up. Every time I pushed the button he yelled out an ‘ahhhh’ sound. Each time the electrical current went through his body he would freeze in whatever position he was in, then he would start shaking. If I timed it just right he would do the robot dance. I started laughing when he fell on the floor and started spinning around like Curly from The Three Stooges. Finally, I walked over to him and kicked him in the crotch. He cupped his nuts and groaned as I stood over him. “Get yo lazy ass up off dat fuckin’ flo. Yous has some muthafuckin’ electrical work dat needs to be done up in this here bitch.”

  Over the course of an hour or so I made him stand on wooden crates and do a few things. For the first task, I made him replace a florescent light fixture that was in a storage room with a pull-chain type incandescent fixture I had found in a janitor’s closet, then had him screw a receptacle outlet adapter in the fixture socket. For the second task, I made him take two twelve foot pieces of insulated ten-gauge solid copper wire and connect them to the receptacle outlet adapter. To prevent the wires from being pulled from the adapter I had him secure them to a sprinkler pipe on the ceiling. I also had him tie a long string to the short pull chain of the fixture. He did exactly what I said or I would shock the shit out of him. When that portion of the work was completed, I had him take one of the wire
s and secure it to a water pipe that was running vertically on a nearby wall. The wire was secured about three feet from the floor. I had him pull it tight and cut it off where the end would be directly under the light fixture he had installed. The other wire’s length didn’t matter, so I left it long. For the next step, I had him strip the last twelve inches of insulation from the ends of the two wires, then made him secure the bare portion of the longer one around his left ankle. On the shorter wire, the one secured to the pipe on the wall, I took a large knife and struck the twelve-inch bare portion of the bare copper at angles with the blade, which created sharp barbs that faced away from the end of the wire. Arnufo hadn’t said a word and followed all my directions until I told him to shove the barbed copper portion of the wire into his dick hole.

  He tossed the wire on the ground. “You’re fucking nuts, dude! I ain’t sticking shit in my dick! You can stick it in your ass as far as I care!”

  He was still rambling on when I pushed the button on the controller. I lit him up for about twenty seconds, and after he stopped shaking he shouted, “You might as well kill me you fucking asshole, because I ain’t doing it!”

  He needed a little more motivation, so I cranked up the voltage using the rheostat, then started shocking the shit out of him. The dimly lit room was flickering with the light that was being created from the electricity arcing between the bands and his ankles. Within ten seconds his flesh started smoking and the smell of burnt flesh began to engulf the air. When I let off the button he quickly unbuttoned his pants, then just stood there in a daze. After I lit him up again he pulled down his pants. I continued to shock him, but the pain wasn’t convincing enough for him to insert the wire into his dick, so I turned the rheostat to the minimum voltage and locked the push button in the closed position. He fell to the floor, and as he lay twitching, I went over to my duffel bag and grabbed a propane torch. The current flow wasn’t going to kill him, but it was enough to immobilize him. He could only watch in horror as I lit the torch. He wanted to scream when I started burning the hair from his head and face, but the current had frozen his vocal cords. Surprisingly, the flames got out of control—he had some type of greasy shit in his hair that really fueled the fire. I let him burn for a couple of minutes, then released the button. Immediately he jumped to his knees and started smothering the fire with his hands, and as he desperately patted his charred flesh on his scalp his screams echoed throughout the building.


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