The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 23

by Garrett, Wade H.

  The next day I adjusted the mirror that was next to Andrew’s cage so he could see himself. After he stared into the mirror for a few seconds he closed his eyes and started making an ‘ahhhhhh ahhhhhh’ sound.

  “Open your eyes and look what your dick got you into.”

  He continued to hold his eyes closed.

  “Open your eyes, fuckhead.”

  He refused.

  I forced his eyelids upwards and sewed them to his eyebrows. For the next several days he just stared at the horrific sight in the mirror and made grisly sounds.

  A few weeks later as I was piddling around in the chamber Andrew begged me to kill him, but instead, I inserted three hooks into the tip of his tongue and stretched it outwards from his face. Every few days I would slightly tighten the wires, and after several years I had stretched his tongue to about six inches past his lips. I wanted to see how long I could actually get it, so I started lubricating it with lotion and milking it and after a few years I had stretched it to a total of nine inches past his lips. As the length of his tongue would increase the diameter would decrease, and after several more years I had stretched it to about eleven inches and the diameter had shrunk to about the size of a nickel. As time went by the skin on his body would get saggy, and I knew if I continued to tighten the wires his flesh would start dying, so instead of just stretching his outer layer of skin I would remove the smaller hooks and replace them with larger hooks so I could catch a layer of muscle.”

  Seth walked over to Dicky. “I edited the tape of Andrew being tortured by cutting out the sections that filmed my face or any other incriminating stuff. I sent it to his father so he could live the rest of his sorry ass life searching for his son, tormented over the fact that Andrew was suffering in a very bizarre and barbaric way. Every so often I will spray Andrew’s body down with a bug sprayer filled with alcohol to help with infections. His time is running short because most of his skin is dying from of a lack of blood.”

  The Awakening

  Dicky stood to his feet. “I know begging will not change what you have planned for me, but I plead for you to eventually grant me a way out like Andrew.”

  Seth laughed. “Actually, I’m planning on amputating his arms and legs to get rid of some of his dying body parts, then I’m thinking about using some of your skin to graft to his torso because you both have the same blood type. If I can get the new skin to take, and if I can keep the infection under control, I might get another five to ten out of him.”

  Dicky put his head down. “You should have kept your word and released him when he didn’t scream out.”

  Seth walked off and came back with a scarecrow that had six human arms and six human legs. The body was made of coveralls stuffed with hay and the head was an aged and preserved pumpkin that had lips, eyes, ears, a nose and hair from different humans, and there were two rotted penises hanging out of its zipper. Seth leaned the bizarre creation against the bars. “I might do some really fucked up shit, but I’ve always kept my word. This fucker here, which was created over the years, is what’s left of three lowlifes that I made deals with, which resulted in each one of them going free. Two were rapists, and now they are somewhere rolling around in wheelchairs without dicks, legs, arms and tongues; they have nothing left to stick into someone. The other one was a child murderer, and she is probably laying in a nursing home because she is a blind, deaf and mute slug.”

  Dicky stood up and started to speak.

  Seth interrupted. “I know. I know. You’re getting excited because you think they are witnesses. It wasn’t like I opened my front door and said good luck. They woke up hundreds of miles away and they never knew where they had been or what I truly looked like.”

  He looked at Seth with somewhat of a gotcha look. “I can describe you. And because of your stories I know we’re somewhere in Central Texas.”

  “Don’t get excited, pal. You’re the only one that knows that. And you’re the only one who has heard my stories, except for some of these eavesdropping bastards in here, and besides, neither you nor them, will leave here alive anyway.”

  Dicky put his head down and started crying.

  “Hold your tears. I wanna show you something else. You can see a lot of the things from where you’re at, but there are other sections of the chamber you haven’t seen.”

  Seth rolled a wheelchair into Dicky’s cell. “Sit down.”

  “I ain’t doing….”

  Seth raised a cattle prod.

  “Okay, okay.” Dicky sat in the chair.

  Seth tossed him a set of handcuffs. “Handcuff your right hand to the arm rest.”

  He did what Seth asked.

  Seth handcuffed his left hand to the other arm rest, then secured his ankles to the foot rest. “You ready to check out the coma section?”

  “Do I have a choice?”


  He thought for a moment. He was bound in such a way where he couldn’t fight back. “Okay, I want to see it.”

  As Seth pushed him through the chamber, he could see one monstrosity after another that he hadn’t been able to see from his cell. Everywhere he looked there were people in every type of contraption imaginable, and there were people being tortured in ways that most people couldn’t even comprehend. Seth stopped at a steel door on the opposite side of the chamber. “This is my coma room.”

  Dicky stayed silent. The short trip he had taken across the chamber had made him realize there were no boundaries to Seth’s madness.

  Seth opened the door, then pushed him inside. His eyes opened wide as he stared at numerous people who were bound in machines that looked as if they came from a science fiction movie.

  “The people in these machines are in a state of coma.”

  “Why would….”

  “No questions at this time.”

  He remained quiet.

  Seth walked over to one of the machines. “Each one of these people did something that cost another person to lose time. I’m not going to get in the specifics of what each one did, but will simply explain what’s going on. They will have no recollection of being abducted. I will eventually return them to the exact location where I found them after they have served the same amount of time that they had cost another individual. Some will be in here for many years. When I return them, they will not know they had been abducted and will simply wake up in the same place, doing the same activity they had been doing. The loss of time will be something each one will have to come to terms with when that reality arises. These machines were designed to ensure they will remain in the induced coma and be able to survive the long duration. The process is very complicated. I use barbiturates and other drugs in conjunction with hypothermia to maintain a state of coma. A cooling catheter is inserted into their femoral vein where a cooled saline solution is circulated through a metal coated tube. I also change to cooling blankets or collars if the catheters start causing problems. Their cardiac rhythm, blood pressure and breathing are maintained mechanically or with the use of drugs. Each person has an IV bag filled with nutrients and other drugs that are administered through a catheter. Now, the main purpose of the machines is to help fight bed sores and muscle deterioration. As you can tell, each person is in their own machine. Their arms and legs are secured to robotic arms. The robotic arms are automatic, and they move their limbs in a natural way. The robotic arm that is connected to the band that goes around their chest automatically raises, lowers and twists their upper body. In conjunction with the robotics, I also use electric muscle stimulation. Each of their muscle groups have electrodes that are secured in place with elastic bands or stick on pads, and an electrical control device delivers just enough current to cause their muscles to expand and contract. The bed sores are prevented by elevating pressure points through air induced air blankets, kind of like an air hockey table, or by repositioning the pressure points of the machine.” Seth nodded towards Dicky. “Now do you have any questions?”

  “I don’t know what to think
. It’s like modern day barbarism without the suffering.”

  “Not until their awakening.”

  He looked confused.

  Seth walked over to a man who was in one of the machines. “Think about it. Let’s use Mr. White here for an example. It’s a long story what he did, but basically, he was a cop and planted drugs in his ex-wife’s house and had some of his scumbag street narcs give false statements that implicated her as a drug dealer. She served four years in the pen. One night I broke into his patrol car while he was in a coffee shop and filled the interior with an odorless gas. Shortly after he came out and got in the driver’s seat he passed out. I pushed him to the passenger’s side and took off in his car. I disconnected his car’s GPS system and hid it in a storage facility. He’s been in here in a coma for three years now. Next year I will put him back in his car and park it back at the coffee shop. He will simply wake up feeling like crap. After he regains his composure, he will probably start looking around. First everything will seem normal and he will simply think he had fallen asleep. From that point on, any number of things can happen, but either way, he will have a lot of explaining to do. Of course, his police department, family and friends will not believe his story of simply falling asleep. He will not believe he has been missing for four years. This will create a lot of confusion for everyone.”

  “They will figure it out.”

  “Maybe. But I will oversee every detail to make sure that doesn’t happen. There will be a lot of small things that investigators will look for. Simple things like the coffee that he had brought back to his car and sat in the cup holder; it will be fresh in case they test it. He had an air freshener hanging from his dashboard. I will replace it with a new one. His car battery is on a desulfator so it will be in good operational order unlike an older battery. The car is on jack stands so the tires will not have any flat spots and I start his car every so often to maintain the engine. I will reset his laptop back to the date he originally disappeared. Little things like this will cause a lot of confusion. Only thing that will change is he will be a little older and greyer.”

  Seth walked over to another person. “Now, Marsha’s awakening will be a lot more exciting. She has been in here for eleven years now, and has quite a few more to go before I put her back. Think about how much will have changed in her world, especially when she looks in the mirror for the first time.”

  “How do you know they will awake due to being in a coma for such a long time?”

  “Very good question. I’m glad you’re paying attention for once. Of course, I can’t guarantee they will awake. I’ve been doing this for a long time and have already put two back. They did wake and it was exciting to watch the chaos unfold while I stayed hidden in the background. Now, these two individuals had been asleep for only a few years, and I am curious to see if the ones in the long-term coma will regain consciousness. I’ve done some testing on some of the assholes in here.”

  Seth started rolling Dicky out of the room.

  “Where’re you taking me?”

  “To show you the ones I experimented on.”

  He was worried as Seth pushed him across the chamber. “Is this something you have planned for me?”

  “Nope…. I have something special for you that I’ve never done before.”

  He became nervous as he looked at all the monstrosities again as he was being wheeled through the chamber. “I need to know.”

  “Know what?”

  “Just tell me what you have planned. I can’t take the worrying.”

  “I know what you’re thinking, pal. You’re looking around and listening to my stories, wondering what else could be done to a person. The idea of having something planned for you that is a first must be mind boggling.”

  “Exactly, so will you just tell me?”

  “The psychological part is a bitch, isn’t it? Seth stopped the wheelchair next to a man who was bound to the stone wall by chains. “This is Mr. Johnson. It’s not important why he is in here, but that I put him in a coma for seven years for experimental purposes.”

  Seth looked at Mr. Johnson. “Daniel, how long you been hanging here?

  The man remained quiet.

  Seth glared at him.

  “Ju… Just a few months I think.”

  “Our new guest is interested in your seven-year nap. How did that work out for you?”

  He remained quiet as he gave Seth a confused look.

  Seth started pushing the wheelchair back across the chamber. “He has no recollection that I had stuck him in the coma room for seven years when I first started experimenting with long term unconsciousness.”

  “You do such horrible things, and somehow nature allows it.”

  Seth pushed the wheelchair back to the cells, but stopped at the one next to Dicky’s. “Here’s the down side of long term coma experimentation.”

  He shook his head as he looked upon several people who appeared to have lost their minds. “Have you no remorse?”

  Seth looked in the cell. “Yes, I do. Now that these fuckers are no longer aware of their past, I can’t hold them accountable for their actions.”

  Dicky looked up at Seth. “You’re an abomination to nature.”

  Seth pushed the wheelchair back into his cell. He untied his legs and un-cuffed him. “Get back in your dark corner.”

  He eased over to his hiding place, thankful that Seth didn’t harm him when he was bound in the chair.

  Seth wheeled the chair out, then shut and locked the door. “I’m not an abomination to nature, but a disappointment to God.”

  “If there is a God, then how can he allow you to do such things? He wouldn’t allow bad things to happen. He would simply have all of us follow him. That’s why I know there is no God.”

  “We have free will. Without that we couldn’t truly love God. Humans are corrupted by sins, and we have the choice to choose salvation offered by God through Jesus Christ. Love cannot exist where there is not the freedom to choose. And because we have free will, we have the choice to do good or bad.”

  “You’re making no sense.”

  “Okay, let me put it this way. When I wanted to marry my girlfriend, I did not take her by the throat and tell her that she must love me… Or else. Whether we like it or not, love doesn’t work that way. In creating us, God loved us enough to give us the freedom to reject that love.”

  He had a confused look on his face.

  “Now what the hell you thinkin’?”

  “You have a wife?”

  Seth remained quiet.

  “But how can……”

  “Shut the fuck up! You’re not in here for a debate or anything else but to be prepped for your personal hell here on earth! What I do is what I do, and that is something I must answer to God for, not you.”

  Dicky held his head down as Seth walked out of the chamber.

  Shit Sandwich

  The next evening Seth walked up to Dicky wearing a black cowboy hat. He was holding a metal box with switches and some cables. He stood with an agitated look. “This is the Motivator that I had used on Arnufo.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “If I remember right you were supposed to remind me about it.”

  He quickly stood up with a look of concern. “I know. I thought about it all night after you left. Please don’t be upset. I really want hear the story about two people who worked at Hal’s Chicken Shack.”

  “Don’t be such a fucking suck ass. I simply got side-tracked showing you the coma room. It’s all good. I had a good laugh this morning while I ate some leftover chicken and thought about it. Now sit your ass down and get comfortable because story time has begun.”

  Dicky sat on the floor and Seth sat in a nearby chair. “Do you like the stories that I tell?”

  He nodded his head as if to say yes.

  “That’s right. You better respond that way. It’s better to hear about the horror than feel it. Right, pal?”

  “Oh, yes indeed. I’ll do whatever
you ask.”

  “Man, I bet you were all over your bosses’ nut sack back in the day. That must be the reason why you’re bald on top. The hot coffee mugs must have burned your hair off?”

  He didn’t respond.

  “And by the way, you no listening fuck, it’s Herb’s Chicken Shack. You better start listening closer because you might end up like Brian and have a pop quiz later about all the things I’ve talked about.”

  Seth lit a cigarette as Dicky remained silent, and after he took a long drag he said, “Several years ago while I was traveling through Temple, Texas, I went through the drive-through at Herb’s and picked up some tenders with gravy. Later that night while staying at a motel room in Lubbock, I was awakened with severe stomach pains and a bad headache. I barely made it to the bathroom before I exploded. I had to sit on the pot for hours, and because of the delay, I missed an opportunity to nab a lowlife. Several days later when I was back at home, I saw on the news that two teenage employees had been arrested for shitting in the gravy at Herb’s. Twelve people had also been hospitalized. The hospital had informed the health department that all twelve had eaten at the same place, and when investigated, their co-workers ratted the two guys out—they had apparently bragged about it. The two nineteen-year-olds were arrested when the police reviewed the security tapes, which showed them doing what I wish they hadn’t.


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