The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 34

by Garrett, Wade H.

  While Jerry looked at Chris, Chris was looking back at him with a terrified look on his face, and as Jerry looked as if he wanted to throw up, and as Chris was moaning and squirming around on the floor, I looked down at Chris and said, “I think I’m going to grab a pair of pliers and smash each of his balls until they’re drained of all their sperm, and then I am going to take the pliers and pull this fucker’s dick off. And most likely before that I might do some really fucked up shit.”

  Jerry followed me to my car, and as I gathered some tools out of the trunk he stood next to me with a disgusted look on his face. “Man. That’s some really barbaric shit.”

  I closed the trunk. “The barbaric shit comes later. That was just step nine; mentally torture your victim. You have to think up some very sick and unnatural shit to accomplish it.”

  He grabbed his nuts. “That shit makes my balls ache.”

  I smiled, then walked back over to Chris.

  Jerry was still holding his nuts. “Now ya gonna kill him?”

  I didn’t respond as I reached down with a knife and sliced Chris’ stomach wide open, and as Jerry watched with wide eyes and gasped, I began pulling Chris’ intestines out of his stomach cavity. He stepped back and started vomiting as I took the intestines, while still attached to Chris, and began jump roping with them. He vomited even more as fluids slung from the intestines as I swirled them around and around, and as they began to tear and come apart, blood and feces were covering everything in sight. Around two minutes later, I tossed them on the ground. My body was covered in grossness from head to toe as I stood staring at Jerry. “That was step ten; endurance. You must be physically fit, or you might get your ass kicked. Also, a good work out gives you an energy boost and an adrenaline rush.”

  He was speechless as he was squatting down while trying to recover from being nauseous, and as he looked at me with disgust, I walked over to Chris and jabbed the needle of a syringe in to one of his eyes.

  Jerry started pacing back and forth and yelling to himself, “Oh shit! Oh shit! This is some really fucked up shit!”

  I sucked the fluid out of Chris’ eye, then squirted it out of the syringe and across the floor.

  Jerry walked over and stood by me. “Dude. What the fuck? That’s some sick shit.”

  I sucked the fluid out of Chris’ other eye, then looked up at Jerry who looked repulsed. “Step eleven; make sure your victim can’t point you out in a line up.”

  He held his hand over his mouth as I cut the stitches apart from Chris’ lips. He started gagging when I cut the guy’s tongue out, and after I tossed it across the floor I yelled over Chris’ screams, “Step twelve; make sure they can’t describe you. Cutting off their hands also helps so they can’t write.”

  Jerry started pacing back and forth again while talking to himself, and after a minute or so he walked up to me. “Why didn’t you just cut his tongue out after removing the tape instead of going through all the trouble of stitching his mouth closed?”

  I stood up and faced him. “This is a crash course. Usually there are hours, days, or even weeks or months between these steps.”

  Chris was still screaming muffled sounds as I poked a small diameter rod into each of his ears.

  Jerry had a disturbed facial expression.

  “Step thirteen; make sure your victim can’t be questioned.”

  Jerry followed me closely as I walked back towards my car. “Shit, you’re one sick and crazy motherfucker. I’m glad that shit is over. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  I grabbed a pair of pliers out of the trunk. “Step fourteen; follow through with your threats, and then do some real medieval and barbaric shit that not even your worst nightmare can conjure up.”

  Jerry started gagging as I smashed the sperm out of Chris’ balls, one at a time, and as he screamed at the top of his lungs, Jerry started vomiting again. To Chris’ horror, I grabbed ahold of his penis with the pliers, then ripped it off. I looked over at Jerry while he was standing off to the side with a grimace of terror. “Where’s the gun I gave you?”

  He was shaking as he pulled it out of his waistband. “Make sure it’s loaded.”

  He flipped out the cylinder, then flipped it back in. “It is.”

  I turned and faced him. “Point it towards me.”

  He was confused and didn’t move.

  I shouted, “I said point it at me!”

  Jerry quickly pointed the pistol towards me as he was trembling.

  “Step fifteen; you must be willing to go the distance. So, now’s your chance to be a productive member of society as you led your parole board to believe, or you can take the path to hell and pop a cap in this dickless piece of shit.”

  Jerry smiled, then he pointed the gun towards Chris and pulled the trigger. Fire came out of the gun and a loud crack echoed throughout the building, but he missed. The bullet had left a mark on the floor about a foot from Chris. He started to re-cock the hammer.

  I held my hand out. “Stop!”

  “Why dude? Let me take this fucker out.”

  I shook my head. “No. Step sixteen; work alone. I did make an exception in this case, and besides, this is my deal.”

  Jerry was excited and prancing around as I poured gas all over Chris. “Hey! I want to toss the match.”

  “Like I said, this is my deal. Also, it’s step seventeen; finish what you started.”

  After I lit Chris on fire, I picked up my tools and checked the immediate area to ensure I wasn’t leaving anything incriminating behind. While we sat and watched the flames from the car, I took Jerry’s revolver and tossed it out the window. He sat up in his seat. “Wait. That’s got my prints on it.”

  “That’s why I wear gloves. Step eighteen; don’t leave behind any incriminating evidence.”

  He started to open the door, but it was locked. He looked at me with a confused look. “I need out so I can get the gun.”

  “Step nineteen; do the unexpected, or sometimes do something so blatantly obvious by doing it right in the open as if you own it. And remember, things aren’t always what they seem. People will usually not pay attention to shit around them if everything seems normal and not out of place. There’s a lot to explain with this one and it takes years to perfect, so just take it as it is.”

  He was still looking for the door lock. “I understand all of this, but I need to get the gun.”

  I smiled. “Step twenty; if need be, set up some other lowlife by planting false evidence.”

  He stopped looking around and gave me a very confused look. “I don’t fucking understand.”

  “Understand what? That you’re already at step number four.”

  He started to get upset when he realized what I was talking about, so I quickly jabbed a needle into his chest and injected him with a paralyzing agent. His body quickly went limp, but his eyes still had a terrified look as I said, “Now that was step seven; disable your threat.”

  He couldn’t move, but he could still understand what I was saying as he drooled at the mouth. “Unfortunately for you, being a child molester and a threat to society, we will perform the rest of the steps when I get you back home, especially nine and fourteen, and a whole bunch of other creative shit.” I put the shifter in drive, then looked back over at him. “No need to worry about steps eleven, twelve and thirteen, where you’re going there is no need to be concerned about someone finding your ass.””

  Seth walked over to Dicky. “I try to do something different for each one of these scumbags. It takes a lot of creativity to come up with some non-repetitive shit. And believe it or not, I have something special saved just for you.”

  Dicky yelled out for mercy as Seth exited the chamber.

  The Shattered Reflection of the Crescent Moon

  The next day Seth walked over to Dicky and leaned up against the cell bars. He pulled out a bone handle knife and began cutting his fingernails. “See the two assholes hanging in the center of the ventilation shaft right above me?”

  He looked down and nodded his head as to say yes.

  Seth slid his knife back into its holster, then walked over to a winch secured to a wall. With each rotation of the handle, a bizarre contraption that bound two men started to exit the dark, rock ventilation shaft above. Dicky stood to his feet and walked backwards until his back touched the rear wall of his cell. He didn’t take his eyes off the barbaric and gruesome sight as it slightly spun around at eye level in front of his cage. Dicky jumped when one of the men in the contraption screamed as he made eye contact with him. He was speechless as he stared at the horrendous sight. He noticed the two men were sewn to themselves in such a way that not even the most demented thoughts could conjure up. The men were bound in a grotesque cradle of rotting bones that were covered in dry blood and rotting meat. The cradle was made up of small and large bones and they were tied to each other with long strands of hair. Each of their legs and arms were like limp noodles, and they were sewn together in a very bizarre way. Their feet and hands had been cut off, and their legs were bent backwards in a horseshoe shape back towards their chests, and the ends of their legs were sewn to the ends of their arms. The skin at the joints, where their legs and arms came together, was covered with huge scars from where they had been stitched. Each man’s arm and leg intertwined with the other man’s arm and leg; they kind of looked like a pretzel. Each of them had massive scars covering their entire chest and rib areas, and the pumping of their hearts and the movement of their lungs could be seen grotesquely moving under their skin as if they didn’t have any bone structure. Their skin tone was so pale that the scarring looked alien-like, and their veins could be seen throughout their entire bodies. They had electrical wiring coming out of their skin by their hearts and the wiring ran across their chests to a small plastic box mounted on the bone cradle. Each man had a tracheotomy, and their bottom jaws had been completely removed, exposing their top row of teeth and tongue. There were multiple IV bags that hung from the bone structure, and each man had numerous plastic tubes that were running to different parts of their bodies.

  Seth spun the contraption like a merry-go-round. “Before I tell the story of these two pieces of shit, you need to meet their other buddy, Wayne the Bruiser.”

  Seth walked to another winch secured to a wall and cranked the handle, and after a few seconds another gruesome sight began to emerge from the dark ventilation shaft. Dicky watched in horror as another twisted-looking being hung in front of his cell, and as his eyes focused in on the monstrosity, he noticed it was a torso of a man that was hanging by a leather harness; he seemed dead. The harness had curled, flat, leather-looking material covered in dried blood and rotting flesh hanging on each side of the man where his arms should be. The curled material was about three feet long and it was attached to the harness. The same curled material was hanging from the harness at each place where his legs should be. The man had huge scars where his extremities had once been, and his jaw had been removed like those of the two men in the bone cradle. His penis had a large hook through the head. A cable was secured to the hook, and on the other end were heavy looking weights. The weights had stretched his penis so unnaturally it was about seventeen inches long and thin as a noodle. His urethra had been cut from his penis and it was hanging off to the side where it exited the base. Urine was slowly dripping from the tube and it was forming puddles on the floor as he was slightly swinging back and forth. A rusted pole connected to the back of his harness held an IV bag a few feet above his head.

  Seth walked over to Dicky. “Bruiser looks like he’s dead, but he’s just pouting. He hasn’t made a sound in years.”

  Seth sat on the edge of the bone cradle and lit a cigarette, and as he took a long drag, Dicky started vomiting from the gruesome sight. When he was done vomiting he then started dry heaving as he kneeled on the floor with one of his hands over his mouth.

  “I’m sure that dead rat will taste better the second time.”

  He knew he better do what Seth asked, so he scooped up the pile of vomit with his hands, and as he ate the half-digested rat, he gagged and made a weird moaning sound. When he had licked up all the smaller particles like Seth requested, he ran over to where water pooled in a corner of his cell and started sucking it into his mouth. While Seth watched him, some tiny ripples in the water caught his eye, triggering his memory of the time he had met Ashley at their secret place by the creek. He thought back to when he had built a small fire next to the creek bed for them, and he could still feel the warmth of the fire as he closed his eyes.

  The secret place was very peaceful for them. It seemed to be a magical place that allowed them to forget about the cruelty of the world. A place where they could be together and feel good about being alive. While they had held each other next to the warm fire, Seth had told her he wasn’t going back to the boys’ home. He leaned into her ear and whispered how much he loved her and that he wanted to marry her one day.

  She gripped his hand. “Let’s not wait. We can go to a place far from here and leave all these bad things behind us.”

  Seth smiled. “We’ll go tonight.”

  They held each other tight as they gazed up at the crescent moon and the stars. An hour later, Ashley had fallen asleep and Seth was staring at the sky when three men came walking up out the dark. Before he could react, one of the men knocked him unconscious with a club. When Seth came to, he found himself tied to a tree. His eyes were fuzzy for a short bit, and when he was finally able to focus, he saw that Ashley was crying while sitting between two of the men by the campfire. They were both wearing ski masks to hide their identity. The tallest of the men, who was standing next to the fire wearing a swine mask, looked over at Seth. “It’s about time you joined the party.”

  Seth was still a little dazed and confused as he looked at the man with blurred vision. “Please don’t harm Ashley. I will do anything or give you anything you want.”

  The man laughed as he picked up a large hunting knife that had been lying in the fire. The red-hot blade lit up the dark as he walked over to Seth. He took the knife and began to cut open Seth’s shirt. The metal was so hot that smoke billowed from the blade as the fabric melted onto it. Seth was closing his eyes tightly—they were burning from the smoke. Suddenly, the man pressed the blade flat ways across his chest, and as it burned into his flesh, he screamed so loud that the pain in his voice echoed throughout the woods. The other men restrained Ashley as she tried to get to Seth, and when she yelled out to the tall man to stop hurting him, one of the men next to her slapped her to her knees. The taller man threw the other men a rope, then pointed above the river. Seth watched helplessly while the men tied Ashley up with the rope. He begged and pleaded, but they ignored him. Anger overcame him as they tied one end of a rope around her ankles. His anger changed to horror when they threw the other end of the rope over a limb that was above the creek. A tear ran down his face as he watched them hoist her up into the air just above the water. Before he could scream out, the men dropped her into the water, and as she fought for air, they laughed like a bunch of hyenas and danced around like demented souls. Over the next few minutes, which seemed like an eternity, the men would raise and lower Ashley in and out of the water. Seth became hysterical and started screaming pleas of mercy to them, pleading for them not to hurt her.

  The tall man grabbed Seth’s throat. “We’re not, you are!”

  “I will die first!”

  The tall man untied one of Seth’s arms and forced him to take the end of the rope. When Seth grabbed it from the man, he noticed a tattoo on the guy’s upper arm when his shirtsleeve pulled up. “You won’t get away with this.”

  The man took his knife and drove it into Seth’s stomach, and as he twisted it he said, “You think so?”

  Seth was in an extreme amount of pain, but his adrenaline allowed him to hold onto the rope, which held Ashley just above the water.

  The man laughed, then leaned toward Seth’s ear. “Let’s see how much you love her.”

p; “Take my life… I will not beg… Just let Ashley go.”

  The man spun around and walked over to the other men, and as they started walking away Seth shouted, “Please don’t do this! I beg for you not to do this to Ashley. Please don’t do this!”

  One of the men turned around and grabbed his crotch. “We’re done with her. Now she’s all yours.”

  A moment later, the men disappeared into the dark woods, leaving Seth and Ashley to their doomed destiny. Seth held the rope with everything he had as he struggled to get his other arm free, but the ropes were too tight. He fought at the ropes for what seemed to be for hours as he helplessly watched Ashley hang above the reflection of the moon in the water. He knew that he couldn’t hold on much longer as his muscles were giving out and his blood-covered hand was losing its grip. The wound in his stomach was losing blood and he could feel his body becoming weaker. Eventually the rope starting mutilating his skin where he had wrapped it around his hand, and as his arm was giving out, Ashley softly spoke, “It will be all right Seth. I love you. I love you so much, and I know I will see you again in a better place.”

  Before he had a chance to say anything the rope started slipping. He screamed as her fall shattered the reflection of the crescent moon.

  Seth turned his head and wiped a tear from his eye while Dicky was dry heaving from throwing up a second time. When Seth regained his composure, he walked over to a mirror and pulled up his shirt so he could see the scar on his chest that was left by the hot blade. In a bizarre way, the scar tissue had created an image that looked like an upside-down skull’s face. This is the symbol that was bestowed upon him, so he bestows it on all the wicked that cross his path to vindicate the day when his soul died by the creek so many years ago. His symbol is a tribal-looking outline of a skull with the letters S.C. inscribed on the forehead. The letters represented his initials; Seth Coker

  Seth walked back over to the cradle and sat down. Dicky had finished eating the rat for the third time, and now it seemed he was going to be able to keep it down, so he went and sat next to Sandy’s corpse because it was the only place left in his cell that wasn’t covered in piles of shit.


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