The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 91

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Seth reached out. “Hand it here before you have to say legs.”


  Seth shook his head. “That means I will shoot your other leg. Then you will be saying, oh my God! My legs.”

  He reached in his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash, then tossed it at Seth’s feet. “Take it. You can keep it if you just let me go.”

  “I don’t want your money.”

  “Listen, dude. I have some silver bars and cocaine in my safe. You can take that too if you let me go.”

  “I’m not interested in your shit.”

  “What do you call taking my truck?”

  “A trade.” Seth nodded towards the car. “You fucked up my ride.”

  He looked at the car, then back at Seth. “I didn’t do that.”

  “Yeah you did.”

  “You’re wrong, buddy. You are so wrong.” He looked at the front of the car. “And that’s sorry what you did to Mike.”

  “You did that too.”

  “Are you fucking nuts?”

  “What? You want to be shot in the nuts?”

  Wyatt walked up to Seth. “I got the DVR thing unhooked and in the truck. I also moved our stuff.” He noticed Todd’s leg was bleeding. “I told you not to do anything until I got back.”

  “He won’t give me his driver license number—he must not want us to know something.” Seth handed Wyatt the gun. “He said he wanted to be shot in the nuts if he moves.”

  Todd gritted his teeth. “Fuck you! I didn’t say that.”

  Wyatt looked worried. “Where’re you going?”

  “To run his license plate number.”

  Todd’s eyes opened wide. “Hold up, dude. You don’t have any right invading my privacy.”

  “Your criminal record is public information, Nimrod.” Seth laughed as he grabbed his laptop and walked away.

  Todd whispered to Wyatt. “Hey, man. Let me go before he comes back. You don’t want to be doin’ this.”

  Wyatt’s hands were shaking as he held the gun. “Just… Just be quiet.”

  He could tell Wyatt was scared. “If you let me go I will tell the cops you had nothing to do with this.”

  “Just chill out.”

  Todd was getting desperate. “I don’t have a clean record.”


  Todd noticed Wyatt’s expression. “What’s he going to do?”

  “Just be quiet.”

  “I’m going to go out the back.” Todd stood up.

  Wyatt raised the gun. “Don’t do it.”

  “You’re going to have to shoot me in the back.” He limped away, exiting a rear door. Wyatt took off running to find Seth. He ran out to the Z71, only finding the laptop sitting in the front seat. His heart was racing as he ran to the side of the building, then to the other side. He didn’t know what to do, so he ran to the front gates. Seth was nowhere to be found. He ran back inside the building. Relief overcame him when he saw Seth digging through a cabinet. “I’ve been looking for you. Todd got away.”

  Seth pulled an oxygen tank from a shelf and set it on the floor. “No, he didn’t.” He handed him a diving mask and regulator. “He’s tied up on the dock.”

  Wyatt looked confused. “What do you mean?”

  “After I saw his record I figured he would try to run.”

  “Oh shit! What was on it?”

  “I’ll let him tell you. Follow me.” Seth laid the tank on his shoulder, then picked up a five-gallon bucket.

  When they got to the dock, Wyatt noticed Todd was tied to a post with a rope. “Why is he out here?”

  Todd was angry and blurted out, “Because he’s a fucking lunatic.”

  Seth pointed at him. “I told you to keep quiet.”

  “You fuckers have no right to do this. You’re already in enough trouble. If you harm me you’re going…”

  Seth kicked him in the face. “I said shut the fuck up.” He looked at Wyatt. “Go grab an anchor off one of the boats.”


  “Todd is going diving.”

  Wyatt stood frozen. “Hold up. This is getting out of hand. We can’t do this.”

  Seth looked at Todd. “Tell him all the shit you have done so he will understand.”

  He remained quiet.

  “Hey, asshole, you can speak when spoken to.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Seth climbed up on a boat, then came back with an anchor. He pulled a chain from the bucket. He wrapped one end of it several times around Todd’s ankle, then secured the other end to the anchor. He tossed the anchor off the dock, then stuck his knife under the rope securing Todd. “Bon voyage, fuckhead.” He cut the rope.

  Todd screamed as the anchor pulled his lower body into the water. He was holding onto the dock post for dear life. “I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you everything! Please get me out!”

  Seth pulled the anchor up and set it on the dock. “Get to rattin’ on yourself.”

  Todd was gripping the post with all his strength as his lower body dangled in the water. “Please get me out! I beg you. I’m about to have a heart attack!”

  Seth knelt beside him. “You’re not going anywhere—the anchor is on the dock.”

  His eyes were filled with fear. “There are limbs and shit in here! I can’t stand it! Please get me out.”

  Seth pulled his body onto the dock, then looked at Wyatt. “He’s got an odd phobia. He’s not just scared of water, but what’s in it as well.”

  Wyatt looked just as scared as Todd. “Let’s get out of here before someone sees us.”

  “Be patient.” Seth looked at Todd. “Tell him what you did, starting with the most recent.”

  Todd was shaking as he held onto the post. “I got arrested for having marijuana.”

  “Not the petty shit, fuckstick. Tell him about the wreck.”

  “Ten years ago, I ran into a car when I was high.”

  Seth motioned with his fingers. “And?”

  “The driver was killed and the passenger was crippled.”


  “That was it.”

  Seth scooted the anchor towards the edge of the dock with his foot. “No, it’s not.”

  Todd’s fingernails were embedded in the wood. “I was charged with manslaughter for reckless driving. That’s what’s on my record.”

  Seth shook his head. “Maybe so, but I called a buddy. I might know more than you think, so if you don’t spill the beans, and all of them, I’m going to send you on your way.”

  A tear ran down his face. “I’ve served my time.”

  Seth moved the anchor closer to the edge. It was teetering as he rocked it with his foot. “It’s almost falling off.”

  “Okay, okay. The car flipped over in a drainage ditch. I could have saved them, but I took off on foot so I wouldn’t get in trouble. That night it rained and the driver drowned. The other person had been thrown from the car. She got a bad infection in her legs and they had to be amputated.”

  “Why did she get an infection?”

  “Because she didn’t get treatment fast enough.”


  “Because I left her there.”

  “How long was it before someone found her?”

  “Two days.”

  “Why did you run?”

  “Because I had a lot of drugs in the car.”

  “How much time did you get?”

  “Two years.”

  “Why such a short time?”

  “Because I got a deal when I told on the person I was hauling the drugs for.”

  “How old was the girl?”


  “Who was the woman that got killed?”

  “Her mother.”

  “Do you feel bad?”


  “Did you learn your lesson?”

  “Of course, I did.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, you’ve scared the shit out of me.”

  “Not this. Have you been acting r
ight since you’ve been out of prison?”

  “I… I guess so.”

  “Then why has your driver’s license been suspended?”


  Seth rocked the anchor. “Say it.”

  “I got another DWI.”

  “How many does that make since you’ve been out?”


  Wyatt was panicking. He walked up to Seth. “We just need to get out of here.”

  Seth looked at him. “The woman was someone’s wife, daughter or friend. Her death caused a lot of pain for others. And the girl has to live the rest of her life in a wheelchair.”

  “I know what you’re saying. I feel for them. I really do. But that was a long time ago.”

  “What if it was your wife and daughter that he did that to?”

  Wyatt started pacing. “I know, I know. But I don’t want to be a part of this.”

  “You’re not. All you’re doing is listening to what this fucker has to say.” Seth looked at Todd. “What else have you been busted for since you’ve been out?”

  Todd looked at Wyatt. “Please make him stop.”

  Seth backhanded him. “He said he didn’t want any part of this, so I’m making the decisions. Now answer my question.”

  “Twice for burglary. I also had the possession of marijuana charge.”

  “What were you busted for before you went to prison?”

  He looked down. “I got accused of…”

  Seth interrupted. “Not accused. You know you’re not Mr. Innocent.”

  “That’s when I was younger.”

  “What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Tell my friend what you did.”

  Todd looked at Wyatt. “I got busted for selling drugs a few times and stealing a car.”

  Seth motioned with his fingers. “Get to the bad shit.”

  “I… I was blamed…”

  “Not blamed. You pled guilty to get a lesser sentence.”

  “They said I…”

  “No one said anything.”

  “I didn’t touch that girl.”

  “Now we have it. What did you do to her?”

  “They said…”

  “You pass the buck again I’m going to cut off your dick.” Seth pulled out a knife.

  “I had sex with an under-aged girl.”

  “How old was she?”


  “How old were you?”


  “How long did you serve for that?”

  “Five years.”

  “Was that long enough?”

  “I served my time.”

  “Really? Is she done serving what you bestowed on her?”

  “I… I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Has your dick somehow been magically erased from going in her?”

  Todd looked confused. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Yeah it does. You say you’ve severed your time; does that mean she’s no longer been raped?”

  “I didn’t rape her.”

  “Really? Was she a willing participant?”

  “Uh, she was doing drugs and stuff.”

  “Maybe so, but where did she get the drugs?”

  “They were around.”

  Seth knelt, then stuck the tip of his knife against Todd’s thin shorts, poking him in the balls. “Stop beating around the bush before I stab you in the bush.”

  “Fuck, dude! I’m not.”

  “I have all day to cut you into pieces.” Seth shoved the knife in, causing the blade to cut through his shorts.

  Todd jerked his hips away. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you everything! Please don’t do that.”

  Seth wiped the blood off his knife on Todd’s shorts, then stood up. “Did you rape her?”

  “I had sex with her when she was passed out.”

  “You’re still avoiding the question.” Seth pointed the knife at him.

  “Yes. I raped her, I guess.”

  “You guess?” Seth jabbed the knife through Todd’s hand, binding it to the post. “You either did or didn’t stick your dick in her.”

  Todd yelled out, “I did! I raped her!” He looked at his hand, noticing it was covered with blood. “Oh my God! You have no right to do this to me!”

  “I’m sure the girl felt the same. Now tell my friend there why you would do that to a kid.”

  “I was high.”

  “I know a lot of people that get high and they’re not running around raping people.”

  Tears were running down his face. “It wasn’t like that.”

  Seth looked at Wyatt. “See, my speculation about this fucker was right.”

  Wyatt looked like he wanted to throw up. “Dude, what are you doing? We’re out in the open. We’ve been out here too long. Someone could have seen us.”

  “If someone comes I will handle it, so chill out. I want to get the whole story out of him.”

  Wyatt was terrified. “He’s admitted to having sex with an under-aged girl while they were doing drugs. You’ve made your point, so let’s get out of here.”

  “Don’t let this fucker make it seem he made a one-time drug induced mistake.” Seth looked at Todd. “Enlighten my friend here how many times you had sex with that girl.”

  Todd’s facial expression looked as if he had seen a ghost. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I… I…”

  Seth pulled out a large hunting knife. “Check out this bad boy. It can cut you into pieces like a hot knife through butter.” Seth pointed it at him. “Starting with your cock if you fucking lie again.”

  Todd was shaking with fear as he stared at the blade. “I didn’t count the times.”

  “Make a guess.”

  “Uh, twenty-something.”

  Wyatt’s mouth fell open as he looked at Seth. “You were right. How did you know?”

  “I’ve been doing this a long time and can read these assholes.” Seth holstered his knife, then nodded towards Wyatt as he looked at Todd. “Why did you fuck with my friend earlier?”

  “I act stupid when I’m high.”

  Seth shook his head. “Why the fuck are you still getting high; hasn’t that caused enough trouble in your life?”

  “I can’t help it. I’ve tried to stop.”

  Seth knelt, then patted him on the head. “You just haven’t had the proper motivation yet.” He looked at the boats that were docked. “And why in the fuck do you own a marina if you’re scared of water?”

  “I… I just do.”

  “That sounds fishy.”

  Todd looked worried. “It’s not. I’m just trying to get my life on track with a legitimate business.”

  “You wouldn’t happen to be running drugs out of here, would you?”

  Todd’s eyes opened wide. “No. I wouldn’t do that.”

  “You told me earlier you had cocaine in your safe.”

  “That’s for medicinal use.”

  “Sure, it is.” Seth looked at Wyatt. “So, what do you think we should do with him?”

  “Do you think he’s using these boats to smuggle drugs?”

  Todd interrupted. “I’m not doing that.”

  Seth looked at Todd. “Now mind your own business—I’m talking to my friend.” Seth looked at Wyatt. “I don’t give a shit about that. I’m referring to the bad shit that he’s done to innocent people.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’ve scared him enough.”

  “Listen. He’s a fucking punk and always will be. Everything he’s done was his choice. He has not learned his lesson and will not change. And don’t forget he tried to punk you out earlier.”

  “I’m not worried about what he did to me—I got his ass back for that. And the other stuff happened a long time ago.”

  “Do you think time makes everything okay?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Seth walked up to Wyatt. “Okay. If you think the ones he hurt are all peachy now, we’ll walk off this dock and leave hi
m here.”

  Wyatt thought for a moment. “I’m… I’m sure they’re still suffering. There’s got to be something else you can do besides killing him.”

  Seth looked at Todd. “If you can fix the girls legs, bring back her mom, and take the rape away, I will let you go.”

  Todd was trying to pull the knife from his hand. Seth walked over to him and kicked him in the ass. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “I can’t do any of that, but I’m sorry for what I did. Please have mercy.”

  Seth knelt. “Since my buddy isn’t quite ready for what I would have done to you, I will give you mercy by letting you live, but you have to pick a punishment.”

  Todd’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

  “Don’t get so excited until you hear what your choices are. There are only two, but you’re not going to like either one of them.”

  Wyatt walked close. “What are they?”

  “The first one is simple. He can cut off both his feet and his dick while we watch. That would give both the girls a little payback.”

  Todd started panicking. “No, no, no! I can’t do that! I would rather die.”

  Seth laughed. “Well fuck, that’s what I wanted in the first place.”

  Wyatt was shaking his head, knowing Seth wasn’t going to leave without doing something to Todd. “What’s his next choice?”

  Seth held out his hands, indicating for both of them to calm down. “Okay, okay. Since he has an absolute fear of water and the creepy logs, rocks and tree limbs under it, he can choose to be strapped to a weighted vest, given an air tank and a diving helmet, then be dropped off in the middle of the lake. Of course, he will have to be nude.”

  Wyatt looked confused. “That’s killing him.”

  “No, it’s not. He can walk along the bottom.”

  “He will run out of air.”

  “That’s a possibility if he doesn’t walk in a straight line. The one tank will give him about an hour or so of air. If you want, we can even tie a whole bunch of them together and he can drag them along the bottom.”

  “Does he have that many air tanks lying around?”

  “The cabinet was full of them.”

  Wyatt thought about it for a moment. “That’s doable. That way we have time to move on down the highway before he has a chance to say anything.”

  Seth noticed Todd was shaking. “What’s wrong, pal. You don’t like your second choice?”

  He remained quiet. Seth knew making him walk on the bottom of the lake, touching every stump, log and branch with his nude body was the worst thing that could happen to him.”


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