The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 105

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “Who killed them?”

  Darren spoke up first. “Clayton cut her throat, and I stabbed the man.”

  Seth picked up the jaws. “Which eye do I get?”

  Darren looked confused. “Wait! I told you the truth. You said you would call the cops.”

  “I didn’t say anything about calling anyone.”

  “Why would you do this? You won’t be able to collect any money if you kill me.”

  “I’m not a fucking bounty hunter, dipshit. You should have figured that out by now.”

  Wyatt was gagging as he massaged the clotting agent into Clayton’s knee. He set the package down, then came over to Darren. “I don’t have the stomach to address your wounds too, so just do it.”

  Darren looked at him as if he was a long-lost friend. “Please talk some sense into your friend.”

  “He’s The Angel of Death and he doesn’t have any sense when he’s in the presence of assholes like you. And he’s not going to stop hurting you until you pop out your damn eye, so just do it and get it over with.” Wyatt walked off.

  Darren stared at Seth. “Who did he say you were?”

  “Definitely not a fucking bounty hunter. Now do you want to do it with or without the motivation?” Seth pointed the jaws at him.

  “I… I…”

  Darren moved his legs around hysterically as Seth tried to grab one with the tool. Suddenly the tip of the jaws grabbed a hold of his left calf, pinching the blood out of it. He grabbed the spoon. “Okay, okay.” He stuck it to his eye, then pulled it away. “This is sick. Can we make a compromise?”

  “Did you compromise at the Johnson’s?”

  “You can’t make me do this.”

  “The hell if I can’t.”

  Wyatt yelled out, “Try the shocking thing again. I’m curious if it will work, and if it does, I won’t have to clean up the mess.”

  Seth laid the tool down, then pulled out the remote. “I’m glad you’re thinking there, chief.” He looked at Darren. “I’m going to light your ass up, and when you have enough you can join the one-eyed fucker’s club.” He turned the knob to eight, then pressed the button. Darren’s body was violently shaking as foam spewed from his mouth. Ten seconds later Seth shut it off. Darren held his hands out. “Oh my God! You’re cooking my innards. Please don’t do…”

  Seth pressed the button for another ten seconds.

  Darren picked up the spoon. “I…”

  He pressed the button until Darren’s skin above the wires started turning a darker color. At first, he just laid motionless, then slowly moved the spoon to his eye. He gagged as he pushed it between his eyeball and eyelid, then in one motion ripped it out of the socket. Seth picked it up and handed it to Clayton. “Stick that into your socket.”

  Clayton didn’t argue or try to resist as he worked Darren’s eyeball into his head.

  Seth laughed. “Nice.”

  Wyatt was shaking his head. “Was that necessary?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s funny.”

  He looked at Clayton, noticing the eye was pointing in another direction from his own. “The damn thing is crooked. And now he has two different colored eyes. That’s freakin’ sick.”

  Seth picked Clayton’s eye off the floor, rubbed it on his pants to get some of the dirt off, then handed it to Darren. “Give yourself a case of strabismus.”

  He looked as if he was about to pass out. “What?”

  “Stick the damn thing in your empty socket so you can have catawampus eyes.”

  He took the eyeball and worked it in as blood oozed down his face.

  Wyatt took a deep breath. “Are we done?”

  Seth laughed. “Just getting started.”

  Clayton raised his head. His face was covered in blood as his different colored eyes pointed to different directions. “Please don’t hurt me any more. I beg you. Please have mercy.”

  “I bet the Johnson’s pleaded with you as well. Did you show them mercy?”

  “You’ve gotten me back, please call an ambulance.”

  “What do you mean I’ve gotten you back?”

  “The eye for an eye thing. I get it. That’s why you did that, right?”

  “The eye thing was just for breaking into the Johnson’s house and stealing their shit. I’m fixing to get a pound of flesh for the rape and murder thing.”


  Seth injected Clayton with a sedative. When he fell asleep, he amputated his left leg above the knee, sewed the stub closed, then did the same thing to his right foot. He tossed the severed parts in a trashcan. Wyatt was standing off to the side shaking his head. “I guess he won’t be needing those any more.”

  Seth looked at Darren. “You need some shit cut off too?”

  He held his hands out. “Please don’t.”

  Seth looked at Wyatt. “You wanna go on a quick road trip?”

  “To where?”

  “Roswell, New Mexico. I have some business there I need to take care of.”

  He looked at Clayton and Darren. “What about them?”

  “They’ll get theirs when we get back.”

  “That’s not what I meant. Are we just going to leave them like they are?”

  “No, they can wait in the cage.”

  “Can we take the Camaro this time?”


  Wyatt was excited. He unlatched Clayton, pulled him off onto the floor as if he was an animal carcass, then started dragging him towards the cage. Seth laughed, then looked at Darren. “I’m going to unstrap you, then I want you to walk to the cage. If you try anything I’ll light your ass up.” He pulled out the remote.

  “I’ll do it. Just don’t hurt me any more.”

  Seth unlatched the straps. “Don’t get…” Darren took off running. “…Stupid.” Seth pressed the button, causing Darren to take a nosedive.

  Wyatt came walking out of the cage. “What the hell?”

  “At least you won’t have to drag him as far.”

  He started to reach down to grab Darren’s arms, then stopped. “He’s still being shocked. Will it shock me if I touch him?”

  “If you grab a hold of different parts of his body at the same time it will.”

  “Can you shut it off?”

  “Just grab one of his arms.”

  “He has pissed on himself.”

  “That’s not all he’s done.”

  Wyatt noticed his legs were covered in feces. “You drag him in there.”

  “He doesn’t have shit on his arms. Pick one and start pulling.”

  Wyatt gagged as he dragged Darren into the cage. Seth locked the door. “Seriously? You’re getting sick over that?”

  “It stinks.”

  Seth shut off the electrodes. Darren rolled into the fetal position and started crying. “I want to go home.”

  “I’m sure the Johnson’s feel the same.” Seth looked at Wyatt. “There’s a jug of blue Gatorade on the work bench. Set it next to the bars so they can stay hydrated.” Seth walked over to a car that was next to the cage. He set a phone on the hood, then walked to the Camaro. He looked at Wyatt. “Open the door.”

  Wyatt’s adrenaline was pumping as the car drove by. The exhaust had a deep rumbling sound as the engine lopped from the high-performance cam. Seth ran back to the barn and turned on the security system, then locked the door. Wyatt was waiting for him when he got back in. “Do a burn out.”

  “We’re on dirt.”

  A few miles down they came to a paved road. “You can do a burn out now.”

  “We can’t act stupid or we’ll get pulled over. We’re going to be drawing enough attention as it is.”

  Wyatt looked disappointed. “I know.”

  Seth stopped on the road. “But there ain’t any cops way out here. Hang on.” Seth brought the engine up to five thousand RPMs, then popped the clutch. At first, the car’s tires squealed as smoke bellowed out from the rear, then the car took off. Wyatt was holding on for dear life as Seth shifted through the gear
s. The car was accelerating so fast that he was being forced to the back of his seat. Wyatt looked at the speedometer. “We’re only going sixty?”

  “That’s the RPMs. We’re going about one fifty.” Seth let off the throttle and slowed down. He looked at Wyatt. “And it was six thousand RPMs, not sixty.”

  Wyatt was still gripping the door handle. “I’ve never been in a fast car before; that was a rush.”

  “It can be addicting.”

  “You got me hooked. I wish I had something like this to mess around with, but they’re too expensive.”

  “You can find older cars and do the work yourself.”

  “I’m not a mechanic.”

  “You can learn. The Internet is full of information.”

  “Where did you get this one?”

  “I bought it stock and did the work myself.”

  “When did you have time to do something like this?”

  Seth laughed. “I don’t spend all my time hanging out with lowlifes. That’s why I have the place back there.” Seth pulled out his laptop. “Speaking of lowlifes, let’s see what they’re up to.” He handed it to Wyatt. “Click on the smiley face icon. That’s the camera system.”

  “What’s your password?”

  “Sugar britches.”

  “No, seriously, what is it?”

  “That’s it.”

  “Why in the hell would you pick that?”

  “Don’t ask.”

  Wyatt laughed. “I would have figured it would have been something manlier, like Grim Reaper or Mr. Death or something.”

  “Those would be predictable.”

  “And you think I’m gay.”

  “It’s a password.”

  “Alright, sugar britches.” Wyatt turned the laptop sideways so Seth could see it. “The camera images are too small.”

  “Click camera seven.”

  Wyatt gave a thumbs up. “That’s better. I can see them now.”

  “What are they doing?”

  He looked at Seth. “It’s weird that we’re watching nude men in a cage.”

  “I’m not. That’s why I gave you the laptop.”

  “Thanks.” He looked at the screen. “Clayton is awake and sitting on the floor with his back against the bars.”

  “Is he alive?”

  “He’s drinking the Gatorade out of the jug, but he doesn’t look so good.”

  “What about the other asshole?”

  “It looks like he’s trying to dig out.”

  “That figures.” Seth pulled out his phone. “You wanna mess with them.”

  “Like how?”

  “I left a phone on the car next to the cage. When I call it, it will vibrate and fall off. The phone is modified, so when they dial 911 it will call me. If they dial anything else, they will get a recorded message that the phone is out of range.”

  Wyatt laughed. “Do it. That will be funny.”

  “Watch the camera, I’m dialing it now.”

  “They must hear it ringing—they’re looking at the car.” Wyatt laughed. “It just fell off and landed next to the bars.”

  Seth hit end. “Let’s see how long it takes for them to call 911.”

  “Not long. Darren just reached through the bars like a monkey and grabbed it.”

  “What’s he doin’ now?”

  “Messin’ with it.”

  Seth’s phone rang. He put it on speaker, then disguised his voice to sound like a female. “911, please state your emergency.”

  A hysterical voice yelled over the speaker. “Oh my God! I’ve been abducted! Please send the police as soon as possible. This crazy fucker has me and…”

  “Ma’am, slow down. Is there a threat to your life?”

  “Yes! Please send the police.”

  “What is your location?”

  “I don’t know. We’re locked in a barn.”

  “Do you know what city and state you’re in?”

  “Dallas, Texas.”

  “Is there another victim there?”

  “Yes, he’s hurt badly. The bastard cut off his legs and made us pull out our eyes.”

  “Ma’am, are the suspects still there?”

  “No, but he’s coming back.”

  “What is your name?”

  “Twink… I mean Darren Collins.”

  “Is the other victim with you a male or female?”


  “What’s her name?”

  “Clayton. And he’s a he.”

  “What’s her last name?”

  “I don’t know. Please send some help.”

  Another voice echoed out. “Tell them what that racist fucker did to me.”

  “Whose voice was that?”

  “It was Clayton. He’s upset.”

  “Ma’am, I need you to describe your location.”

  “I’m in a barn locked in a fucking cage. I don’t know anything else.”

  “Please remain calm.”

  “Remain calm? They’re coming back to kill us.”

  “They’re? How many suspects are there?”


  “Are they white or black?”

  “Both white.”

  “Can you describe them?”

  “They’re fucking psychopaths.”

  “Ma’am, please describe what they look like?”

  “We don’t have time for that. Please trace the call and send some help.”

  “Ma’am, the phone you’re using has the GPS blocked. I need some type of description of your surroundings. Can you see anything outside or hear any specific sounds?”

  “No, nothing.”

  “Where are the suspects?”

  “They left in a car.”

  “Can you describe the vehicle?”

  “Black hot-rod with white stripes. The engine is sticking out of the hood. It’s real loud, you can’t miss it.”

  “Are you sure you’re giving me an accurate description?”

  “Yes, I saw it myself.”

  “I thought you said they pulled your eyes out?”

  “Just one.”

  “Is this a prank?”

  “No. You can look me up. I’m wanted for killing someone. My name is Darren Collins.”

  “You know it’s a felony punishable by lethal injection if you fabricate a story to a 911 operator.”

  “I’m telling you the truth.”

  “Okay, ma’am, do you know where they were heading?”

  “Roslyn in Mexico I think.”

  “We’re getting some choppers in the air to search for the car.” Wyatt started laughing. Seth put his finger across his lips telling him not to be so loud.

  “Please find them.”

  “I need you to remain calm. We also need to terminate this call to preserve your phone’s battery.”

  “No, no. Don’t hang up.”

  “Ma’am, don’t worry. We’re going to start searching all the barns in Texas. Remain calm and keep me informed if anything changes.”

  “Okay. I will.”

  Seth hung up the phone and started laughing.

  Wyatt shook his head. “What a dumbass.”

  Five minutes later the phone rang. Seth answered. “Pizza Hut.”


  “This is Pizza Hut. How can I help you?”

  They hung up, then it rang again. “911, what’s thy emergency?”

  “This is Clayton. My buddy has been talkin’ to y’all.”

  “Who is this?”

  “Clayton. I’m the one locked in a cage with Darren.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I need some help. The bastard cut off my leg and foot.”

  “I told your buddy to be patient. Just chill out. Help will be there soon. Now I’m going on break.” Seth hung up the phone.

  Wyatt pointed. “We’re crossing into New Mexico.”

  The phone rang again. “I’m busy.” He hung up, then looked at Wyatt. “We’re halfway there.”

  Wyatt laughed as he lo
oked at the screen. “You pissed off Darren. He’s stomping around, causing a cloud of dust.”

  “Fucking idiots.”

  An hour later Seth pulled into a small airfield, then parked next to a hanger. “Hang out here.” Seth got out and met with a man that was working on a plane. A few minutes later he got back in the car. Wyatt was laughing. “Your phone has been ringing non-stop.”

  “I’m sure.” He handed Wyatt a map. “See the red circle?”


  “That’s here.”

  “And why you showing me this?”

  “This is a private air strip. See the man that I was talking to?”


  “If anything happens you can come here and he will fly you home.”

  Wyatt looked worried. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Just a safety precaution. You know I plan for everything.” The phone rang again. “What?”

  “This is Darren. Did y’all find that car?”

  “No, but the swat team has been going barn to barn. They’re narrowing them down.”

  “How long…”

  Seth hung up. He looked at Wyatt. “I wouldn’t have left the damn phone if I had known how aggravating it would have been.”

  Fifteen minutes later the phone rang again. “Yeah!”

  “No one has shown up yet.”

  “Listen, the marines are now combing the land. Be patient and stop calling so much.” He hung up.

  Over the next two hours they kept calling back. Seth finally stopped answering. Thirty minutes from the barn Seth’s phone rang. He shouted, “We got them bastards!”

  Darren was excited. “Did you arrest them?”

  “We shot them.”

  “Oh my God! Thank you so much. Y’all have saved us.”

  “I bet we did. The two perps had escaped from a psycho ward, and the taller one was going to make robes out of y’all.”

  He started bawling. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “Why you crying?”

  “Because this nightmare is over.”

  “And I have more good news for you. We’ve triangulated your flux capacitor and should be closing in on your position soon.”

  “Oh… There’s no need in that now.”

  “We still have to bring you in for killing folks.”

  “Hold up…” Seth and Wyatt could hear them talking to each other in the background, debating if they still wanted the cops to come. “We’ve already escaped, so you can call off your search.” The phone went dead.


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