The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 118

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Seth pulled back on the rod, stretching Chester’s spermatic cords and veins, then drove the end of it into his sternum. Chester looked as if he was going to vomit. The tension on his spermatic cords was causing a great deal of pain. He could barely speak as tears ran down his face. “I can’t take the pain. Please make it stop. I beg you. It hurts really bad. Please make it stop.”

  Elmer was gagging as he looked at Chester. The sight of veins and cords being pulled from a hole in his pubic area, then stretched to his testicles that were pinned to his chest was too much. Seth noticed Elmer looked as white as a ghost. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “That’s fucked up what you did to him. It’s making me sick.”

  “Then stop looking at it.” Seth looked at Chester. “I’m curious about something; can you still feel the rod going through your nuts?”

  Chester was now crying. “Yes. Please put them back in me. I’m sorry. I truly am. I will do whatever you ask.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Yes. Please make it stop.”

  “How bad does it hurt?”

  “Please help me. I’m begging you.”

  “Does it feel like you’ve been kicked in the nuts?”

  He started bawling like a baby.

  “Answer me, or I’m going to rip some more shit out of you.”

  “It’s fucking painful. Like my insides are being pulled apart.”

  “Cool. But can you feel your nuts also?”

  “It’s all burning, like it’s on fire.”

  Seth looked at Elmer. “Grab another rod and shove it up through his perineum. Make sure you push it in deep enough so his bladder will be punctured. Maybe if we can get his piss to boil, his bladder might explode along with his nuts.”

  When Elmer came walking up with a heating element, Chester started panicking. “Please don’t do that to me! I’ll cooperate! Please, I beg you to show mercy!”

  Seth laughed. “Now he’s in survival mode.”

  As Elmer shoved in the rod, Seth walked over to Glen. He knelt in front of him, then started slicing around the top of his nut sack with a knife. Chester’s and Glen’s screams were echoing in the building in unison as if they were singing a duet—a duet from hell. A few minutes later, Elmer came over to Seth. He noticed that he was pulling Glen’s severed ball sack over his bald head. “What the hell?”

  Seth stood back, then laughed as he looked at the pubic hairs that were sparsely scattered all over his head. “Kind of looks like a wig, but for assholes.”

  Elmer gagged a little as he looked at Glen’s testicles as they hung between his legs by their spermatic cords. “Why did you do that to him?”

  “The fucker just rubs me the wrong way.”

  Tears were running down Glen’s face. “I didn’t do anything to you. Don’t you have any mercy?”

  “I have shown you mercy.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “You could be like ol’ Chester the dickless molester.”

  He looked at the rod sticking in his penis. “This isn’t merciful.”

  “Hey, I’m just taking a play out of your playbook, pal.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, since you didn’t have a problem raping people, you shouldn’t have a problem with what I’m doing.”

  Seth looked at Elmer. “When you get done inserting heating elements in Scott and Bruce, drag everyone over to the chains.” Seth handed Elmer a piece of paper with a hand drawn picture.

  Elmer looked at it. “Why are you showing me this perverted shit?”

  “It’s how you’re going to secure everyone to the floor.”

  “Are you fucking serious? This is sick.”

  “Yes I’m serious. And when you get done, come get me. I’ll be in the truck taking a nap.”

  “That’s fucked up.”

  “I’ve been awake for two days, so stop being a whiny bitch.”

  Elmer was aggravated as Seth walked off. He was left to do the dirty work by himself again.

  Smokin’ Hot Lube

  A couple of hours later, Elmer knocked on the window of the truck. Seth sat up and looked at his watch, then opened the door. “What took so long?”

  “It was a pain in the ass doing that by myself.”

  “Don’t start whining.” He noticed Elmer’s face and arms were all scratched up. “Looks like you got your ass kicked.” He got out and shut the door.

  “You think? Those bitches are crazy.”

  “I don’t understand why you make shit so difficult.” Seth nodded. “Let’s go inside. I wanna see how much fun everyone is having.”

  “I’m warning you now; the women are pissed and freaking out.”

  “What about the men?”

  “Still in shock. Except for Bruce. I think he’s actually turned on.”

  “I’m sure.” When Seth walked into the building he started laughing when he noticed everyone’s facial expressions as they were being chained on the floor in an extremely sick and twisted fashion. The women were on their backs and their legs were being forced in a bent knee, spread eagle position. Bruce, Scott and Glen were secured in an all fours position between the women’s legs where they faced their crotches. The men’s hands were sewn to the sides of the women’s hips with thick, black thread that outlined their entire hands and fingers. All three men had heating elements hanging out of their penises and the cables were connected to a common switchboard with a car battery.

  Chester was standing behind the other men while wearing a tool pouch filled with sex toys. He had a chain secured to a thick collar around his neck, which allowed him to move around freely. His left hand was sewn to his butt cheek, but his other one was left free. He still had the heating element sticking out of his chest with his testicles dangling, and the one buried in his perineum. The wiring from his heating elements ran to a separate switch and battery outside his chained area.

  The women were shouting curse words and threats at Seth and Elmer as the men whined and cried about their penises.

  Seth got everyone’s attention. “Listen up. Since you fuckers are the lowest form of human scum, I have come up with something very special for y’all.”

  Maryanne hadn’t said a word since Seth had arrived. She was furious. “You’re a perverted piece of shit! You have no right to do this to me.” She jerked her hips around as much as her restraints allowed as she looked down at Glen. “Get this fucker away from me!”

  Her movement was causing the stitches in Glen’s hands to hurt. He headbutted her between the legs, then yelled, “Stop moving!”

  She snapped back. “Don’t you fucking touch me!”

  “My hands are sewn to you, you stupid bitch!”

  “I’m talking about your head, asshole! Keep it away from my crotch.” She glared at Seth. “You are one sick motherfucker! I’m going to make sure you fry for this!”

  Seth stood over her while smoking a cigarette. “I doubt that, you fucking child molester.” He noticed Scott was vomiting. He was secured between Lisa’s legs. “What’s wrong, pal? Does her pussy stink?”

  He was dry heaving as he looked at Seth. “She fucking shit all over the floor. Please cut me loose. I will do whatever you ask.”

  “I can’t believe a tough guy like you would have such a sensitive stomach.”

  “This is fucking gross!”

  “If you think that’s gross, you’re really going to hate what’s coming up. And besides, I figured a piece of shit like you would be getting off on this.”

  “You’re a sick bastard. You need help.”

  “That really means a lot coming from a rapist.”

  “Screw you, asshole!”

  Seth looked at Chester. “Grab the big black dildo and fuck Scott in the ass.”

  Chester had a strange expression. “I… Uh… That’s fucking nasty.”

  Seth looked at Elmer. “Make the fucker do it.”

  “He’s right. That’s fucking gross.”

ther he does it, or you will. Your choice.”

  Elmer walked over to Chester’s switchboard. “Get after it, or I’m going to cook your innards.”

  “You’re going to have to kill me before I do that to a man.”

  Elmer laughed. “Like you didn’t ass rape people in jail.” He turned the rheostat to fifty-percent. “But suit yourself, asswad.” He flipped a button labeled nut stick.”

  Within seconds, Chester fell to his knees. He grabbed the heating element sticking out of his chest, but quickly let go. His hand was covered in steaming sperm from where it had boiled out of his testicles. He was rolling around on the floor as he shouted, “Oh my God! Please stop! I will do whatever you ask!”

  Elmer shut off the unit. “That was only half of what this can do.”

  Chester was crying. “You burned my testicles.”

  Elmer laughed. “It’s not like you’re going to need them anymore. And besides, your ass isn’t going to make it out of here alive anyways. None of you fuckers are.”

  “Please don’t say that.”

  “Well, it’s true.”

  “Then you might as well just go ahead and kill me.”

  Seth intervened. He knew it was important for all the men to think they had a chance. He could force them to do what was coming, but making them fight for their lives would be more exciting. “Listen up everyone. Elmer is full of shit. There is a chance for one of you to get out of here alive.”

  All the men were wide eyed and listening.

  “But you’re going to have to dig deep inside yourself to find the courage and strength to do so. You’re going to have to go into survival mode and unleash your inner savage if you want to prove you’re stronger than your opponent. Only one of you will get to live. The others will suffer the greatest pain imaginable before being subjected to a horrifying death.”

  Kim and Lisa both spoke at the same time. “What about me?”

  “No, y’all are…” Seth thought for a moment. “You know what; if any of you are still alive when this is done, then sure, I’ll give you a chance as well.” Seth looked at Chester. “By the way, I didn’t forget about Scott’s ass rogering.” He made a fist, then started stroking it with his finger. “Get after it or I will have Elmer cook your guts.”

  Chester looked like he wanted to throw up as he tried to stick the big dildo in Scott’s ass. He was having a difficult time since he was only able to use one hand since his other one was sewn to his butt cheek. “This is fucking sick.”

  “What’s sick is watching a dickless man with fangs and testicles stuck to his chest trying to ass fuck a fanged, one-eyed man with a big black dildo. And besides, I’m sure you’re secretly getting off on this.”

  “I’m not a fag!”

  “That’s right. You like to fuck little kids.”

  “You don’t know shit!”

  “I know more than you think, pervert.”

  Scott was throwing his ass around as he shouted, “Get the fuck away from me, you motherfucker!”

  Chester finally became frustrated. “It won’t go in.”

  “Put some lube on it, dumbass.”

  Chester spit a big loogie on the dildo, then shoved it in. Seth laughed. “That’s not what I had in mind—you have a bottle of lube in your tool pouch—but that works too, I guess.”

  “How long do I have to do this?”

  “Until further notice.”

  Scott was making strange facial expressions. Seth laughed as he looked at him. “It looks like you’re enjoying that.”

  “You’re going to pay for this. Even if you kill me, my brothers will hunt you down.”

  “Oh yeah. I forgot you’re part of a motorcycle gang.” Seth pulled out his cell phone and started recording him getting ass rammed.

  Scott’s face was bright red. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Getting a close up of you being butt pounded so I can send it to your club.”

  He glared at Seth. “You’re so dead and don’t even know it!”

  “At least my friends aren’t going to think I’m a cock-glove.”

  “Screw you!”

  Seth looked at Chester. “Scott said he wants to be screwed, so use the drill on his ass.”

  Chester removed the dildo and stuck it back in his tool pouch, then pulled out a cordless drill with a large knobby dildo. “You sure? This will tear him apart.”

  “No. I was just wanting to hear myself talk.” He pointed at Scott’s ass. “Get to drillin’, perv.”

  Chester put the drill on the floor, then pulled out a bottle of lube and started to squirt some on the dildo. Seth snapped his fingers to get his attention. “Use the red bottle.”

  Chester pulled it out and noticed it had flames on it with the name, Smokin’ Hot ass Lube. “What the hell is this?”

  “Just what it says. Squirt that shit on there and get after it.”

  Scott tensed up when Chester shoved the dildo in his ass. When he started the drill, the knobs caused so much vibration that the flabby skin on his rear-end was jiggling. A few minutes later Scott started screaming as smoke poured out between his anus and the dildo. He felt like he was being burned from the inside out. He was desperately trying to get loose, but between his knees being chained to the floor and his hands sewn to Lisa’s hips, he could barely move his own hips.

  Chester was holding his head back to keep the smoke from burning his eyes. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “The ass lube is causing a chemical reaction to the moisture because it has lye and some other nasty chemicals in it.”

  Scott was panicking. “Please make him stop! It’s burning me really bad!”

  A few minutes later Chester started struggling to hold onto the drill. “I think the dildo is starting to stick or something. I can hardly hold onto the drill.”

  “The chemical is drying out his ass. Make sure you don’t….”

  About that time, Chester jerked sideways when the dildo seized to Scott’s colon, causing him to lose his grip. Chester had the trigger locked, so the drill was spinning around and around as Scott screamed.

  Seth pointed at the drill. “Dammit. I was going to say don’t let go of it.”

  Chester shrugged his shoulders. “Now what?”

  “Grab it.”

  The drill was hitting his hand as he reached for it. “It’s knocking the shit out of me and the smoke is burning my eyes.”

  “I don’t want to hear your excuses. Grab the motherfucker!”

  “I only have one hand, smart guy.”

  “Don’t sass me. Just do it.”

  Chester used the side of his body and hand to stop it from spinning, then grabbed it. Within seconds Scott’s anus started turning. Chester had a puzzled look. “I think his ass is spinning.” About that time, a two-foot piece of intestines came falling out of Scott’s rear. Chester threw the drill on the floor and turned around, then vomited. Scott had a grimace of terror as he looked back at the bloody, shit-covered piece of organ as it flopped around on the ground from the drill. “Oh my God! What have you done?”

  Seth walked behind him. “It appears your ass has been ripped out, pal.”

  Scott started panicking. “Oh shit! Please call an ambulance. I need to have it put back in.”

  “This is going to be the least of your problems.” Seth looked at Elmer as he pointed to the piece of intestine. “Get rid of it.”

  Elmer picked up the drill and turned it off, then slung it like a lacrosse stick, dislodging the intestine from the dildo. The piece of organ went flying through the air and landed across the building. Scott had a horrified expression as he looked at Elmer. “Why did you do that? Please go get it.”

  “I ain’t gettin’ shit.”

  Scott looked at Seth. “Please go get it. I need to have it put back in. I won’t be able to live a normal life without it.”

  “Look around you idiot. Does it look like I’m worried if you’re going to be able to shit right after we’re done here?” Seth l
it a cigarette. “But, if you’re the last man standing in the end, I’m sure the doctors will give you a colostomy bag.”

  “I can’t wait. I need medical treatment now. I’m probably hemorrhaging internally.”

  “I doubt that, but I’m sure your abdomen is being filled with shit. I would be more worried about infection.”

  Scott looked scared. “You can’t do this to me. Please get me some help.”

  “Stop whining and take your medicine.”

  “I don’t deserve to be treated like this. This is inhumane.”

  “Oh, really? A rapist worried about how he’s being treated. Say another word and I will have Elmer cut off your balls.”

  He started to speak, then looked down.

  Muff Divin’

  Everyone had been quiet after seeing what happened to Scott, except for Bruce. He had been making moaning sounds and talking to himself. He was the weaker of the men. Real sissified. Seth finally got tired of hearing him bitching and moaning. “What the fuck are you whining about?”

  He seemed to be in pain. “I need your help.”

  “You need a proctocolectomy too?”

  “No. I have a bad back. I’m starting to hurt really bad.”

  “And what do you want me to do about it? Sever your spine or something?”

  “Can you reposition me?”

  “I would rather sever your spine.”

  “How much longer are you going to keep me like this?”

  “Until the game is over.”

  “What game? What am I supposed to do? I’ll do whatever you want if it gets me out of this position.”

  Glen glared at Bruce. “Shut the fuck up! I’ll ask the questions around here.” He looked at Seth. “I want to get this shit over with. These weak ass bastards aren’t going to stand a chance against me. What the fuck am I supposed to do to win this shit?”

  “Your favorite things.”

  “And what the fuck would that be?”

  “Being cruel, domineering, demeaning and violent. You know; being a typical piece of shit rapist.”


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