The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 129

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “It’s a sock monkey. We removed it from your abdomen.”

  He looked closer, and sure enough, it was a damn stuffed animal. He was angry, but relieved at the same time. “You sure that’s all that was in me?”


  “What about the shocking thing?”

  “The doctor shook his head. “There was nothing else in you but this.”

  One of the agents approached the bed. He was red headed, short and in his mid-thirties. “I’m Agent Thacker. I have a few questions I need to ask you.”


  “What was your involvement with…” He paused for a moment. “I don’t even know what to call it.”

  The other agent intervened. He was older and more outspoken. “I’m Agent Herbert. What my partner is trying to ask is why did you do that to those men?”

  “Hold up! I didn’t do shit to them. That was someone else that did that.”

  “Do you really wanna play dumb? We have plenty of evidence to prove you were involved.”

  “I told you I had nothing to do with that. You don’t have shit on me.”

  Agent Thacker spoke up. “We’ve searched your house and you had some incriminating items that state otherwise.”

  “Like what? What did you find?” He thought for a moment. “And why in the fuck were you in my house? You didn’t have the right to go in there.”

  “For starters, we had a warrant to search it. And we found the victims’ clothes and personal items.”

  “Clothes and personal items? That’s bullshit. You didn’t find shit there. You’re bluffing.”

  Agent Thacker showed him a picture. “Here are all the clothes we found hidden in the attic.”

  “That doesn’t prove shit. I’ve never been in the attic and those were probably left there by the previous owners.”

  He showed him several more pictures. “Then explain why we found wallets and ID’s in the clothing that belong to the victims?”

  Elmer looked like he wanted to cry. “I… I can’t. You must be mistaken.”

  “We also found blood all over your house. We’re having DNA testing done to see if it matches the victims.”

  Tears were running down his cheeks. He knew Seth had planted that stuff there. “I didn’t do anything. I swear. I’m a victim too.”

  “We’ll determine that later.”

  “Am I under arrest or something?”

  “Not yet. We’re just waiting on forensics to verify a few things.”

  “I’ve already said someone did this to me. He’s the one that put the bomb inside me.”

  “The doctor already said there wasn’t a bomb. But they did find large traces of LSD, PCP and cocaine in your system. That would explain why the stuffed animal was in you. You did it to yourself when you were high and don’t remember. Just like what you did to those men.”

  “This is bullshit. I’m innocent. I haven’t done anything. And I don’t use drugs; he must have put them in my drink or food or something. And he’s the one that put that damn sock monkey in me and stashed the clothes in my house. He set me up.”

  “What about the blood?”

  “He did that too.”

  Agent Thacker decided to play along. “So, who is this man that did this to you?”

  Elmer was hesitant on ratting on Seth, knowing he’d get it worse if he did. “Just some crazy person. He put the explosives in me so I would have to do things.”

  “What things are you referring to?”

  Elmer realized he was saying too much. “Uh… I’m starting to feel dizzy.”

  “Please answer the question.”

  “Uh… Like run errands and stuff for him.”

  “What kind of errands?”

  “You know. Grocery shopping and stuff.”

  The agent could tell Elmer was beating around the bush and holding back information. “Really? Some man put a bomb in you to make you go buy his groceries?”

  Elmer realized he was digging himself in deeper. “I… I’m not saying anything else until I talk to a lawyer.”

  Agent Thacker became frustrated. “You know what you did. Lawyer or not, you’re going down for this you piece of shit.”

  Agent Herbert grabbed Agent Arnold by the shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ve heard enough. We’re done here.”

  Elmer started panicking. “Please believe me. I’m telling the truth.” He remembered the transmitter that was sewn to his chest. He noticed the area was covered with a bandage. “Hold up. What about the transmitter that was sewn to me? Did y’all remove it?”

  The doctor nodded. “We removed something that could be construed as a transmitter, but it’s….”

  Elmer felt relieved as he blurted out, “Then that should prove I’m telling the truth.”

  “If you would let me finish, I was trying to say it could be construed as one, but it’s fake.” The doctor held up another bag. “It’s a toy transmitter. Something kids would play with.”

  Elmer became upset. “That’s not the same one. The one I had was real. I know, because I communicated through it with that crazy man.”

  Agent Arnold had a look of aggravation. “You’re the crazy man. You sewed that to yourself when you were high.” He leaned over the bed, getting close to Elmer. “You’re a lowlife drug-head that did some real fucked up shit.”

  “I told you, I’m done talking to you.”

  “That’s fine. I’m sure the jury is going to find it interesting how you were hearing voices through your toy transmitter.” He held up a portable recording device. “Slam-dunk. If you don’t get the needle for this, you’ll at least be spending the rest of your life in the nut house.” The agent walked to the door, then looked back. “Just to let you know, we have a couple of men guarding this room in case that crazy man comes back.”

  Elmer knew he was being sarcastic. The men were there to make sure he wouldn’t try to leave. When the agents left, Elmer became very worried, thinking about how much trouble he was in, but he was also very angry at Seth. He knew he had drugged him somehow, removed the bomb and shocker and replaced it with the damn sock monkey. He replaced the transmitter to make him look crazy and planted the clothes and blood to make him look guilty. The drugs gave him the motive to do such a heinous act.

  A few weeks later when he recovered, he was transported to a county jail for pre-trial detention. He was facing multiple federal charges for kidnapping, torture and five counts of capital murder since all the men eventually died from infections.

  Elmer was a nervous wreck when he finally met with his court appointed attorney. Elmer was sitting at a table when he came in the room. He was an older gentleman, around seventy years old. He was on the heavy side, bald on top, wearing glasses and an outdated suit. When he sat down, he didn’t say anything as he slid a picture over to Elmer.

  Elmer picked it up and noticed it was of a man in his mid-fifties, stocky with a large belly and kind of scroungy looking. He looked at his attorney. “Why are you showing me this?”

  “Do you recognize him?”

  “Sure. I’ve seen him around here. But what does he have to do with anything?”

  “That’s your next assignment. His name is Richard Tubbs. He’s a child molester.”

  “What are you talking about? I don’t give a shit about him. You’re supposed to be helping me get out of here.”

  “I am. After you mess him up, proof of your innocence will be sent to the prosecutors.” He motioned with his finger for Elmer to turn over the picture. “Look at the back. Do those items. Try to do them in that order if you can.”

  Elmer noticed a list of things to do to Richard. He read them out loud, “Find a secluded spot and secure Richard. Strip him of his clothes. Rip out his tongue and pull out all his teeth. Break all fingers and toes. Shatter his elbows, knees and ankles. Sodomize him with a broom handle or some other device until his ass falls out. Rip off his dick and balls and make him swallow them. Skin him alive, then cover him with salt. Jab out his eyes.
Leave him lying in his blood and shit so he can suffer until he dies.” Elmer looked up at the old man like he was crazy. “Is this a joke?”

  “If it was, would it be funny?”

  “There’s no need being a smartass. I’m in a lot of trouble here.”

  “Don’t worry. Just do what’s asked and you’ll be fine. Seth said this is your last assignment. He can’t get to Richard, so he made it so you can.”

  Elmer became angry. “That sorry bastard had me go through all this just so he can get off on killing another pervert? The street is full of them. Why in the fuck is this guy so important?”

  “Because this particular piece of shit owned a daycare where he molested the kids. One of the girls that he molested is the daughter of Seth’s friend.”

  Elmer was confused. “Did he torture those men just to set me up?”

  “No. That had nothing to do with this. When Seth found out that Richard had been moved here, he took a chance that you would be sent here too while you were waiting for your trial. It just happened to work out.”

  “Did he put on that stupid show just so I would get busted?”

  The man stood up. “No, the show was part of the original plan. It was broadcast around the world to set an example to the other pieces of shit. Millions of people saw it live, and now that it’s viral, it will be viewed by even more people. It will be out there floating around the Internet forever, right along with the recording of the fuckers being skinned and sewn together back in the old recording studio. It might not detour all of the terrorists, but maybe it will make a few of them think twice before they do stupid shit.” He walked to the door and tapped on it. When the door opened, the man smiled as he looked at Elmer. “Remember, I told you it was going to be my finest work. Getting Richard is just icing on the cake.”

  Elmer’s eyes got big when he realized the man was Seth in disguise. “It’s you!”

  “As soon as you take care of your business, I’ll get you out.” Seth walked out the door.

  Elmer stood up and started shouting, “Come back here, you motherfucker! Hey! You can’t do this to me!”

  A guard came into the room. “Calm your ass down, boy!”

  Elmer pointed towards the door. “That’s the man that set me up! Go get him before he gets away!”

  “That’s enough of your bullshit. I’m tired of hearing about it. In fact, we all are.”

  Elmer picked up the picture fom the table and handed it to the guard. “Here. He wants me to kill this guy. There’s a list of things he wants me to do to him on the back. That should be proof.”

  The guard shook his head as he looked at it, then he flipped it over and started reading the back. “You’re really one fucked up person.” He handed the picture back to Elmer. “You need help.”

  Elmer was confused. “What the fuck? Why aren’t you taking me serious? I have the proof right here.” He held up the picture.

  “You’re fucking nuts, pal.” He nodded towards the door. “Let’s go.”

  Elmer didn’t say anything as he was led back to his cell. When his cell door closed, he sat on the edge of his cot, wondering why no one would believe him. Even the guard didn’t, and he showed him the proof. He took a deep breath, then looked at the picture that he was still holding. His eyes got big when he noticed it wasn’t the picture of Richard, but of himself posed nude as if he was modeling. He flipped it over and noticed there was a list, but not about Richard. It was about him and all the things he likes to do. He read it to himself; I like to have sex with farm animals. I like to jack off and squirt on my face. I like to stroke tight man butts. He stopped reading the list, ripped it into pieces, then tossed them to the floor. He was so angry he wanted to punch a wall. For the next hour, he paced back and forth, thinking about how Seth had fucked him over.

  He started getting tired, so he laid back on his bed. When he adjusted his pillow, he found a sock monkey under it. There was a note attached. It read, A friend to keep you company. P.S. And don’t drop the soap. He was tired of Seth and his sick and twisted games. He shredded the monkey into pieces, then started stomping on them as he shouted out curse words.

  A guard came to his cell. “Keep it down, asshole!” He noticed the floor was covered with paper, fabric and cotton. “And clean this mess up.”

  Elmer glared at him. “Or what?”

  “Or I’ll let Richard rip you a new asshole instead of it being the other way around.”

  Elmer’s eyes got big. “What?”

  “Just do what you’re told and you’ll get out of here soon.”

  “What the fuck! Are you in cahoots with Seth?”

  “I don’t know who you’re talking about. And be ready. It goes down tomorrow.” The guard walked off.

  Elmer sat on the edge of his bed, not believing the situation he was in. And now a guard was in on it. How many more people know about what was going to take place, he wondered. He couldn’t understand how a sadistic killer like Seth could get by with the shit he does. It puzzled the shit out of him. He knew if he ever wanted out, he was going to have to do what Seth wanted. That night he didn’t sleep, worried about Richard and how it was all going to go down. Was the guard, or guards, going to throw them in the same room together and let them fight? He’d never been in a hand-to-hand combat situation before, and was scared Richard was going to hurt him, or worse, kill him. Then the thought of being raped crossed his mind. That happens in prison, especially by criminals like Richard. He was already a molester, so raping a man would probably be something he’d be into.

  A Sick Bastard

  The next morning a guard came to Elmer’s cell. “Let’s go.”

  Elmer was scared shitless. “Where to?”

  “I said let’s go!”

  Elmer followed him down the hallway, then into the kitchen. From there they went down a corridor, then into a mechanical room. There were two more guards in the room. Then Elmer noticed Richard. He was standing off to the side with his shirt off, pumping himself up like he was getting ready to fight. Elmer was petrified when he noticed how big he was. He knew he was overweight, but he had muscular arms, a wide neck and a thick chest. He could tell he worked out. Elmer wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go.

  Richard was smiling as he looked at Elmer. “So, you’re the punk that has a problem with me? I’m fixin’ to tear you a new asshole, boy.”

  A guard tossed Elmer a baseball bat. “Clock the motherfucker.”

  Elmer gripped the bat tightly as he held it up. He was scared. “You fucking approach me, I will bust you in the head!”

  Richard was confused. He looked at the guard. “What the fuck? That’s not fair.”


  “It gives him an unfair advantage.”

  “I’m sure the kids you fucked felt the same way.”

  Richard became angry. “So, that’s what this is about? Screw you!” He looked at Elmer. “And fuck you too! I’ll shove that bat up your ass, you fucking pussy!” He pulled out a knife from his waistband. It appeared to be made out of a piece of metal with a leather wrapped handle. “I got something too, you fucking bitch.”

  Elmer went nuts. His survival instinct had kicked in. He charged Richard and started beating the shit out of him. When he knocked him silly, he stood over him smiling. He had seen and done a lot in the last few months with Seth. His vengeful side was coming out. It was as if he had been training all this time just for this moment. He started poking Richard in the chest with the bat. “Wake up, you motherfucker. I have a surprise for you.”

  One of the guards handed Elmer a syringe. “I was told to give this to you once you had him subdued.”

  “Oh cool. He will really like this shit.” Elmer knew it was one of Seth’s concoctions that would keep him alive and awake as long as possible. He injected it into Richard’s neck.

  Within seconds, Richard’s eyes opened. Elmer smiled as he stood over him. “Welcome back, sunshine.” He took the bat and started beating his body. Richard was sc
reaming as Elmer shattered his shoulders, arms, knees and ankles. When he was done, he shoved one knee into his chest, then tried to grab his tongue, but Richard was biting his fingers. Elmer took the end of the bat and started pounding him in the mouth. After he broke all his front teeth and shattered his jaw bones, he started pulling at his tongue, but it was too slippery to get a good grip. He grabbed Richard’s crudely constructed knife and started jabbing it into the base of his tongue. When he had most of it severed, he was able to tear it out. Without hesitating, he started shoving the knife into his gums and prying out his teeth. Richard was screaming at the top of his lungs as he had to endure the pain since his broken limbs were preventing him from fighting back.

  As soon as he was done, Elmer showed no mercy as he started breaking his fingers and toes. He was bending some of them backwards and some to the side. When he was done, his fingers and toes were bent in all directions and some of them had bones sticking through his flesh. Richard was on the verge of passing out, so Elmer started quickly ripping off his clothes. “Don’t you die on me, you fucking piece of shit. We’re just getting started.”

  Richard could barely speak. “Peas on’t urt me no or.”

  When he had him stripped, he flipped him over onto his stomach. He looked at the guards. “I need a broom handle.”

  One of them laughed. “There’s none around here. I guess you’ll have to improvise.”

  There was no way he was going to stick his dick in a man. Without hesitating, or thinking, he shoved his fingers in his ass. He wiggled them around until he got his hand in, then he started twisting his arm from side to side, getting it in deeper and deeper. Once he had his arm buried all the way in Richard’s ass, he started shoving his arm in and out, from his wrist to his elbow.

  Two of the guards were gagging as they watched. They were making comments about how he was a sick and crazy bastard.

  “Seth wanted this motherfucker sodomized, so sodomized he’s getting.” Elmer really didn’t give a shit what they were saying. He had seen and done a lot worse than this. He just wanted to get it over with. Before he met Seth, there would have been no way he would ass rape a dude with his arm, but after the shit he had gone through it was no big deal.


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