The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 162

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Kenneth was so pissed he really didn’t want to talk. “Not really. Patrick fell out of the fuckin’ truck when we were driving down the highway. He’s probably busted up pretty bad.”

  “Fell out of the truck?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. And I told you that little fucker would be trouble.”

  “Did anyone see it happen?”

  “I don’t think so….” Kenneth lost his train of thought when he noticed Andrew smoking Gus’ ass. Andrew’s skin was pale and his eyes were blood shot. Gus was hanging motionless as if he was dead. The backside of Gus was covered in vomit, blood and feces. The air was filled with a stench that burned Kenneth’s nose. He looked at Seth. “Damn, dude! What the fuck have y’all been doin’ in here?”

  “Don’t ask.”

  He was disgusted as he looked at them. “I’m not hanging around with that nasty shit. I’m going to head on to Abilene to find Darren.”

  “That’s fine.”

  He shook his head as he walked to the door, pausing before he walked out. He pointed at Barry. “And don’t ever ask me to babysit that fucker again.” He slammed the door shut.

  Seth glared at Barry. “I should have known better.”

  He started to remove the pacifier so he could speak.

  “Keep sucking on it. I don’t want to hear your fucking excuses.” He pointed across the room. “In fact, I want you to go stand in the corner.”

  Barry spit the pacifier on the floor. “I’m not doing shit!”

  “Then get the fuck out of the RV.”

  “How am I supposed to get home?”

  “I don’t give a shit. You can suck on a truck driver’s dick if that’s what it takes.”

  He shook his head as he walked towards the corner. “You’re sorry.”

  “Don’t forget your fucking binky.” Seth kicked it over to him.

  “This is bullshit! You never listen to what I have to say.”

  “Face the corner.”

  He picked up the pacifier and stuck it in his mouth as he faced the corner. Seth shook his head as he looked at Wyatt. “This is turning into a fuckin’ circus.”

  “I wonder what Elmer did to piss off Kenneth.”

  Barry spun around and shouted, “Don’t fucking call me Elmer, you piece of shit! And I didn’t do shit to that black motherfucker! He’s just a fucking dick!”

  Seth glanced at his watch. “You could only keep your mouth shut for ten seconds. What the fuck am I going to do with your ass?”

  “I didn’t do a damn thing to deserve this!”

  “I don’t have time for your shit. Just stand over there and be quiet.”

  Barry stood with his back to the corner and crossed his arms.

  “I see you rebelling.”

  “You don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”

  “Hush!” Seth unzipped the bag that Kenneth had brought in, revealing a man in his mid-twenties. “Check out this dipshit.”

  Wyatt noticed he was dressed like a hipster. He was wearing khaki joggers, a black Diamond Supply hoodie and gray Yeezy Boost shoes. “Is this Patrick Ramsey?”


  “What did he do?”

  “He stabbed an elderly man twenty-three times during a home burglary.”

  Wyatt noticed Patrick had a medallion hanging from his neck that read FUCCBOI. “What is a fuccboi?”

  “Not sure.”

  Wyatt looked it up on his phone. “It’s pronounced fuck boy. Urban Dictionary says it’s a pussy ass nigga with no common sense that lacks good judgement.”

  “I doubt that’s the meaning. He wouldn’t be wearing it if it did, unless he’s fuckin’ retarded.”

  “Let me look some more.” He read another article. “Here we go. A manipulating dick who does whatever it takes to benefit himself, regardless of who he screws over.”

  “I doubt that it’s either.”

  Wyatt kept searching the internet. “I keep getting conflicting information. It seems like everyone knows what a fuccboi is, but at the same time, no one knows. Here’s another definition. A fuccboi is a man who is lame, who sucks, who ain’t shit. Here’s another one. A dude that knows fashion and is good with women. This one says a fuccboi is a male who is constantly seeking romance and/or sexual congress with women. This one says it’s a boy that plays with girls’ hearts and is only looking to get in their pants.” Wyatt looked at Seth. “I don’t really know. Perhaps, a fuccboi perceives themselves as a player while everyone else thinks of them as being a fucking idiot.”

  “I think you’re right.” Seth started moving Patrick’s limbs.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Checking for broken bones. His right arm and left leg are broken.” He pressed on his chest. “Ribs seem fine though.” He moved his head around. “No apparent neck injury.”

  Barry popped off. “If that’s all the fucker has wrong with him, then he’s lucky.”

  Seth ignored him.

  Wyatt noticed he had a lot of road rash and his head was bleeding. “He got scraped up pretty good. I wonder if he has brain damage.”

  “For his sake, he better hope so.”

  “What are you going to do to him if he doesn’t?”

  “Not sure. Never ran across a fuccboi before.”

  “Whatever you do, keep the gay shit to a minimum.”

  “Ha ha, fucker. I think you need to worry about getting us to Abilene on time and leave the torture chamber to me.”

  Wyatt started walking towards the front.

  Seth laughed. “And remember, what happens back here, stays back here.”

  Can Pricks Fly?

  Barry was sitting on a table as he watched Seth strap Patrick’s torso and legs down. “Are you not going to strip him of his clothes?”


  “I thought you always like to do that to dudes.”

  Seth knew Barry was fucking with him. “What I really like doing is cutting dicks off assholes.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Seth slid some extensions out from the table. They were perpendicular to Patrick’s body. He laid his arms on them, then strapped them down.

  “Why are you doing that?”

  “He has some broken bones that I need to fix.”

  “Why in the fuck do you care if they’re broken?”

  “Why in the fuck aren’t you standing in the corner sucking your passy like you were told?”

  “Because I’m not going to let you mistreat me anymore.”

  Seth lowered a piece of equipment from the ceiling. It was mounted on an articulating arm. He positioned it over Patrick’s right arm.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  Seth pointed to a sign on the box that read WARNING: X-RAY RADIATION.

  Barry laughed. “Haven’t we moved up in the world.”

  “Keep it up and you’ll be using this to help remove your foot out of your ass.”

  “Whatever, dude.”

  Seth injected Patrick with adrenaline. A few seconds later, his eyes opened. He raised his head off the table and started looking around. “Where am I?”

  Barry yelled out, “In the house of assholes!”

  Seth glared at him. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “You tell me. You have all the answers.”

  “Keep acting up and see where it gets you.”

  Patrick was in pain. He was also still dazed. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “Your arm and leg are broken and you have a lot of bumps and scrapes.”

  “What happened?”

  “Apparently, you fell out of a moving vehicle.”

  “I don’t remember that. How did that happen?”

  Seth pointed towards Barry. “Ask that idiot.”

  Barry shook his genitals. “I got your idiot hanging right here.”

  Patrick looked worried. “Am I in the hospital?”

  Seth shook his head. “As close as you’re going to get to one.”

>   He was confused. “What does that mean?” He tried to move. “And why am I tied down?” He was becoming more alert, and as he looked around, he noticed Gus hanging on the wall. Then he noticed Andrew was resting his head against his ass while sucking on the pipe. “Oh my God!” He looked at Seth with disbelief. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Don’t pay any attention to those sick fuckers.”

  He looked around, noticing the tools hanging on the wall. He started panicking. “This isn’t a hospital. Where in the fuck am I?”

  Seth turned on the X-ray machine, causing it to make a humming noise. Barry had a hateful expression. “Is that fucker safe to be around?”


  “That doesn’t sound too convincing.”

  “Then leave.”

  “I hope it makes your dick fall off.”

  “Like yours did?”

  “Screw you!”

  “Hey, if you’re gonna dish it out, you better learn to take it.”

  “Whatever, dude.”

  Patrick was scared. “I don’t know what’s going on, but please help me.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do.” Seth looked at a monitor that was mounted to the X-ray machine. “Your humerus has a compound fracture.”

  “That’s not good! Are you going to take me to the hospital?”

  “No. I’m going to fix it myself.”

  “Are you a doctor or something?”

  Barry laughed. “Yeah, doctor of death.”

  Patrick’s eyes opened big. “What the hell is going on? Why are y’all saying weird shit?”

  Seth picked up a rubber mallet. “This might sting a little.” He struck his arm.

  Patrick screamed. “What the fuck are you doing? That fucking hurts!”

  Seth hit his arm a few more times as he watched the monitor, then tossed the mallet on Patrick’s chest. “I got your humerus put back together, but now I need to install a pin to keep it in place.”

  Patrick was breathing heavily and his face was covered in sweat. “Oh my God! Please don’t do anything else to me!”

  “If I don’t pin it, your bones will move.”

  “There’s no way you’re a fucking doctor! Please just take me to a hospital before you make it worse!”

  Seth held up a cordless drill that had a four-foot long drill bit that was three-eighths in diameter. “This might also sting.”

  His eyes opened wide. “No, no, no! Please don’t do that! I beg you!”

  Barry walked over. “Damn! Where did ya find that thing?”

  “Electricians use them.”

  “Can I watch?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really.”

  Seth stood at the end of Patrick’s arm. He was making a fist. “Open your hand so I can drill into your palm.”

  “I don’t understand. You want to do what?”

  “I’m going to drill through your palm, up through your forearm between your ulna and radius bones, through your elbow, then through the center of your humerus. After that, I’m going to drive in a long pin.” Seth held up a four-foot long aluminum rod.

  Patrick started panicking. “You’re fucking crazy! You can’t do this!”

  “Sure, I can. I’ll use the X-ray machine to guide the bit.”

  “Please take me to the hospital!”

  “They’re going to do the same thing.”

  “Not like that!” He looked at Barry. “Come on, man! Please talk some sense into your friend!”

  Barry shrugged his shoulders. “I kind of wanna see if he can do it.”

  He looked back at Seth. “Listen! I will pay you whatever you want if you don’t do it!”

  He stuck the end of the drill to the back of his hand. “If you don’t open up, I’ll just drill through your fist.”

  “Please don’t do this! I’ll do whatever….”

  Seth drilled between his knuckles, through the center of his hand and into his wrist. Patrick was screaming at the top of his lungs and jerking around as Seth drilled through the center of his forearm. After about half way, he pulled the bit out and tapped it on the edge of the table to dislodge some tissue. He started to stick the bit back in the hole, but paused. “Try to hold still when I get to your elbow. If you flop around too much, I might not be able to stay in the center of your humerus.”

  Patrick was in so much pain that his eyes were rolling around in his head. “Oh God! You’re killing me! Please stop! I’m begging you!”

  Seth shoved the bit back into the hole and started drilling. When he got to his elbow he shouted, “Be still, asshole! You’re going to make me mess up!”

  Barry walked next to Seth and looked at the monitor. He noticed the drill bit wasn’t in the center of the humerus. He yelled over Patrick’s screaming. “Looks like you’re off course.”

  “No shit, Sherlock!”

  “I thought you didn’t make mistakes.”


  About that time, the bit came out the side of the bone right before the break. “Nice job. Now whatcha gonna do?”

  Seth glared at Barry. “Toss you on your fucking head if you don’t stop running your mouth.”

  “Whatever, dude.”

  Seth pulled out the bit, then started hammering in the rod. Patrick had damaged his voice box and was hollering out muffled screams. Snot was running out of his nose and he was foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal. His eyes were blood shot and all the muscles in his neck were bulging out as he endured the pain.

  Barry noticed the rod wasn’t moving past his elbow. “Looks like it’s stuck.”

  “Fuck yes. The rod can’t find the hole in the epicondyle.”

  “In the what?”

  “The large part in the end of his humerus.” Seth started hitting the rod harder.

  Barry laughed. “That’s it. Just force the bitch in.”

  Suddenly, the end of the rod came piercing though Patrick’s bicep. Seth shook his head as he looked at the X-ray. Patrick’s elbow had broken apart, causing the rod to go off course.

  Barry laughed. “Good job.”

  Seth glared at him. “Keep it up, asshole!”

  Barry sat on the other stainless-steel table. “How ya gonna fix that shit?”

  “I’m not.”

  Patrick was on the verge of passing out. Seth injected him with more adrenaline. Within seconds, he was fully alert and looking at his arm in horror. It was swollen and turning blue from internal bleeding. One end of the aluminum rod was sticking out of his bicep, and the other end was sticking out of his fist. His elbow was grotesquely deformed from the shattered bones. He didn’t know what to say as he looked at Seth with disbelief.

  “I know. I fucked up.” Seth walked next to his feet with the drill. “But maybe I’ll do better on your leg.”

  Patrick’s voice was raspy. “Please don’t hurt me anymore! I beg you!”

  “Your femur is broken. But fortunately, it’s just a simple fracture.”

  Patrick had no idea where he was, or why this man was hurting him. The only thing that made any sense was he had to be crazy. He knew begging wasn’t going to stop him, so he thought he’d try reverse psychology. “That’s good. That means it doesn’t need a pin. But I do appreciate you trying to fix my arm.”

  Seth started drilling into the bottom of his foot. When the bit entered his ankle, the drill bogged down as it drilled through bones. Seth showed no mercy as he ran the bit in deeper and deeper. As he drilled between his tibia and fibula, tendons started binding up the bit. The cordless drill finally stopped due to a lack of torque. He reversed it to dislodge the bit, but it wouldn’t budge. He tried to pull it out, but it was stuck. He looked at Barry. “Help me get this out.”

  “Say please.”

  Seth gritted his teeth. “Please.”

  “Say that you’re sorry for being an asshole.”

  Seth removed the drill, laid it on the floor, then walked off.

  “Where ya goin’, pal?”

  Seth ignored him as he dug through a cabinet.

  “Come on. Don’t be such a cry baby.”

  Barry walked over to Patrick. “Are you pouting too?”

  Patrick was breathing heavily and foaming at the mouth. He was in so much pain that he could hardly think straight. “Please make him stop!”

  “He doesn’t listen to me. He’s a know-it-all.” Barry nodded towards Andrew. He was passed out with his head laying against Gus’ bloody ass crack. “Look at that fuckin’ mess he made. I think the fucker needs help.”

  Seth glared at Barry as he plugged in a heavy duty, electric drill. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you gone full-blown on me?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Retarded. Have you gone full-retard on me?”

  “Ha ha, asshole! I have your retard hanging right here.” He grabbed his penis and shook it.

  “Keep it up. You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’.”

  “I ain’t fuckin’ cruisin’ for shit.”

  Seth tightened the drill’s chuck around the bit. “I’m about tired of your shit.”

  “I’ve been tired of yours for a while.”

  Patrick was panicking as he looked at Seth. He could barely speak. “No, no, no! Please don’t start the drill! I beg you! I will do whatever you want if you won’t hurt me anymore!”

  Barry laughed. “Will you suck his dick? He would like that.”

  Seth ignored Barry as he pulled the trigger. At first, there was a lot of resistance as the tendons stretched, causing him to hold onto the handles of the drill with all his strength. As the tendons started tearing apart, it became easier for the bit to spin. Seth watched the monitor as he drilled through the center of his femur. Patrick was throwing his head around and trying to scream, but his voice was completely gone. All he could do was moan. The pain became so intense he started having convulsions, but Seth didn’t stop.

  Barry was watching the monitor. He noticed the bit had come out the side of the Patrick’s femur. “Ha! You did it again. What a tool.”

  Seth stopped the drill and glared at him. “Why are you acting like a prick?”

  “Because I can.”

  “Keep pushing my buttons and see where it gets you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”

  Seth jerked the bit out of Patrick’s leg and tossed it on the floor. He removed the straps, then shoved him onto the floor.


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