The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 174

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Barry was sitting on a table. “Dude! What the fuck? Why are you startin’ shit when I’m minding my own business?”

  “’Cause I know how your creepy ass is. You’ll be tryin’ to titty fuck it.”

  “Screw you! And I’m not fucking creepy!”

  Maggie was bawling like a baby. “Please call an ambulance! I don’t want to die!”

  Kenneth sunk the blade of the circular saw into her. He showed no mercy as he cut all the way around her torso, going through skin, muscles and bones. After he pried her ribcage loose, the front of her torso splatted onto the floor, followed by her intestines. She was in so much pain that her body started convulsing and she collapsed to the floor unconscious.

  Kenneth noticed her heart had stopped beating. “Fuck me! She’s in cardiac arrest.” He looked at Wyatt, panicking. “Do something before the bitch dies!”

  Wyatt was frantically digging through some cabinets. “I can’t find the shocker paddles!”

  “Shocker what?”

  “You know? To shock her heart.”

  “Fucking hurry up!”

  He was looking as fast as he could. “I’m not finding it!”

  “Shit! What are we going to do?”

  Barry walked over. “Your ass is going to get reamed for this.”

  Kenneth glared at him. “I don’t have time for your shit!”

  “Seth gets really pissed when a perfectly good scumbag is wasted. No telling what he’s going to do to you if she dies.”

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do?”

  “I can save her.”

  Kenneth motioned towards Maggie. “Don’t just stand there, do it!”

  “Say you’re sorry for being an asshole. And for calling me creepy.”

  “Fuck that! I’ll let the bitch die.”

  Wyatt laughed. “I’ll tell Seth if you don’t, you fucking creep.”

  “Screw you! And you’ll be in just as much trouble, so don’t threaten me.”

  “Seriously. I’ll tell him you let her die, and you know he’s already had enough of your shit.”

  Kenneth was getting pissed. “We’re running out of time, you fucking prick! Do it or I swear to God I’ll hit you so fucking hard that by the time you stop spinning your clothes will be out of style.”

  “Whatever, dude. I’ll help you, but not because I’m scared of you or Seth.”

  “Tell me.”

  “All you have to do is massage her heart to get the blood flowing again.”

  “Then do it.”

  “I’m not doing shit. You’re the one who fucked her up.”

  “You little prick!” Kenneth grabbed her heart and started squeezing it.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

  “And you better not be fucking with me.”

  “I’m not. I’ve watched videos on YouTube.”

  “Why in the hell do you watch shit like that? You’re even fucking weird at home.”

  “Don’t be a hypocrite. You’re the one with your hand in someone’s chest.”

  Wyatt laughed. “I figured you’d be watching videos of buttholes.”

  “Ha ha, smart-ass!” He pointed towards the back of the RV. “Instead of running your mouth, go grab Seth’s arc welder. It’s in the corner by the Toyota.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  “Look here, dick breath. I’m trying to fix y’all’s fuck up, so go get it so we can shock the bitch’s heart.”

  Wyatt grumbled as he brought it over. “You better hope this doesn’t make it worse.”

  “It won’t.” Barry turned the welder to sixty amps and handed the ground clamp to Kenneth. “Stop massaging her and hold that to the side of her heart.”

  He was worried as he held the clamp in place. “Is this going to shock me too?”


  “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I do.” Barry stuck a rod in the electrode holder and touched the end of it to her heart, which made it contract slightly. When he pulled the rod back, it relaxed.

  Her heart wasn’t beating. Kenneth was frustrated. “It didn’t work!”

  “Chill out. I’ll get it started.” He turned the welder up to seventy-five amps and shocked it again. Still nothing. He went to one-hundred twenty amps. “This should do it.” When he touched the rod to her heart, it forcefully contracted. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He started touching her heart with the rod intermittently, causing it to compress violently and then immediately relax when the rod was removed. After about ten times, he stopped to see if it would beat on its own, but it remained motionless.

  “Dammit! It’s not working!”

  “Stop worrying. I got it under control.” Barry cranked the welder up to two-hundred twenty-five amps. “This will fix it.”

  Kenneth was seriously beginning to freak out. “She’s going to have brain damage! I need to massage her heart to get blood circulating.”

  “Shocking it is doing the same thing.” Barry started erratically sticking the rod to her heart. The high current was causing it to savagely collapse on itself each time he touched it.

  Kenneth smelled a strange odor. “I know you’re not burning it.”

  “Nope. Everything is good.”

  Wyatt noticed part of her heart had turned black. “You stupid fuck! You did burn it.”

  Kenneth’s eyes got big. “You fucking asshole! You said you knew what you were doing!”

  Barry started rolling up the cables to the welder. “You shouldn’t have trusted me.”

  “You little bastard! I should knock out all your fucking teeth!”

  “I’d stop making threats and start pumping her heart before she dies.”

  Kenneth didn’t know what to do. If he let her die, Seth would be disappointed in him. He started massaging her heart. “I’ll get your ass for this!”

  “Whatever, dude. You just make sure you keep that blood flowing so your girlfriend doesn’t die.”

  Wyatt detected that Jimmy was passed out with labored breathing. “Shit! Now something is wrong with Jimmy.” He ran over to him and tried to wake him up. “He’s out cold. I think he’s having trouble breathing.”

  Barry laughed. “Seth is going to be real pissed if you fuckers kill both of them.”

  Kenneth was still squeezing Maggie’s heart as he regarded Wyatt. “Do something.”

  “Like what?”

  Barry walked over to him. “Give the fucker mouth to mouth.”

  “You’re really starting to get on my nerves.”

  “Likewise, pal.”

  Wyatt remembered seeing a CPR ventilator mask in one of the cabinets. He quickly found it and started pumping air into Jimmy, but it didn’t help. “Fuck! I think his lungs are full of fluid or something.”

  Kenneth could hear Maggie wheezing. “She’s starting to have breathing issues too. Dammit! How does Seth keep these fuckers alive so long?”

  Wyatt pulled out his pocketknife. “I’m going to drain the fluid.” He poked a hole in the bottom of Jimmy’s right lung allowing fluid to run out, but it collapsed at the same time. “Oh shit! I think I made it worse.” Jimmy was now making a whistling sound as he breathed. He roared at Barry. “Find something to fix this hole I made! Tape, glue, whatever you can find!”

  Barry was sitting on a table. “Man, you two sure have….” He heard a car door shut and ran over to Jimmy so he could cover the hole in his lung with his hand.

  Wyatt looked confused. “What are you doing?”

  “You need my help.”

  “What are you up to? You wouldn’t just change your attitude for no reason.”


  About that time, Seth and Missy came in. Wyatt gritted his teeth. “You little bastard, I knew there was a reason why you changed your attitude.”

  Barry was scared. “Please don’t say anything.”

  Seth instantly noticed Jimmy’s and Maggie’s gaping torsos. Kenneth and Wyatt bore worried expressions as they worked fev
erishly to keep them alive. They were both covered in sweat and blood. Seth shook his head. “What the fuck is going on in here?”

  Missy laughed. “Looks like amateur hour in a trauma center.”

  Kenneth spoke first. “Spanky fucked up her heart. I told him not to….”

  Barry shouted, “This is their fucking mess. I just tried to help.”

  Seth walked over to Maggie observing her heart. “What idiot burned the fuck out of her heart?”

  Kenneth was looking at him. “Spanky used your welder on it.”

  Barry became angry. “Stop calling me Spanky, asshole! And don’t blame me! You’re the one who cut her up with a fucking circular saw! I was just trying to help!”

  Seth walked over to Wyatt perceiving Jimmy’s condition. “I might be able to save him. You and Spanky get him on one of the tables. He looked at Kenneth. “Get Maggie on the other table. She’s probably brain dead, but continue pumping her heart just in case she’s not. I’ll be with you when I’m done taking care of Jimmy.” Seth noticed Humberto was hanging on the wall with his head down. He walked over to him. “I’d be quiet too.” He then noticed Andrew was laying on the floor dead in a pool of blood, feces and piss. “Y’all sure made a mess out of this fucker.”

  Wyatt and Barry placed Jimmy on a table. Seth took a scalpel and started cutting into his neck below his Adam’s apple.

  Wyatt was worried. “Are you mad?”

  “No. Why would I be?” After he made a half-inch incision, he inserted a tracheostomy tube in his windpipe.

  “Spanky said you get mad when scumbags are wasted.”

  “First off, you should know better than to listen to that instigator.” Barry started to speak, but Seth pointed across the cargo area. “Go stand in your corner.” He looked down as he walked off. Seth aired up the cuff before strapping the obturator to Jimmy’s neck. “It took me years to learn how to keep people alive during torture, so I don’t expect you or Kenneth to be perfect.”

  Wyatt was relieved. “So, what’s wrong with him?”

  He connected an oxygen tank to the tube. “The shock to his body has probably triggered the infiltration of white blood cells into his lungs. It’s what you call acute respiratory distress syndrome. The oxygen will help rid his lungs of fluid.” He injected Jimmy with a syringe. “This is Furosemide. It’ll help increase urination to get rid of excess fluid in the body.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  “From the internet. I learned as I went along.” Seth used superglue to close the hole in Jimmy’s lung.

  “Do you think he’ll make it?”

  “Fifty-fifty chance.” Seth went over to Kenneth. “Now this is going to be a problem. Not even sure how to fix this mess.”

  “Can you replace her heart with a pump?”

  “I don’t have the equipment or supplies here to try something like that.”

  “It can’t be that complicated. It just pumps blood.”

  “If it had just one inlet and one outlet, it wouldn’t be, but the heart has too many arteries and veins. Eleven to be exact.”

  “Just tie them together.”

  It’s more complicated than that. Not only do they come and go from different parts of the body, but also six of them come and go from the lungs. I’d have to make a manifold type device that they would all connect to, and I don’t have that kind of material here. And she probably wouldn’t live through it anyway. But, I might be able to add a pump to her heart.”

  “Then hurry up. My hands are getting tired.”

  Seth cut her intestines loose from her stomach and anus, tossed them in a trashcan, and then set an oxygen tank in her empty abdominal cavity. After he secured it in place with some bailing wire, he took a scalpel and cut a small hole in her trachea at the Y between her lungs, then glued a plastic hose in place.

  Kenneth was confused. “Why are you doing that?”

  “To increase the oxygen in her blood. It will make up for her heart not being as productive.” He connected the other end of the hose to the oxygen tank.

  “Why didn’t you just put an oxygen mask on her?”

  “Because I like doing shit the hard way.”

  “I think you just like doing sick and twisted shit.”

  Seth injected her with Morphine and adrenaline before he slapped her face. “Wake up!”

  “Why are you waking her up now? I thought you were going to add a pump?”

  “I’m not wasting my time if she’s brain dead.” He slapped her again. “Rise and shine, bitch!”

  A few seconds later, she opened her eyes. Seth held out his middle finger, giving her the bird. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

  She could barely talk and her voice was raspy. “What’s… What’s wrong with me? I feel strange.” Her vision was blurry and her mind was dazed. “I can’t see. What’s going on?”

  Kenneth was surprised. “I can’t believe she’s awake.”

  She started having convulsions then passed out. Seth yelled at Barry. “Get your ass over here.”

  He walked up. “What?”

  “Don’t ‘watt’ me, you’re not a fucking lightbulb.”


  “Never mind. Take over for Kenneth and pump her heart.”

  “Why do I have to do that?”

  “This is your fault, so I don’t want to hear it.”

  “I was just trying to help.”

  Wyatt laughed as he looked at Maggie’s burnt heart. “Please don’t ever try to help me.”

  “Fuck you, dude!”

  Wyatt slapped him in the back of the head. “Shut the fuck up!”

  “Don’t fucking hit me, asshole!”

  Missy was sitting in a chair trying to relax. “Y’all don’t start.”

  Wyatt looked at her. “Sorry.”

  Seth had rounded up tools and parts, laying them out on the table next to Maggie. Kenneth peered at them: A drill operated water pump, cordless drill, some clear hose, plastic hose barbs, an empty three-liter soda bottle, a roll of Gorilla tape and some super glue. “This looks high-tech.”

  “It’s all I have to fucking work with.”

  “It looks like something a redneck would throw together.”

  “Then you make something.”

  “Instead of wasting time trying to jerry-rig something, we should just toss her ass in the lake.”

  “If I can keep the bitch alive, I’ve thought of something I’d like to try.” Seth cut a hole in the bottom of the soda bottle and glued a hose barb in place. He connected a short piece of tubing to the barb, inserted a longer piece into the top of the bottle and then ran it all the way to the bottom. He wrapped tape around the top to keep the tubing in place then set the bottle in her open cavity next to the oxygen tank.

  Kenneth was confused. “What’s the soda bottle for?”

  “It’s for storing extra blood to keep the pump primed.” He connected the short hose from the bottle to the input of the pump and attached another hose to the output. He secured the pump to her liver with zip-ties so it wouldn’t flop around. Next, he severed her vena cava vein a few inches below her heart, coupled the ends to a T adapter, then joined the adapter to the hose running to the top of the bottle. The bottle started filling with blood as Barry pumped her heart. Seth motioned for him to move out of the way, then quickly cut a hole in her right ventricle, forced a barbed fitting through the chamber and into her pulmonary valve, making sure it was seated into her pulmonary artery. He united the hose from the output of the pump to the barb then wrapped tape around both her heart and the hose to seal it. Without hesitating, he inserted the impeller shaft of the pump into the cordless drill and pulled the trigger.

  Missy noticed the pump was circulating Maggie’s blood in a continuous flow. “The pump doesn’t have an intermittent flow like a heart. Is that going to be okay?”


  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve read about continuous-flow LVADs on the internet. The human body
does fine with these devices.”

  “You lost me. What’s a LVAD?”

  “Left ventricular assist device. It’s new technology that’s going to replace the traditional mechanical hearts.”

  “I thought you told Kenneth you couldn’t replace her heart?”

  “I didn’t. I’m using it as a manifold. The LVADs are designed to work in conjunction with a failing or damaged heart to supplement blood flow, so this setup will not be as efficient, but it doesn’t matter—the bitch was going to die anyway.”

  “I don’t understand how this contraption works.”

  “The pump is forcing blood into her pulmonary artery that branches off to both of her lungs. It comes back to her heart through the pulmonary veins, into her left ventricle. From there, the pressure from the pump pushes the blood through her aortic valve, to her aorta, then out to her body. When it returns from the body, it drains into the bottle.”

  Maggie awakened with confusion. Her vision was blurry and her body was numb. She tried to focus on the person that was laying on a table, but she couldn’t make out any details. She blinked a few times, reducing some of the blurriness. She could now see that it was a woman on the table, and she had been mutilated. The front of her torso was missing, exposing all her organs, except for the intestines—they were gone. The woman couldn’t be alive, she thought. Maybe the corpse was being used for medical research. There were several men. One looked to be drilling something inside the woman’s open torso while the other two stood watching. Who are these people, she wondered? Who is this woman and what has happened to her? And why am I being forced to see this? It felt surreal, as if she was looking through someone else’s eyes.

  A few minutes later, Maggie was starting to get feeling back in her body. When she moved her arm, terror overwhelmed her when she realized it was her laying on the stainless-steel table. She could barely speak. “Oh my God! What have you done to me?”

  Seth looked down at her. “Your heart got fucked up by a retard, so we’re trying to bypass it.”


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