The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 178

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Fuck if it isn’t! You had the advantage by knowing that would happen.”

  “If you had inside knowledge that a boxer was ill, would you bet on his opponent to win?”

  “That’s different.”

  “No, it’s not. You owe me a grand, or some body parts.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Seth started dancing. “I’m getting me a tooth necklace.”

  “You’re not getting shit!”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  Allen was sitting on the floor covered in dried blood. He was appalled by the actions of Seth and his friends. Even though soreness had set into his wounds and he had a severe headache, he couldn’t hold his tongue anymore. “You people are fucking crazy!”

  They all turned around and looked at him.

  “What the fuck is wrong with y’all? Don’t y’all have any respect for human life?”

  Kenneth glared at him. “That means a lot coming from a woman beater.”

  “Fuck you! That was an accident!”

  Barry laughed. “How in the fuck does your fist accidently punch a woman to death?”

  “Fuck you too!”

  “Fuck me? Fuck you, you demented piece of shit! You can burn in Hell!”

  “Demented? You’re the one that made a game out of killing that man! And look what you’re making us do! You’re the one that’s going to burn in Hell!”

  “You don’t know shit.”

  “I know you were more worried about losing a bet than that man’s life! You should be ashamed of yourself!” He glared at Seth. “And you! You’re the sickest fuck of all—murdering a man so you can propose to a woman in some twisted way!” He looked at Missy. “And you fucking accepted like it was no big deal! Y’all are a bunch of sick fucks!”

  Seth lit a cigarette and took a long, slow drag. “Us sick fucks have one more round of boxing to see, so I suggest you get to it.”

  Allen picked up his hammer. “Fuck you! I’m done playing your game!”

  “You have two choices. Fight, or be rehabilitated into a human shit factory like that fucker.” Seth pointed at Jimmy.

  Allen started pacing. “Fuck! You have no right to do this!”

  “That’s fine.” He looked at Kenneth and Wyatt. “Take his ass to the RV so I can show him what sick really is.”

  Allen changed his attitude. “You win, asshole! I’ll do it!”

  Seth looked at Harvey as he was lying on his side. “Get your ass up.”

  Harvey was covered in blood. “I can’t. My head is killing me!”

  “I’ll be killin’ you if you don’t.”

  Harvey was in excruciating agony as he stood to his feet. “I’m very dizzy. I don’t think I can go on.”

  “Then just stand there and let Allen win.” Seth looked at Barry then tapped his wrist. “Start the timer.”

  Barry was still pissed. “Not until you say you cheated.”

  “I think I’d rather have a penis necklace.”

  Barry gritted his teeth. “You’re an asshole!” He started his stopwatch.

  Seth yelled at Allen and Harvey. “Get to it!”

  Allen took a deep breath, knowing he had no choice, then started hitting himself in the face. Harvey was scared to death of what Seth would do to him if he lost, so he started hitting himself as hard as he could in the forehead. Allen noticed what he was doing, so he started hitting himself in the forehead too. Both men were screaming as they desperately tried to knock themselves out. Allen quickly became dazed and fell to all fours. Kenneth was off to the side shouting, “Don’t stop! Keep going!”

  Allen sat up on his knees and started hitting himself again. He had inflicted so much damage to his brain, that he was losing the ability to control his arms. He was only able to take a swing every few seconds. Kenneth was irate, yelling at him to hit faster.

  Harvey had collapsed onto his knees as well. His blood-covered body was swaying back and forth as he continued hitting himself in the head. Kenneth could tell Harvey was on the verge of passing out. He didn’t want to lose the bet, so he grabbed the hammer from Allen and swung it as hard as he could towards his head. As soon as the hammer struck him, a loud boom echoed out, startling Kenneth. “What the fuck was that?” His eyes got big when he noticed Harvey was laying on his back and there was blood splattered across the floor. “What happened to him?”

  Seth looked excited. “He knocked out his fucking brains.”

  “Hold up! That’s fucking impossible.”

  Seth reached out. “Where’s my five-hundred bucks?”

  Kenneth examined Harvey, noticing the back of his skull was missing and brain matter was spattered was on the floor. “You fucking shot him in the head!”

  “No I didn’t.”

  “Bullshit! I heard the gunshot.”

  “You heard the impact of him knocking the fuck out of himself.”

  “Bullshit! There’s no way a hammer could do that.”

  “How would you know? You were too busy hitting Allen in the head with his hammer.”

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Where’s my money?”

  “Money? You fucking cheated!”

  “And you didn’t? You’re just mad that I beat you to the punch.”

  Allen sat up, rubbing his head. “Did I win?”

  Seth laughed. “No, but I did.” He looked at Kenneth. “Time to pay the piper, pal.”

  Retarded Smurfs

  Kenneth was still outraged, proclaiming that Seth had cheated. “I didn’t lose, so I don’t owe you shit.”

  Barry was mad too. “And I don’t owe you shit either.”

  Seth laughed. “Okay, you fucking crybabies. I’ll let you welsh on your bets.”

  Kenneth and Barry, fuming, commenced to yelling at Seth, who started to lose his cool. Missy intervened before they got into it. “Hey! There are three more scumbags to deal with, so chill out.”

  Seth nodded. “She’s right. We can settle our bets on them.”

  She shook her head. “That’s not what I meant.”

  Kenneth liked Seth’s idea. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I’ll give them poison, and we can bet on who will last the longest. There are three of them, so we each get to pick one.”

  “I’m in, but we’re all putting in two grand.”

  Barry nodded. “That’s fine.”

  Seth looked at him. “You already owe me a thousand bucks, or some body parts. And if you lose again, you’ll owe even more.”

  “I have it covered.”

  “Sure, you do.”

  They walked over to the men laying on the floor gagged and hogtied. Kenneth pointed to a skinny Mexican man with a shaved head with a teardrop tattoo under his right eye and gang-related tattoos scattered across his body. “I choose this fucker.”

  Seth flipped through his folder, stopping on a page with the man’s information. “That’s Victor Ramirez. He’s a serial rapist.”

  Victor started jerking around and yelling through his gag. “Fuck you! I will kill your ass!”

  Barry pointed to a man in his mid-twenties sporting slicked back hair and a long beard, resembling a hipster. “I choose him.”

  Seth flicked a few more pages. “His name is Byron Reed. He molested his three-year-old daughter.”

  The third man looked like a bum. He was older, around fifty, had long shaggy hair and an unkempt beard. Seth scanned the remaining pages. “Let’s see what kind of pervert I got stuck with.” He stopped on his page. “Roy Murphy. He kidnapped a woman, locked her in his basement, and raped her for several weeks before she escaped.”

  Roy was blubbering through his gag. “Please don’t do this!”

  Seth knelt beside him. “Sucks being held against your will, doesn’t it?”

  “You have no right to do this to me.”

  “I’m sure Sarah felt the same way when you were indulging yourself and maintaining her as your sex slave.”

��I served my time!”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He grabbed him by the legs before directing his attention to Barry and Wyatt. “Grab the other two assholes.” They dragged the men over to where Allen remained chained. Seth glanced over at Barry and Wyatt. “Go get Allen off the floor and hang him on the wall in the RV.”

  Allen’s head was so swollen he looked like a mongoloid, his entire face covered in bruises and lacerations; patches of skin peeled back from the blows of the hammer exposing muscle. His battered face displaying a crooked nose, puffy lips and both eyes swollen completely shut. Several of his front teeth had been knocked out or were broken off at the gum, exposing the nerve roots and intensifying the pain and throbbing of his face. He could barely speak as he lay in a pool of his own blood. “Are you taking me to the hospital?”

  Seth shook his head. “Not right now.”

  “What about my penis?”

  Seth tied a cord to it and hung it around his neck.

  “Hold up! You said I was going to get it sewn back on.”

  “No I didn’t. I said you were going to get it back, and you have.”

  His unintelligible curses, distorted by the gruesome damage he had inflicted upon himself, were disregarded by Seth as Barry and Wyatt dragged him out of the building. While they were gone, Kenneth started fastening a separate chain to each of the three men. Missy was filling 26 ml, extended-release capsules with a white powder, and Seth was mixing some chemicals in a bowl. Satisfied it was the perfect amalgamation, he filled a large syringe with the concoction. He charged Kenneth with the task of restraining the men as he injected the mixture into their penises and testicles. He filled another syringe with a different drug and injected them in the back of their throats. He also commanded each of the reprobates to swallow two of the capsules Missy had filled with the powder.

  When Wyatt and Barry got back, he had them remove the gags and untie the men. Victor jumped to his feet and started wrenching at his chain like a wild animal as he threatened to kill everyone. Byron was shouting that Seth and his accomplices were going to prison. Roy was pacing back and forth, blaspheming and making threats of his own to Seth’s tyrannizing faction of vigilantes for justice.

  Seth got his group’s attention. “I’m going to explain to the perverts what I’ve concocted for them, so y’all listen up too.” He faced the men. “I have good news and bad news. The bad….”

  Victor charged him, jolted to a stop by the chain fastened to him. “Fuck you! I’m going to fuckin’ kill you, motherfucker!”

  “You might want to pay attention....”

  “Fuck you, gringo!”

  Roy and Byron, uniting their voices with Victor’s, launched into another tirade.

  Seth shrugged his shoulders. “Fuck it! Y’all let me know when the poison kicks in.” He walked to the row of chairs and sat down next to Missy.

  Kenneth sat down on the other side of Seth. “What kind of poison did you give them?”


  “Isn’t that the shit in rat poison?”

  “Yeah, but they were dosed with enough to kill a horse.”

  “Why did you inject it in their dicks and balls?”

  “I didn’t. That was the antidote.”

  Kenneth gritted his teeth. “I’m sure it is. And why can’t you just do something normal?”

  “And what is the norm for sick, murdering bastards like us?”

  “You know what I mean. You don’t always have to involve dicks and asses.”

  Wyatt, sitting on the other side of Missy, leaned forward and looked at Seth. “So how long will it take to kill them?”

  “The poison is in extended-release capsules, so it will be slowly released. They should start feeling the effects pretty soon.”

  Barry was sitting on the other side of Wyatt. “Are they going to just fall over dead?”

  “You know I’m not that generous.”

  “Can’t they just throw up the poison?”

  “No. I injected their throats with an anesthetic to numb their gag reflexes.” Seth became aware of Victor leaning forward with his hands on his knees. Roy and Byron appeared to be ailing as well. Seth yelled at them. “Are y’all ready to listen now?”

  Roy nodded. “Yeah.” He was holding his stomach. “What did you give me?”

  Seth sauntered back over to the men. “I’ve given each of you strychnine, which is a highly toxic poison. In fact, it only takes 16 ml to kill a human. Y’all received 52 ml.”

  Byron started wailing. “Oh my God! I don’t want to die!”

  “Dying is the least of your worries. You’re probably already feeling the effects of the poison and don’t even realize it. It starts with the muscles in the head, triggering spasms as it works its way down through the body.”

  Roy panicked. “Oh shit! I’m already having them! Why are you doing this?”

  “Because you’re a fucking rapist.”

  Byron’s eyes widened. “Hold up! I haven’t done anything!”

  “I know. You’re innocent right along with the other child molesters.”

  “Please don’t do this, I beg you! I served my time! You have no right to do this to me! Please call an ambulance!”

  Victor looked at Seth. “Fuck you, dude! I’m not going to beg like these pussies!’

  Wyatt yelled out. “I bet he’ll be begging like a bitch before it’s over.”

  Seth fixed his gaze on Wyatt. “That would be asinine for me to take that bet. But, I’ll bet on who will beg the most.”

  “Fifty bucks that Victor does.”

  Kenneth shook his head. “Hold up! I’ve already bet on the Mexican.”

  “You bet he’d be the last one alive. I’m saying he’ll beg the most.”

  Barry pointed at Roy. “I’ll take him for fifty.”

  Missy wanted in on the action. “I’ll take Byron.”

  Byron couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What is wrong with you people? Don’t you have any decency?”

  Seth nodded. “Of course, we do. We could have put the poison in quick-release capsules.”

  “You’re fucking sick! All of you are!”

  Roy was holding his jaw. “Something’s wrong with my mouth!”

  Seth glanced at his watch. “Yep, it’s been twenty minutes. The effects of the poison are pretty darn predictable. You’re experiencing lockjaw. Next, the poison is going to cause rictus grin. That’s where your facial muscles will have an abnormal, sustained spasm, producing a grin. After that, the spasms will spread to every muscle in your body, with continuous convulsions. The convulsions will intensify until your backbone arches and twists, turning you into a human pretzel. You’ll also experience random symptoms such as sweating, cramping, seizures, rapid breathing, fast heartbeat and high blood pressure. Eventually, you’ll turn blue like a fucking Smurf. The final stages include kidney and respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, multiple organ failure and brain death.”

  Roy grimaced in terror. “I can’t believe you’ve done this to me!” He stuck his fingers in his throat, trying to make himself vomit.

  “How’s that working out for you?”

  He glared at Seth. “What the fuck? I can’t feel my throat.”

  “I numbed it so you can’t puke.”

  “Please don’t do this! I’m begging you! I’ll do whatever you want if you help me!”

  “You don’t need my help. You already have the antidote.”

  A wave of relief washed over Roy. “Where’s it at?”

  “Remember the injections you got in your cock and balls?”


  “That’s it. Each of you holds a mixture of activated charcoal, phenobarbital and dantrolene in your dick and both testicles.”

  Victor was angry. “What kind of sick game is this?”

  “A fun one.”

  “Fuck you! You’re an evil piece of shit! You’re not going to get away with this!”

  Byron was sobbing. “My face is starting to hurt!”<
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  Seth recognized Byron’s funny looking smile. “Rictus grin is setting in, so you better decide what you’re going to do.”

  “Please don’t do this! I can’t live without my penis!”

  “Sure, you can, but it’ll be your choice to decide if you’d rather live without your dick or die a gruesomely painful, agonizing death.”

  Roy was even more petrified by this as his facial muscles contracted from the unceasing spasms. “I’m getting worse! If I eat just one of my nuts, will that be enough?”

  “Not sure. I don’t know how much of the antidote you’ll need, so it’s up to you if you want to risk only eating one nut, two nuts, a penis, a penis and a nut, or all three.”

  Victor was furious. “Fuck you, dude! I’ll fucking die before I play your fucking game!”

  “If that’s what you want then, it’ll be just as fun watching you squeal like a pig as your insides melt.”

  “You don’t know who you’re fucking messing with!”

  “The way you’re drooling on yourself, I’d say a fucking retard.”

  Victor suddenly realized his face was numb and slobber was running down his chin. “You’re gonna pay for this, you motherfucker!”

  Roy had put two and two together, realizing Seth was the Angel of Death. He had read plenty of articles about him and learned about the kind of games he played with his victims. “I know who you are!”

  Seth shrugged his shoulders. “And?”

  Victor looked at Roy. “You know this motherfucker?”

  Roy didn’t want to say, worrying it would upset Seth. “No.”

  “You said you did.”

  “I was mistaken.”

  Severe muscle spasms wreaked havoc throughout Byron’s body and he was inundated with fear of dying. He scrutinized Seth, knowing the only chance he had at survival was to play this twisted game. “How am I supposed to get the antidote out of my penis and testicles?”

  “By ripping them apart and eating them.”


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