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On the Road: Book Two

Page 28

by Angela White

  Angela’s breath went out in a rush, the sight of his thick flesh sending heat into her gut.

  Marc nodded, hand stroking faster. “You, too? You used to love this.”

  I still do, Angela though, shaking her head. How many hours had they spent this way before the lust had driven them across the line?

  Marc heard the man inside push. “There’s another blanket. I’ll stay right here.”

  She shook her head again, shifting restlessly, and he closed his eyes…most of the way. “I won’t look.”

  Angela was still shocked to find herself here, in this moment, but fear wasn’t the strongest emotion – desire was. Physical contact was something she’d been reminded of during this trip and it was one of the things she had hoped to have conquered by now. In all the years since they’d been apart, she’d only pleased herself a dozen times, and not at all in the last year.


  Before she could change her mind, Angela grabbed the second cover and tossed it over herself, but from there…

  “Angie, you don’t have to do this.”

  The sudden flare of guilt from him had her shaking her head. He had nothing to feel guilty about – and neither did she. With that choice, she put her hand beneath the cover and went back to watching Brady…like she used to, when it was just them against the world.

  Marc tried to slow himself down, not wanting to be done before she was, but he was on that edge already. He saw her arm brush a rigid nipple as she got comfortable and listened to her small hiss of surprise at the sensation, with fire boiling. She did it again, intentionally this time, and he stroked harder. This was the Angie he knew, the fearless, sexual nymph he’d eased into womanhood, and it was okay to think of that moment now, of how her tight body had wrapped around him in willing surrender.

  He groaned at the feel of the memory mixing with reality and jerked himself back from the edge by a hair.

  Angela had stopped, watching him, remembering. She flushed when his burning eyes met hers. “I can’t wait much longer…”

  The fear rose, making her tense, and Marc delivered one of those smoldering looks she had always been effected by. “Scared?”

  She nodded, voice rough. “A little.”

  He started to pull the blanket back up.


  He stopped, eyes knowing, and his smile was beautiful to her. “You are free to do as you please, Angie. No one owns you anymore.”

  The happiness that gave her! Because it was true. She grinned, cheeks darkening further. “I’ll watch you for a minute.”

  Marc wasn’t sure he had a minute after that. Lust surged, sending his hand back to rub and caress in slow movements that he burned to increase the speed of. Her hands were moving under the blanket now, slowly at first, with her eyes glued to his movements. The urge to storm that bed and have her screaming out in climax was a hard one to resist.

  “Move the blanket,” he coaxed. “Let me see, too.”

  She did it slowly, revealing long, sexy legs, and then white panties with a hand pushing the center aside. Her fingers moved in small circles and Marc’s heart thumped as the edge flew his way.

  “Damn, that’s hot. Lay your head back, pretend you’re alone.”

  “Mmm…” The sound of Marc’s sexy voice had her convulsing in pleasure and her legs opened further to reveal dark curls and slick skin than began to pulse.

  “With me, Brady!” Angela demanded hoarsely as the first wave of fierce light exploded through her body.

  “Uuhhh!” Marc arched, grip freezing as he released wildly at her climax. “Yeah!”

  Coming down first, Angela immediately rolled over, pulling the blanket up. She’d thought to face fear or even guilt, but there was only a huge relief as her body continued to jerk and twitch in satisfaction. She was free now.

  Very unsure of her mood, Marc cleaned himself up and kept his mouth shut. He blew out the candle and moved toward his side of the bed, intending to give her some space to think. He was surprised when she held the blanket back and smiled at him.

  “After that, I think it’s probably okay to ask if you’ll hold me while we sleep.”

  His heart skipped a beat and he grinned as he eased into the bed with her. This was what he wanted the most, what he had longed for at night.

  Sated, the Witch and old Angela went away a bit, pushed back by the new person emerging. This new woman belonged to herself, wasn’t so afraid to take chances that she forgot to live, and Angela smiled, tight against Brady’s hard chest. She fell asleep listening to his heartbeat for the first time in fifteen years.

  Marc didn’t sleep at all – just held her and remembered.

  Listening from the next bedroom, Lenore was disappointed, but she would keep her word and let them go with no trouble, sure the minute they were out of sight, she would forget about the handsome couple. There was trouble on the horizon for all of them. The giantess could feel it coming, and she didn't think she would see them again…at least not alive.

  Chapter Twenty

  March 31st, 2013

  He really hadn’t expected to see her again, not even the body.

  Fury-darkened eyes watched the couple as they slept, ignoring the unpleasant feel of the tall ash tree between his legs and the darkness that only let him hear the animals padding restlessly below. They sniffed and pissed, tried to find a way into the truck he had right up against the thick trunk, but the furious Marine paid them little attention.

  Kenn had found the sprawling ranch house just before dawn, hitting shapes in the fog that were either dogs or coyotes as they attacked his tires. He’d taken up a high vantage point to watch the windows as a dim, foggy morning lit up the area, sure she was in there. His starlight scope had penetrated seven windows, and then he’d found them.

  Covers tangled, limbs entwined, they looked like a night of passion had worn them out. She wore only a sleeping shirt that barely covered her thighs, flashing white panties, and the man, the wife-stealing, walking dead man, had on a pair of green boxers that the intruder recognized even from a distance. They were Marine issue…

  Kenn’s grip tightened on the sniper rifle in his hand, nails digging shallow grooves into the stock as his eyes saw dog tag, familiar Recon tattoos, and that careful look around upon waking that every Marine did.

  Dread and cold rage formed a thick knot of hate deep in Kenn’s gut. The man was one of the few people he’d ever felt threatened by. Brady was with Angela. Sergeant Marcus Brady was her show of force.

  The Marine struggled with himself: the old Kenny wanting to aim and fire, the new Kenn not wanting to kill without justification, and he waited tensely to see just how close his wife and his team leader really were.

  End of book two – On The Road


  Dear Reader,

  It took a long time to get them here, but we’ve finally arrived, and with an ugly glimpse of the new world the refugees must now adapt to. Unable to stop them from gathering, the Slavers and Mother Nature have no intentions of giving up. Neither does Kenn, whose true side is about to be revealed to Adrian and his Eagles. We can only hope the time he’s spent with the blond leader has been enough to keep him in control.

  I’d like say thank you to my editor and the betas, who spent a big part of their year helping me. Don’t know where I’d be without you. I also have an enormous amount of gratitude for the folks over at the Zombie Squad. Doc, Kutter, Razor, Swoop, Lex, and all the rest. You took the time to drill it into my head and I’m in awe of your patience. Honored to have met you, that’s me.

  Thanks to the ZS, this edition had footnotes. I’m very curious as to how you liked/hated them. This series is a long one, at least nine books. I have folders and notebooks that are overflowing with the next steps in this journey and I can’t wait to share them with you.

  Btw, thank you for the time it took to read all this! If you liked the books, I’d love to hear from you. If you hated the books, I NEED to hear from you.
Please leave a review. I check for new ones daily.

  Have a wonderful year,

  Angela White


  Safe Haven

  Deleted Scene 1

  Deleted Scene 2

  Character Bios

  Safe Haven

  Safe Haven: A place of safety and of light, of duty and honor: A Refuge for survivors.

  Also: A place of death and darkness, where magic and murder go hand in hand.

  Angie and Marc have made it to Safe Haven and her Marine is already on the edge of murder over their romance. Will Adrian be able to stop the bloodshed, or will everything he’s built start to fall?


  "He’s here. Kenny’s here!"

  Footsteps crunched behind her, and Angela's hand dropped to her gun as she turned, eyes finding Brady in the barn’s moldy doorway.

  Marc snapped his mouth shut on the warning that would have been too late, realizing he knew the Marine now striding determinedly down the middle of the street - and not just from their time together on the base. The cold look of ownership he threw Marc’s way said this was her man. The piper was here and it was time to start paying.

  Kenn stopped a few feet away, watching with expectant eyes that wished she’d pull the gun so he could kill them both and claim self-defense to Adrian.


  The Marine knew the joy spreading across her face wasn’t for him and it faded fast.

  “You’re alone.”

  Kenn ignored her disappointment as he glared. “I’ve come to get you.”

  Her brow wrinkled, and he saw a flare of anger on her pale face that was unexpected. She should be scared.

  “Little late for that now,” Angela pointed out, aware of the violence flashing in his eyes, but she stood her ground, able to feel him trying to control himself. Would he end it all right here? Marc was silently telling her just to duck and he’d do the rest, and she didn’t look away from Kenn’s thunderous face, waiting to see who would live and who would die.

  Kenn hated her calm confidence and his sarcasm hid a note of unease when she didn’t blink, didn’t move her hand from the gun on her hip.

  “So, you have no welcome for me?”

  Angela hesitated. “Of course I do. We’ve been apart a long time.”

  The breeze gusted, sending her hair flying wildly, and Kenn was glad to see her wary look as his eyes went there. She wasn’t allowed to have it down in public. It was another transgression to be held accountable for. “Then come show me you’re glad to see me,” he ordered.

  Angela stepped into his big arms with a heavy heart. Could she could tolerate, endure a little (six years!) longer, so no one else would get hurt? Could she just give in?

  Hand resting on his unsnapped holster, Marc watched from the lonely doorway, unable to believe he hadn’t been able to put her clues together and come up with loud-mouth, sometimes-obnoxious, always-snotty, Lance Corporal Kenn Harrison.

  Marc’s stomach was full of white, hot anger and he felt himself preparing for battle, even as the pain of seeing her in someone else's arms flooded his heart. Angie had her man back, and he didn’t seem at all surprised to see them. Had he been spying? Their moment in the bedroom, right after they’d woken, came to mind, and Marc’s gut tightened. What all had Kenn seen? Them in bed together, the kiss…too much.

  It implied a lot more than there was, and as their eyes locked over Angie’s tense shoulder, the message was clear: She’s mine. Go way or I’ll kill you!

  Dog’s thick fur began to bristle, golden eyes filling with dislike. When he gave a low growl, Marc put a hand on the big animal’s head. “Me too, boy. Me too.”

  Angela regretted the hug the second Kenny crushed her close. She tried to pull away when his head lowered to hers, but he had a hand tangled tightly in her thick curls, holding her still as his tongue invaded, conquered, revolted.

  Kenn ground his mouth against hers, as that distinctive, addictive scent of vanilla filled his nose, wondering how much more Brady would allow before stepping in and getting himself killed.

  Ah! Not much at all, Kenn gloated to himself, half turning them to be in the right position as he shoved his tongue deeper. Her Tag-a-long was already moving from his place in the doorway.

  Angela picked up the thought and understood he was trying to provoke Marc, catch him off guard. She slammed her boot against Kenn’s ankle, leaning her weight into it as she elbowed him in his flat stomach.

  Not expecting her to fight, Kenn grunted, letting go. Angela stayed between the two men, only backing up a little as she tried to remember what she’d learned. He would see right now that things had changed.

  “What the hell was that for?” Kenn snarled at her, closing the distance between them.

  Her eyes narrowed as the Witch said to provoke him now so they could either kill him or be killed, but be done with it. “You wouldn’t let go.”

  Kenn’s voice was savage as he leaned toward her, itching to break her crooked nose again, “And I never will!”

  His eyes went to the Marine now standing alertly near her bumper, big black-and-gray dog bristling at his side, then back to her. “You have one minute to tell me what you’re doing with him! Who is Brady to you?”

  Kenn grinned harshly at her surprise. “Yeah, I know him! Answer me!”

  He was trying to intimidate her, but Angela surprised them all by shoving him with both hands, moving him out of her personal space as she'd learned. “Stop yelling at me!” she blared, catching him off guard again.

  She only lowered her voice a little, finger waving. “We can have a normal conversation or we can spill blood right here and now,” she warned coldly. “It’s your choice.”

  It was dangerous to push, but the old Angela, the one who’d battled him early in their relationship, was guiding them through this minefield. When his eyes flicked to Brady again and then Dog, she relaxed a bit. Getting Kenny to think before he acted was the key to surviving the encounter.

  Shocked at the words more than her actions, Kenn hated it that he might be outnumbered by the tense Marine edging closer, by the bristling animal at his side that upon closer inspection, appeared to be a wolf, and also by Angela, who had obviously done a lot of changing (reverting) during her trip.

  “Fine. We’ll talk,” he sneered sarcastically.

  Angela cocked her head as the sun came through the clouds of grit above them as if to back her up. “We’ll start the entire conversation over.”

  He grunted and Angela forced a cheery smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Hello, Kenn. Good to see you. How have you been?”

  The Marine grinned coolly, instantly recognizing her tactics. He should. He’d used them daily on her. “Never better. Enjoy your trip?”

  Kenn felt his rage go up another notch when she nodded, shuttered eyes finding her escort before returning to his angry face.

  “Some of it, yes.”

  Kenn’s eyes promised payment. “Hope it was worth it.”

  Angela continued without hesitation, even though his beefy hands were now clenched into tight fists. “It was. Where’s my boy?”

  Kenn said nothing, waiting, wanting to hear her beg. He wasn’t prepared for the hate that filled her face.

  “I don’t need you to find him! How do you think I got here?” she ground out through clenched teeth.

  Kenn was too pissed to be worried, though he had an idea he might be in a little danger. She’d done more than revert. She was using the power! She'd unlocked it! He had always known she could and the old, thwarted bitterness settled into his stomach like it had never left. Was there a way he could get control of it now? His mind flashed a picture of her son. Yes. There was.

  “That may be, but you do need me to get near him. Charlie’s with my men. They won’t want to kill you, but they will.”

  Angela didn’t back down, didn’t look away, and Kenn hated the new knowledge about life and death
he read in her eyes. She thought she could handle him and that was bad. How much practice had she gotten? What had she done, been through, to get here?

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Angela stated tonelessly.

  Kenn stared at her in shock, unable to believe she would dare to get in his head so openly, so arrogantly. Didn’t she remember what he’d threatened to do if she used it on him?

  “Everything has changed, Kenn. You broke our deal when you abandoned me for that group of strangers you’ve been lying to!”

  On the edge of control at her veiled threat to reveal his secrets, Kenn was surprised to discover that her disobedience, her betrayal, was worse. He hadn’t thought her hold on him was that strong anymore. “You have six years left! You belong to me!” he hissed violently, moving closer.

  Angela, struggling against the fear, fought back. “Not anymore. I want out!”


  “You don’t own me!”

  “How long have you two been sleeping together?”

  “We aren’t!”

  “Lyin' bitch!”

  “You go to Hell!”

  Kenn’s hand flinched, and Angela felt herself being brushed aside.

  Marc stepped between them, finally eye-to-eye with the man responsible for hurting his Angie over and over. “It’s been a while, Harrison.”

  “Not long enough, Brady.”

  Marc didn’t respond to the accusation in Kenn’s eyes as he waited for one of them (Angela) to get nervous and start talking, but they (she) remained silent and Kenn frowned deeper.

  “You’re...traveling together?” he asked finally.

  Marc took the lead, big shoulders prepared to take whatever came. “Yes. We were both headed this way, and I couldn’t let her go it alone. She was hard to convince, though,” Marc lied easily. This was indeed a thin line, and he wasn’t the only one walking it. She hadn’t been exaggerating even a little. The LC was deadly with the M16 on his back.


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