The Rookie

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The Rookie Page 43

by Scott Sigler

  2407 Humans colonize Capizzi 7, located in the Whitok system.

  2409 Rewall colonize Yewalla

  2410 Prawatt race seeded on new homeworld.

  2412 Terrorist attack on Whitok city by Purists, 120 Whitok killed.

  2414 Purist movement gains power. They want “Satanic” Whitok removed form Earth.

  2420 Whitok become third interstellar race, achieving FTL with help of human scientists.

  2430 Estimated time the Givers arrive in galaxy.

  2431 Terrorist attacks on Whitok increase. Earth authorities heavily punish Purists in order to pacify enraged Whitok. Purists flee persecution and leave Earth in small fleet of ships. They predict destruction of Earth as they escape “Satanic” Whitok.

  2431 Earthlings colonize Satirli 6.

  2432 Givers land on Harrah homeworld.

  2433 Capizzi 7 achieves self-sufficiency.

  2434 Prawatt achieve FTL capability.

  2438 Prawatts attack peaceful Rewall research vessel. First interstellar combat. Both ships break off fighting and return to home systems.

  2439 Kuluko establish radio contact with Whitok, Rewalls and Earth. Purists land on Jason 2, renaming it Allah. Begin massive re-tooling of fleet to create fighting navy.

  2440 Prawatt, with a navy of only 20 ships, attack Yewalla in first interstellar war. Prawatt forces defeat token Rewall defenders and land on Yewalla, but are driven off by Rewall land forces.

  2445 Purists colonize Stewart.

  2448 Harrah achieve FTL capability. Givers depart.

  2450 Satirli 6 achieves self-sufficiency.

  • Earth, Capizzi 7 and Satirli 6 form Planetary Union.

  2453 Purists declare war on Planetary Union in First Holy War. The purists only have 12 ships — the war is clumsy and short-lived.

  2454 Purists, fearing a retaliatory attack, sue for peace. Union accepts.

  2455 Givers land on Kurgurk homeworld.

  2456 Prawatt conquer Kuluko, exterminating the intelligent race. Ambassadors from Union, Whitok and Rewall Accord are executed. None of the three systems are able to respond in time to help Kuluko.

  2460 Rewalls colonize Lotharis.

  2461 Whitok colonize New Whitok.

  2468 Planetary Union colonizes Thomas 3, which is in the same system as New Whitok.

  2470 Leekee achieve FTL capability.

  2478 • Prawatt colonize Lewarth and Basadah.

  • Kurgurk achieve FTL capability. Givers depart.

  2486 Prawatt fleet (estimated at 72 ships) attack Yewalla again. Rewall ships, now prepared for combat, destroy Prawatt fleet (an estimated 25 ships returned to Prawatt).

  2489 • Satirli 6 secedes from Planetary Union.

  • Civil war erupts between Union and Satirli 6.

  2490 Whitok colonize Withrit.

  2491 Satirli 6 successfully defends itself. Planetary Union officially recognizes it as an independent government.

  2502 Sklorno achieve FTL capability.

  2503 Thomas 3 admitted to Planetary Union.

  2504 Grasslop achieve FTL capability.

  2506 Grasslop ship meets Leekee ship in neutral space. Leekee attack and destroy Grasslop ship.

  2510 Leekee declare war on Grasslop.

  2511 Leekee conquer Grasslop.

  2512 • Rewalls colonize Yashan.

  • Purists colonize Mason.

  2514 • Satirli 6 colonizes Wilson 4 and Wilson 6 and immediately declares them both independent protectorates, to be completely free as soon as they are self-sufficient.

  • Satirli 6 opens trade with Planetary Union and Whitok Kingdom.

  2515 Satirli 6 opens its doors to Union immigrants and they come by the millions. Satirli 6 rapidly becoming economic giant.

  2517 Purists, seeing Satirli 6’s massive growth and assuming they hate the Union, invite Satirli 6 to join the Purist Nation. Satirli 6 refuses and Purists declare war on the infidels.

  2518 Givers land on Ki homeworld.

  2519 • Purists can’t keep up long distance offensive war against Satirli 6.

  • Purists offer peace, Satirli 6 accepts.

  • Satirli 6, Wilson 4 and Wilson 6 form League of Planets to defend themselves against future Purist aggression.

  First Galactic War, 2520-2524

  2520 • Sklorno launch massive (150 ship) attack against Withrit, destroying all intelligent life on planet.

  • Whitok kingdom immediately declares war on Sklorno.

  • Planetary Union joins its ally and declares war on Sklorno.

  2521 Purists see the Union at war and declare Second Holy War on the infidels.

  2522 Whitok sends delegation to Rewalls. Rewalls understand message and declare war on Sklorno.

  2523 • League of Planets declares defensive war on Purist Nation.

  • Prawatt, who have waited until Rewall navy is committed against Sklorno, attack Yewalla.

  • Sklorno are days away from conquering Whitok.

  • Purists get first look at Sklorno. They immediately break off their war with the Union.

  • League of Planets stops attacks on Purist ships, allowing them to return back to their system.

  • Rewall forced to break off attacks on Sklorno to deal with Prawatt.

  • In a last-ditch effort, the Whitok Navy suicide-attacks the Sklorno forces off of the Whitok homeworld. The attack stops the movement on Whitok homeworld, but costs the Kingdom 50 percent of an already crippled fleet.

  2524 Planetary Union brings full force to bear on Sklorno navy, which has regrouped and is heading for Whitok homeworld. The largest battle of the war ensues. Union forces drive off Sklorno, but not before the Sklorno saturation-bomb Whitok homeworld. Most life on Whitok destroyed and planet is uninhabitable.

  2525 • Ki achieve FTL capability. Eat givers for dinner.

  • Rewall and Prawatt stalemate ends when Rewall leave a ravaged Yewalla for the Prawatt Jihad.

  2526 Whitok offer Reiger 2 to Planetary Union in thanks after refusing to join Union. Addition of Reiger 2 leaves New Whitok, the Kingdom’s only remaining planet, well inside Union borders.


  2549 The Age Of Colonization.

  • Planetary Union adds Jones, New Earth, Rodina (all three in same system) and Home to its ranks.

  • Sklorno destroy avian race on Yall and add Chikchik.

  • Whitok spend trillions on colonization, adding Whipath and Whirod (same system) Whopol, Whirot and all-water giant Wheresh

  • Prawatt add Ionath.

  • Rewall add Loshall.

  • Leekee add Grinkas and Replas.

  • League of Planets adds Vosor 3 and distant Tower 1.

  • Purists add Solomon.

  • Kurgurk add Rfgh and Drghp.

  • Ki add Ol 3 and Re 4.

  2530 Portath achieve FTL capability. Within 4 years (estimated), Portath colonize Thew and Faskah.

  2531 • League of Planets forces sent from Tower on peaceful mission are lost when they enter the Portath Cloud.

  • Portath send a message to the galaxy not to enter the cloud.

  • League sends large navy to protect Tower from potential threat.

  2533 Sklorno, despite warnings from Planetary Union, attack New Whitok. Whitok Kingdom’s new navy has been waiting for revenge for nine years, and defeat Sklorno in pitched battle.

  2535 Planetary Union signs treaty of friendship with Purist Nation. League of Planets and Whitok Kingdom voice their objections to treaty.

  Second Galactic War, 2536-2540

  2536 Leekee attack Whiropt in an effort to gain new territory. Whitok barely repel attack. Whitok, seeing a double threat to a navy that hasn’t even recovered fully from the last war, begin to spend all money on defense.

  2537 Leekee, trying to surprise Whitok forces at Whiropt, travel into Portath Cloud. Forty-seven ships are never heard from again as entire force disappears. (Editor’s Note: this was the Leekee’s biggest blunder, as it gave Whitok time to re
build its navy. Had Lee-kee attacked directly, it could have claimed half of the Whitok Kingdom’s territory.)

  2538 • Purist Nation launches major fleet in effort to add Tower 1.

  • League of Planets promises war if Purists touch Tower.

  • Purists claim the Union cannot allow hostile League ships through its space as it would be a violation of the friendship treaty of 2535. Caught in the diplomatic trap and wanting to avoid war with Purists, the Union claims neutrality and refuses to allow League ships through.

  • Purist force, unaware of large Tower Navy, are defeated in first battle for Tower.

  2539 • League tries to send ships though Union space. Union blockades the movement. Minor firefight ensues with League returning to system.

  • League forces are stonewalled by Purist defenses outside Jones system, League helpless to protect Tower.

  • August 4: Tower’s Captain Markos surprises Purist forces at Stewart. Purists suffer heavy losses, but still maintain vast numerical superiority. Tower’s hopes for peace are dashed as Purists send 80-ship armada to conquer Tower once and for all.

  • November 21: Markos, pursued by 78 Purist vessels, leads Tower’s final 14 ships into the Portath Cloud. Markos baits Purists into cloud and scatters his fleet. Seven Tower ships returned home, and all 78 Purist ships were lost. Captain Markos was never heard from again.

  2540 • Portath send message to Purists: “Attack again, and we will destroy you.”

  • Purist government, unsure of how Tower destroyed most of its fleet, offers Tower peace. Tower accepts.

  • Tower secedes from League of Planets. League blames Union for loss of planet, hostile feelings remain today.

  • Union, angered at being used in the Tower conflict, breaks off treaty with Purist Nation. Purists warn of consequences.

  2551 • Ki Navy makes its first appearance, attacking Leekee forces at Replas. Ki Navy wins battle, then returns home.

  • Ki Navy attacks Harrah forces. Harrah win soundly and declare war on Ki for unprovoked aggression.

  2552 • Planetary Union, trying to prevent a war so close to its borders, calls Galactic Peace Conference, attended by all except Prawatt.

  • Quyth achieve FTL capability.

  Third Galactic War, 2553-2557

  2553 • Ki sign peace treaty with Harrah (at Galactic Peace Conference). Ki people outraged.

  • Ol and Re seceded from Ki Empire.

  • Ships stationed at Ol and Re attack Ki, trying to oust cowardly government.

  • Leekee see potential for war if Rebels win and decide to support Ki government, attacking the rebels near Ol.

  • Rebels hold off Leekee and press closer to Ki. Some landings take place, resulting in numerous ground wars.

  2554 • Rewalls, who have had excellent relations with the Ki government, threaten war unless rebels retreat. Rebels continue attacks and Rewall engage rebel forces at Re.

  • Whitok, spurred on by the memory of unprovoked attacks by Leekee, send “advisors” to help rebels on Leekee border.

  • Tower, wary of rebuilt Purist navy and hungry for allies, sends ships to help Leekee.

  • Purists, seeing another chance to snatch Tower, side with Rebels for “religious purposes.”

  • Planetary Union warns Purists to stay away from Tower.

  2556 • A minor altercation on the Prawatt/Sklorno border erupts into a full-scale war.

  • Harrah join in fight against the Rebels, supporting the government that made the peace treaty.

  • April 27: First Battle for Ki. Synchronized attack by the Purists, Whitok and Rebels overwhelm Rewall and Leekee forces. Rebels take Ki, but not before Royal family can be evacuated.

  • Purists attack Tower forces at Tower. Union immediately moves to attack Purists.

  2557 • Battle for Asteroid X7. Union forces meet Purist forces at Asteroid X7. Union wins by small margin. Purists fall back to re-group. (Editor’s Note: the fall back is considered the biggest tactical mistake of the war. The Union could not mount another offensive for at least three months, and the Purists could have brought up reserves and regrouped right on the front lines.)

  • June 12: Tower, Rewall and Leekee forces seize opportunity and attack Rebels in Second Battle for Ki. Whitok navy late in arriving and is turned back by organized Rewall defenses.

  • July 23: Leekee, Tower and Loyal Ki forces re-take planet. Rebels on planet-side are ousted and Rebel forces return to Re and Ol.

  2558 • Tower turns down offer to join Union. Instead, they join new Tri-Alliance (Ki Empire, Leekee Collective and Tower Republic).

  • Prawatt/Sklorno war is a stalemate.

  • Sklorno saturate Ionath, killing all sentient life.

  • Prawatt saturate Chikchik, killing all sentient life.

  2559 Rewall, hot off their victory over the Ki Rebels, launch a surprise attack against Prawatt-controlled Yewalla. They quickly defeat the Prawatts, who are still weak from war with Sklorno. Rewalls execute all Prawatts in retaliation for actions of 2525.

  2561 Ki declare themselves trading capital of the galaxy and sign non-aggression pacts with every system, excluding Prawatt.

  2562 Tower and Leekee conduct The Great Planet Trade. Leekee added one of Tower’s moons (New Leekee). Tower adds two planets in Leekee system (Fortress and Citadel).

  2563 Ki colonize To.

  2568 Harrah claim Satah, which is deep in Whitok space. Whitok are unable to use planet, but still threaten war. Union enters as intermediary; Harrah buy the planet from Whiok for c50 trillion.

  2569 Harrah claim Lorah, which Planetary Union has rights to but cannot live on. Caught in same argument they used against Whitok, Union reluctantly sells planet to Harrah for c57 trillion.

  2572 • February 12: 23 year galactic peace shattered when Quyth send 400 ships against Reiger, crushing defenses and enslaving population.

  • February 17: Quyth strike again, sending another fleet of 300 ships against Sklorno held Gritchlik. They take planet and send Sklorno citizens back to Sklorno.

  • March 4: Quyth expansion halted by Rewall when they defeat 500-ship force at Loshall.

  • March 27: Union forces attack Quyth at Reiger. Union loses 26 ships, Quyth lose 112. Quyth win with incredible numerical superiority (estimated at 4 to 1).

  • April 10: Sklorno re-take Gritchlik in costly battle.

  • May 22: Quyth re-take Gritchlik with navy returning from Loshall. Sklorno saturate planet before pulling out.

  2573 • Quyth shock the galaxy when it is discovered they have a permanent colony on radioactive Gritchlik.

  • June 4: Quyth colonize and claim Whitok.

  • July 6: Quyth colonize and claim Ionath.

  • July 17: Quyth colonize and claim Chikchik.

  • July 21: Whitok declare war on Quyth for landing on Whitok (even though it will be another three million years before any Whitokian can even set foot on the planet).

  • Through three battles, Whitok lose half of their 300-ship navy while destroying 1,012 Quyth ships.

  2574 Quyth retaliate to “unprovoked” attacks and send 600 ships to attack New Whitok. Combined Union and Whitok force meet Quyth fleet. Quyth lost 450 ships before retreating, Whitok lost 78 and Union lost 45 (Editor’s Note: largest single battle in Galaxy’s history). Whitok and Quyth agree to a cease-fire.

  2581 Sklorno attack Drghp. Kurgurk unleash asteroid battleships and destroy Sklorno invaders.

  2582 Whitok, fearing an attack from Leekee (their navy was still very weak from Quyth war), trade rights to Whopol to Ki for weapons, ships and credit.

  2584 Ki develop deep mineral sights on Whopol that the Whitok were unaware of. Resulting wealth thrusts Ki Empire past League of Planets into top economic power in the galaxy.

  2587 Pirate attacks begin in earnest on Ki shipping lanes.

  2588 • Harrah boldly claim Yarah, a planet on the Quyth/Rewall border. Both systems are so surprised and slow to react that Harrah set up
heavy defenses before either system could respond. Harrah allowed to keep planet without war.

  • Whitok spend defense money hand over fist and begin to borrow from gracious Ki Empire.

  2589 Ki Imperial Navy capturing more pirates, finding most to be Human with some Ki.

  Fourth Galactic War, 2591-2600

  2591 Purists use seven captured Unions ships (captured in the last war) to attack convoy just off of To. Ki cripple one ship, which the purists have filled with captured Union soldiers (also from the last war). Ki troops find only dead Union soldiers.

  2592 • September 5: Despite claims of innocence from the Union, Ki government decides war would be good for economy and declares war on Union for sponsoring pirates.

  • Ki force Whitok, who are deeply in debt to the Empire, to stay out of war.

  • Ki manipulate treaty agreement of 2558 as well as threaten to cut off trade to bring Tower and Leekee into the war.

  2593 • No battles have yet taken place. Purist Nation gladly joins the fight against the warmongering, satanic Union.

  • League of Planets, realizing that they will be next on Ki and Purist target list if the two defeat the most powerful navy in the galaxy, join the Union in the war.

  • January 17: Ki and Union forces meet off of Harrah home-world. Union forces are defeated and retreat to stronghold at Thomas 3.

  • July 2: Ki Rebel Establishment takes advantage of Empire’s troubles and pounces on Ak, an Imperial protectorate, adding it to the Establishment.

  2594 • Ki, who don’t think war is progressing fast enough, negotiate a deal with the Sklorno to attack the Union.

  • Whitok, ashamed of their stance in the war and not helping its Union ally, attack the hated Sklorno with vigor.

  • Battles rage across galaxy. Ki side is winning due to greater numbers and more money.

  • Empire manages to keep solid trade lines going with all her allies except the Sklorno.

  2595 • January 12: Ki and Tower forces defeat main Union force and conquer Thomas 3

  • February 14: Purists conquer Jones 2.

  2596 Planetary Union very close to surrender. Fleet operating at 34 percent of original numbers. Death toll reaching 70 million.

  2597 • January 12: Rewall enters war suddenly by conquering Demos. Ki must defend against Rewall’s constant harassment sorties and lose numerical superiority over Union.


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