Torremaggiore, 119
Torrio, John, 139–40
Torrisi, Rich, 261
Toscanini, Arturo, 155, 169–71, 178
Toscanini, Claudio, 169
trachoma, 27, 41, 149
Travolta, John, 238
Trenton, N.J., 214
Tresca, Carlo, 121, 163–64, 167–68, 211, 212
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, 97–98, 131, 133
Tribbiani, Joey (char.), 238
Tribuna d’America, La, 163
Trieste, 146, 148
Trigiani, Adriana, 11–14
Trigiani, Viola, 14
tuberculosis, 44, 148
Tucci, Stanley, 245
Turkey, 221
Turturro, John, 243–45
Tuscany, 25, 62, 262
typhoid, 44
Umbria, 174
Under the Tuscan Sun (Mayes), 262
unemployment, 154
Union army, 29
unions, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 121, 127, 131, 133, 141, 154, 157
United States Conference of Mayors, 154
Unto the Sons (Talese), 182
Uruguay, 19, 24
Utopian beliefs, 117
Valachi, Joseph, 228–29, 230, 233
Valdinoci, Carlo, 122, 123–33
Vale, Jerry, 198
Valentino, Rudolph (Rodolfo Guglielmi), 88–89, 107
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 118–19, 118, 120–21, 124–26, 125, 127, 128–29, 130, 133, 162
Vatican, 162
vendetta, 80
Venice Biennale, 265, 267–68, 267
Veniero’s Pastry Shop, 50
Venturi, Robert, 247
Verdi, Giuseppe, 61
Versace, Gianni, 265
Vestal Lady on Brattle, The (Corso), 213
Vesuvius, eruption of (1631), 109
Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy, 19, 20, 22, 91, 161
Vietnam War, 217, 234
Villafalletto, 119
vineyards, 65
Virginia, 133
“Volare,” 198
Volstead, Andrew J., 135
Volstead Act, 135, 151
Vorse, Mary Heaton, 125
wages, 5, 18, 19, 40, 41–43, 65, 78, 93, 93, 94, 100, 101, 119, 120
Walker, Jimmy, 152
Wallrich, Larry, 219, 220–21
Wall Street explosions, 124
War Department, U.S., 185, 186, 187, 192
War on Poverty, 14
war production, 176–78, 192, 197
Washington, Booker T., 30
Washington, D.C., 122, 147, 148, 153–54
Washington Square Park, San Francisco, 65
Wayne, John, 202
Welsh Americans, 5, 7
Western Defense Command, 187
white separatists, 35–36
Why We Fight, 178
Wickliffe, John, 35–36
Wilhelm, Warren, Sr., 252
Williams, Hank, 207, 208, 209
Wilson, Woodrow, 129–30, 180, 255
WNEW, 200
Wolf, Stewart, 7, 8
Wood, William Madison, 93, 121
workers, see laborers
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 154–55, 154
World Heritage Site, 26
World War I, 121, 147–48, 187
World War II, 173–79, 175, 177, 178, 182, 185–93, 190, 197, 198, 238
American internment camps of, 185, 186, 186, 187, 188, 188, 192
American propaganda in, 177–78
Italian American “two-ness” dilemma during, 173–75, 173, 182–83
prohibited zones in, 187–88
relocation program, 186, 187, 188, 189, 192, 193
women and, 113, 175, 176–77, 179
Yale, Frank, 138
Yankees, 190
Young Italy, 19
Zaccaro, John, 251
Zarillo, Carmela, 176
Old World Daughter, New World Mother
Were You Always an Italian?
Copyright © 2015 by Maria Laurino and John Maggio
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