Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2

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Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2 Page 2

by Imogen Wells

  I reach up and pat the side of his face. “I know and the feeling is mutual, but sorry to disappoint, I’m not here for round two.” He drops his hands as I step back. He’s still wearing a cheeky smirk, even though I can see he was hoping I was here for him.

  “So, who’s the lucky fella tonight, Jamie?” His words appear casual, but I don’t miss the bite to them. And, whilst I like Alex, he has no reason to be jealous or judgemental. He knew the score that night, as did I. We never made any promises to each other, never even planned to see each other again. As far as I’m concerned it was a mutually satisfying night of pleasure, and nothing more than that.

  Before I’m able to fire back a reply, an arm wraps around my waist, pulling me against a hard body. I tense instantly, going to pull away when I hear a voice beside me.

  “That lucky fella would be me.” I watch as Alex’s eyes widen briefly before he masks his surprise.

  “Detective,” Alex greets. From the corner of my eye, I notice several girls and a couple of guys leave the queue and quietly slip away when they hear the word detective. When I turn back to the men in front of me, they appear to be having some sort of stare down, and I frown as I see a sliver of dislike pass Alex’s eyes.

  “You two know each other?” I ask.

  “Detective Will—”

  “Come on, Alex, no need for such formalities. I’m just a normal patron tonight, so please, call me Jasper.”

  “Okay, fine. Jasper is a regular visitor here, but as he already pointed out, it’s usually in a more formal capacity.” Alex’s voice is tight with restrained anger, and I get the distinct vibe there’s no love lost between these two.

  Keen to get away from the testosterone overload and find out what the hell Jasper is doing here, I say, “Not tonight though. I’m going inside to get a drink.” I throw a look at Alex, his brows drawn down in a severe frown. And where earlier he looked relaxed, he now looks ready to do battle, throw down with anyone that so much as looks out of place. I step forward into Alex’s line of sight, drawing his attention away from Jasper.

  Reaching out a hand, I touch his face. “Hey, let it go. I didn’t come here with him, and I certainly didn’t plan to meet up with him either.” I throw a questioning look over my shoulder at Jasper. “I’ll check in before I leave, okay?”

  Alex’s eyes lift briefly to Jasper, who I know is watching intently because I can feel his eyes burning the back of my head. When Alex’s gaze returns to me, the hard edge that was there has gone, and he nods his head.

  “Make sure you do.” Then he dips his head, planting another gentle kiss to my cheek.

  Stepping away, I wonder how I ended up stuck between these two domineering dicks. Alex lifts the rope, allowing me in, and without even so much as a glance back at Jasper, I stride into the bar.

  Regardless of the fact Alex works the door here, Rosco’s is one of the best bars in town. It’s also the best place to hook up. Guaranteed to end the night lost in the pleasure of a warm body. No paddling the canoe required.

  As I push through the crowd towards the bar, I sense someone behind me. No doubt it’s just Jasper. I’m pissed at him, but I need a drink before I get into that conversation with him.

  When I reach the bar, I catch the eye of Tommy, the bartender on tonight. He offers me a mischievous wink as he finishes up serving a brunette at the end of the bar. She’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks she can pull Tommy, but I’m not one to spoil her fun.

  “Jamie, good to see you girl. What can I get you tonight?” He leans over the bar, dropping a kiss to my cheek. When he pulls back, his eyes flick behind me and widen a fraction in recognition. I sense eyes on me to the left and spot the brunette that was chatting him up when I arrived. I give her my best smile, and she gives me the evil eye. I laugh, turning my attention back to Tommy.

  “Hey, give me a shot of the good stuff and a Long Island Iced Tea, please.” He hesitates for a fraction of a second before moving away to make my drinks.

  “Do you kiss all the guys, Jamie?”

  I spin on my heels to face Jasper. “Nah, just the best ones.”

  “Seems to me that your idea of the ‘best ones’ and mine is vastly different.”

  “Screw you, Jasper,” I snap. “What the fuck are you even doing here?”

  He raises his hands in defence at my icy tone. “Okay. How about we start again?”

  “No. How about you tell me what you’re doing here, or you can walk away and forget we had this conversation.” Tommy places my shot of tequila and Long Island Iced Tea on the bar, and I turn back around, telling him to put it on my tab. Customers are calling for him to serve them, but he looks reluctant to go anywhere. “It’s fine,” I tell him. After a beat longer, he turns and walks to the next customer.

  I knock back the shot before picking up my cocktail and facing Jasper again. Who’s still here. Taking a sip, I wait for him to speak. We watch each other as a spark of mutual attraction ripples through me. My brows raise in question, and I see the exact moment he makes his decision.

  “Fine. I had a hunch you were going to be here, so I thought I’d come down and see if I could, maybe, buy you a drink?”

  “Hmmm. Well, as you can see.” I raise my glass. “I already have one, but thanks.” His eyes sparkle with the challenge, and I don’t miss the slight tic in his right eye. It tells me one of two things. Either he’s nervous, which doesn’t seem likely, but I’ve been known to be wrong in the past, or he’s pissed about something. Most guys don’t deal with rejection very well, and I don’t suppose Jasper’s any different. I’m going to go out on a limb and pick option two. I let out a little laugh.

  “Something funny, Jamie? You care to share?” There goes that tic again. Definitely not nervous, just pissed off.

  “Nope. But I might let you buy me that drink. If the offer’s still open?” I give him a seductive smile. I mean, what the hell, I came here to hook up, right? And although Jasper wasn’t who I had in mind, he’s hot, and surprisingly, I’ve never been with a cop.

  “The offer still stands, Jamie.” Jasper moves in closer, his hips almost brushing mine. “What else can I offer you tonight?” The tic is gone, replaced by lust.

  “Why, Detective, are you trying to seduce me?” I ask in my most innocent and sultry voice. I run my hand up Jasper’s chest, brushing against the smattering of hair peeking out where his top two buttons are open. A sparkle of gold around his neck catches my eye, but I don’t get a chance to investigate as his arm comes around my waist, pulling me tight against his body.

  Jasper leans in to whisper in my ear, and as he does, I look out across the room. I’m drawn to a corner off to the left where a small group are seated in low couches. The two guys in the group are sat opposite each other talking and each has a woman draped over them. The girl is blocking the view of the guy on the right, but as Jasper’s breath ghosts over my ear, she moves and now I see perfectly.

  Seb Roberts.

  Beautiful, rich caramel eyes are pinned on me, almost like he knew I was here the whole time. A tremor runs through my body as memories of our weekend together crash through my mind. Hot, sweat slicked skin, and a tongue that had my body humming from head to toe.

  I’m brought out of the memory as someone jostles us from the side, and Jasper’s grip around my waist tightens to steady me.

  “Hey, you okay?” Jasper asks, as I watch the girl next to Seb run a hand up his thigh. Eyes still locked on mine, he turns his head enough that when she leans in, I see his tongue swipe out, licking her lip.

  I turn away from the scene in front of me. “Yes, I’m good. You know what, screw the drinks. Let’s just skip to the good part and get out of here.” Jasper raises his brows, clearly confused by my sudden eagerness.

  “I thought you came here to dance?”

  “Oh, I did, but you know, there are more ways than one to dance. Besides, I prefer to dance naked.” I wink, reaching down to grab his hand and lead him out of the bar.

  As we make our way out, I chance a quick look behind me to see Seb is on his feet and looking back to where we were at the bar, while the girl shouts at him. He turns, talking to his mate before heading this way.



  “So, this chick comes into the shop and tells me she wants a tattoo of her husband’s dick on her arse. Like, seriously, man. What the fuck is up with birds these days?” Jay tells me, passing me another beer.

  “Did you do it? “I take a swig and scan the room for some seats.

  “Course I fucking did. Ain’t my job to question the shit people want tatted on their skin. I’d be out of a fucking job if I did that.” Jay picks up the other beers from the bar as I point out some empty couches over on the left.

  It’s pretty quiet in here for a Saturday, but it’s still early. Taking a seat, Jay asks me what’s happening with Vicki.

  “We’re done. Yeah, I know I’ve said it before, but she has psycho, rich bitch written all over her. And no matter how hot she is in bed, I don’t need that shit.”

  “I hear you, man. I hate it when that happens, though.” I frown. “You know, magical pussy but everything else is rotten to the core.”

  “Something like that.” My eyes rove over the dance floor and the barely dressed bodies of the women gyrating their hips to the sounds of Dua Lipa’s Don’t Start Now. A flash of red hair catches my eye, and just as I go to stand up, my view is blocked.

  “Hey, Sebastian. It’s good to see you, baby.” The sound of her voice is like nails on a chalk board, and when I look up at her, she has her hand on her hip and tits thrust out. Practically falling out, is a more accurate description. The dress, if you can even call it that, amounts to two bands of material meant to cover the basics and are attached by a strip either side of her body. It looks like hers is a couple of sizes too small.

  “Vicki. Your ears must have been burning,” I mock, throwing a ‘what the fuck’ look over at Jay. He just laughs and shrugs. Prick. “What do you want, Vicki?” My irritation evident in my tone. She ignores my question, and instead takes a seat next to me on the couch. The girl with her, Chantelle, I think her name is, takes a seat on the other side of Jay. He wastes no time in engaging conversation with her, and I doubt it will be more than ten minutes before he’s screwing her in the bar toilet. I on the other hand, have no interest in what Vicki is trying to peddle. Been there, got the t-shirt, found it doesn’t fit and thought I’d returned it with a full refund. Clearly not the case in Vicki’s head.

  “Aww, come on, Sebastian. You know how good we are together, let me show you,” she purrs, leaning back and curling herself along my side. As she does, my eyes lock with forest green ones. The exact same ones that have haunted my dreams for the past nine months. Ones I picture every time I’ve fucked another girl since the weekend Ryder dragged me along to win back his girl. Ones I’ve also imagined in the shower and in my bed when I’ve bashed one out because something has reminded me of her.

  Jamie Morgan.

  When I take in the scene more fully, and my shock at seeing her again subsides enough for my brain to function, I see she’s not alone. Jealousy, unbidden, rises in me.

  I know I will regret this later, but my mind is set. Keeping my eyes locked on Jamie, I turn enough that my lips almost meet Vicki’s, and as she leans in, my tongue swipes out, licking the seam of her fake, over-inflated lips. And just as I knew she would, Vicki returns the gesture with a flick of her own tongue before kissing me.

  When we break from the kiss, I see Jamie and the blond she was with are gone. I shove Vicki aside, getting to my feet.

  “Hey, what the fuck, Sebastian?” she shouts, lips pursed and brows drawn down in a scowl.

  Ignoring her protests, I look to Jay. “I need some air. You good?” I ask. Jay nods, and I walk away as Vicki’s exclamations of ‘Hey, arsehole,’ and ‘How dare you walk away from me,’ get drowned out by the loud music and the distance I speedily put between us.

  Being tall has its advantages, and I scan the crowd looking for any sign of her red hair. When I don’t see her, my jealousy and anger at my own stupidity crashes into me, and I slam my fist down on the nearest table. Glasses smash to the floor and people close-by scramble away as the splintered pieces scatter across the floor.

  A waitress comes over with a broom to sweep up the mess I’ve made. I offer an apology and slip her a bundle of notes to pay for the damage before heading for the exit. The air I said I needed even more necessary now.

  I push my way out the door, past the crowds still trying to get in. Alex, the doorman, calls out to me.

  “Seb, what’s up?”

  I scan the road, and then I spot her. The guy she’s with has his arm wrapped around her as he opens the door of a car parked at the side of the road. I clench my fists at my side, just as Alex joins me.

  “Who is that guy?” I ask, dragging my eyes away as the car pulls off.

  “Nobody good. That’s Detective Jasper Williams. Guy is a complete wanker, and not somebody I want to see Jamie with.”

  I turn and look at him as his words sink in. “Jasper Williams? And you know Jamie?”

  “Yeah, on both counts. Jamie and I go way back.” I let out an irrational growl. “Woah, Seb. What the fuck, man?” He wisely takes a step back, hands up defensively. I don’t know what’s bothering me more. That Jamie went home with Jasper, or the fact, at some point in time, Alex and Jamie have obviously screwed.

  “They arrive together?” He shakes his head. “You seen them here together before?” I quiz.

  “Nah, man, tonight’s the first time. Why all the questions, did he do something to upset you?”

  “Yep!” is all I say before I turn and go back inside to find Jay.

  Only when I get back to where I left him, the only one sitting there is Vicki. Fucking grand. She lifts her head as I approach, eyes softening when I reach the table. I don’t say a word, there’s no need. We both know where this night ends. I’ll deal with the fallout tomorrow, but right now, I need to try and forget Jamie by fucking her out of my system.

  Screwing Vicki’s got to do that, right?

  Wrong. So very, very wrong!



  I snuggle into the arms wrapped around me as lips brush over my shoulder, and for a split second, I imagine warm caramel eyes, but the illusion is broken as a voice whispers in my ear.

  “Hmmm, you smell good. I think it’s time for round…what is it, four?”

  My eyes snap open as Jasper’s hand glides up from my stomach, cupping my breast and tweaking my nipple.

  Fuck. After seeing Seb, and despite my reluctance to get involved with Jasper, I left with him. Let him have my body, more than once. But now, once again, I’m regretting my decision. A shiver runs through my body as Jasper continues teasing my breast, and I twist in his arms to face him.

  “I’m sorry, Jasper, no can do. I need be somewhere in”—I lift my wrist to check the time— “an hour. How about a rain check?” I watch as disappointment crosses his face before he smiles wide and kisses me on the nose.

  “Okay, beautiful. How about dinner tonight? I’ll cook, and then I can spend the rest of the evening feasting on every inch of your body.”

  “How about I call you when I’ve finished what I need to do, and then we’ll talk?” I tell him as I push out of his arms and climb from the bed.

  I hastily search for my clothes and dress, and all the while I curse myself for my foolish decision to come home with Jasper, who stretches out in the bed, arms behind his head, watching me.

  Looking up at him once I’m dressed, I ask, “What?” Without meaning to, I scan his body, and let’s be honest here, it’s a nice freaking body. If I’m even more honest he seems like a great guy. He’s got a good job, and I should want to date him. So why the fuck don’t I? I would say I don’t know the answer to that question, but it would be a complete lie. I do know, but I just don’t want to face it, talk about it, or even think ab
out it.

  “Just admiring the view. It’s mighty fine, you know?”

  “Yeah, well the view from here isn’t so bad either. I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.” Then I turn and leave.

  I wasn’t lying about the view. He’s hot, if a little clingy, but I don’t do feelings.

  Not for anyone.

  The house is empty when I get home. Of course it is because it’s just me now. Cam moved in with Ryder a few weeks after our weekend in Durham, and whilst I’m happy for them both, I’m lonely. And I have far too much time for my brain to think, which is not a good thing.

  I dash up the stairs, needing to scrub my skin clean, and remove every trace of my night with Jasper. After my shower, skin blanched and red from scrubbing so hard, I dress in a pair of ripped black jeans and a grey t-shirt with the slogan ‘If my mouth doesn’t say it, my face definitely will’. This t-shirt is perfect for where I’m going. I throw my crazy hair up in a messy bun and grab my white pumps and slouch bag as I leave the room.

  On the drive to town my phone rings several times, followed by a series of pings when I don’t answer. I know who it is without even looking, and if I don’t reply or call her soon, she’s going to turn up on my doorstep.

  Despite the fact Cam is due to give birth any time now, it won’t stop her. If anything, it scares me even more. Never anger a pregnant woman because it’s insanely dangerous for your health.

  Once I pull up at the restaurant where I’m meeting my dad, I quickly type out a message to Cam promising to call later. I put the phone on silent and shove it in my bag before she can reply.

  Stepping into the restaurant, I’m greeted by a young, twenty-something girl who leads me to a table near the back of the room. My dad is already there and looks up as we approach, and even though he smiles, it doesn’t reach his eyes, which are ringed with dark circles. Getting to his feet, he pulls me in for a hug when I reach him. I inhale the comforting scent that is all my dad, and I heave out a sigh, relaxing somewhat.


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