Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2

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Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2 Page 7

by Imogen Wells

  As I make my way down the path, a chill washes over me, and I have the intense feeling of eyes on me. Scanning the trees, I see nothing out of the ordinary and no one but me. Halfway down the path the crunch of a twig has me snapping my head behind me. Seeing nothing there, I continue, quickening my pace. Another snap and the sound of feet pounding the ground has me sliding my bag to the front and slipping my right hand inside, searching for the damn pepper spray I now carry everywhere I go. I even have them dotted at different points around the house. Just as my hand slips around the spray, I’m thrown forward as something hits my left shoulder. With my right hand in my bag, I have no way to break my fall, landing hard on my right side. The force has me skidding along the gravel path, grazing my cheek.

  Instantly, images of the last time I was hit from behind assault me, and while my mind takes me on an unwanted trip down memory lane, who or whatever hit me makes the best of my distraction, grabbing my bag.

  Yanking on the strap, they struggle to pull it free from beneath me. With one more hard tug up, I’m flipped over to my back. I suck in a breath as pain flares up my right side, and the bag slips off my arm.

  Screw this shit! I refuse to be a victim again.

  I throw my hand out, trying to grasp the bag before they can get away, but I miss it. Refusing to give up so easily, I push the pain aside, snapping out a leg as my assailant tries to run for it.

  I let out a scream of pain and determination as I do. My toes catch his trailing leg, and he trips and stumbles, but he manages to stay on his feet and dashes off through the trees.

  This time the sound that leaves me is one of anger and frustration.

  “Fuuuuuck!” Getting to my feet, I wince as another ripple of pain runs up my side. “Fuck, fuck.”

  “Hey, you okay?”

  I spin around at the sound, letting out a little squeak that’s actually pitiful. “Eeek! Shit!” My heart leaps up into my throat.

  “Jamie? Shit, Jamie. What happened? Are you okay?”

  As I focus, I realise it’s Dana, another nurse, and I relax a little.

  “I just got mugged. Bastard made off with my bag.”

  “Come on, let’s get you up to the hospital and check you over and call the police.”

  I let out a huff and take Dana’s offered arm, letting her lead me to the hospital.



  “If you could just lie down on the bed for me. Just a couple of questions and then we’ll get this x-ray taken. Are—”

  “No, I’m not pregnant. No, there’s not a chance I am either. So, can we please just get on with it.” Realising how snarky I sounded, I immediately apologise. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so rude, it’s just that I’m a nurse. I work here, and I’d like to get back to my shift.” I smile at the radiographer.

  A short round woman of around 40 years of age. Her hair is pulled back in a tight, severe bun, and I’m pretty sure it’s the reason why she has hardly any wrinkles around her eyes. Beats having a face lift.

  “Very well. Lay down on your left side for me, please,” she tells me as she reaches up for the x-ray machine. I climb up onto the bed and shuffle my body so I’m laying straight on my left side, hand beneath me. I place my right arm above my head as the radiographer positions the machine.

  Once happy with the positioning, she heads behind her screen to snap a series of x-rays to rule out any fractures. Seems a little pointless given I already know they aren’t broken. I haven’t forgotten how painful broken ribs are since the last time, and this is nowhere near as bad as then.

  Back in my cubicle, Dana is waiting with a cup of tea.

  “Thanks, Dana.”

  “No trouble, Jamie. Come, take a seat and let’s get your cheek cleaned up while we wait for the police to arrive. Is there anyone you want me to call?”

  “Nah, I’m good. Let’s get this done so I can get to work.” I sit on the bed as Dana pulls on some gloves and opens the sterile cleaning kit she has on the tray.

  “So…you want to talk about it?” Dana asks hesitantly.

  “Not particularly. Besides, I’d prefer to only have to tell it once.” She nods in understanding. Then changes the subject.

  “It’s my birthday on Saturday, and I’ve managed to score VIP tickets to the new club in town. Tempest, I think it’s called. You fancy tagging along with me?” I immediately shake my head and wonder how she managed to get tickets. “Hey, keep still,” she says before letting out a laugh. “Come on, Jamie. It’ll be fun.” I catch the wink she gives me from the corner of my eye, and there’s a glint of humour in her eyes too.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been partying pretty hard lately. I think I need to slow it down a little.”

  Dana lets out a full-on laugh at that. “Oh, please. You’ve always been a party girl. What’s changed?” She arches a brow at me. “You going soft on me, Jamie?” When I don’t answer immediately, she pauses her cleaning of my cheek. “Hey, what’s going on? You can talk to me you know.”

  I sigh. It’s deep, and my nostrils flare with the exertion. “I—” I pause when I hear my name from somewhere down the corridor. In a matter of seconds, the curtain around my cubicle is shoved aside and in walks Jasper.

  “Hey! You can’t come in here. Get—”

  “Dana, it’s fine. This is Detective Williams.” I raise my brows in question at the fact a detective was sent for a simple mugging. She huffs, clearly put out by the, somewhat, rude interruption before continuing with cleaning my grazed cheek.

  Jasper stands like some kind of sentinel at the end of the bed, watching every move she makes. The protective and possessive look on his face only confirms my earlier thoughts about calling things off with him. And no matter how hard I try to deny how I feel about Seb, or how many other men I sleep with, it’s obviously not working. Or healthy for that matter.

  I’m a nurse for god’s sake. I know the signs of PTSD, and the destructive nature of my recent behaviour. Doesn’t mean I’m not as prone as the next person, but I’m at least better placed to see what I’m doing.

  What I need to do is stay clear of men, especially one in particular. I need to accept he’s not interested and that our weekend together was nothing more than every other hook up I’ve ever had before and since.

  I suck in a sharp breath, wincing as Dana applies a thin layer of antibacterial cream and a dressing.

  “All done,” she says, removing her gloves and dropping them on the tray. “You need to wait for the results of the x-rays and for the doctor to give you the all-clear before you leave this cubicle.” I roll my eyes at her bossy tone. “I mean it, Jamie. I don’t want to see you out on the floor until then. And even then, I’d prefer if you went home.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll stay put. Shit me, anyone would think you’re my mother.” My tone is laced with humour, but I don’t do a good enough job of hiding the hurt those words caused.

  Dana frowns but doesn’t comment. She reaches into her pocket, pulling out a phone and dropping it into to my hand. “I picked it up from the ground. I take it it’s yours?” I give a nod. “I’ll see you later, and don’t forget about Saturday. I want to see you there in your best party gear,” she says, pointing her finger and me.

  “Cheers.” I hold my phone up. “Fine. But I’m not making any promises.” She turns to exit the cubicle. “Thanks, Dana,” I call out, and she gives a wave of her hand as she disappears beyond the curtain, pulling it shut once again.

  The atmosphere is a little fraught without Dana acting as a buffer from the interrogation I know is coming. And the conversation that I wish I could avoid. I may be a hard bitch sometimes, but I’m not completely devoid of emotion or heartless, despite what some might think.

  “What did I do to earn the special treatment?” I joke but it falls flat given the stern look on Jasper’s face.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Hey, first off, don’t take that tone with me. And second, if you’re here in a professi
onal capacity, which I assume you are, then act like it. Right here, right now, you’re a cop and I’m the…victim.” The last word clogs up my throat like glue, and I almost don’t get it out.

  He walks towards me, stopping right in front of me. If he thinks I’m opening my legs to let him in, pardon the pun, then he’s very much mistaken. That little tic in his eye is back when he realises that I’m not budging.

  “You’re right, and I’m sorry. I was worried about you, that’s all.”

  “Well, I’m fine. And I don’t need you to worry about me.” I cross my feet at the ankle, making sure he sees. I sense I’ve shocked him with my stand-offish attitude, and he’s not at all sure where he stands. “Look, I appreciate your concern, but it’s not necessary. I thought you understood—” I wave a hand between the two of us. “What this was. My bad, maybe I didn’t make it clear enough before we started sleeping together, but I’m not in the market for a relationship. So, if that’s what you were expecting, then I’m sorry but you’re out of luck.”

  He takes a step away from me and rubs his hand over his chin.

  “I guess I read things wrong.” He begins pacing the floor; up and down, up and down, then stops to face me. And like a switch has been flipped, he’s in detective mode. “Can you tell me what happened, please, Miss Morgan.”

  Slightly taken aback by his sudden change, even though it’s what I wanted, I do as he asked.

  When I’ve finished explaining what happened, he asks me the usual; did I get a good look at the assailant, what was he wearing etc. I try not to think about how much this conversation reminds me of the last time I was attacked. Instead, I focus on what I can tell him. Responding like a damn robot.

  “No, I didn’t see his face.”

  “He was wearing dark clothing. Black, I think.”

  No, he didn’t say anything to me.”

  At the end of it, I feel like I’ve been run through a spin cycle. I have nothing of use. I don’t hold out any hope they’ll find who did this or my stolen belongings. Not that I really care too much about them. There was not much of value above the usual, purse, keys, that sort of thing. All of which can easily be replaced.

  I’m not sure what I was expecting once the official part was done, but it certainly wasn’t for him to thank me for my statement, informing me they’ll be in touch and then turning and walking away without another word.

  I don’t really have much room to complain. I wanted official, and that’s exactly what I got.

  The doctor stops by half an hour later, and although my ribs aren’t broken, I have a slight concussion, which means I’m not allowed to work.

  On my way out of the hospital, I stop to report my hospital ID and locker key missing. It’s at this point, I realise I have no money and no house keys.

  I don’t really want to have to call Cam but given the only other person who has a key is my mum, and there’s no way I’m calling her, I don’t have a lot of choice. I press call on Cam’s name.

  I was expecting Blue, so when Rick pulls up outside, I’m surprised and more than a little relieved it wasn’t Seb.

  Rick climbs from the car, coming round to greet me. “Hey. You okay?” he asks, giving me a hug and kissing my good cheek.

  “Rick, I’m so sorry for this,” I tell him, pulling back.

  “Don’t you dare apologise. You should have called me right away.” He opens the car door for me. “Come on, let’s get you home. Cam said you don’t have a spare house key?”

  “No. Well, I do, but it’s at my mum’s. And I really don’t need to see her twice in one day.” He looks at me questioningly. “Trust me, I won’t be going back there in a hurry. Doubt I’d be very welcome anyway. Just drop me off at a hotel or something,” I say with a shrug.

  “No chance, Jamie.” He closes the car door before I get a chance to say anymore.

  “What does that mean?” I ask as soon as he’s in the car. “I don’t have anywhere else to go, and don’t even think for a second that I’m imposing on Cam and Blue more than I already have.” I glare at him. His eyes remain on the road, but I know he can feel the heat of my stare.

  “It means, you’re not going to a hotel—” I go to interrupt, but he continues, “Or Cam’s. You’re coming to stay at mine tonight. And before you start giving me some shit about imposing, shut it.”

  I laugh. “Wow. You have me pegged.”

  “Yes, I do. And that means I know what’s going through your mind right now.” His eyes flick to me pointedly.

  “Okay,” I relent. He’s not wrong about what’s on my mind. Whoever mugged me has my address and house keys, and after last time, there’s no way I want to be home alone tonight.

  “That was easier than I thought it’d be.” A smile lighting up his face. “Cam was sure you’d put up more of a fight.”

  “Yeah, well stubborn and bull headed don’t equal stupid. I know when I’m beat. Besides, you’re not wrong. But don’t even think about bragging over it because that’s a fight you won’t win.” I find a smile tugging at my lips, and Rick lets out a laugh beside me.



  Rick insisted on stopping for food, and despite me trying to protest, I wasn’t able to get a word out before my stomach rumbled at the mention of food. That was answer enough for Rick.

  Now I’m sitting on the sofa in Rick’s lounge, shovelling Chinese takeout into my mouth like it’s my last meal, while Rick is off making a call. Coming back into the room, I see he’s carrying a couple of cans of coke and a bottle of pills.

  Placing the cans down on the coffee table, he hands me the pills.

  “Here, take a couple of these.”

  I take the bottle, tipping two out into my hand, then reaching for my coke. I go back to eating as Rick takes a seat across from me. “How’s Max doing?” I don’t like the silence and figure if I’m the one asking the questions, I can avoid any topics I don’t want to talk about.

  “He’s doing well. He hasn’t stopped talking about meeting the baby, and how he thinks he’s going to be a big brother.”

  “That’s so cute.” I notice that the initial smile on Rick’s face drops a little. I’m just about to change the subject when I hear someone at the front door. Rick sheepishly, takes my empty plate and heads out of the room as the sound of footsteps echo down the hall.

  “So, it looks like my intervention the other night has done us a favour. Even got asked if I wanted a—” His words stop as his eyes land on me. “Jamie?” Surprised doesn’t even cover the look on his face, but it quickly morphs into anger.

  “Seb.” I get up to leave, not wanting to be here. The air in the room is stifling all of a sudden. I head for the same door Rick went through, but one step is all I get before Seb is in front of me, gripping my chin and tipping my face up to him. His eyes run across my face, taking in every detail. Fire licks my skin where his fingers grip me, tightening for a fraction of a second before he runs a thumb over my bottom lip.

  “What happened?” The words are whispered, but his tone is lethal. It sends a shiver through me, and I have to squeeze my thighs together as my clit throbs at the burst of lust and desire he induces in me.

  I push his hand from my face, stepping back and out of reach of his smell that seeps into me every time he’s near. And away from the pull I feel towards him that scares the ever-loving shit out of me.

  “Nothing. It was just a little accident, nothing for you to worry about,” I tell him, my voice shaky and quiet. And of course, Rick takes this exact moment to walk back into the room. Innocence personified.

  “Bullshit. She was mugged as she arrived for work.” He drops the information casually as though he was just passing observation on the damn weather. I pin my eyes on the bastard traitor. I don’t know what he thinks he’s doing, but this is not what I expected when he brought me here. I drop my head, closing my eyes as Rick continues. “The police have already interviewed her. Detective Williams, I believe.”

  My head
snaps up, looking at Rick. “How the fuck do you know that? I never told you that.”

  I see Rick looking over my shoulder to where Seb is standing. Turning my head enough so I can see him, I watch his brows raise, and then his caramel eyes flash with gold flecks before turning a deeper shade, almost the colour of treacle. It’s mesmerising, and if I wasn’t so pissed at Rick for… quite a few bloody things right now, then no doubt this incessant need to jump Seb’s bones would in fact become a reality.

  “What? What the hell is going on here?” I demand, looking between the two of them.



  It’s like a fucking echo as they both speak at the same time. I shake my head at their feeble attempt to brush aside whatever the hell that look was all about.

  “You know what? Fine. I don’t need or want this shit, so I’m out.” I shove past Seb, knocking my shoulder into his and storm from the room.

  Their muted voices follow me as I make my way to the guest room Rick showed me on our tour when I arrived. Then quick paced footsteps come from behind me. The strangest feeling of needing to run forces its way through me, and as I spot the door up ahead, that’s what I do.

  I reach the door, twisting the handle just as a body collides with mine, pinning me against the closed door.

  “Don’t you know by now that I love the chase, Jamie.”

  “You don’t fucking say. Shame you don’t know what to do with your prey once you finally catch it.”

  His mouth moves closer to my ear, lips grazing the shell as he whispers, “You and I both know that’s not even close to being true. Isn’t that right, Firefly?” He pushes into me, grinding his hips. I suck in a harsh breath at the feel of his hard length against my arse. “Maybe you need a reminder of exactly how good I make you feel.”

  I arch my back, pushing my arse further into his groin, and a moan leaves my lips that I have no control over at all.


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