Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2

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Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2 Page 18

by Imogen Wells

  A loud bang from the kitchen bursts our little bubble, and Jamie pushes away from me, jumping to her feet.

  “I…er…need to…go to the bathroom,” she says before turning and fleeing down the hall. My dick is about ready to explode and cursing Jay for interrupting us, but in hindsight, taking her on the sofa with my friend just across the open-plan apartment wasn’t a great idea.

  Standing up and adjusting myself, again, I walk to the kitchen to see if Jay needs a hand.



  My legs barely carry me to the bathroom, and once I’m inside, I slide down the door and melt into a puddle on the floor. Holy shit! Fuck! I don’t know what to deal with first; the half of my body currently burning up from the inside out or the half that wants to crawl outside of my body and runaway, screaming like a banshee through sheer fear.

  Reckless. That’s what it would be to allow this man inside my heart. But the little devil that sits on my shoulder lately, tempting me, whispers, ‘You are reckless.’ He’s not wrong. And I’m completely torn between wanting to give myself over to Seb and pushing him away.

  I once told Cam she shouldn’t let her past stop her from taking a risk, and now here I am scared out of my mind that if I do this, one day he’ll ruin me. Walk away, throw me away like I mean nothing and trample all over my fragile heart. I know she’d tell me to stop being a pussy, be reckless and own it. She already called me out about Seb, telling me he infuriates me because he makes me feel, and it’s the fucking truth. Every last word of it.

  A knock comes at the door before Jay’s voice, telling me dinner is almost ready.

  “I’ll be out in a minute. Thanks,” I tell him, happy my voice doesn’t fail me.

  Five minutes later, I’m walking back out to the kitchen to find Jay and Seb sitting at the counter talking and eating. Seb has his back to me, and doesn’t see me as I approach, which is why I’m able to hear his last words to Jay, just as Jay looks up at me.

  “I’m not happy about it, but we’ll go Friday. It’s our best shot at finding out what the fuck goes down at the club.”

  “Where are we going Friday? A club?” I say, walking around to sit on the stool beside Jay. Seb coughs, almost choking on his last mouthful.

  “You are not going anywhere. Jay and I have to be somewhere Friday night, but I’ll make sure you aren’t alone.”

  I grab my fork, loading it up, and just before putting it in my mouth, I say to Seb, “Is this one of those ‘the first rule of Fight Club, is don’t talk about Fight Club’ things?” I push the food into my mouth, and my tongue explodes with flavours, and I can’t help the moan that passes my lips. “Wow. This is amazing, Jay.” I go in for another mouthful, pausing as I feel eyes on me. Looking up, I see Seb watching me, a look of hunger in his eyes and not for the food on his plate. Two can play at his game. I lick my lips and then slip my fork into my mouth, drawing it out slowly, deliberate, and humming as I do. “So, Friday?” I see Jay hiding a snicker as he tries to eat as quick as possible.

  “It’s nothing like fucking Fight Club, Jamie. Just work, that’s all, and I don’t want you anywhere near it.” I hear his vexation through his clipped words. It’s as though he can’t decide between being turned on and pissed off. It’s a beautiful sight to see, especially when his nostrils start to flare.

  “Well, if you’re not going to let me tag along, at least tell which club.”

  Seb and Jay both answer at the same time, giving completely different answers, but it’s Jay’s that has me sitting up straight.

  “Tempest? This is why you’ve been going there?” I ask, but Seb is too busy throwing daggers at Jay to hear me as Jay picks his plate up and slinks away. “Seb.” I call, trying to draw his attention back to me. “Seb, what does Tempest have to do with your job?” I remember the night of Dana’s birthday, Seb was there and that guy, Mark, I think his name was, and how when he looked at me it made my skin crawl. The way he spoke was vulgar, even by my standards, and I like a bit of dirty talk, but his was…just wrong. “Is this about that Mark guy?”

  Seb finally turns and looks at me, and I have my answer because at the same moment, Jay drops something in the sink with a loud smash.

  “It doesn’t matter why we are going there. All you need to know is you’re not. You know how this works, Jamie.” He sighs.

  “Yeah, I do. But you know what? Doesn’t mean I have to like it. And don’t think I didn’t see the look pass between you two earlier.” I circle a pointed finger, encompassing Jay and Seb. “When I mentioned what happened with the lady cop at the station. I know you’re not telling me everything. And your little distraction may have worked temporarily, but I don’t forget, Seb.” Seb’s nostrils flare, and I look back at Jay because I can’t afford to get distracted again.

  “Yeah, I’m still waiting to find out what that was about too.” Jay says with a shrug.

  “Shut up, Jay,” Seb says.

  “Not helping!” I say at the same time. I jump from the stool and stalk down the hall, straight to Seb’s room. I block out the scent of him that fills the room and sets my heart racing. Instead, I snatch up two pillows from the bed and storm back out to the lounge. Throwing them down on the sofa, I look up at Seb.

  “Screw you. Screw you both. Sleep well, Seb.” I rush back to the room, slamming the door shut. Relieved to see there’s a lock, I click it and then step away from the door just as the handle jiggles. I hear Seb cursing on the other side, and yeah, it’s petty, but it brings a smile to my face.

  “Open the damn door, Jamie,” Seb demands with a bang on the door.

  I bite back my retort, knowing it will be more effective if I ignore him altogether. Spinning on my heels, I take in the room around me. I never really got to look too closely at Seb’s room at Rick’s house. Mind numbing grief took control last night, apart from when Seb was screwing me into oblivion.

  Now though, I see the man behind the mask. I’ve seen glimpses of him recently, and during our weekend together, but here in this room, the real Seb is revealed. Organised. Controlled. Disciplined. O.C.D at its finest. Not to the point of overtaking his life, but in a way that is subtle and, surprisingly, attractive. Seb is the order to my chaos. The restraint to my rashness. The control to my recklessness. He is everything I’m not, and I’m drawn to him in a way I never believed possible.

  The banging on the door has stopped, and I step toward the wardrobe, opening it to see his clothing hung in pairs. Trousers paired with the best fitting t-shirt or shirt. There are even a couple of suits, including a tux, and my mouth waters at the idea of Seb wearing it.

  I close the wardrobe and move to the drawers. More t-shirts, all neatly arranged and smelling like him. I pull one out, unfolding it to see it’s an old Nirvana t-shirt. I lay it on the bed while I strip out of my clothes.

  I’m just pulling Seb’s t-shirt over my head, when the bedroom door crashes open, and Seb steps in.

  “What the fuck!” I shout, shoving my arms through the holes and quickly pulling it the rest of the way down. Seb’s eyes glow as he takes me in, roaming over my body before coming to rest on my face, and it’s all it takes for the heat from earlier to return.

  “What the fuck, indeed.” He takes slow measured steps toward me, and my back straightens instantly in defiance. “You think you can lock me out of my own room? That you can run away because you don’t like the fact I won’t tell you things that don’t need to concern you?”

  “Too fucking right I do.”

  “And why is that exactly?”

  I fold my arms around my body because I suddenly feel very exposed. I know as soon as I voice my reasons, there’s no going back. I won’t be able to lock the words away again. Steeling myself, I take a breath and then look right at Seb as he stands in front of me.

  “You told me you wanted all of me, and if that’s true, then you need to understand I won’t be lied to, deceived, or kept in the dark. About anything, Seb. And if you were paying proper a
ttention when I told you about Josh and Amber, then you’ll understand why I need full transparency. There is no half-way with me. You want all of me, then I want all of you in return.”

  Seb’s eyes scan my face, probing for any hint he misheard me. If he’s surprised by my words, imagine how shocked I am to find they spilled from my mouth like the most natural thing in the world. My mouth is dry, and I have the sudden desire to flee as Seb continues to just stand there watching me. When I feel like I can’t stand it another moment longer, he reaches for me, gripping my arms and pulling me into him. Holding me so close, I have to tilt my head to look at him.

  As soon as our eyes meet, he slams his lips to mine, and I fall into the kiss, forgetting everything else. And this is what he does to me. Scrambles my brain, shutting off the part of me that refuses to feel anything, the part that severs even the tiniest string of emotion or feeling when it tries to latch on. Seb obliterates it all.

  Just as I break the kiss, inhaling deep, he lifts me, spinning and slamming my back against the wall, grinding his hips, and eliciting a deep moan from me. His fingers dig into my thighs as his teeth scrape over my nipple, and I hurry to undo his jeans, pulling his cock free, yanking it hard and squeezing as the swollen head blooms red with need. I run my thumb over the top, swirling the precum that has leaked from his angry cock before twisting my hand up and down his shaft making it throb. Seb rips my underwear to the side, and as I rub his cock through my lips, his piercing slides over my clit, and my hips buck, seeking relief.

  “Enough,” he grits out before taking his cock and slamming into me. I grip his shoulders, and my mouth opens on a silent cry. “Fuck. I love being inside you,” he whispers as he begins to move. It’s fast and slow, it’s hard and soft, everything a contradiction, just like him.

  My legs tighten around him as the first tingles of my orgasm begin to build. “Faster. Don’t stop, Seb,” I pant out, my breath stuttering as he does as I asked. “Yes! Fuck. Right there,” I cry, dropping my head back and gripping his hair, yanking hard as I climax, splintering into a thousand pieces.

  My pussy squeezes him as he continues to drive in and out, hammering into me as my back thuds against the wall with each thrust. He doesn’t stop and is relentless as he chases his own climax and builds another one in me. Completely lost to the euphoria and pleasure, one hand tears at my top, and I rip it over my head. Immediately, he growls as he sucks a taut nipple into his mouth, scraping his teeth over it before smoothing the lick of pain with his tongue. I run my hands over his muscular shoulders, digging my fingers in as pressure low in my belly builds again, and I feel him grow as his pace starts to stutter as his release nears. With one final thrust, buried deep, his cock throbs as it pumps his release inside me, triggering another orgasm that curls my toes and has us both cursing.

  “Fucking hell,” Seb puffs out, his chest heaving with exertion.

  I drop my head to his shoulder. “If they fuck like that in Hell, I’ll happily go there when I die.” I feel Seb chuckle just as Jay’s voice carries down the hall.

  “You might want to close the door next time.”

  “Oh shit!” I whisper, realising we are right beside the bedroom door with it wide open, and I can hear Jay laughing down the hall. I tap Seb on the shoulder for him to let me down. I quickly grab the t-shirt from the floor and chuck it on while Seb tucks himself away before closing the bedroom door.

  I drop down on Seb’s bed as he begins stripping out of his clothes, still breathless and feeling happy. It’s a feeling I’ve not felt for a long time. Not in regard to a guy at least.

  My eyes drift closed as my breathing settles and I relax. The bed dips beside me, and I open an eye to see Seb lying, head rested in one hand, watching me. I close my eye again and try to ignore the feel of his eyes on me.

  Letting out a sigh, I turn my body toward him and open my eyes. “What?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking how beautiful you are.” His eyes flick back and forth over my face, and I feel my cheeks heat. I want to hide away from his impassioned and intense look, but I can’t do that if I plan to give this a chance. Despite my efforts, my face must tell a different story. “Don’t do that,” he says, reaching out and smoothing out the crease in my brow.

  I lift myself up so I’m mirroring his position, not realising that it would bring me so close to him. He takes advantage, leaning forward a fraction so his lips brush mine. As he tries to pull back, I find myself following him, wanting more of him and keeping our lips touching. He lets out a small laugh, and I feel the vibrations rumble from his lips. Throwing caution to the wind, I reach out, locking my hand behind his neck and pull him to me. He comes easily, dropping down over me and deepening the kiss before saying, “You need to be careful, Firefly. My body wants you again. I fucking want you again. I want to be buried deep inside you all fucking night long.”

  His words have my core throbbing, and I shove upwards, rolling him over. “Then fucking do it, Seb. You want me, I’m here, fucking take me.”



  Seb made good on his promise and made love to me all night, and that’s what it was, no matter how many times I try to dress it up as something else. Don’t get me wrong we fucked like rabbits, the man has unimaginable stamina, but it was more than just sex. It might have been a long time, but I’m not blind. I felt everything down to my very bones, and my body can attest to that. Aching like fuck this morning.

  At the points I was able to talk last night, I told Seb that I want to visit Alex’s parents and give them my condolences. I don’t care that everyone thinks Alex was just in the wrong place at the wrong time because I know the truth. And that truth is that Alex died because of me, so this is the least I can do for them. Yeah, that’s the guilt talking, but fuck not doing what I can, and if it means I have to suffer the pain of watching Alex’s parents grieve for their son, then so be it.

  I’m sitting alone in the lounge drinking tea, half my mind on the events of the last few days and half listening to the news. The newsreader is talking about another body found in the red-light district of the city. I tune out as my mind drifts to me and Seb, first doubting my decision, but then an image of him on his knees with his face buried between my legs pushes that shit right out the door, and I suddenly feel very hot. I’m just placing the cup on the coffee table when the sound of shuffling feet comes from the hall, and I know it’s Seb because Jay went out for a run twenty minutes ago.

  When he rounds the corner, he’s wearing joggers hung low on his hips and clearly nothing underneath as the outline of his morning wood is more than obvious as he rubs his hands over his face. I would wonder how his dick can even get hard after last night, but the guy is an insatiable machine, and it appears I’m no better, licking my lips as the first tendrils of desire flare in my gut.

  He doesn’t say a word as he stalks towards me and grabs my face, kissing me, devouring me fully and turning my brain to mush. When he pulls away, my eyes stay closed for several seconds as my brain tries to right itself from the tumultuous spin it was in.

  “What you watching?” Seb asks as he moves away with a snort of amusement at my obvious wanton state.

  I snap out of my lust filled haze and follow him to the kitchen. He begins to make tea, and I walk up behind him, planting a kiss between his shoulder blades as his muscles flex with his movements before answering his question.

  “Nothing interesting, just the news, but I wasn’t really listening.” He turns, passing me a fresh cup of tea, and I take a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “What time do you want to go and see Alex’s parents? If that’s what you still want to do?” he asks, joining me at the bar.

  I look up at him. “Of course, I still want to. It’s the right thing to do, Seb. I thought I’d go shortly, and then I want to pop into my mum’s.” I don’t tell him why I want to go there, but I plan to search for whatever my mum was hiding the last time I was there.

  If my mum and dad aren’t go
ing to give me answers then I’ll find them on my own. I have more reason to now my oldest friend is dead because of them.

  “Okay. Let me drink this, and then I’ll go jump in the shower.”

  I guess that answers the question of whether Seb was coming with me. It’s not too much of a problem for him to come to Alex’s parents’ house, but I might need to find a way to stop him coming to my mum’s. I’m sick of Mum and Dad hiding stuff from me, and I know there’s more to this than just some crazy stalker.

  Jay walks through the door, red-faced and sweat pouring off him as I’m rinsing our cups.

  “Hey. How was your run?”

  When he doesn’t answer, I turn around to find him gulping water and still wearing his headphones. I lean against the counter and wait for him to finish drinking.

  “Morning. Wasn’t expecting to see you up so early. Did you even sleep?” Jay asks with a knowing grin as he wipes his face with his t-shirt.

  “Ah…Yeah, sorry about that.” I feel a slight blush creep into my cheeks, which is completely unlike me.

  “It’s all good,” he says with a laugh. “So, what’s the plan today?”

  “We are going to visit Alex’s parents, and then I need to pop to my mum’s. But we are going back to mine first,” I say gesturing to the clothes I’m wearing; a pair of Seb’s joggers and another of his t-shirts that almost reaches my knees.

  I try to ignore the sad look Jay is casting my way, and how he looks like he wants to say something. Thankfully, Seb enters the kitchen and whatever Jay was going to say is forgotten.

  Seb is mouth-watering! How someone can look so fucking hot wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and plain white t-shirt, I’ll never know. And as if my heart isn’t thumping enough already, he comes over and gives me another deliciously sweet kiss that sends tingles to the tips of my toes, and I’m slightly concerned my heart might jump right out of my chest.


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