For the Club

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For the Club Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  The waitress placed their orders on the table before leaving again.

  “What is your game?” she asked. Growing up around the men of the Hell’s Charter gave her good insight to the male psyche. She knew a lot of men only did certain things for attention.

  “No game at all. You must have dated some serious rats to be this dubious about men.”

  She tore open two packets of sugar and poured them into her coffee. She probably should steer clear of sugar to lose some weight, but she’d grown tired of the never-ending battle. John always got pissed when he found out she was dieting. The New Year would be upon them in no time, and she vowed to lose weight then.

  “You’ve gone all quiet on me,” he said, pulling her out of her thoughts.

  “Look, I just want to have coffee. I don’t want to make any commitments or even understand why you’re interested in me.” Licking her lips, she tried to keep her thoughts on her words. “Please, stop with the flattery. I don’t know why you’re here, and I don’t care.”

  “Wow, you really know how to shoot a guy down.” Jesse looked around him and smiled. “You’re a challenge. I’m always up for one.”

  She shook her head and couldn’t help but smile. Piper looked forward to seeing more of him, especially if he wasn’t there at her father’s demand.

  Chapter Two

  For three weeks Jesse went to the coffee shop twice a week. A total of six meetings including the two prior, which meant eight in total, and he still wasn’t close to finding out anything about the Hell’s Charter—or even about Piper Rix. She kept her feelings close to her chest. There were flashes of emotion that crossed her face, but before he got a read on her, they disappeared. He hated the lack of reading her more than anything else.

  Never in all of his life had he found wooing a woman so difficult. Piper was reserved around him. He got her to smile at least. But getting her to smile was entirely different than her telling him club secrets.

  He ran his fingers through his hair for something to do with his hands. His nerves were totally fried when it came to Piper. Fuck, three weeks without getting his dick wet from one of the club whores and sitting across from a sexy woman was starting to wear thin. When Piper leaned forward or moved in such a way he got a good glimpse of the pale flesh of her breasts, he wanted to bury his head against those mounds to lick and suck her nipples. Her nipples would be large, and he’d spend plenty of time on each bud.

  He was getting hard thinking about the time he’d spend fucking her.

  A knock at his door brought him out of his plan. He lit a cigarette and checked who stood in front of his door before he opened it.

  “I thought I wasn’t allowed near the club?” he stated, letting Charley inside

  “So? This is an apartment building, genius. I could be visiting anyone.”

  They walked toward the sitting room. Jesse went to the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge. He threw Charley a cool beer then took a seat across from him.

  “What’s the news?” Charley asked.

  “Nothing new. Bitch is a hard nut to crack.” Jesse took a long inhale on his cigarette. He didn’t want to let on that he liked her. Crap, thinking about Piper had heat rushing to his cock, making him rock hard. There was no way he’d be able to handle getting a hard-on with his boss seeing.

  “Come on, Jesse, I know you. You’ve had a month of working the charm. What’s taking so long? We need to know what Junior gave up or we’re all fucked,” Charley said. “The Hell’s Charter and the Demon Spawn have an understanding not to fuck with each other’s business. If Junior was a fucking snitch and working elsewhere besides with us, then I understand why they offed him, but I need to make sure.”

  “What more do you want from me? I’m drinking coffee and talking. She’s got tighter lips than a fucking virgin.” Thinking about Piper’s plump lips made Jesse want to kiss her over and over. Great, he was turning into a fucking pussy who thought about kissing, romance, and other shit.

  “You’ve not gotten fucking inventive? Did I say you had to woo her at the fucking coffee shop? How are you going to screw her there? For fuck’s sake, Jesse, I thought you had some fucking brains to you.”

  “I do have brains.” He’d just not thought about leaving the coffee shop. Wasting three weeks hadn’t been his idea of fun.

  “All the boys are tense waiting for you to come through. I suggest you pull your finger out and start wooing this girl.” Charley stood, heading toward the door. At the last minute he stopped and turned around. “Be careful with this girl. I’ve heard she’s a sweetheart.”

  “How am I supposed to do that when you want me to fuck her for information?” Jesse asked, following close behind.

  “Don’t make any fucking promises you can’t keep? Only promise and give her what you’re prepared for. I’m not all monster, Jesse. I know and respect a good woman when I see one. We’re doing what we have to do.”

  Charley walked out. Kicking the door closed, Jesse stubbed his cigarette out before heading out. This was getting more fucked up by the second. Jesse didn’t get it. The club needed information, and now he had to be careful about whom he hurt in the process? Granted, Piper Rix was not like any of the women he’d ever met, or associated near an MC. She was different, kind, smart, funny. He liked her, and he wasn’t going to do anything to screw that up. He’d hired one of his boys to follow her over the last few weeks. He checked the time. She’d be shopping at the supermarket right now. It was time to step up his wooing and get this shit over with. Grabbing his jacket from the back of the door, he hated the fact he couldn’t wear his leathers. Since he’d taken the job of dealing with Piper Rix, he’d put all of his leather cuts into his safe. Anything relating him to the Demon Spawn he’d gotten rid of. What he hated most was not being able to ride his bike. He’d spent years working on his pride and joy, replacing the engine then getting the paint work done. Before joining the Demon Spawn he’d qualified as a mechanic. He loved working with machines, but he loved working for Charley more.

  Firing up the engine in his truck, he pulled out of the lot, heading toward the supermarket out of town. He spotted Piper’s car instantly. It was a shit make and model and something women would drive. He learned she only drove it on very rare occasions as her father preferred her to be escorted by one of the club. Her father was very protective of her. Parking beside her, he headed into the supermarket. Jesse, with basket in hand, started to put groceries inside. He couldn’t freak her out by just showing up looking like a stalker.

  He kept an eye on the people around him. Jesse spotted her around the meat counter looking at a large piece of beef.

  “Do you think that will serve thirty?” Piper asked. “I’ve got a Sunday lunch, and the whole family is going to be there.”

  “I’d recommend a second, miss.”

  “Okay, I’ll take the two.” She was looking down at her list, nibbling her lip as she crossed off another item.

  The guy tried to talk to her some more. Jesse stayed back to see what she’d do. Piper smiled at him, wished him a good day, then walked away. She had no idea how beautiful she was.

  Following behind her, he saw the aisle she went down. Going around, he walked toward her from the opposite direction.

  She was bending down looking at some chocolate.

  When she stood, he bumped into her, reaching out to stop her from falling. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in close.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, staring down into her eyes.

  “Jesse, coffee shop guy.” She chuckled. Caressing her waist, Jesse really didn’t want to let her go. “Are you following me around?” Piper took a step back, giving him no choice other than to release her.

  “No.” Lifting up his basket of goods to show her, he returned the smile. “I’m out shopping. Being a single guy I’ve got no choice but to keep myself supplied. You?”

  “Shopping for the family.”

  “Pretty big family.” He eyed the s
teaks, knowing how many she cooked for.

  “Yeah, all my dad’s boys are going to be there. They love their steak and potatoes. What about you? Would you like an invite or something?”

  Staring into her eyes, Jesse knew that was what she was waiting for. She truly believed he was after a shot in the Hell’s Charter. “Nah, I’d rather spend time with you than getting to know your family.” He meant the words he spoke.

  “Really?” she asked. Piper looked into his basket and frowned. “What are you making?”

  He checked out what he’d put inside his basket, a bag of apples, four tins of tuna, a can opener, and some peppers. The combination alone made him feel sick.

  “Erm, a stir-fry.”

  She giggled. “Come on. I can get you the right stuff for a stir-fry.” Piper linked arms with him, and together they made their way through the supermarket.

  For several minutes Jesse forgot about the club life and everything else. Piper took his attention away, making him feel alive. The way he felt in her company was similar to the way he felt on a bike.

  “I promise you, chicken stir-fry with fresh vegetables and the right sauces is much better than that pre-packed stuff you can buy. Better for you, too.” She paid for her shopping, waiting for him.

  They headed out together.

  “Where are you parked?” she asked.

  “Over there.”

  “You’re right beside me.”

  “Wow, I must be lucky,” he said, smiling. His gut tightened at the lies he was spinning. All of a sudden the real reason he was pursuing her invaded his thoughts.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing. Do you want to come to my place? You can bring your shopping, and I’ll put it in my fridge to keep. We could have some dinner, talk, get to know each other without coffee present.”

  He just created the perfect opening to get her alone away from prying eyes.


  The smile froze on her lips. Piper had so much fun shopping with him. She shouldn’t be giving him the time of day. Was he a stalker? How did he seem to know everything about her?

  Stop it, Piper.

  She always doubted everyone, especially men. Glancing over at the supermarket, she nibbled her lip trying to think about his question.

  “I promise, chicken stir-fry is the only thing on the menu. I won’t be chopping you up or anything.” She saw his cheeks heat as he looked away.

  Piper laughed. “I’d love to have some food with you.”

  “Excellent. Do you want to follow me?”

  “Yes, I’m just going to make a call and then I’ll be with you.” She quickly put the bags into her car then climbed into the front seat. Her hands were shaking as she picked up her cell phone.

  “Hey, honey, what’s the matter?” John asked.

  “Dad, I’m going to be a bit longer. I’m going to a friend’s for dinner.”

  “A friend?”

  “Yeah, someone I’ve met recently. You wouldn’t know … him.” She hit her head wishing she’d not let the “him” out of the bag.


  “No, please, don’t make a big deal out of this. Are you good to get dinner yourself? I’ve got everything for Sunday.”

  He tried to talk her out of going. Piper found herself wanting to go. Jesse gave her a thrill that she’d never experienced in her life.

  I deserve a thrill.

  “Be careful, honey. Let us know when you’re on the road.”

  He wasn’t happy, but she didn’t care. “I will.”

  She disconnected the call and waved at Jesse, who laughed. Following close behind him, Piper felt her nerves starting to pick up. What the hell was she doing?

  “Just keep driving. You can do this, Piper. It’s only dinner. Nothing else.” She parked alongside him, surprised when he helped her with her shopping before grabbing his own.

  Neither of them spoke on the way up to the apartment.

  Her hands were sweaty, and she stood behind him while he opened the door. “Welcome to my home.”

  The scent of cigarette smoke was in the air with a hint of pine.

  “Sorry, I smoke.” He walked to the window, opening it up.

  “No, it’s fine. I don’t smoke, but all of my dad’s boys do. Don’t worry about it. Can I put this beef in the fridge? I don’t want it to spoil.”

  “Sure. Put it in here.”

  He opened the fridge, and she placed the beef inside, then stood to look at him.

  “Do you want to get started on the chicken?” Her stomach rumbled, and she coughed, trying to cover up the sound.

  “I’m starving. If you don’t mind we can cook, eat, then watch a movie,” he said, emptying the bags onto the counter.

  “Watch out.” He’d tipped the contents of the bags onto the counter, and a bottle of soy sauce fell off the counter onto the floor. She picked it up, seeing the bottle survived. “No, we’re good. Soy is crucial in a stir-fry.”

  Handing him the bottle, she helped him place the ingredients out.

  “Right, I’ve never made a stir-fry in my life,” he said.

  Chuckling, she nudged him out of the way. “Good for you, I have.”

  She searched his kitchen, finding a wok, a chopping board, and knife. Piper set him to work cutting vegetables as she marinated the chicken.

  “Don’t you have a wife or girlfriend to do this for you?” she asked, wondering if she’d heard wrong back in the grocery store. There was no way this man was single.

  “Baby, if I had a woman in my life I wouldn’t be trying to get you around to my place.”

  Excitement zipped through her veins. Ignoring the excitement, she turned on the heat. His arm brushed against hers. “Relax, Piper. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise you’re safe with me.”

  “I’m fine.”

  How could she tell him she wasn’t used to men flirting with her? Was he flirting with her? She didn’t even know what he was trying to do.

  For the next thirty minutes she worked on the stir-fry, mixing everything together as she instructed Jesse to add ingredients. The scents of garlic, ginger, and chili were wonderful. Finally, she added some pre-cooked noodles before serving it into two bowls.

  “This smells amazing,” Jesse said, hovering over. She watched him take a fork and dive in, burning his mouth. “Ow, I tell you, baby, this is fucking delicious.”

  She stared at the ink around his neck. Because he was without his jacket on and wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt, she was able to see the ink up his arms.

  “Are you part of a group or something?” she asked.

  “Or something.”

  Jesse handed her a bowl, and she followed him back through to the sitting room. His apartment was nice and clean. “Sit there,” he said, pointing to the end of the sofa.

  Sitting down, she waited for him to sit then dove into her food. She was so hungry and felt embarrassed by how hungry she actually was.

  “I love a woman who knows how to eat.”

  “What?” She paused with the fork at her lips.

  “Nowadays women are all worrying about being the perfect size and ordering a salad. We only have this life once, and most people waste it by restraining themselves. I’d rather be on a date with a woman who likes to eat.” His smile made her heart pound.

  Besides family gatherings, Piper made every effort to never eat in front of other people. “Erm, great, I guess.”

  She ate in silence, listening to Jesse moan.

  “Woman, you’ve got to marry me,” he said.

  There were times when he spoke that she wondered if he was part of a motorcycle club similar to her father’s. The men she grew up with didn’t keep their emotions in check. They always spoke without a filter.

  Ignoring his words, she finished her food, wishing the unease would disappear. When they were finished she helped him do the dishes, then went toward the fridge. “It’s been lovely, but I need to head out.” She turned to see Jesse standing close. />
  “Stay.” His hand rested beside her head. “We’ll watch a movie and have some fun.”

  Fingers stroked through her hair, and Piper felt a pulse between her thighs. She didn’t know what to do or say.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Nothing you don’t want. Can you feel it, Piper?”

  She shook her head even as her nipples tightened, pressing against the loose shirt she wore. She always wore clothing bigger than her shape as she hated trying to fit her figure into any clothes.

  “A movie?” Her voice was high pitched.

  “Yes, a movie.”


  He left the room, grabbing a movie from his bedroom.

  Come on, Piper, you can do this. One movie and then you’re out of here.

  Running her sweaty palms down her thighs, she licked her lips and then tucked some hair behind her ear. This was the first time she’d spent any length of time with a man who wasn’t a Hell’s Charter member.

  Jesse placed the DVD inside the player, then took a seat beside her.

  He sat so close that she felt his body heat radiating.

  Stop losing your mind. Be sane, Piper.

  The movie started, and she found herself relaxing when she saw it was some kind of racing movie.

  All too soon that relaxation disappeared as Jesse leaned in close, caressing her hair. She tensed, not knowing what to expect.

  “Relax, Piper.”

  His voice was hypnotic. She closed her eyes and let out a moan. His fingers were stroking her neck, which felt like the most pleasure she’d ever had.

  “I’m here, baby.” He’d moved closer in the last few seconds.

  Turning her head to look at him, she was struck by how handsome he was, tattoos and all. “I thought we were watching a movie.”

  “We were, and then I couldn’t help but touch you. Your skin is so soft.” His fingers glided over her cheek. “I want to kiss you, Piper.”

  The closer he got the more she panicked. She’d never kissed anyone in her life.

  Jesse’s lips were on hers before she got the chance to panic. She opened her lips, and he plundered, stroking inside. The kiss deepened, and his hands were caressing all over her body, building an inferno within her.


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