Bad Intentions (Bad Housewives Club Book 1)

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Bad Intentions (Bad Housewives Club Book 1) Page 6

by Carmen Falcone

  “We’ll offer them discounted rates or special services. What is this about? You’re starting to sound like your mother, worried about what the whole world will think.”

  Cole popped his knuckles, his shoulders tensing up. His father tossed the “You’re starting to sound like your mother” whenever he wanted to send a subtle message to his son. You’re sounding like the mother you took away from me. The one who committed suicide because she couldn’t cope with the pain you inflicted. The words danced in his head, ringing in his ears and sounding so damn real he had to slap his chest to get grounded and remember his father may think them, but certainly didn’t repeat them this time. Are they any less true? He tapped his chest again, wishing to find a way to untie the military grade rope knotted in there for too long. “Trust me on this. It’ll be okay.”

  “Mr. Myler wants to see you in his office,” her assistant Sara said when Nikki walked into hers. “He called a couple of times to see if you’d arrived.”

  Nikki placed her bag under her desk. She had taken the long route to work on purpose, and lingered in the parking lot before grabbing a cup of coffee in the lobby and at last taking the stairs to her office. A pang of annoyance squeezed her shoulders and clogged her throat whenever she thought of Cole. Her pragmatic side reminded her the deal she’d done with him the previous night had been a small victory—it would buy her time to help her reach her goal.

  Was she upset because they didn’t get to have mind-blowing sex, especially after he gave her the best oral service she’d ever received? Or was it because she hated the way he’d looked at her after her twins arrived… like their make-out session would never come to fruition. Like having kids somehow made her less desirable.

  “Nikki,” Sara said, raising her voice. “He called again and I said you’re on your way.”

  “Oh. Fine.”

  She smoothed her hand over her gray dress. It clung to her body more than intended—maybe due to the few pounds she gained in the last months—but at least it covered her from top to bottom, with long sleeves and the hem of the dress reaching her ankles. If she ever considered turning Amish, this would be the outfit she’d wear for the welcoming party.

  Each step she took toward his office brought a stronger drum to her heartbeat. She’d dressed like this to feel safe, less exposed after the man who had fled her house like it was on fire had seen her vagina. Seen it and eaten it. Played it like a violin.

  Memories of his hands on her, his kisses on her most sensitive spot increased her internal temperature. Each image of him unrestrained and bold, licking her, murmuring dirty words into her ear, peeled a layer of clothes until she felt absolutely bare by the time she reached his office.

  Brian nodded at her with a friendly smile, talking into his headset and giving her the go-ahead to enter Cole’s domain.

  She touched her stern hairstyle, her hair slicked back in a top-knot. She knocked a couple of times to announce her entrance, and without waiting for his reply, strolled into his office. “Looking for me?”

  He focused on an article on his computer, then turned to her. “Please have a seat.”

  She stared at the high heels she wore, the ones she’d borrowed from Violet and forgotten to return. A slip and fall or loss of balance right now would be fatal. She only wore these for Christmas parties or special occasions—which had become fewer and farther between. Stilettos were still not her friends.

  When she managed to sit with an ounce of dignity, she crossed her legs and shifted on the seat until she achieved what she hoped was a confident pose. “I’m here.”

  “I let the board know I’m looking into a different location for the healthy residents from Great Escape and wanted to keep you updated.”

  A drop of hope spilled into her sea of doubts. Get a hold of yourself, woman. This is what you wanted—a real shot at keeping the residents close. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

  “You’re welcome. This isn’t a guarantee, but at least it’s out in the open that I’m actively looking. When do you think we can take a look at one of the places?”

  She blinked and uncrossed her legs, only to cross them again. “I can call the real estate agent and set up an appointment.”

  He smiled. “Great. Let me know when, and it’s settled.”

  “All right. I’m on it,” she said, surging to her feet. “That’s all?” she asked, a silly part of her wishing he’d protest her leaving.

  She drew in a long breath, staring at him. Every part of her attuned to his answer, dreading either option, but needing to hear it to convince herself.

  He held her gaze, his jaw clenching. “Yes. You may go.”

  She nodded, her stomach sinking to the floor. Her fingers curled into fists, and she had to mentally refrain herself from punching him for being so fucking elusive. She uncurled them and walked out of his office. Upset and frustrated, but unsure if this was the last time he would make her feel like this.


  “So our suggestion worked?” Brit asked.

  Nikki took a swig of beer in the seafood restaurant overlooking the ocean. The previous day, Cole had agreed to compromise, and since then she hadn’t but exchanged a couple of texts with him scheduling the first visit with the realtor the next day. His lack of personal conversations bothered her more than it should. She glanced at the beer, tapping the chilly glass. “I wouldn’t go that far. It backfired actually, but at least now I don’t have to lie.”

  “Hhhmmm… how’s it going?”

  “I’m meeting him tomorrow to visit a location with the realtor. I think as far as dating goes, we’re done.” Not that they ever technically dated.

  Brit picked a mozzarella stick and lifted it to her mouth. “Why?”

  “The way he reacted to my kids is a turnoff. I mean I’m not looking for a second marriage or anything, but I can’t sleep with a guy who gets scared of a couple of five-year-olds. And it sucks I have to be mature around him to secure the deal.” In her entire career, the only time she felt like not being mature was whenever he was around.

  “Have you discussed that night?”

  She set the beer on the table and exhaled deeply. A feeling of emptiness slowly rolled through her. A part of her entertained the idea she and Cole could have been good together. Maybe only temporarily good—but she still couldn’t shake off that sensation. “No. I’m tired of discussing non-relationships.”

  Brit lifted her hands in surrender. “I understand. I’m sorry.”

  “Nah, it’s okay. Maybe I’m getting ready to date, even if not to jump into something super serious. I’d like to get to know someone better,” she said. Why not? Making out with Cole awakened her sexually, and why should she dampen her libido again? Maybe a second marriage or serious relationship wasn’t in the cards for her, but having fun was another story.

  “That’s progress,” Brit said. “Hey have you heard from Violet? She’s been quiet and she hasn’t really called me back. She texted me to say she wasn’t gonna come to the next Bad Housewives shindig but that was it. No reason.”

  “She’s probably going through something,” she said, biting the tip of her tongue at the end. Violet had always been reserved, and Nikki already had too many problems to make an enemy out of her by sharing her secret. If it had been Lara or Brit, she’d gather her other friends and they’d work together to come up with a solution. But with Violet, that kind of reaction would only push her further away.

  “What though?”

  Nikki touched her necklace and played with the pendant, fidgeting. “I don’t know. I mean… we all have our ups and downs. Maybe she’s not ready to share hers yet. She’s more discreet than most of us.”

  “I guess. Just wanted to be there for her.”

  Nikki reached across the table and squeezed her friend’s hand. “You always are.” Like you are here for me.

  “Thanks.” She lifted her beer. “To us, for being two badass bitches.”

  Badass bitch. Now that was a title she wou
ldn’t mind earning. “To us.”

  “What do you think?” Claire, the real estate agent she’d contacted, asked as they walked out of a thousands-square feet facility, currently vacant. “It used to be an office building, but after a fire they decided to change locations. It’s below market value, and I doubt it’ll be available for long.”

  Cole looked around. His face during the tour hadn’t shown much emotion, and Nikki was dying to see what he thought. A place like this would mean a competitive price, maybe even better than the one in Dafield. Why not? “Looks good.”

  “Well, if you’re interested let me know. I’ll leave you two to it.”

  “Thank you for meeting us here,” Nikki said.

  “My pleasure. I’ll take you to another one tomorrow. Got it scheduled today.”

  Once the woman left, Nikki walked up to Cole. “What do you think?”

  He skimmed the area before returning his attention to her. “It’s good, but it’ll need some remodeling. That’s the reason why it’s under market value.”

  “Sure, but a lot of the structure can be used, right? This way it’d still be a competitive price. Because the place in Dafield would require changes too.”

  “That’s right.” He smiled to himself. “I’ll consider this one. It just didn’t wow me.”

  She nodded. “Some things you need to take a second look at before they wow you.”

  “Not everything.” His glance lingered into a desire-filled gaze, and she shifted her weight from foot to foot.

  Aggravation floated up her throat, leaving an acidic taste in her mouth. “Listen, I’m not into this hot and cold approach. One moment you’re into me, the next you’re not. I have a busy life. I can’t waste my time with men who don’t know what they want.”

  He regarded her. “I want you. That’s not the problem.”

  “When you saw my kids last night, you bolted from the place like you’d just seen an alien from a Steven Spielberg movie,” she said, throwing her words at him like the uncomfortable stilettos she still had to return to Violet. Shit, she had told herself she wouldn’t bring up his ignoring her kids. Or the issue completely.

  He drew in a breath, leaning against a tree. “I’m sorry. The brother I didn’t save… he was my twin brother. Seeing your boys together triggered me, and I had to leave.”

  “I’m… sorry,” she said, trying to register his confession. Sadness sat on her chest, heaving it, and she curled and uncurled her fingers. Should she give him a hug or touch his shoulder? She settled for squeezing his shoulder, because a part of her was still mad. Mad at his father for blaming him for his entire life, and mad at him for still letting it jeopardize his present. “A lot of times guys don’t want to date single moms, so that rubs me the wrong way.”

  He cupped her chin, giving her no option but staring deep into his soulful eyes. “I love children. But I can’t lie, I don’t see myself having them.”

  “I wasn’t asking for you to father my children. They have a great dad,” she said, a pang of defensiveness in her voice. Luke had always cared for the boys, and she’d never expect another man to take that role.

  He jammed one hand in his pocket. When his gaze met hers, the honesty in his green eyes knotted her insides. “I didn’t think you were. I freaked out, and left,” he said, without breaking the stare.

  She swallowed. Poor guy probably didn’t share this kind of thing every day. She sensed his discomfort. “Either way, thanks for sharing this with me.”

  He stroked her cheek, his finger caressing her neckline. Little shivers raced down her spine, and she inched toward him. “You’re amazing, Nikki.”

  “Stop saying I’m amazing,” she whispered. Stop making me believe it, only to leave me again.

  “Let me show it to you,” he said, snatching her into his arms with a swift move.

  She gasped, all of her tingly and willing. Out of all the things that could destroy her peace of mind, a man never ranked high on the list. When he kissed her, she wrapped her arms around him, welcoming the determined invasion of his tongue past her lips. He lifted her on a ledge of what seemed to be like the old janitor’s booth. She should run, especially after what he said about adamantly not wanting kids in his life. Ever.

  But weakness stroked her when he slid his hand down her body and dove between her legs, and her greedy flesh met him with a hot throb that reverberated through her. Yes, Cole would definitely destroy her at the end… but first, he’d piece her back together.

  Cole pulled up the hem of her skirt, then removed her G-string, gliding down her shapely legs. A tremor rumbled through him, and he felt he was the one getting undressed. For the second time since he met her, he’d trusted her with stuff he’d never tell a soul.

  Admitting his mistakes weakened him, yet when he was with her, she acted like his past, his flaws made him stronger. She made him stronger. The sensation wouldn’t last, but damn it, he’d take advantage of it for as long as he could. She wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever met.

  Groaning, he tossed her panties to the side. She wrapped her legs around him, her sweet feminine scent drawing him close.

  “I’m on the pill,” she said. “And I’m safe. How about you?”

  “I’m clean too.” The thought of sliding his cock inside her and exploding without any constraints kicked up his arousal. He hadn’t had sex without a condom in a long time, but with Nikki, everything became the exception to the rule and this was no different. He needed to feel her, to fill her, without anything else between them.

  He kissed the curve of her neck, feeling her tremble in response. She touched his shoulder blades, running her hands down his chest and his abs. He cleared his throat, desperate to retain some shred of control before completely letting go. What if she changed her mind? What if the real estate agent came back to grab something she’d forgotten?

  No. He had to have her. This time, nothing and no one would stand in their way.

  She continued exploring him, lower still, until she touched his belt and unbuckled it. His pulse skyrocketed, and sweat covered his limbs. Suddenly, his internal temperature spiked and he wanted to rip those clothes off, his and hers, and fuck her until everything disappeared—the past, and the future.

  “Oh yeah, baby. Touch me.”

  She unzipped his pants and pushed them down, taking his boxer briefs along. He helped her, getting rid of the inconvenient layers of fabric. His cock sprung into view, and she ran her fingers along the throbbing veins. Arousal hit him deep, his knees buckled under his weight, and he almost lost his balance. She noticed the effect she had on him, because she let out a sexy chuckle and clenched his cock, the pressure squeezing some precum from the tip.

  “You’re enormous.”

  He bit back a smile. Hadn’t she noticed before when they made out outside Splurge or at her house?

  “Logistically, this will be a nightmare,” she said, and he detected nervousness in her voice. “Damn.”

  “You’ll adjust. And never say logistically or nightmare when we’re dirty-talking.”

  She bit her lower lip. “Oh. I wasn’t dirty-talking.”

  “We are now.” He lifted her shirt over her head, and tossed it aside, then proceeded to unclasp her bra. “Because when I slam inside your hot pussy, it’ll be ready for my cock.”

  A tremor of adrenaline coursed through him, his own words lapping back at his arousal and feeding the beast growing inside him. “I know it’s hot because I ate it the other night… and it was fucking drenching-wet… and delicious. I bet if I touch it now, it’ll be just as soaked.”

  “Maybe you should find out.”

  He ran his fingers down her neck, sliding between her breasts, going lower past her abdomen until he cupped her sex, already warm and damp for him.

  He used his thumb to flick her clit, teasing the nerve bud until she bucked her pussy into his hand, a silent plea for more. Growling, he inserted three fingers into her sex, the sensation so powerful it left him drowsy.
“I was right.” His voice was so coarse he hardly recognized it.

  She reached for his cock again, positioning the tip at her entrance, rubbing his thick head into her folds. His blood stopped flowing for an excruciating heartbeat, then it pounded into his veins, firing up his entire system. He threw his head back, desire dotting his vision and squeezing the air from his lungs.

  Had she any idea what she did to him? If she continued this erotic massage, he’d give in quickly. As if on cue, precum spurted from his tip, and she touched it, swirling her finger around it, then took it to her mouth. The act upped his arousal about one hundred notches, and moisture evaporated from his throat. Damn it, he wanted her more than anything.

  Without taking her eyes off him, she darted out her tongue and fetched the liquid, savoring it like some delicacy. A touch of pink stained her cheeks, and a flicker of mischief gleamed in her eyes in the most adorable way. A way that clawed down his throat and clenched his heart.

  She brought his cock a degree closer, using the tip to spread his cum between her folds like she wanted him to brand her with his seed. Fuck, he couldn’t take much of this—besides, he’d much rather come in her than in her hand. But he had to give her space, and let her explore him, his girth, his length, until she felt comfortable enough to take him completely.

  To motivate her, he touched her nipples, squeezing them, earning a couple of long-winded moans from her. Oh, yes. She scooted to the edge of the ledge, angling dangerously close until his cock throbbed inside the walls of her sex. The exhilarating sensation shot a copious dose of espresso into his bloodstream.

  “Please, Cole.” She whimpered.

  “Please what?” he said in a growly voice.

  “Take me.”

  He lowered his hand to her sex, flicking her clit to distract her as he inched more and more of himself inside her. She gasped, and he felt her intake of breath, so he stopped, even if every fiber of his being cursed him for doing so. Damn her.


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