Sirens in Steam: Alliance of Silver & Steam Book 3

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Sirens in Steam: Alliance of Silver & Steam Book 3 Page 17

by Lexi Ostrow

  Their kiss was slow, tender and setting her body so completely on fire that, if he didn’t touch her soon, she was going to take his prick and guide it to her body herself. Their noses brushed and bumped together as the kiss began to pick up speed and passion. She sucked his lower lip as he brought a hand to her left breast and began to massage it. A needy whimper slipped from her, and Jacob groaned against her.

  She felt the feather-light touch of his fingers as they skimmed down her torso and pulled the waistband of her borrowed slacks down around her ankles. Frenzied, she toed them off. Her knickers followed suit and slipped to the floor on their own. Jacob’s fingers then stopped betwixt her thighs. Wantonly, she let her legs fall open, and his finger dipped inside her core.

  “Ah,” she moaned breathlessly into their kiss.

  The hand on her breast left and went under her lower back. Skillfully, Jacob scooted her towards him even as his finger thrust in and out of her body in time with his tongue. Her head spun with bliss. Her vision blurred, and all that existed was Jacob and her. She felt the desire begin to grow white-hot. Her release was coming. She stopped their kiss and slid back on the bed, stopping the maddening thrust of his finger and leaving her feeling empty.


  “I want to kiss you like you kissed me. I want to know what it is you taste like, and I only want to come when you’re buried to the hilt in my body.”

  He cursed and kissed her hard before standing up and practically ripping his trousers from his body. He had no knickers of his own, and she felt her body begin to pulse with need. Before her, he stood just as he had the first time they had done this. Only this time, she was practiced. This time, she would pleasure him the way he had pleasured her.

  McKenna wasted no time in wrapping her hand around his thick erection. He hummed when she did so, and she trailed her fingers down the length of it just once. Leaning forward, knees digging into the hard bed, she placed a kiss on the tip of Jacob’s shaft and tasted just a hint of salt as she was met with a small drop of his desire.

  “Fuck, McKenna.” Jacob threw his head back, and the muscles in his neck stretch taught.

  She ran her finger over the small drop of moisture before opening her mouth and sliding him inside. He was thick, and her jaw stretched a little to accommodate him. Taking him in, little by little, she swirled her tongue over his prick, even as she moved her mouth closer and closer to the base of his manhood. His hips jerked, pushing him further betwixt her lips. Hollowing out her cheeks, she sucked on his length. Jacob groaned, and McKenna smiled around his length. She had no clue as to what she was doing, but it was pleasing to know he was enjoying it.

  Jacob’s hands tangled in her hair as she began to bob her mouth up and down the length of his prick. Over and over, she slid her mouth, and his hips started to thrust into her. She’d never experienced anything like it, and her whole body tingled with desire for him to sink deep inside another part of her.

  She felt his body tense under her, and his hands jerkily pulled her head back. His shaft came free from her lips with a wet pop.

  His voice was barely a rasp when he spoke, “Stop. Stop, or I won’t have another round in me. I’m not an Incubus Demon.”

  She laughed, and he climbed over top of her once more, guiding his member into her body as he did so. McKenna gasped at the slight stretch of pain and then groaned as he filled her completely. It was so different this time. As he rocked his hips, the need stoked quickly once more. His mouth found hers, and whilst one hand braced him slightly above her, the other slid up and down her body, pressing and pulling on her breasts with every pass. Her hands knew not where to go, tangling in the sheets, in his hair and clawing at his back as they moved together.

  His kiss almost stopped whilst his hips began to pump at a maddening speed. Their bodies slapped together, mewls from them both laced the sex-scented air around them, and when he slammed into her body one final time, they both came. She felt her body clamp around his prick, the same way she felt his prick pulsing inside her. She relished the sensation and was grateful he did not stop moving. His hips began to pump in a slow circular pattern as his kissed her whilst they came down from their release.

  When he stopped thrusting, she opened her eyes, and he was already looking down at her.

  “That was incredible, McKenna.” He kissed her forehead. “You are incredible.”

  She playfully ran her hands down his back and gave his arse a squeeze. His hips bucked into hers, and she bit her lip as another jolt of pleasure spiked through her.

  “I had a wonderful teacher.” She kissed the side of his neck.

  He rolled off her and hit the floor, as there was no bed to the side of her. “Bloody hell!” he shouted.

  McKenna covered her mouth to contain her laughter. She leaned over the side of the bed and smiled at him. He was a mess of limbs and one still very proudly jutting upright cock. He glared up and her, and she stopped leaning over the side of the bed.

  “I’ll have you know, that was not funny,” he growled as he climbed up on the bed and sat next to her.

  A knock at the door sent her bolting up and grabbing her corset from the floor.

  “Ahh, I’m not certain if now is convenient, and forgive a demon if it is not, but we have arrived at the cave Layel described. I think it’s time to ride through it and see where it takes us. Best to get your clothes back on and come to the helm,” Lucius said through the closed door.

  McKenna giggled like a young girl as she heard his footsteps walking away. “Do you think he knows?”

  “McKenna, he instructed us to get our clothes on. I’m certain they all know.”

  Flushing, her giggling ceased, and she got back into her corset and picked her knickers up off the ground as Jacob grabbed his trousers. Fully dressed after a few moments, she went to open the door, and Jacob grabbed her wrist.

  “McKenna, whatever comes of this, of us, know that I wish it could be different.”

  His words almost undid the pleasurable sensations still traveling through her body. She would lose him when they returned to London, and she didn’t appreciate the reminder.

  “I know, Jacob. Come, they’re waiting.”

  “Perhaps we can discuss it more whilst the others are in Hell.”

  She stepped outside of the room and froze. It had not occurred to her that he might care that she was suddenly going into Hell. Her body tensed, and she turned quickly blurting out the words, “I have to go into Hell now.”


  Jacob stopped in his tracks. Without thought, he put his finger in his ear and wiggled it, trying to be certain all the water was out.

  “Can you say that last sentence again?” he asked

  McKenna’s shoulders rose and fell as she sighed. “I will be going into Hell now.”

  It felt as if someone had jerked the submersible in one direction or as if it had flipped upside as the room spun momentarily before Jacob’s eyes. He hadn’t heard her wrong. McKenna was going to the one place she’d likely not come back from. She was a novice, and if they’d felt she could handle Hell, the Guildmaster would have assigned it to her in the beginning.

  “I don’t think that’s the best idea.” Jacob regretted the words the moment she turned to face him.

  Her eyes slowly began to fill with tears, and her mouth twisted into a frown. Her lip trembled slightly, and she sucked in a deep breath of air through her nose before saying, “It is none of your concern what I can and cannot do. I have a great deal of feelings for you, Jacob, but no man will tell me my limitations. Least of all, one who can only see me through the next few weeks.”

  “If you two are quite done running hot and cold with one another back there, suit up before you get here. I’m taking her to the opening, and I want everyone armed.”

  At Lucius’s words, McKenna turned and pushed past Jacob back into the room.

  “Who made you the leader of this mission?” Jacob heard Philippe ask.

By being in charge of this here beauty, I call the shots. Fuck, when we get into Hell I’ll call the bloody shots. I don’t care who your fiancé is Philippe. I’m the demon. I’m in charge.”

  Jacob heard Philippe growl as McKenna walked out of the room. She shoved her hand in his face, holding a pair of goggles, a dagger, and a crystal gun out to him. She’d already slipped her goggles on and was holding the gun at the ready.

  “Take these. You need to be able to protect yourself just as much as I need to be able to keep you safe. There’s no way of knowing what will be waiting for us on the other side, or even how we will get out of the submersible should there be water all around.” Her words were steely, cold, and she left the empty threat unsaid that he might have to swim or be left behind.

  She stalked past him, and it took everything he had not to grab her back and apologize. He hadn’t said anything wrong, though. She was a novice. He didn’t care how many times he heard the stories about Felicia taking on demons alone. The hunter had practically grown up in the Alliance. It wouldn’t apply to McKenna. The apology would be a farce, and McKenna would likely know it. All it would succeed in doing was worsening the situation.

  Strapping the goggles around his head, he slipped them over his eyes. He’d never quite gotten used to the way the world looked through them. They were not a clear glass, but rather had a slight tint of green. More than once, he’d wondered if crystals had somehow been broken down and melted together to make them. Alliance secrets stayed Alliance secrets, though. His part on the Council allowed him no special information about their inventions.

  He was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to keep his footing on the moving vessel as he walked to the bow. He inhaled deeply as the ocean came into view. Pieces of light struck through the darkness from the crystals, and he could scarcely make out anything more. For a moment, he was jealous of Lucius for all the things he must have gotten to see.

  “Hold on to your top hats!” Lucius chuckled.

  A shrill noise came from just behind them all, and a puff of air blew into Jacob’s as the submersible started to rise. It was a rather odd sensation, going up, instead of sideways, but no one stumbled or lost their footing. The cave walls began to vanish bit by bit, and the water grew to be a brighter shade of blue.

  What will we find waiting for us? The thought came unprovoked, and his nerves began to twitch.

  “This is too simple, is it not?”

  Philippe gave him a sideways look. “We’ve been attacked on the shore by Fallen Angels, by an Akkorokamui and Sirens. Our ship had the roof caved in and then sunk. Every non-Alliance member has met their end at the bottom of the sea. Care to tell me what has been simple about this?” Philippe’s dark eyes narrowed.

  “I was merely implying that I would think entering into Hell would have more obstacles than just rising from the ocean’s depths.” Jacob scoffed and felt more than a slight annoyance at the hunter.

  “When Odette and I went in, it was much of the same. Until we opened the cave entrance itself, all was quiet. It’s possible there is another door. However, if you think all is well, by all means, exit the submersible first. I dare say, only McKenna would mind.”

  “Children! That is enough. I should bring you to play with Thomas when we arrive back in London,” Felicia snapped at them and stepped betwixt him and Philippe.

  Jacob looked over at McKenna. If she’d heard Philippe’s comment, she wasn’t reacting. He bristled at that. He would have expected some sort of rise out of her at the mention of his possible death. You have issues to work through if that is what just annoyed you in that interaction, Jacob.

  “If you lot are done, you might want to open your eyes and look at the wonder around you. Not many will ever see this, feel honored,” Lucius said and leaned back in his chair with a smirk.

  Jacob shifted his eyes from McKenna to the viewing window, and his jaw dropped. As they had hoped, the entrance opened to a dry section. They were now above the water and could see torches burning brightly on the walls and a myriad of doors. An inky sort of darkness settled over his chest, and Jacob couldn’t understand why he suddenly felt so uneasy. He had always known where they were going, what could make it worse by actually being in Hell?

  Philippe let out a low whistle. “I could certainly have stood to never see this place again.”

  Jacob nodded, even though he had never been. “Will this oppressive feeling continue once we get out?”

  “Every bloody second of it. Lucky for me, it just feels like home,” Lucius quipped.

  “You watch yourself, or I’ll tell your wife you just called Hell home,” Felicia chided, no amusement in her voice.

  “Relax, hunter. You know who I’m loyal to, and really, you’ve choked me enough times for a lifetime, so just calm down.” Lucius’s eyes briefly took on that soulless quality that they did when he was angered.

  “Can we please not?” McKenna’s voice was barely audible.

  “Pardon moi?” Philippe asked, irritation in his tone.

  “I know that, for some of you, this is old hat. For me, this is terrifying. My skin is crawling, my eyes want to water, and I am having trouble breathing. Being at each other’s throats, even if it is in jest, is not smart right now.”

  “And the youngest member of our party figures it out. Give her a hand lady and gentlemen,” Lucius said as he slipped a pair of his own goggles on. “Bickering in this area will do no good to anyone. Nor will sitting here like ducks. It’s time to go. Kellan is waiting, and we will unfortunately trigger a series of alarming devices. Even if we cannot hear them as we move.”

  Lucius pushed past the three of them, and Jacob watched as he walked back a few meters, pulled down a ladder, and began to climb. Philippe and Felicia followed quickly behind, and Jacob felt McKenna brushed past.


  She turned, and even in all her crazy hunter gear, he could not deny her beauty.

  “Jacob, I can’t fight with you over this. I am a hunter. I am not a female you are courting, and I am not some shy rose sitting on the sidelines. I wasn’t prepared to go into Hell, but I am not going to back down.”

  His lips lifted into a smile. “I would say you are more like a shrieking violet, McKenna.” He reached out and took her hand in his, rubbing small circles over her palm with his thumb as he spoke. “I was going to tell you that I love you, regardless of what comes. You had better come out of Hell alive and unharmed, or I will go in and take down whatever hurts you.”

  He meant the words. A sort of warm protective feeling buzzed about his chest, and he knew he would die for McKenna. Even if it was her job to die to protect him.

  She smiled and kissed his cheek. “I have no idea what your intentions are, Mr. Tresay, but if you are looking to woo a woman of my nature, you are on a very steady path to success.” She turned and began to climb the ladder.

  Jacob couldn’t help but watch the sway of her arse as she went, and he wanted to drag her back down and lock her in that tiny room with him. Though she’d likely claw his eyes out for doing it before letting him make love to her. McKenna was one of a kind, and she was his. He didn’t have much to truly call his own. Come hell or high water, he would figure out a way to be with her when this was done.

  As he climbed out of the small hatch, he saw that Lucius and Philippe were already on the tan sandy bank, and Felicia was almost to the ground. McKenna stood waiting for him, turning to jump down only after she saw his head appear.

  “Mate, shut the hatch. It has no locking system from the outside, but I’d rather not invite anything in with an open invitation,” Lucius shouted across the space.

  Jacob nodded and shut the hatch as Philippe began to bellow at him to hurry up just as he began to hear another sound. The splendid sound from days before filled his ears, and his body felt euphoric as he listened to the song that was slowly growing louder. A tremor of emotion rocked through his body as fear coiled around his chest and squeezed tightly. “Sirens, Sire
ns are coming.”

  Jacob jumped down and flinched as a jolt of pain traveled up his foot from the impact. McKenna winced, and he realized she’d seen him take the small tumble and cursed himself. He was forever going to be the damsel in their relationship, and the thought more than irked him. But not more than the fact that, in a moment’s time, he wasn’t going to be able to tell the woman he loved from a tentacled demon.

  “I don’t bloody hear anything. It’s trauma, Jacob. Just trauma,” Philippe said.

  Jacob paused, the song was barely audible so far from the water. He forced himself to think about everything they knew on Sirens, and he felt the blood drain from his face.

  “They’re underwater. I was still on the ship, in the water. They’re coming damn it, you just cannot hear them yet.”

  Around him, four guns were rapidly drawn and trained on the surface of the water. Not one of the hunters moved, and slowly, Jacob reached for the weapon in his waistband, pulling it out too. He was not trained enough. His focus was on everything but the water. He had to force himself away from the song before it grew too loud.

  “Lucius, can these bitches take you?” Felicia asked, her hand steady, and her eyes never leaving the water.

  “It’s rather unlikely, but yes, they certainly can. So be prepared, we are likely going to have two blonde Sirens and a brunette in our midst if the buzzing in my eyes is any indication. Ladies, this battle is going to be in your hands. Our lives are entirely in your hands, and no part of me is going to tell you to run away. You fucking save my arse and bring me home to my wife.”

  “Always the hero aren’t you?” Felicia snorted.

  “I saved everyone last time. If I’m not mistaken, I ripped the demons limb from limb that killed Eliza’s family, so I can be the hero, I just know my odds.”

  “How do you do that?” McKenna asked from next to him. “How do you play as if everything is all right when we have no escape, save for a small ship that demons of the deep could take down now they know it exists.”

  No one had the chance to answer McKenna as the Sirens’ deadly tune became audible, though Jacob would have loved to hear it himself because his nerves were as frayed as possible, and the hand that held the gun trembled. Jacob was not a hunter. He was not a demon. He was a Royal, who’d demanded to go on a mission that he had no business attending.


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