The One

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The One Page 3

by Holly C. Webb

  “Sounds like a plan,” I said, giving her my most charming smile. My eyes flicked back to Savannah and the look on her face confused me, but she quickly pulled it back.

  “Awesome,” Meggie said with a big smile. “So, three beers is it?”

  “Two, and a white wine,” Jared said before Meggie turned and headed back to the bar.

  “You are really going to hook up with her?” Jared asked, giving me a questioning look.

  “Yeah,” I said, giving him a big smile. “I’m young, free and single. I think it’s time for me to have some fun.”

  “Wow,” Jared said as he gave me a surprised look. “I guess this really is a new Seth.”

  “Yes,” I nodded with a smile I didn’t really feel.

  I glanced at Savannah. My heart instantly sank when I saw the look on her face, but I didn’t know why she seemed so bothered. I just knew that agreeing to hook up with Meggie was a huge mistake.

  Chapter 3


  A little over an hour later, we were all walking out to the parking lot. Jared and Savannah to Jared’s car, me and Meggie to hers. As I climbed into the passenger seat, I glanced over at Savannah before she climbed into Jared’s car. Her eyes met mine for the briefest moment, but she quickly turned away. I knew going with Meggie wasn’t going to solve anything. I liked Savannah. It was as simple as that.

  “So, where do you want to go?” Meggie asked as she started up the engine of her beaten up Chevy.

  “Lady’s choice,” I replied, giving her a smile. I figured I should at least pretend I wanted to be there.

  “I know just the place,” she replied giving me a look I knew meant, let’s go somewhere to fuck. I had seen it enough times before.

  Ten minutes later, we were barely through the door of her apartment, when we were pulling each other’s clothes off. This girl was enthusiastic and though I started off a little hesitantly, I soon caught up.

  “Bedroom?” I said breathlessly against her lips as I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me. She pointed to the door at the far end of the hallway and I wasted no time.

  Once I reached the bedroom, I threw her down on the bed, quickly climbing over her. Sealing her mouth with mine, I kissed her hard as I made short work of her mini skirt. I dropped it to the floor, before I kneeled on the bed, pulling open the buttons on my jeans before I reached into my back pocket for a condom. I pushed my jeans down, freeing my cock.

  She squealed with excitement as she sat up and pulled the condom from my hand. She ripped it open with her teeth, spitting the piece of packaging on the bed next to her.

  Classy, I thought to myself, sarcastically. As I watched her unroll the condom down over my semi hard cock, I wondered what it would be like to have Savannah putting a condom on me. What it would be like to make love to her?

  Make love? I laughed in my head. You’re turning into a fucking chick.

  “Is…everything okay, Seth?” Meggie said, pulling me from my thoughts. I look down at my completely flaccid cock and sighed.

  Great, I thought to myself bitterly. I have been a walking hard-on all day, and now I need it, it doesn’t want to play ball.

  “I think I’m still jet lagged,” I say as I reach for my jeans. “I’m sorry babe, doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen.”

  “Well that’s no fun,” she said as she reached up and pulled me back down to the bed. Before I knew it, I was on my back and she was kneeling between my legs. “Let’s see what I can do for you.”

  She glanced up at me before she pulled off the condom, then flicked her tongue across the head on my cock. She looked up at me again, smiling, then she ran her tongue along the shaft. I could feel my cock twitch.

  “There we go,” Meggie squealed once again. This time she took my entire length into her mouth and I could feel myself harden between her lips.

  I stared at the ceiling as she sucked me hard. It felt good, but the truth was, it could have been any girl, I felt nothing for her.

  I closed my eyes and I let my mind wander to Savannah. What was it about this girl I knew nothing about her, we had barely spoken, yet something about her had gotten under my skin? I thought about her earlier in the bar, she wasn’t happy I hooked up with Meggie. Maybe she just didn’t like Maggie, but there was something more, something…

  “YOU FELL ASLEEP!” Meggie screeched making me jump, nearly killing me with fright. She was up off the bed, picking her clothes up off the floor, then hurried into the bathroom before I had time to breathe.

  I flopped back down on the bed, sighing. As much as I felt nothing for this girl, I really hadn’t wanted to hurt her feelings. I swung my legs out onto the floor, pushing up off the bed, I walked to the bathroom door.

  “Meggie,” I said pressing my head against the door. “I’m sorry.” I waited for a response, but there was just silence.

  “Meggie, please, open the door,” I said, wondering if I would be better off simply getting dressed and leaving, but I needed to know she was okay before I left. I waited for what felt like forever, until finally, the latch on the door was opened.

  I stepped back as Meggie slowly opened the door, stepping out, covering herself with her shirt.

  “Meggie, I’m so sorry,” I said inching closer to her. “I swear, I’m just tired. I was traveling for over twenty-four hours and I have had very little sleep. I swear it was nothing personal.”

  “Okay,” she said as she gazed up at me from beneath her lashes. She smiled, dropping her shirt to the ground, then dropped to her knees in front of me. Before I could say a word, she had my cock, firmly between her lips. She reached behind me, grabbing my ass, pushing me further down her throat.

  Part of me wanted to stop it, but it felt good, really good. I laced my fingers through her hair and held her tightly as she worked her mouth up and down my cock, each time taking me deeper. I leaned my head back, pinching my eyes closed as Meggie continued to work me over.

  Suddenly Savannah filled my thoughts, and my cock grew even harder. I thought about climbing above her, my hands on her perfect body, my lips against hers. I thought about making love to her, her body coming apart beneath me. It was the most arousing thought I’d ever had.

  I could feel my legs shake as my orgasm began to take hold. I gripped Meggie’s hair tighter as she took every inch of me, making me cry out as I emptied myself into her mouth.

  She stood up and smiled, then kissed me on the lips, before she turned and headed back to the bathroom. I stood there in the middle of the room wondering what the fuck had just happened.

  I slipped the key into the front door, trying my best to be quiet as I crept back into Sylvie’s house. The house was in complete darkness, so I knew Jolie and Sylvie had already turned in for the night.

  “FUCK!” I cried in a hushed voice when I banged my knee off the hall table. I was finding it hard to manoeuvre around the hallway in nothing more than the light from the full moon to light my way. Once more I banged myself off something. “Jesus Christ.”

  “You are going to wake Sylvie up,” Jolie’s voice came from just behind me, making me jump with fright.

  “Jesus Jo,” I said as I quickly turned to her. “You frightened the crap out of me.”

  “Did I,” Jolie replied with an edge in her voice that got my attention immediately.

  “Jolie,” I said taking a step towards her, but she stepped back. As she did, the moonlight caught her face and I could see she had been crying. “What’s happened? Are you okay?”

  “Like you care,” she snapped back at me. “All you care about is yourself. You’re just like Mom.”

  “Jolie, I…” I faltered. I was speechless. I had never heard my sister so mad or cold before.

  “Six months I waited,” she continued as the tears that were glistening in her eyes broke free and trickled down her face. She brushed them away with the back of her hand abruptly, like she refused to let me see her so sad. “You left me here with her, for six months. You didn’t gi
ve me a second thought.”

  “That’s not true,” I replied, completely taken back by her comment. “I took the job for you. So, I could pay for your college fees. Did you think Mom was going to help you? I did it for you.”

  “I DIDN’T ASK YOU TOO!” She screamed as she began to sob harder. “I counted the minutes until today. I wished every minute you were away, that you’d come home. Even when I was in the hospital, I just wanted you to come home. I waited for you to get back, but you get here and blow me off. Probably for some skanky whore. You shouldn’t have bothered to come back at all.”

  “I’m sorry,” was all I could say. She was right, that’s exactly what I had done. I had let her down big time. I hurried to her and wrapped her in my arms, but she pulled away abruptly.

  “I don’t want your sorry,” she cried as the light at the top of the stair came on. “God, I can even smell her cheap perfume on you.”

  “Jolie, I’m sorry,” I replied as she pushed past me and headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time. “Please, don’t walk away from me.”

  “I wish you’d never came home,” she shot over her shoulder as she rushed past Sylvie, who was now standing at the top of the stairs.

  “Jolie, please,” I begged as I hurried up the stairs after her. When I reached the top, Sylvie said nothing as she moved out of my way. I gave her an apologetic smile, before I headed down the hall to Jolie’s room. When I reached Jolie’s door, it was locked. I knocked lightly on the door. “Jolie, I’m sorry. Please open the door.”

  “Drop dead,” she shouted back at me. Suddenly loud music came blaring from her room and I knew I was going to get nowhere with her.

  “Fuck!” I exclaimed, as I hit my hand against the door.

  “Give her time,” Sylvie said from the top of the stairs. “She has been through a lot; she is hurt and angry.”

  “I should’ve never left her,” I said as I stared blankly at the closed door in front of me. “She’s right. I should have never left her with Mom.”

  “You did what you had to do,” Sylvie sighed. “She will see that in time.”

  “I hope so,” I said as I looked down the hallway at Sylvie.

  “How about I make us both some hot chocolate?” She said with a smile, before she turned and headed down the stairs. I blew out a deep breath before I reluctantly turned, following Sylvie downstairs.

  When I reached the kitchen, she was standing at the stove, pouring milk into a saucepan. I took a seat at the table but didn’t say a word. Neither of us did until Sylvie sat down across from me.

  “She hates me,” I said, staring into the mug of hot chocolate in front of me.

  “Oh, she doesn’t hate you,” Sylvie said and gave me a smile. “She is just upset. She was so excited about you coming home, and…”

  “And I acted like a selfish asshole,” I said, feeling like a total dick.

  “She is just disappointed,” Sylvie continued. “She was planning a special dinner for you, but she will get over it.”

  “Great,” I sighed miserably. “And I thought I couldn’t feel any worse. I don’t know how I will make it up to her, but I will.”

  “Seth,” Sylvie said looking over at me and I could see concern in her eyes. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” I replied surprised by her question. Instantly Savannah crashed into my head. I quickly took a sip of my hot chocolate to hide my reaction. The last thing I needed was to make Sylvie suspicious. “What makes you think that?”

  “I don’t know,” she shrugged. “You just don’t seem yourself.”

  “I’m okay,” I lied. Sometimes I think Sylvie knows me better than I know myself. “I’m just tired.”

  “Are you sure?” She asked, as she tilted her head and gave me that look, she used to give me when Jared and I were kids, and she knew we weren’t telling her the truth. “This isn’t about Ashley is it? You know, you can talk to me. I know she hurt you and…”

  “It’s nothing to do with Ashley,” I interrupted her before she started picking at that scab. “Ashley is in my past. I’m only worried about a future for Jolie and me.”

  “If you are sure,” Sylvie said, taking another sip from her hot chocolate.

  “Yeah, it’s all good,” I sighed as I stood up from the table and walked to the sink. I brought the mug to my lips and gulped back the rest of my hot chocolate. I needed to end this conversation before Sylvie began to put two and two together. “I think I will go up and see if Jolie has calmed down yet.”

  “I wouldn’t hold your breath,” Sylvie laughed, as she too got up from the table. “I love that girl as if she were my own, but she has your damn stubborn streak. Just give her time.”

  “Thanks, Sylvie,” I said, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. “See you in the morning.”

  I headed to the stairs and took a deep breath, before I made my way up to Jolie’s room. As I walked down the hallway, I realised the music was no longer blaring. I paused for a moment, thinking about what I was going to say, but I knew there were no words I could say to make this better.

  All I could do was say I was sorry and let her take the lead.

  “Jolie,” I say as I softly tap on the door. “I’m sorry Jo. Please. You are the only one in this world that matters to me. You are all I have. I know I let you down, but I am here now. Let me make this right for you.”

  I waited, hoping she would open the door and talk to me, but all I got was silence.

  “Jolie,” I said once again. “Please.”

  Still there was just silence.

  “Fine,” I sighed. “But you can’t ignore me forever kiddo. I’m going nowhere.”

  I turned and walked back to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and walked straight to the bed. Kicking off my shoes, I flopped down onto the bed, completely exhausted. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  I groaned as I woke up. I felt like I had been hit by a steam roller, every part of my body ached. Long distance travelling clearly didn’t agree with me. As I blinked my eyes open, the memory of my fight with Jolie crashed into my mind.

  I quickly sat up and checked my watch. It was already nearly midday. I threw back the blankets on the bed, swinging my feet to the floor. As I stood up, my whole body creaked. I felt more like I was seventy-four rather than twenty-four. I stripped off the clothes I was still wearing from the night before and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water in the shower and waited for it to heat up before I climbed beneath it.

  I thought about what I was going to say to Jolie. I knew I had upset her the night before and I felt like a prize dickwad, but I hoped by this morning, she would have calmed down, at least enough to talk to me.

  Once I was showered and dressed, I made my way down the stairs. As I did, the smell of cooking filled my senses and I smiled to myself, grateful to be home. I walked into the kitchen expecting to find Sylvie, but instead, I found Savannah standing at the stove, stirring a huge saucepan.

  I hesitated for a moment before I walked into the kitchen.

  “Good morning,” I said unsure of what else to say.

  “Good afternoon, Seth,” Savannah said as she looked up at me, giving me a half smile, before she turned her attention back to the pot of food on the stove. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like the dead,” I replied as I grabbed a mug from the cupboard, before walking to the coffee pot on the counter. Filling the mug to the top, I closed my eyes as I brought it to my mouth. Taking a long sip, I sighed as the black liquid made my body wake a little more. “Where’s Jolie?”

  “She went to the bakery with Sylvie,” Savannah replied as she sat down the wooden spoon she was holding and covered up the saucepan in front of her with a glass lid. She slowly turned and looked at me, and I could see there was something she wanted to say, but she wasn’t sure if she should or not.

  “Say what you’re thinking,” I said, surprising her with my directness. “Trust me; there is nothing you can say that can make me feel
any worse than I already do.”

  “It’s not my place,” she sighed as she continued to busy herself in the kitchen.

  “But you think I’m an asshole for how I behaved last night,” I said, reading between the lines.

  “I don’t think anything,” Savannah shrugged, but then she bit her lip, clearly trying hard to bite her tongue.

  “Okay,” I sighed as I raised my mug and took another sip of my coffee.

  “It’s just…” she blurted out but stopped once more.

  “Spit it out, whatever it is!” I exclaimed, knowing she wouldn’t be happy till she said what was on her mind.

  “Jolie is a very sweet girl,” Savannah finally said. “She has been through a lot, and she was so excited about you coming home.”

  “And I screwed up,” I sighed, knowing where she was going with this. The worst part was, I knew she was right. “I screwed up big time.”

  “She will get over it,” Savannah offered with a smile, and I knew she was just trying to be nice. “But I think you might have some groveling to do.”

  “Oh, that I already know,” I replied with a grin. “One thing I know about my sister, she is a master at making me grovel.”

  “So, you screw up a lot then?” Savannah asked with a grin, and I couldn’t help but smile too.

  “Never quite this bad,” I replied and smiled as my eyes lingered on her face for a few minutes. She was beautiful; possibly the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. But I knew I couldn’t have her, so I decided there and then to shut down these feelings I had for her. It was time for the old, sensible Seth to step up and take control of his life.

  “So, you hang around here a lot then?” I asked as I pulled my eyes from hers and walked to the kitchen table and sat down. “Guess you and Jared are serious.”

  “I don’t know about serious,” Savannah shrugged. “I mean, I like him; I like him a lot, but it’s still early days. And I am only here today to help Sylvie. I’m not supposed to say, but she is planning this big dinner thing tonight for you coming home, but she had to go to the shop, so Jared asked if I could help out.”


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