Farima: An Afrofuturist Sci-Fi Adventure (The Homo Maximus Saga Book 1)

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Farima: An Afrofuturist Sci-Fi Adventure (The Homo Maximus Saga Book 1) Page 7

by Brian Lewis

  “I don’t think we’re alone,” Natia says. She grabs one of the quantum sensors they’ve built and wears it. A single piece of semi-opaque royal blue glass covers her right eye.

  Natia now sees the forest for what it truly is. A fake. The quantum sensor reveals that most of the biosphere is a giant open field. A few actual trees stand out, but not the teeming forest they thought they stood in inside the biosphere. In the distance, Natia sees a solar-powered car sitting alongside an obvious road.

  “Damn you, Khalil.” Natia laughs and looks back at the group who now wear their sensors same as she. The same expressions of disbelief cover their faces. “Looks like we’ve found our way out.”

  The team makes their way over to the vehicle and they get inside. A note written by Khalil rests on the dashboard. It tells them to follow the road out of the biosphere and to the main building. The large rectangular brick building Natia saw on the fly-in.

  “Congratulations on passing the test.” Natia sighs and shakes her head as she reads to the end.

  “Can I smack him when I see him, Nat?” Araba jokes.

  “Well, we have these sensors now. So let’s at least hear him out.” She looks over at Araba, “then you can smack him.”

  The team laughs as the car speeds away.

  Chapter 7

  Secrets Among Friends

  Node One—Manay City, 2082—Isle of Khalil—Project Maximus Laboratory

  The solar car stops in a small, empty parking lot. In front of them, the rectangular bricked building that Natia saw on the fly-in stands erected. A lone helmeted C.O.M.M. soldier approaches them. His weapon hangs on his back by a strap wrapped across his chest.

  “My name is Captain Jeska, I’m the head of security. Khalil has asked that you all give up your Orunmila’s.”

  The group protests.

  “It’s not my decision. Ask Khalil why he wants them.”

  The team looks at Natia before moving.

  She sighs.

  Unlocking the door, she steps out of the car, and the rest of the team follows.

  She removes her Orunmila but keeps the quantum sensor in her hand. “I’ll be getting this back.”

  Captain Jeska nodded, relieved. “Thank you for making this easy.”

  The rest of the team removes their Orunmila’s and hands them over. Jeska now stands in front of them with an arm full of devices of various shapes, colors, and sizes.

  Michael quips, “I can’t wait to see how nice the rooms look.” Alicia chuckles and jabs him with her elbow.

  After handing over their primary way to communicate, Natia and her team follow Captain Jeska through the halls of the building. Natia notices a camera hanging on the ceiling wherever they go. There is a single red light that sits underneath the camera telling her they are active.

  “What’s with the cameras?” Natia asks the Captain who walks in front of her. “Isn’t Khalil the only one here?”

  “Mostly, yes, but Khalil uses this Jena to conduct very weird research.”

  “We’ve seen,” Natia responds.

  “Don’t think too much of it. It’s a precaution. There’s always a C.O.M.M. presence here as well, ma’am for Khalil’s protection.”

  Precaution? Looks more like suspicion. Natia sees cameras everywhere and wonders.

  “There aren’t cameras in our rooms are there?”

  Jeska is slow to respond. “No, ma’am.”

  He leads them to a conference room with a single rectangular table made of wood. Khalil and Acacia are speaking quietly. Natia walks over to them and places her quantum sensor on the table.

  “Any other tests?” Her mouth stretches wide with the smile of victory.

  He walks over and picks up the sensor and rubs his fingers along the soft surface of the quantum device.

  “Impressive.” He hands it back to her. “Keep it. It’s yours.”

  “Why did you have your head of security take our Orunmila’s?” Araba asks.

  “For security. Orunmila’s are traceable and can be monitored. That’s why I wanted you to build your own sensors. Now you can communicate with each other without the Orunmila’s and no one can listen to you, track you, nothing. It’s fully encrypted with quantum tech.” He stretches out his arms with his palms open. “Please everyone have a seat and let’s begin.”

  Natia sits next to Araba with the rest of the team taking seats around the table. Khalil debriefs them about updates regarding the bombing earlier. Natia’s stomach has solidified after their trip through the bio-dome, the unease she felt upon landing has gone. For now at least. She listens as Khalil explains that the Mandenite operatives investigating the attacks have made a discovery. Natia is not surprised when Khalil reveals that the source was traced to the New American States. The Knights of the White Rose are involved for sure.

  “That’s all I have on the KWR for now, we can discuss a solution to that problem later. I know the primary question you are pondering on is… what is Project Farima?” Khalil says.

  “I was waiting on another deflection,” Natia speaks so everyone can hear her. They laugh. Even Khalil grins off the jab.

  “No deflections anymore Natia.” Khalil, the only one left with his Orunmila, presses a series of virtual AR buttons projecting from his forearm. The conference room darkens. An image of a tall bipedal organo-metallic monstrosity leaps from the center of the table.

  “How tall is that… thing?” Araba asks with her eyes wide.

  “That ‘thing’ is a centralized, semi-autonomous walking weapons station Araba. It is twenty feet tall. I’ve named it a ‘Farima’ hence the code name of the project. I’ve been working on it in private for years. It’ll shock you how human-like, yet mechanical it moves. I designed it to be nimble, yet resistant to current weaponry, energy weapons included. The Farima carries a built-in neural uplink with a genetic identifier. The pre-approved genetic match must be authorized before the pilot can use the Farima. The neural link allows the pilot in the mech to communicate with the Farima’s A.I. through a virtual heads-up-display. The pilot can move the Farima by merely thinking of where he wants to go. Anyone who attempts to steal one will not have a pleasant end. We’re to assume the said person is a traitor or the enemy.” Khalil breathes in and exhales with a satisfied grin on his face.

  “What of the power supply?” Natia asks as she tries to contain the flurry of emotions inside her. She’s both in awe and angry at being kept in the dark.

  “A next-generation multi-junction solar cell with a solar efficiency rating of seventy percent. I coated the exoskeleton in a thin layer of these cells. They’re bulletproof too because of their Keletronium casings. You may notice the synthetic muscles on the Farima’s body mimic that of a humanoid. That’s because of the actuator, or muscle system, built with elastic carbon nanotubes. I fused them into a composite shape-memory iridium alloy material. The strength of the nanotubes, combined with the elasticity of the alloy smart metal, allows for a mega-machine. The Farima will be faster than a tiger with the ability to leap dozens of feet into the air.” Khalil smirks.

  Natia can see he’s enjoying every juicy detail. After all, this is his genuine life’s work.

  Khalil continues, “The synthetic muscle uses the electricity gathered by the sun to power itself. The stronger the electrical current, the denser and more damage-resistant the exoskeleton becomes. If there’s a weak current of energy flowing through the actuator, then the more rubbery and elastic the smart muscle metal becomes. This makes the Farima valuable in every scenario.”

  Natia can see Dr. Oba peering at her out of the corner of her eye. She knows what he is thinking. The Farima is violating every domestic policy of New Manden and international laws against colossal war machines, but she remains curious. “It was you who taught me the Principle of Autonomy Khalil. What level of autonomy does the Farima have?”

  “It is not independent. It has a genius human level artificial intelligence that’s designed to handle operations based on a p
re-programmed set of orders by the pilot. The pilot can issue tasks from either inside or from a remote area on the battlefield within a two-hundred feet radius. The Farima can carry out orders with freedom and a ‘mecha-intellect’ if you will. This may come in handy if Subject Alpha needs to be elsewhere. Subject Alpha will stay connected to the Farima through a mind-machine interface. The Farima is only half of the Farima project, though. The other half went into me building a separate power suit that Subject Alpha will one day wear.”

  Natia’s team perks up, but Khalil settles them down. “Hold on, it’s not complete yet. It’s not even here on the Jena.”

  “How will the pilot, Subject Alpha, stay cool? I’d hate being the person in a giant metal machine in one hundred degrees, the new norm during the Summer months.”

  Khalil chuckles at the amusing way Dr. Beverly asks that question. “The Farima’s A.I., using the mind-machine interface, maps the brain of the pilot down to the neuron. It maintains a stable internal climate based on the pilot’s ideal temperature for peak performance. So, yes Mike, it comes with AC and heat if need be.”

  “That sounds invasive.”

  “It was that or a more invasive surgical procedure to implant wires into the back of the pilots head.” Khalil shrugs off the concern. “No one wants to be bothered by that. Brain mapping was the method that I chose.”

  “Let’s at least see a mock-up for the power suit you mentioned for Subject Alpha!” Alicia is the most eager of the team of scientists.

  “Patience everyone patience. You needed details about Project Farima, so now you know. This is why Project Maximus must not fail, like Mandenites are saying on the AugNet. If your project fails Natia, then Project Farima fails as well.”

  “Because only Subject Alpha’s mind can occupy the Farima…” It hits Natia.

  “Exactly. Now, Acacia and I have other obligations. We may be the only scientists here, but this is not the only project we’re aiding.” Khalil places his arm across his stomach and bends in a gracious bow. He says, “seeing as how I’ve given you the tour, you are free to go to your rooms or any of the research areas you have access to. It’s rather late, and it’s been a long day. Use your quantum sensors to see what you can uncover. Good night, everyone.” Khalil and Acacia turn to exit the conference room.

  The scientists break out into raucous crossing conversations. A swarm of voices flood Natia’s senses.

  “Nat this isn’t good,” Araba says in her ear next to her.

  “So I guess I’m the only one who will say something about the blatant war cry Khalil has gotten us wrapped up in? Building-sized mechatronics are banned and have been since the Second Revolutionary War, and we all know that. Due in part to the ‘Turtle Walker’ mechs he created that murdered scores of people. The international community will see this as an escalation. No doubt, there’s a fear of an attack on this island, or there wouldn’t be so many Comms here. If not now, then soon. I know I wasn’t the only one who saw those two massive silver anti-airship plasma cannons on the fly-in right?” Dr. Oba rants in anger, pacing back and forth.

  Dr. Steven Oba is a good, altruistic man, but perhaps on the wrong project. Natia knows his wife and children well… she feels responsible for him and everyone else now being in this predicament.

  I hope Adan got my message. I know those bombings are all over the AugNet and LyfeZone… I know he’s worried sick about me. Natia thinks as the team argues in her ear around her. She remembers the pact she thought of forming while on the way to the island in the air cruiser.

  “Everyone calm down for a second!” She doesn’t enjoy raising her voice but doesn’t hesitate when necessary.

  Natia rises.

  She walks with a powerful stride to the front of the conference room. A floating metallic orb projects a large augmented image of a chalkboard. “Listen, our options might be limited and many here feel like Khalil has coerced us into this. Trust me, if anyone gets it, I get it. But we have to keep our eyes on the endgame, which is years of our collective research for the people of New Manden. The Collective is expecting results. Farima or not, we can still mold Subject Alpha to our liking.”

  “If he will be used to fight one day, make him a conscious fighter, honorable.” Araba backs up her best friend. “Let’s make sure we don’t birth the next mass murderer.”

  “Exactly.” Natia agrees. “We can use our quantum sensors to help us.”

  “That’ll require an editing of Subject Alpha’s pre-approved genomic configuration using the sensors. Also, if Dr. Oba can develop two memories that we can imprint into his mind pre-birth. Those two things alone will lower his threat level by twelve percent.” Dr. Beverly says. “His current threat level is already low based on our projections.”

  “Yes, that is true Michael,” Natia looks over to Dr. Oba who holds his head low. His eyes watch the floor instead of where they need to be. Locked onto hers.

  “That requires the approval of the Worker’s Council and I don’t know—” Dr. Oba begins.

  “Look, it’s like this… if we don’t move now we won’t have another opportunity at this.” Natia slams her fist on the table and takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry if I’m being pushy, but this was meant to be a scientific project to strengthen our people. To make Mandenites the healthiest, most vibrant, smartest, and strongest people on the planet. Revolutionary healthcare available to everyone for free. Healthcare that’ll be so life changing, you’ll be in a new body.” Natia’s nose runs as she sniffs. She feels the emotions beginning to run through her again as they had on the way here. She recalls the messages she received on LyfeZone yesterday and the promises she made earlier at the Great Forum.

  She thinks, He hasn’t even been born and already I feel responsible for Subject Alpha as if he’s my son when he isn’t and never will be. Adan always said if we had a boy, he liked the name Subject Alpha. Subject Alpha is just so cold.

  “I’m in!” Araba comes to Natia’s aid and jumps to her feet to stand next to her in front.

  “I guess I am too.” Dr. Michael Beverly smiles at Natia. “No way am I letting you two get into trouble by yourselves.”

  “That makes three.” Alicia Spearman, the nanotechnologist and newest member of the group, says one thing, but her voice is low. She clasps her hands together, unsure of herself.

  “That leaves you, Dr. Oba. You’re the neural engineer and memory programmer. Let’s give Subject Alpha something positive to believe in… even in the darkest and most trying of times.” Natia nods in his direction, extending her hand.

  Dr. Oba shakes his head and stands to his feet, away from the group. “I respect you Dr. Greenheart, but I cannot go along with this. I’m assuming Khalil doesn’t know about this, which is why this wasn’t brought up earlier. So you want us to defy the Worker’s Council? Illegally insert genes and memories into a subject that we no longer control?”

  “I’m still Project Manager Oba. That’s what I want… and your silence.” Natia folds her arms across her chest. She watches as Oba’s face sinks as he knows he is alone in his precaution.

  “You will have my silence since I want nothing to jeopardize progression of this project. We don’t need any other delays,” Dr. Oba makes his way to the door. He turns, “but I cannot do this in good conscience. I understand what you’re trying to do Natia, but we’ve threaded the line of ethics violations too closely already and this is a step across that line. You said at the Great Forum earlier that this was for the people of New Manden, but it’s for you, Natia. You and your pride and family honor.” Oba slaps his hand on his head and shook his hands with regret. “I didn’t mean it like that, I’ll be in my room. I hope this doesn’t create any rift with you guys. You’re likely family to me, Natia.”

  “No foul Oba, you have a right to voice your opinion.” Natia nods at Oba as he slinks his way out of the conference room with his tail between his legs.

  “Coward.” Dr. Beverly says with Dr. Oba gone. “I’m leaving as well Natia.”

  Alicia follows Michael’s lead; she says a quick goodbye and exits the room. Natia and Araba stand by themselves in the conference room now.

  “This is a damned mess, Araba. A gigantic mess.” Natia is free to say what’s on her mind. She and Araba have been sharing secrets for years.

  “Tell me about it. You know this means Khalil’s been lying to you from the beginning, right?”

  “I know.”

  “About everything. He’s been planning this for years.”

  “What else has he misled me about, I wonder?”

  “Well for one Natia, the ends don’t always justify the means.” Araba places her hand on Natia’s toned arm. She can feel her triceps harden and bulge like a rock. “Sorry, I’m not trying to upset you.”

  “I know you’re not. You mean well.”

  “I’m just saying, Khalil has had you regurgitating the Buhari Principles since you were a kid. You need to think about how far you’re willing to take this. Your name is attached to this project more than anyone else’s. That’s true whether it’s a massive success, or crushing failure.”

  She’s right, I cannot deny that she is right… but I also cannot admit defeat and never will.

  “There’s another issue Araba and you’re the only one I can be open with.” Natia paces to the front and back of the room with her hands on her hips. “How can I say this? Well, Subject Alpha isn’t just a scientific endeavor to me. I’ve grown, I don’t know, attached to him in a way. You know me and Adan always talked about children.”

  “Yea, you’ve told me he brings it up a lot more.”

  “I want to give them to him too. I want an entire crew of kids running around… and he’d be such a great father. You know he makes all of his Aje on the AugNet with the Investigator’s Enterprise, not to mention his programming skills.”

  “I still don’t know what’s held you up this long… if he works from home.”


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