by Jessica Marx

  It’s been a few days since Shane and I have seen each other. I’m dying to hear from him again. I’ve almost texted him several times, but thought better of it. I wish he would call me - text me - anything.

  I have to meet the newlyweds at their potential home for an inspection today. I don’t always go to the home inspections, but I figured it will keep me occupied for a while, so why not.

  They’re very excited about the house and I don’t blame them. They are walking around hand in hand again. They’re so in love. I want that. Perhaps when Chad is finished with this project and we take some time for ‘us’, I’ll talk to him about all these little things I feel are missing. If all goes well, he’ll agree.

  I take a seat in the yard and watch the inspector climb up to the roof line. It’s a beautiful day so I might as well enjoy it. I’m scrolling through some emails when my phone rings. Tommy’s name is on my screen. I answer quickly. He rarely calls me so I immediately think something is wrong.

  “Hey, Tommy. What’s up?”

  “Hey, Beth. How are you?”

  “Same old. You?”

  “Same,” he hesitates, “are you free later?”

  “Sure, why? You wanna hang out?” I ask with a nervous laugh.

  “Yeah. I want to show you something.”

  “What’s up, Tommy? You hardly ever call me and we almost never hang out without an occasion.”

  “Just come with me tonight. I’ll explain everything.”

  “Dude. Come on. What’s going on?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it over the phone.”

  “You’re making this sound a little scary.”

  “Nothing to be scared of little sis. I’ll pick you up around seven.”

  “Um, okay,” I reply unsure. What the hell is going on?

  I run through dozens of scenarios through my head. Each one is worse than the last. I’m comforted only by the fact that if something happened to one of my parents or Abby, he wouldn’t be waiting all day to tell me - or show me.

  It’s got to be something to do with Shane. What else could it be?


  I impatiently wait for Tommy to pick me up. I put on jeans and a tee shirt and eat a little something. I’m not sure where we’re going or what to expect. He literally gave me no information. Leave it to a detective to make things covert and mysterious. He could very well be making a big deal about nothing.

  I pace back and forth in my living room, keeping an eye on the window for headlights. I’ve had several false alarms already as each of my neighbors has come and gone.

  Just before seven, a set of headlights stops in front of my house. I grab my bag and a sweater, reaching the door at the same time as Tommy. I pull it open and he is standing on the other side, poised and ready to knock, but I was too quick.

  “Hey, Beth. Looks like you’re ready to go,” Tommy quips looking me up and down.

  “Um, yeah. Thanks to your cryptic conversation this afternoon, I’ve been walking on egg shells all day. Let’s go.” I step out and close the door behind me.

  We walk silently to the car. The sun is laying low in the sky. It will be dark any minute. Tommy pulls away from the curb.

  “So where are we going?” I ask.

  “I want to show you something.”

  “So you said,” I roll my eyes, “what the fuck? Why are you being so secretive?” I ask, irritation in my voice.

  “Some things are better when they’re seen. There would be too many questions if I told you. You also may not believe me. I have a lot of experience with this, Beth, just trust me.”

  “Is it Shane?” I ask, suddenly worried that he left again.

  “Shane? What? No.”

  “I know he’s back, Tommy. I saw him. He told me you guys spoke.”

  “Yeah. We’ve been in touch. It’s crazy, but I don’t want to hate him anymore. I don’t care that he left - or why. I’m happy to have him back,” Tommy admits.

  “That’s great. I still think he has a lot of explaining to do,” I reply, “do you trust him? Do you really think he’s here to make things right?”

  “I do now. I wasn’t sure at first. I still have some hesitations of course, but I think he’s still the same person he was then - honest and open. He was always a good guy. He just got mixed up in some bad situations. It happens. Shit - if it wasn’t for us, who knows what would have happened to him.”

  Tommy. My other voice of reason. So quick to forgive and forget. He’s a very good judge of character - he has to be. Maybe my wanting to believe in Shane isn’t the worst idea.

  “I’m hungry. I’m going through the drive thru. Want anything?” Tommy asks.

  “I’m okay.”

  We wait in the drive thru line which feels like it’s moving in extra slow motion tonight. We finally get to the front and pay. Tommy places the bag on the center console. I reach in the bag and grab a fry.

  “Some things never change. Glad I got an extra large order.”

  “Come on,” I whine, “how long until we get to this secret place?”

  “Not too long. Just a few more minutes.”

  We drive in silence. I change the radio station a few times to occupy myself. I’m not asking anymore questions because I already know I’m not getting anymore answers. Seems like I’ve been doing a lot of this lately.

  After several minutes, Tommy pulls over on one of the main roads just outside of Park City. We’re parked on the street in front of a park. The opposite side of the street is lined with apartment buildings. Tommy takes the bag of food and opens it on his lap. He proceeds to open ketchup packets and dress his burger.

  “Are you serious right now?” I ask, annoyed.

  “I told you I was hungry.”

  “What the fuck are we doing here? Enough, Tommy.”

  He takes a large bite of his burger, washes it down with a gulp of soda.

  “Look, Beth, you know I love you, right?”

  “Yes, what? You’re scaring me.”

  “I have to tell you something that might be a little unpleasant. I thought it would be best for you to hear from me.”

  I’m shaking. “Stop fucking sugar coating it and talk.”

  Tommy takes a deep breath, “see that building? The one with the fancy columns?”


  “Chad has an apartment there.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t know he still had his own place. It’s strange but not worthy of all this private eye stuff, “and?”

  “Well, he spends a lot of time there.”

  “Fuck, Tommy, what are you saying?”

  “Here we go. Just on time - as he always is.”

  I follow Tommy’s gaze to the opposite corner. Chad is walking with another woman. They’re laughing and by the way they’re carrying themselves, I’m pretty positive they’re drunk. She’s draping herself all over him. It’s disgusting.

  They proceed to the building entrance and walk in like they own the place. Not a care in the world. No worry of a girlfriend who might be waiting in the dark to spot them. No concern for who might see them.

  I’m speechless. Oddly, I have no tears. Instead, anger and hate are coursing through my veins. I want to kill him.

  “Are you okay?” Tommy asks.

  “No. I am far from okay.”

  “I figured this might hurt, Beth. That’s why I wanted to be here. I thought you may need to see for yourself.”

  “How long?”

  “How long what?”

  “How long have they been seeing each other?”

  Tommy takes another deep breath. He reaches into the back seat and pulls out an envelope. “I’m not sure. I’ve only been watching for about a week. She’s not the only one.”

  He unfastens the clip, removes some photos, and passes them to me. I flip through, each one making me more disgusted. There are ‘only’ two other women - or maybe one is the same as tonights’ whore. I don’t know and right now, I don’t care. It doesn’t matt
er. One, ten, it’s all the same. Chad’s a cheater and a liar. I feel like a fool.

  “How did you find out?” I ask, “what made you decide to tail him?”

  “I got a tip.”

  “A tip? From who? Who else knows?” I’m mortified. Who else knows or cares about Chad enough to get involved.

  “I’d rather not say.”

  “Shane. It’s fucking Shane. I know it is.”

  Tommy doesn’t say anything.

  “Fuck. How did he find out? What - was he watching and waiting for Chad to do something stupid so he could swoop in and save me?”

  “No. It wasn’t like that at all,” Tommy starts, “Apparently Chad was pretty open about it when they met for dinner. Shane didn’t want to get involved but thought someone should look into him a little deeper.”

  “And that someone was you,” I say matter of factly.

  “Yes. I wasn’t sure what his motives were when he told me. I didn’t believe him at first but it didn’t take long to prove he was telling the truth.”

  “Apparently not,” I reply dryly.

  “I think there’s a lot about Chad that we don’t know. I don’t think this is his only secret.”

  “I can’t imagine what else he could be up to,” I say, “and you know what? I don’t care. Fuck him.”

  “I get it. You’re angry. You should be.”

  “I’m beyond angry,” I say through gritted teeth, “so many things make sense now. Fucking asshole.”

  “Yeah. He is an asshole.”

  “I want to go knock on the door. I want him to know I know. I want to catch him with his pants down. I want him to feel as humiliated as I do right now.”

  Without any more thought, I push the car door open and get out.

  “Beth, this is a bad idea,” Tommy says, getting out of the car.

  “Fuck him. I’m ending this. I’m not going to wait for him to try and sweet talk me out of believing what I saw.”

  “Shit,” Tommy whispers under his breath, “I’m coming up.”

  “Stay back, Tommy. You don’t need to see this.”

  “I’ll stay back, but I’m coming up just in case things get ugly.”

  “Whatever,” I reply, storming into the building. No doorman - good. I stand in front of the elevator and stare blankly. I don’t know which floor Chad is on.

  “Seven,” Tommy says without any prompting.

  We both step in the elevator. I push the number seven. By the time we reach the seventh floor, I’m shaking from all the adrenaline pumping through my body.

  We exit and the doors close behind us. Tommy rolls his eyes and holds his arm out, signaling which way to go. I stop at the door that belongs to Chad’s bachelor pad and take a deep breath. It does nothing. I’m too amped up.

  I knock lightly. After a few moments without an answer, I knock louder. I hear Chad growl ‘one minute’ distantly.

  The locks turn and the door opens. Chad is standing shirtless on the other side. The look on his face when he sees that it’s me is priceless.

  “Beth? What…”

  I don’t let him finish. I push the door open and walk in.

  I look around and see a neatly furnished apartment. There’s a small kitchen and living area. I can see how these women would easily believe Chad is single.

  “Chad? Is everything okay?” the woman’s voice calls from what I assume is the bedroom. She walks out wearing his button down shirt over her bare body.

  “This is perfect,” I snort.

  “Beth, hon, I can explain,” Chad stutters.

  “Can you? I would love to hear what explanation you have for this.” I laugh, but the voice doesn’t sound like my own.

  Chad stands silently, likely trying to come up with something.

  “On second thought. Don’t bother. The look on your face is all I need,” I step closer to him, “I’m actually glad you have this place. Now you have someplace to sleep.”

  I give him a look of complete disgust and walk to the door, “we are over! Do not call me. Do not come back to the house. We are so done.”

  “What’s going on?” the blonde asks.

  I scoff at the scene before me, “done.” I slam the door behind me.

  Tommy, who was leaning against the wall in the hallway, stands straight and follows me to the elevator.

  “You okay?” he asks when the doors close.

  “Fan-fucking-tastic,” I reply.

  The doors open to the lobby and I swiftly walk toward Tommy’s car. I can’t get out of there fast enough. Tommy picks up his pace to keep up. He unlocks the car and we both get in.

  “Why don’t you come back to my place. You can spend the night,” Tommy offers.

  “Thanks, but I’m fine.”

  “I know when a woman says ‘fine’, it usually means anything but,” he responds.

  “Seriously. I’m fine. Fuck him. You just saved me from wasting years of my life with that scumbag. More years anyway.”

  “Still, Beth, that’s got to hurt. You guys have been together for a couple of years already. You live together.”

  “Not anymore,” I say, “It’s strange. I feel relieved.”


  “Yeah. I’ve been thinking about our relationship a lot lately, wondering if I’m forcing it. Everything is clear now. All the things I turned a blind eye to. He was never the man I made him out to be. I wanted things to be perfect. I wanted to be able to love so bad. I made our relationship out to be much more than it ever was,” I explain, “and he just went along with it. He got to have his cake and eat it too. Dick.”

  Shane nailed it at lunch. I never said I loved Chad because I knew in my heart that it wasn’t really love. It was security and comfort - that’s not what love is - not all of it anyway. Now that’s gone too. I’m not even sad. I’m angry. I’m angry with Chad for treating me this way but I’m also mad at myself for letting it go this far.

  “I’m sure he really cares about you Beth. He wouldn’t stay with you for so long if he didn’t.”

  “Maybe in his own warped way, but not the way a real man does, a real boyfriend.”

  I immediately think of Shane. He wouldn’t do this to me. I know he wouldn’t. Or am I just being naive again? He left, I can’t forget that, no matter how hard I try.

  Tommy turns onto the main road, “you sure you don’t want to stay with me tonight? Or I can stay with you if you prefer.”

  “No. I’ll be okay. Thanks, though.”

  He heads in the direction of my house. The house Chad and I share. Technically Chad owns the house. Once things settle down a little, I’ll decide what to do and where to go. For now, he can stay in his private whore house.

  “Thanks, Tommy,” I say as he pulls into my driveway, “thanks for showing me the truth.”

  “Of course, you’re my family.”

  “And thanks for making sure I didn’t do anything stupid.”

  “Also my pleasure,” Tommy smirks.

  “Can I keep these?” I ask, holding up the manilla envelope of photo proof.

  “I don’t need them,” Tommy shrugs.

  “Cool,” I smile, “thanks. Let’s get together again soon - maybe for a more pleasant occasion.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I step out of the car and start up the walkway.

  “Call me if you need me,” Tommy calls through the window.

  I give him a thumbs up and walk inside.


  I had to go for a drive. I’m going out of my mind. I can’t just sit in that hotel room and wait.

  After Tommy told me everything he learned about Chad, I was fuming. He said he was going to tell Beth today so I’ve been seething, waiting to hear back - but I can’t anymore.

  Tommy’s probably with her right now. I can’t call him and ask. I can’t call her either. I need to hang back and wait for the dust to settle. For all I know, she’s not going to want to see me either - or talk to me. She’s going to find out that it
was me who told Tommy. She might hate me for getting involved in her business. Fuck.

  I wonder what Beth’s reaction is going to be. She better not take him back. I don’t think she would. She’s too smart for that. If Tommy was able to uncover so many things that easily - more than one woman, and in such a short time - there’s got to be more. Scumbag. I want to kill Chad.

  I made it out of Manhattan and onto Long Island pretty fast. Since I have no destination, I drive around Lawson, past my old hangouts. I swing by the site for the community center. I sneer. I can’t work with Chad - not for a million dollars. That community center is going up no matter what. I don’t care if it doesn’t fit into the upper crust, white bread area he’s trying to erect.

  The sound of my phone echoes through the blue tooth speakers. It’s Beth. I pick up instantly.

  “Beth?” I answer.

  “Hey, Shane,” she answers, her voice calm. Maybe Tommy didn’t see her yet. “Are you busy?”

  “Not really. You need something?” I ask hopefully.

  “I don’t know,” she wavers, “can you pick me up?”

  I turn the car around as I answer. I don’t need to think about it or ask why. It doesn’t matter, “of course. I’ll be there in ten.”


  I disconnect the call and head over to her house. I don’t need to ask the address. I’ve driven by plenty of times.

  I turn down Beth’s block, my heart racing. I assume she knows about Chad. I don’t think she would ask me to pick her up from their house if she didn’t, but who knows? I don’t care. She needs me, I will be there.

  I slow down in front of her house and see her sitting on the front steps, her legs folded under her. She stands up and walks toward me before I get out of the car. I unlock the doors and she gets in.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “Hey,” she replies.

  “Where are we going?”

  Beth buckles herself in, “Anywhere but here. I don’t care. Just drive.”

  Beth smiles at me, then turns her head and stares out the window. I pull away from the curb. I know exactly where we’re going.


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