Love me if you dare

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Love me if you dare Page 1

by Sabel Simmons

  Love Me if You Dare

  Sabel Simmons

  Copyright © 2014 Sabel Simmons

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1499590999

  ISBN-10: 1499590997

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Cayman Desires

  Payback Time Baby

  The Tycoon and his Honeypot

  The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter One

  The gentle sloping hills all around her were so familiar it nearly paralyzed her. She straightened and stepped closer to the group of people gathered around the graveside.

  With an expressionless face Samantha DuPont stared at the freshly dug grave with the expensive coffin resting on the steel encampment, anticipating its lowering into its final resting place. She clamped her teeth around her lower lip remembering her father always said he wanted to be cremated.

  It was still unbelievable to be standing next to her father’s grave; to realize that the strong, formidable man was no more. Tears gathered behind her eyelids and she bit even harder on her lip to force them back. She would not shed a tear over him, not after everything he had done to her. She would honor his last memory by saying goodbye to him today, but she would not shed a tear over his demise. Not because she was not sad or totally heartless, but she had none left. She had cried all the tears she was ever going to cry over that man … over her father!

  She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, tightening her spine when she noticed another surreptitious glance being cast her way. She bit back a sardonic smile. No one recognized her, even though she herself could name one and all gathered around the grave by their first names.

  Grimly she recalled what she looked like six years ago. Short spiky hair colored with four to five different colors at once. Something her mother hated and always flew into an epileptic fit when she would walk in every other month with different colors. Her make-up was always thick and dark, aimed at pushing people away rather than enhancing. She always wore skimpy clothes that left very little to the imagination.

  A definite contrast to how she now looked. Stylishly dressed in a dark purple pant suit with thick, shiny long and nearly black hair – her natural hair color - reaching to her mid-back, and slight make-up enhancing and mystifying her perfect features, she was the picture of a sheik, beautiful and sensual woman.

  A woman, that took Nicolas’s breath away even over a distance, from where he stood on the other side of the grave. He wished she would look his way so he could see her eyes. He racked his brain trying to figure out who she was. He couldn’t recall ever meeting her at the DuPont mansion or at the offices. Yet, there appeared to be something eerily familiar about her.

  The next moment her gaze moved to his and he caught it with his, commanding hers not to move away. An electric charge hit him with such force that his groin tightened in response. Blue flames shot from his eyes across the grave to hers. She was too far for him to see the color of her eyes, but he could have sworn she gave a start when their gazes met. His lips relaxed in a soft grin with the knowledge that she too must have felt the current that drew them to each other … even as strangers.

  Samantha’s heart leaped in her throat, nearly suffocating her. She felt as if she was pulled into him across the distance that separated them. The direct sizzling look he gave her shot heat down her stomach to quiver in her loins. She struggled to breath and could not drag her gaze away from his. She realized with a start that after all these years just looking into his eyes, he still had the same effect on her than he did all those years ago. There was a magnetism to him that caused pure heat, lust and desire to surge through her veins. She always wanted this man, even at the tender age of seventeen when they met for the first time.

  But he was appointed as her Father’s protégé, his right hand man. One he intended to groom and mentor to one day take over the reins of his company. So she stayed away, knowing then at twenty five he was too old for her. Not to mention how much she resented the fact that her father had no trust in her as his eldest sibling to be the one for the job.

  It was his reaction six years ago that totally devastated her and the reason she took flight to hide and lick her wounds.

  Nicolas allowed his gaze to sweep down her body, all the way to her toes and back. She was absolutely stunning, tall with curves in all the right places and legs that went on forever. Her thick hair shimmered like an ink halo around her face and caressed her shoulders before it fell like a waterfall down her back and in the front curved around full voluptuous breasts.

  She had delicate features, with a slightly square face, small straight nose, high cheekbones, beautifully formed almond shaped eyes framed by perfectly formed eyebrows and her mouth! A juicy mouth with full lips that made his mouth water. Just short of a cupid bow, with her bottom lip fuller than the top one, a bottom lip he would love to nibble and suck on!

  The moment their eyes met he thought he saw alarm on her face, but then her gaze moved on to rest on Elaine DuPont standing next to him. He forced his gaze away from the alluring woman, realizing with a start that his body had hardened with lust - a first for him in nearly six years; and at a graveside of all places! The only other female that had such a thrilling sexual impact on him was the eldest daughter of Alexander DuPont, whose graveside he was standing by. That daughter was not the petite and dainty Elaine DuPont gripping his arm tightly and crying on her mothers’ shoulder.

  No, it was the elder one, Samantha. Samantha, the wild one, the one with no inhibitions and took delight in provoking her family with her wildness.

  A Samantha whom he wanted to tame, whom he wanted to teach the pleasures of the flesh, but whom was too young at the time, so he bided his time. A total waste it seemed! As the same Samantha betrayed his loyalty and patience, disappointed him profoundly, the day he found her naked and sexually sated in bed with a man nearly thirty years her senior!

  The rest of the graveside service and eulogies became a blur as Samantha’s gaze came to rest on her mother. She was still a beautiful woman, even at the age of fifty eight. Her heart jumped when she noticed the desolation and pain in her eyes. No one expected her father to die this young; he was only fifty nine. It must have been a huge shock for her mother. Samantha frowned slightly. What had happened to him? As far as she knew he was as healthy as a horse, so something must have happened to cause the heart attack.

  She still recalled her shock when she switched the TV on and saw the announcement on the small screen. She was in the country by chance otherwise she probably would not be standing here today, paying her last respects to her father.

  She went to great pains when she left six years ago to ensure no one knew where she went, so no one would have been able to get in contact with her about his passing. Not even Uncle Jamie whom assisted her to leave the country six years ago and to get her accepted at Harvard. She was the one that contacted him and now only on birthdays and Christmas.
  She bit down on her bottom lip again recalling the reason for the trip here. Maybe she subconsciously demanded to take the trip herself rather than her partner. Maybe what she really wanted was to come into contact with her family again. To show them what she had achieved over the past six years. That she amounted to something, that she was not the cheap, selfish thoughtless slut, her family accused her off.

  Words, that ripped through her and caused irreparable damage to their relationship. Words that her father repeated and words that Nicolas echoed with the look of loathing in his eyes when he looked at her. She gave a small sob … all of a sudden six years did not seem that far away, suddenly the hurt came rushing back to smack her hard in her chest.

  She swung around and quickly stumbled to the rental car at the bottom of the hill. Her lip curled when she glanced back up the hill. Trust her father to choose this spot! One of her favorite spots on this whole estate, one of the spots she always ran off to when things became too much and she needed to be alone.

  Her traitorous mind turned to the dark haired man that managed to take her breath away once again. The blue of his eyes were more silver-gray, he had a ruggedly handsome face, broad cheekbones, a straight yet hawk like nose. He had a chiseled, square jaw with firm lips. His arrogance exuded from him all the way down his massive frame. He was a big man, all of six feet two with bulging muscles. He had black hair combed negligently back that gave him a rakish, carefree look.

  She sighed, concentrating on the road in front of here rather than on the hard, ruthless man that held her in his arm and kissed her like a lover would … once … only once.

  Everyone gathered at the DuPont mansion for the wake. Samantha maneuvered the car slowly through the massive wrought iron gates. Her eyes misted over when she came face to face with her birthplace for the first time in six years.

  The driveway stretched for approximately half a kilometer with Sypris trees embracing it on either side. Through the trees the mansion was visible in all its glory. A massive place that was always too elaborately big for their family of four. A place she loved and yet came to hate at the end.

  With stiff legs she walked through the front door and came to a halt next to the staircase. Memories of her last encounter with her formidable father came rushing back and she had to grip the banister of the staircase else she collapsed at the bottom of the stairs.

  She envisioned his face contracting in rage when he tossed her toward the staircase the moment he dragged her through the door, causing her to stumble and fall against the bottom stair, where she stayed in shock. She looked up from her position on the steps at her father with Nicolas by his side.

  She recalled all the insults and degrading words her parents flung at her with such force that she recoiled in shame. She remembered trying to defend herself and tell them they were mistaken, but when she glanced up and noticed the contempt and disgust in Nicolas’s eyes, she closed her mouth and accepted all the insults they relentlessly threw at her. All the while cringing closer and smaller against the stairs digging painfully into her hip where she laid trembling.

  Nothing they said could have hurt more than what she saw in Nicolas’s eyes. At that time she encased her heart within a wall of ice.

  She became aware of the people around her, some glancing curiously at her. With a grim twitch of her mouth she straightened and headed for the study door which she noticed were slightly ajar. Her sisters’ voice reached her as she neared the door and her mother’s warm voice firmly trying to calm Elaine down.

  “But Mommy … what are we going to do without Daddy? Oh … everything is falling apart again! How are we going to live?”

  “Elaine! Stop this nonsense! Everything is going on as before. Yes, your father is gone …” Her voice faltered: “…but this is still our home…”

  “NO, NO, that’s just it! You don’t know anything! He betrayed me again … even now. You just don’t realize what Daddy did …”

  “Elaine, you are upsetting your mother. Here, drink this … it will cal…” The glass shattered on the floor when Elaine slapped it from Nicolas’s hand, splattering whisky over his pristine tailored suit pants.

  “Stop treating me like a child! It’s all her fault! It has always been her fault!”

  “What are you talking about?” Shona DuPont was starting to lose patience with her youngest daughter.

  “Samantha! Who else! Samantha! Daddy dear’s blue eyed girl! Even when she broke his heart and his trust, he still loved her more! He changed his testament again, Mommy dearest! She inherits everything … this house included!

  “Nonsense! He would have discussed it with me first!”

  Elaine gave a shrill laugh. “Yes, one would think so! But alas he didn’t. I snug into the study when Uncle Jamie left last month. I saw the draft of the new testament on his desk. And she’s not even here … she didn’t even bother to come and pay her respects to hi…”

  “Oh, but I am here, sister dear.” Samantha said drily as she pushed the door closed behind her. She stood there, gripping the door handle, mentally preparing herself for the three pairs of eyes to meet hers.

  Elaine’s eyes widened so much it nearly covered her whole face and her mouth was stretched in a wordless “Oh”. Nicolas’s shot blue flames at her and her mother … her mother promptly fainted.

  Chapter Two

  The moment Shona’s eyes started to flutter Samantha stepped back from the couch, where she found herself the moment Nicolas gently laid her mother down.

  Nicolas looked up, frowning at the totally void expression on her face. His mind still reeled with the realization that the stunning woman at the graveside that blew his mind was none other, than the beloved long lost daughter of not just his business partner, but best friend. An image of multi-colored spiked hair, black make-up and skimpy clothes flashed through his mind, and his lips tightened. He wrestled to come to grip with her physical transformation and the effect she had on his senses, even though he knew even back then that there were more to her than she allowed the world to see. That was what had attracted him to her. The challenge she presented to uncover the real woman behind the façade.

  “Mommy … are you all right?” Elaine was on her knees next to the couch with Shona’s hand clasped between hers. Samantha watched her mother take a moment to focus her eyes, and grimly tightened her lips when the light of remembrance hit her. Her eyes searched the room and came to rest on Samantha. She pushed herself to her feet and slowly walked towards her.

  “Samantha? Sam … oh Sam … is it really you?” She reached to stroke Samantha’s cheek. Her eyes clouded when Samantha flinched at the gesture and moved a half a step backwards.

  Nicolas frowned and noticed that her face was still expressionless, but her violet eyes were … scintillating. He released the breath he was holding. Thank God, for a moment he thought she would entirely refute her mother. Almost in harmony with the notion running through his mind, he noticed Shona’s hand fall back to her side, while her other hand covered the sob escaping her lips.

  His eyes clashed with Samantha’s; his just released breath got trapped in his throat again. The glittering in her eyes he mistook for tears were in fact something else. They were glittering yes, but glittered as hard and as cold as diamonds shrouded with shreds of hatred.

  Shona kept her eyes focused on the hard violet glower of her daughters’. She forced the sob back and closed her eyes for a moment. She hated her … oh God … her own daughter hated her! She reached a pleading hand towards her again.

  “Sam … my darling … please! I am so happy to see you!”

  Samantha’s top lip curled in disgust, her tone sardonic and dubious. “Happy and me in one sentence, mother dear? Somehow I find that hard to believe.”

  “Samantha … it has been years … your father …” Her voice ended in a sob and she swallowed hard. Still, Samantha’s displayed no expression or any kind of emotion towards her grieving mother.

  “Mommy! You see what I me
an! It’s her again! Once again she is the cause of your pain! Why are you here! Why did you come back?”

  Anticipating a scathing remark from Samantha, Nicolas stepped forward and pulled Elaine away from her mother.

  “I think everyone should calm down. It is Alexander’s wake and not the time for this.” An arctic laugh escaped Samantha’s lips.

  “I can’t think of a better time, Nicolas, my love …”

  Elaine turned on Samantha, her face flushing red in fury. “He is not your love! How dare you!”

  A perfectly formed eyebrow shot up, her eyes smoldered and her lips bowed in a sensual smile. Slowly her eyes moved from Elaine to Nicolas, and the heat of the violet gaze scorched him, as it moved down and then up his body to meet his blazing eyes; his groin hardening instantaneously.

  Without taking her eyes from his, she slipped her hands in her pant pockets and literally purred, “Oh, I don’t know little sister … he could very easily be …” Pinning her sister with a violet flame, finished, “Mine…”

  His eyes spurted fury at her, feeling as if all his blood flooded into his shaft that tightened painfully at the completeness of it. Then he allowed a tight, but sensual grin to tweak on his lips, indicating his acceptance of her challenge.

  Samantha could kick herself, realizing what that look meant. She forgot how his eyes could always cut through her, how ruthless he was when he wanted something and how he thrived on challenges … and he now saw her as a challenge. Damn … she should think before she allowed her mouth to run away with her! But Elaine was grinding on her nerves, and she reacted on instinct, tired of being branded as the source of everyone’s misery.

  At that moment the door opened and a tall, grey haired man walked in. Samantha’s eyes misted over when she recognized her uncle Jamie. The only one that stood by her all those years ago and refused to believe what everyone said.


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