Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey

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Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey Page 4

by Joyee Flynn

  “We’ve got some good people we’re working with on the Council. I don’t think anyone knew the mess that was out there in the packs and how the Omegas were being treated. They’ve given us the means to help and set things right. I can’t see them not working with us as long as Taggart can be Beta or Alpha material. Hell, I’ve seen them make exceptions all over the place to make amends for letting any of this happen.”

  “So you’re not worried?”

  “Pint size, all I have is worry some days,” he answered with a bitter chuckle. “I worry we won’t get everyone out in time. I worry the strain of rescuing others will be too much on my mating. I worry we’re going to be found out as the ones who started all this shit and my pack slaughtered for the shit we’ve caused. You and Taggart? No, I’m not worried.”

  “That’s a lot of worry,” I agreed, my own easing and my last concerns that Tristan wasn’t really my friend settled. “Thank you for doing it though. I can’t image how hard it’s been on your mating since I’ve never had a real one but you’re doing it for the right reasons and I can’t see your men not loving you more for having a kind heart.”

  “That’s what they tell me all the time. It’s still me that signed us up for all of this. I don’t think they could have ignored the situation any more than I could have though.” He bit his lip as he turned off the expressway. “This wasn’t supposed to be a depressing thoughts trip. It’s hard to just push it all aside and act like we’re normal, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but I’d be willing to give it a try now that you think I don’t have to worry about losing the man I love,” I answered after a few moments’ thought. “So where are we going?”

  “Shopping.” Tristan flashed me a toothy grin. “The High Council gives us a stipend for each rescued Omega to get them back on their feet and anything they need. It seems their guilt is eased if they give us the manpower for what we need and the funds to give you what you didn’t have.”

  “That’s better than spending the money Taggart made cage fighting,” I replied and then snapped my mouth shut. Tristan looked at me with wide eyes and then slammed on the brakes to avoid rear-ending someone. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”

  “No, I need to know, Dewey. I’m sorry, but I really have to know what’s going on. If we give a recommendation for you to be together and the Council finds out something like he was fighting for money, it could blow everything. Tell me what you know. I’m begging you because my family is on the line here helping you.”

  It made sense and it really was only fair he not be kept in the dark. “Alpha Hooker used to hold illegal fights for humans to come to and wager on. They were never the wiser that the fighters weren’t human and it generated money for the pack. It wasn’t an optional kind of thing either. But when Taggart and I first started getting together and fell in love he kept trying to convince me to run away.

  “I always used the excuse that we didn’t have any money and wouldn’t make it without funds to hide us. I found out a while ago that he started doing MMA cage fights for the prize money and hid it from the pack, putting it in a secret account under a false name. Even drugged-up on wolfsbane, doing the fights that Alpha Hooker required, he still was strong enough to do more on his own. So you might worry if he’s strong enough to lead or be part of an inner circle, but I know he can handle anything.”

  “I swear to fucking god that I have one of the only non-screwed-up packs,” Tristan groaned. “We didn’t know anything about the fighting. That’s going to be a big headache but not on Taggart. We need to make sure no one else starts them up again now that Alpha Hooker is gone.”

  “Taggart’s not a violent guy,” I said softly after a few minutes of silence. “I hope you know that. I also hope you see that if he was abusing me or mind controlling me in some way he wouldn’t have been so adamant to remove me from an abusive inner circle.”

  “Yeah, I know, pint size.” He squeezed my hand and I let the topic drop. This trip wasn’t about convincing Tristan that my man was a good guy. I had the chance to point out a few things, and I did. Now it was time to have some fun and let Tristan mull what I said over, get to know Taggart, and give his approval to the Council for us to be together.

  “Holy shit,” I whistled as we pulled into a huge parking lot by an even larger building that was a mall in Denver.

  “I thought the same thing the first time I came here,” Tristan chuckled as he parked and we got out of the SUV. “We need to get you some new duds, pint size. If everything goes to plan the dire wolf pack is in Wichita, Kansas, so you need to move past your East Coast ways.”

  “I’m not sure what that means but my wardrobe does need some updating with clothes that aren’t torn.” I rolled my eyes at how lame that sounded but it was the truth. Most of what I had, even at Taggart’s old place, I had ditched because they were nothing better than rags. “I leave myself in your capable, well-fashioned hands, Tristan.”

  “Music to my ears.” He threw back his head in a play evil laugh. I couldn’t help but giggle at his antics and simply enjoy the moment. Fun was good and I needed lots of it.

  * * * *

  Four hours later I was somewhat regretting my decision to let Tristan take me shopping. My feet hurt, we had way too many bags, and I didn’t want to look at any more clothes, ever again.

  “I worry I might be straight,” I grumbled as we were in line to pay for more stuff. “I hate shopping.”

  “Okay, okay, no more clothes,” Tristan chuckled. “We’ll load up the SUV and move on to something fun like electronics.”

  “Do I get a cell phone?” My grumpiness was gone at the idea. I’d always wanted one and that way I could call Taggart tonight if that was allowed. Sure I could call on the house phone but it was different when I borrowed someone else’s stuff as opposed to doing it on my own terms.

  “Pint size, that ain’t all I got on the list to get you.” He gave me a wink as the lady had him sign another receipt.

  I looked at him a little warily. I wasn’t really sure I wanted to know what that meant but since he was happily mated with three men, I didn’t think it was something inappropriate. No, it was more he was way too excited and the last time he was excited I was clothes shopping for four hours. I was still thinking about how to handle the situation as we loaded the SUV when Taggart’s words the night before came back to me.

  “Okay, but I can say no now and if it’s four more hours of clothes then I say no.”

  “You’re not having fun?” Tristan asked quietly as we hopped in and he started up the vehicle.

  “It’s not that,” I hedged, not wanting to hurt his feelings. “I like hanging with you and it was fun the first couple of hours but now I’m tired and still worn out from everything. Maybe we just don’t have to go so balls-out on my first trip into civilization. You went so fast that I feel like my head’s spinning.”

  “That’s fair. Sorry about that. I just get so excited and I know it’s stupid because picking your own clothes won’t make you feel normal and all better. But for me making choices when I hadn’t for so long was difficult. And then I had to make some big ones right away so I just figured if you made a bunch of small ones when the time came you would feel more comfortable making decisions as you needed to.”

  He was rambling but I kept up with his logic and smiled at him. “I like the theory and you’re right, it’s getting easier to say no when I didn’t like something. Let’s just slow things down a bit maybe. I would really like a cell phone and permission to at least text Taggart. He knows that speaking with George would have been hard on me and I want to let him know I’m okay and having fun with you.”

  “Um, right, I was supposed to tell you that Jared talked to him. He called me when you were in the dressing room,” Tristan admitted sheepishly. I didn’t know a man that big could turn red like that. “Sorry, pint size.”

  I was quiet a moment while plotting my comeback line. “You’re so getting me the coolest phone they have and
unlimited texts because I’m texting the man I want more than anything all night.”

  “Deal,” he sighed in relief. We glanced at each other and burst out laughing. He knew I wasn’t as mad as I played, but let me get away with it. The more time I spent with Tristan the more I wanted to become closer friends with him. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body and he really was one of those gentle giants some people called huge men.

  Next thing I knew we were pulling into the parking lot of Best Buy. Now I was totally stoked. I’d seen one of their ads once at Taggart’s house that he got from the newspaper and I found myself wanting everything in there… Even if I had no clue what it was. Everything in the ad just looked all new, pretty, and shiny. Who wouldn’t want it all?

  Tristan picked out a kick ass phone for me that I would never learn how to use all the stuff on. He said the iPhone could also be used as an iPod but I’d still need an iPad. I just looked at him and blurted out the first thing on my mind.

  “iDon’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He thought I was making a joke and started laughing until I kept staring at him with a vacant expression. Then he just told me to trust him, bought me way too much stuff, that cost more than all the clothes put together, and we were done.

  “You’re a little bit crazy, you know that?” I asked him when we pulled up to his house.

  “Yeah, but it’s the good kind of crazy that makes me so loveable, pint size,” he teased with a wink. “Now let’s get everything inside and I’ll show you how to text Taggart while we eat dinner. I’m sure he’s going to be so relieved to hear from you that we’re not tying you up by your toes.”

  “Maybe later since he stole our mate all day long,” Jared playfully growled as he appeared out of nowhere and started taking in bags. “Did you spend his whole stipend in one day?”

  “No, didn’t even make a dent in it.” Tristan leaned over and kissed his man before darting away with his hands full of bags as well. They raced off with my stuff and I wondered if I’d ever get to be in charge of this stipend. I doubt they were in the business of rescuing Omegas just to screw us over. But then again, I’d bring it up to Taggart tonight when we were texting just so he knew about it as well.

  Just thinking of being cool and texting my man made me grin. I was going to use this time to learn as much as I could and get caught up with the world around me. Alpha Hooker never let me do anything cool and kept me technology impaired like my parents had. Taggart had tried to show me but when we had such limited time together, there seemed to always be something else we wanted to do.

  Imagine that.

  Chapter 4

  I did end up texting with Taggart most of the night. He’d asked me why I didn’t just call him so we could talk and I didn’t have a mature answer. How did I explain to the man I love that it felt more mysterious and a little dangerous texting like we might get caught and in trouble?

  As usual, I shouldn’t have worried, because he figured it out without my needing to say a word. Just to tease me he sent a few in code before we said our good-nights. I loved his playful heart and open mind. He never tried to derail my experiencing the world and Taggart just wanted to be a part of it. Which worked for me because I loved him.

  This morning he was coming for an early session with George to take some Council-approved leadership/IQ test… Thing. I didn’t understand all the rules of being an Alpha or the theory behind what was going on. But I did know that Taggart’s session yesterday must have made George believe he wasn’t a psycho if they were taking the next step.

  I knew we wouldn’t have much time together but I wanted to make sure I looked good so he wouldn’t forget me. It was stupid and insecure of me, I knew that. It’s just after everything I’d been through I wasn’t willing to take any risks that he’d decide I wasn’t worth all this trouble for.

  After showering I threw on what Tristan called my indecent cut-off jean shorts I’d bought that hung very low and showed the bottom of my ass if I bent over. Along with a short-sleeve plaid shirt I knotted. I didn’t care that’s how girls wore them… I looked hot.

  Besides, Tag loved my abs and hip bones and I knew the outfit would drive him wild. Topping it off with my new boots and cowboy hat.

  I sauntered down the stairs, trying to get into the spirit of my sexy clothes. When I walked into the kitchen, Jared spit out his coffee in shock. They were all there, along with Taggart and George… And two men I didn’t know. Whoops!

  “Good morning,” I drawled and poured myself some coffee.

  “Nicely done, pint size,” Tristan chuckled. “I’m not sure I’ve ever walked into a room and gotten that reaction.”

  “What are you wearing?” Taggart growled as he stood up from his seat at the kitchen table. He turned to Tristan. “What have you done to my sweet Dewey?”

  “You don’t like it,” I whispered, feeling so stupid I wanted to melt into the floor. I hid behind the counter and lowered my hat when I felt tears burn in my eyes. “It’s not Tristan’s fault. He let me buy whatever I liked and I liked this outfit.”

  “What outfit? You’re practically naked,” Taggart snapped. “You look like you’re going to go work your corner in Texas or something.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll go change,” I mumbled and went to dart out of the kitchen. One of the strangers moved in my way and I skidded to a halt.

  “I think you look ravishing, darling,” he purred as he eyed me over. “I’d be even more excited if I thought that outfit was for me but I get the feeling it’s not.”

  “I don’t know who you are,” I said nervously as I shot a glance to Tristan. Both these guys were as huge as Taggart and I really wanted to know what was going on.

  “Carson called the Betas from the dire wolf pack and asked them to come meet you,” my friend explained gently. “He got tied up with something going on with another Omega and didn’t get a chance to give us a heads-up. Sorry to spring this on you.”

  “No, it’s fine.” I wrapped my arms around my naked waist, trying to cover up as much of myself as I could. “Hi, I’m Dewey Seymour.”

  “Hello, Dewey Seymour. I’m Percy Ryan, Beta of the Wichita pack. This is my partner and Beta, Azyle Ives.” I nodded to the other man who was eyeing me over with lust. Then Percy reached for my hand and brought it to his lips. “I think you look stunning.”

  “Oh, thank you,” I gushed as I turned so red my ears even heated up.

  “I was a little nervous about letting you buy a ten-gallon hat for a five-gallon head but you pull it off, pint size,” Tristan said with a bright smile.

  “Yeah, I think our Omega should dress like that,” Jared mumbled as he eyed me over. Tristan smacked him upside the head and he growled. “I was just looking! There’s no rule that I can’t appreciate beauty when it’s standing in our kitchen.”

  “Stop ogling my man,” Taggart growled at everyone and in a flash my hand was gone from Percy’s. “Is this what you want? You want every eye in the room to be picturing you naked? Of course, it’s not hard with what little clothing you’re wearing.”

  “No, I just wanted you to,” I bitched as I pulled away from him. “We can’t touch and be together until we prove you’re not abusing me and our love is real. That didn’t mean I couldn’t dress sexy for you and give you something to think about while we jump through these hoops. You told me to try new things. I did and now you’re pissed. Just leave me alone then.”

  “Dewey,” he whispered, his eyes going wide and filling with sadness. I think he finally realized that he’d screwed up.

  “I’m not a slut, Tag,” I yelled, shoving his chest hard. “You’re the only man I’ve chosen to be with and you know that. I just wanted to have some fun and try something sexy to tempt you so you wouldn’t forget how good I can be to you. You’re going through all this shit just to be with me and I wanted to be tempting. Fine, I can’t pull it off but you didn’t have to embarrass me or make me feel like shit.”

I heard several gasps in the room and saw the disapproving look George was giving Taggart.

  “Don’t you dare write this down in your notes,” I growled at the man. “You have no idea how hard this is on both of us and he’s allowed to screw up with the pressure he’s under. He’s a good man. It just seems he doesn’t want a slut as his Omega.”

  “Dewey, wait,” Tag called after me as I turned and raced out the back door and onto the terrace. I kept running until I tripped over my boots when I hit the grass and almost fell. Running was pointless from someone who could easily catch me so instead I plopped down on the ground to cry.

  “Tristan loaned me his iPod so I could listen to the songs on it and see what I liked,” I blubbered as I angrily wiped away tears, not looking at Tag. I yanked off my hat and threw it to the ground. “The man said It’s Alright to Be a Redneck.”

  “I really don’t think this is what Alan Jackson meant, baby,” he hedged as he sat down next to me. I scooted in the other direction, needing space from him. Taggart sighed heavily. “I’m sorry.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “You’re right, I’m not sorry I got pissed,” he growled as he pounced on me. Now I was lying on the ground with his large body surrounding me, his huge hands on me. “You’re not mine yet officially and I got jealous. You walk around dressed like this and I won’t get the chance to make you mine because somebody better will come along and snatch you up.”

  “I wore it for you,” I said firmly, repeating what I’d said in the kitchen. “I knew we couldn’t be alone so I wore it anyways because Tristan and his men are so in love with each other it would never cross their minds to touch me. I didn’t know George would be there or the other Betas. And even though they were, so what? So what if I wore something a little too revealing? I’m not in downtown Denver!”

  “Uh-huh,” he moaned as he undid my shirt and kissed along my collarbone.

  “Stop, Tag,” I whispered as I tried to push him away.


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