Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey

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Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey Page 6

by Joyee Flynn

  “It sounded like a good-bye,” I sniffled, wincing when the doc injected him with something. Tag settled down and simply looked like he was sleeping now. The tension in my muscles dissipated a bit but I was still shaking. I couldn’t get over how drastic of a turn our lives had taken and I was more scared now for Tag than I had been when we’d decided to leave our old pack.

  “We can’t take any chances with him,” the doc said quietly to Tristan. “I need to move him to my clinic immediately and start the full physical. Whatever is wrong with him is getting progressively worse and if I don’t figure out what’s going on now there’s no telling what could happen next.”

  “Do it,” Tristan replied as he lifted Taggart up over his shoulder.

  “I’m coming with,” I blurted out as I scrambled out of Azyle’s lap and yanked on my pants. My shirt was toast but I so didn’t give a shit right then if I went naked to the clinic.

  Tristan and the doc shared a quick look. “Not this time, pint size. The doc is going to keep him out and do a bunch of tests you won’t want to see or can’t get in the way for. As soon as he’s done I’ll take you over to see Tag, okay? You’re going to sit there and worry and you can do the same thing from here where you’ve got people to support you.”

  I thought it over for a moment. I didn’t like it but it made sense. I also wasn’t taking any chances. Getting right in the doctor’s face, I let him know how serious I was. “You hurt him or pull some mad-scientist experiments on him and I’ll knock you out permanently. We clear? Tag’s my whole world and if you fuck him up or don’t fix him there won’t be a rock or hole you can hide in from me.”

  “Tristan and the High Council can attest to the fact that I’m a good doctor,” he said gently, understanding my threats came from fear. “I want to help him, that’s all. I don’t even have an evil mad-scientist laugh, I promise.”

  “Good. Keep it that way.” I gave him the best smile I could muster right then, appreciative that he didn’t blow up at my craziness.

  I moved around Tristan and gave my unconscious man a quick kiss. “Pass all your tests and get better, my love. I’ll come see you soon.”

  I was proud of how strong I was when Tristan left with Tag over his shoulder, the doc trailing behind them. I didn’t cry, I didn’t break down, and I didn’t demand to go with them like a child. I stood there, praying to whoever was listening that this wasn’t the end for us. Fate wouldn’t have saved us from hell only to have me lose Tag. She couldn’t be that cruel. No, I refused to believe it.

  “Ah!” I screamed when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I’d been so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t realize Azyle and Percy had joined me. “Sorry, was just thinking fate wouldn’t screw me after I just got rescued. Didn’t see you guys get off the sofa.”

  “No worries,” Azyle said gently. “So Tristan was telling us he got you an iPad but you didn’t know how to work it. I’m kind of a techie dork. I could help you if you want?”

  “I don’t think I could concentrate right now…” I trailed off, realizing what they were trying to do. I nodded and was rewarded with two bright smiles. It was worth a shot. “I’d like to take a run around the grounds too after breakfast if that’s okay?”

  “Sure,” Percy agreed right away. “I’d love to get to know your wolf too. I bet you’re the most handsome white wolf in the world.”

  “I doubt that.” I rolled my eyes and let him see as we walked out of the living room. Suddenly I was up in Azyle’s arms squirming to get down.

  “Too soon?” he whispered gently, sounding a bit hurt. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” I sighed as we reached the kitchen. “I just feel all over the place. Maybe I just need some time to myself.”

  “No, you don’t,” Cameron said as he shared a glance with Jared. “If you’re alone right now, you’ll retreat into your own mind and let the sadness overwhelm you. The doc is smart, like scary smart. He’ll fix Taggart right up and then he’s going to be annoyed you were sulking when you could be getting to know your potential Betas.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I agreed, not really feeling the idea of being sociable. I grabbed my iPad off the counter and unplugged it from charging. I handed it to Azyle and gave him the best grin I could muster. “Bring me into the current year then.”

  We sat down and Azyle began his instruction. He was a good teacher, patient and able to put what he was showing me into lay terms. I snacked on fresh muffins while drinking my coffee as I soaked up everything he was saying. A few hours later I could confidently connect to Wi-Fi, open a browser, search the Internet, and send an e-mail with the account he set up for me.

  It was a good start and he never made me feel stupid. Azyle made contacts in my e-mail, saving his, Percy’s, Tristan’s, and Carson’s e-mails in there for me. Then he did the same for my cell phone, giving me all the numbers I could ever need if something happened or I just wanted to talk.

  We were sitting down to lunch when George appeared again. It seemed he went with Tristan and the doc to help assess Taggart and write up a report for the High Council.

  “He’s doing better,” George said as Jared made him a sandwich after kissing Tristan in greeting. “He’s not convulsing anymore and sleeping soundly. The doc was right, Taggart’s going through withdrawal symptoms from the wolfsbane. He’s going to set him up on a very small dosage of the stuff so his body isn’t in shock from it suddenly missing. The plan is to wean Taggart off of it in a way that his system won’t freak out without doing any damage to him.”

  “When can I see him?” I choked out, my voice full of emotion.

  “The doc says it’s best if you stay here for a few days. Taggart’s linked to you emotionally and we can scent people even in our sleep. He thinks that if Taggart smells you that he’s going to fight being kept asleep and it could jar his system.” George eyed me over for a few moments. “I think you and I have built a bond of trust, Dewey.”

  I nodded. “Yes, I think you have my best interest at heart and you aren’t out to hurt me or Tag.”

  “I’ve never met this doctor before but I trust him. I have medical knowledge given what I do and he’s being careful in his treatment. I approve this course of action and I think it’s what’s best for Taggart.”

  “So do I,” Tristan added, giving me a sympathetic smile. “I do know the doc. He’s the one who helped me when I suddenly grew over a foot. He’s a good man, Dewey. He’ll get Taggart better and back in your arms as quickly and safely as possible.”

  “Okay, then I’ll hang out here,” I mumbled. “He’ll call if there’s any change or Tag needs me, right?”

  “I gave him your cell and told him to call you first if he needs consent for anything.” I nodded to Tristan, understanding the words but not liking any of this.

  “Can you focus enough to have a session with me?” George asked smoothly. “I think it best for us to get into the habit of talking when you have a crisis on your hands, even if it’s by phone later.”

  “We can do that but I think Percy and Azyle need to be there as well. They need to understand what they’d be getting themselves into if I’m to be their Omega.”

  “If that’s what you want,” Azyle said hesitantly as he glanced at Percy. “But we don’t want to make this any harder on you.”

  “I doubt anything else could get worse right now.” I laughed bitterly and grabbed my plate and soda, heading to the living room where George and I had talked last. They could follow or not. It was best that they know things off the bat, but maybe this wasn’t the right way to do it. Whatever, it was easiest for me then and that’s all I cared about.

  Did that make me a bitch? Yeah, probably. But I figured everyone would cut me a little slack since what was going on.

  They all followed me into the room and when George was seated and turned on the digital recorder I picked up where we left off. For an hour I went into detail about months four through eight of being with my last pack. The day before we went ov
er the months one through four and while Percy and Azyle now missed it… I got the feeling they understood what happened then too.

  “Still want me?” I asked in a hoarse voice, thick with emotion. I didn’t cry this session, too worn out from everything with Taggart. But it was still hard and I was exhausted.

  Percy was the first to speak. “I want nothing more than to hold you and try to make it all better.” I stared at him with my mouth hanging open. What sane person had that kind of reply? I glanced to Azyle, who nodded.

  I might have had a crazy moment because I burst out laughing. “Either you guys are nuts or you just want a fixer-up project.”

  “Or they see your strength and the amount of life in you after all you’ve been through,” George said calmly. I wasn’t sure what to make of the statement until he clarified. “Most people wouldn’t be handling this as well as you are, Dewey. Hell, if my mate was in the hospital for wolfsbane poisoning I’d be curled up in a ball sobbing.”

  “Are you saying I’m cold?” I whispered, my heart hurting at the idea.

  “On the contrary,” George answered with a grimace. “You care and are so loving that you still have hope. Most people wouldn’t be able to process their anger enough to be able to function right now.”

  “I’m angry. I just can’t believe this is where our story ends.”

  “Which is hope and impressive that you’re looking at the situation like that.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” I said with a sigh. “I think it’s a little demented to sit here and try to scare two hot, nice men off with my past.”

  “It’s being honest after you’ve been hurt so many times,” Azyle replied as he took my hand. “People have failed you and it’s your way of making sure we’re up to the task of being with you. I’d want to know if we had the stomach to deal with all of this if the situation was reversed.”

  “Fair enough.” I nodded as I stood, staring at our joined hands. “I think I’m going to take a nap.” They both stared at me curiously and I realized I’d have to spell it out for them with how careful they were being. “You could join me if you want. No funny stuff, just a nap. You said you wanted to hold me and right now I could use the comfort.”

  “We’re in,” Percy agreed as they got to their feet. I smiled shyly, not sure if this was the right move. But it felt right and that had to mean something.

  We said our good-byes to George and they walked with me to my room. I dropped Azyle’s hand so I could pull off my pants before lifting the covers. I froze with one knee on the bed when they both groaned.

  “Not sure we can keep from any funny stuff if you’re naked, baby,” Percy explained as he moved behind me and ran his hands over my naked ass. “You’re so damn tempting.”

  “I know you could make me get in the mood if you kept doing that,” I said evenly, proud that my voice didn’t show the way he was affecting me. “But I am tired and just want to rest.” I glanced at him over my shoulder before meeting Azyle’s eyes. “Maybe after I catch a nap we can play. It’s just hard for me right now. I know Taggart said it was fine, but I’m scared and worried about him. Being intimate with you guys kinda feels like I’m cheating.”

  “Then we can wait until you work through what’s on your mind.” Percy leaned down and kissed my shoulder before letting me go. I nodded as I scooted into the middle of the king-size bed. They both got undressed and moved to either side of me. Yeah, I totally ogled them, appreciating the view. But right then I wanted the puppy pile that was comforting to shifters, not sexual activity.

  When we were settled, I was plastered to Azyle’s side as he wrapped an arm around me and kissed my hair. Percy was at my back, making sure there was barely an inch of me not covered by them. It was great but it also made me horny because I could feel they were both turned on. And I didn’t mean because I could feel their emotions. No, I felt their hard-ons.

  I fell asleep with a smile on my face. It was nice to feel attractive and sexy enough to turn on two such hot, virile men.

  Go me.

  * * * *

  I awoke to four hands and two sets of lips on my body. My eyes snapped open in time to see both of them take a nipple into their mouths. I gasped at the contact and turned fully onto my back.

  “If you want us to stop we will,” Azyle said in a husky tone, his voice full of desire. “We can fuck each other to calm back down but we thought some distraction might help you as well.”

  “And we woke up with this gorgeous, sexy little man in our arms and are doing our best not to plunder his hot body.” Percy gave me a wink as he ran his hand between my legs, cupping my sac. On instinct I moaned and spread my legs wider. “Tell us what you want, baby. We’ll stop or give you anything you need.”

  “No breaching me,” I whispered, licking my lips as I stared at Percy’s huge cock. Maybe it was a dire wolf thing that they were all so hung? “But I’d like to taste you while Azyle rubs off on me.”

  “We can do that,” Azyle moaned. In a flash I was on my hands and knees. I opened my mouth for Percy as Azyle licked the crack of my ass. He got me nice and wet and I realized he didn’t know where the lube was. I didn’t have any since we’d packed it in with Tag’s stuff. Just the thought of my man left me in a sobered state.

  “Where did you go?” Percy asked when I closed my mouth right as he was going to move his cock past my lips. I stared up at him with tears in my eyes. “Oh, you went to Taggart.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered as I sat back on my heels, giving Azyle enough time to move out of the way. “I was thinking I didn’t have any slick because it was in Taggart’s bag. And then it hit me. Can I really give another man head while he’s in the hospital?”

  “If you’re questioning what’s going on then we’re going too fast,” he said gently as he cupped my cheek. “What are you comfortable with, Dewey?” Before I could answer he leaned in and brushed his lips over mine. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” I breathed and he did it again.

  “What about this?” Azyle asked as he kissed along my shoulders and neck. “Is this too much?”

  “No, feels good,” I admitted as I shivered. “Maybe it’s just not going past what we did when Tag was here.” It was a thought and the only thing I could come up with right then.

  “Then we won’t go any farther than that until you’re ready,” Percy agreed. “Hand jobs and kissing only.” He went back to kissing me as Azyle fingered my hole. He didn’t push in, simply teasing me. Percy wrapped his large hand around my cock and I gasped into his mouth.

  “You are so fucking perfect and beautiful,” Azyle cooed as he sucked on my neck. “The way you respond to us is amazing and so damn sexy I almost cream myself every time you gasp or cry out.”

  “Uh-huh,” I mumbled against Percy’s lips. I reached down and took Percy’s cock in one hand while finding Azyle’s with my other one. They both moaned at the contact. I was in awe that I couldn’t wrap my hand all the way around their dicks. The only man who I’d had that with—no, I wasn’t going to go there right then. I wasn’t doing anything wrong and Percy and Azyle deserved my full attention.

  “Where’s the slick and how kinky are you?” Azyle whimpered and it took me a moment to catch up with him. “There’s something I know we’re both dying to see.”

  “What?” I gasped for air now that Percy wasn’t kissing me. Damn that man could kiss. My head was spinning from his kisses.

  “Please finger yourself since we can’t breach you,” Percy begged. “We want to see you ride your fingers as we jack off on you.”

  “If you are both touching yourselves, how will I come?” I asked blatantly as they looked at me with such lust I shivered.

  “We’ll suck you off?” Azyle offered.

  “Deal,” I agreed. I let them go and spread myself out wide, moving my knees almost to my sides.

  “I grabbed the slick from earlier,” Percy admitted as he poured some onto my hand. I pushed two fingers into my ass, loving the
way they both groaned and watched intently. They stroked their cocks faster, moving down the bed so they had a good view. “I think you need a third finger, baby.”

  “Oh yeah,” Azyle moaned.

  I was getting into the kinky mood now and I had a better idea. “You guys can’t breach me but I have a toy in my bag.” They both looked at me with wide eyes before scrambling out of the bed. Moments later Percy jumped back up with a thick dildo in his hand. He quickly slicked it up as I pulled my fingers free.

  “Is that good?” Azyle asked as I cried out when Percy pushed it in me.

  “Faster!” I demanded. Percy was using his left hand to please me with the toy as he used his right one to spank his meat. “I’m going to come.”

  “Do it, baby,” Azyle moaned as he eyed over what the toy was doing to me. “You’re so fucking hot.” That was enough to push me over the edge. I cried out as I came, not even having touched my own cock. Pumping my hips in the air, I took as much of the toy as I could, riding it to draw out my pleasure.

  They both groaned and I felt the first splashes of their cum mix in with mine on my stomach. I watched in awe as these two hot men were so turned on by me that they couldn’t hold back. All the while keeping their promise to Taggart and me.

  Percy didn’t seem to think once was enough because he was still fucking me with the toy. Azyle leaned over and licked my still-hard cock.

  “We both came so we owe you one more,” Percy explained. I nodded, focused on what they were doing to me. “Come for us, Dewey. Let us see that we please you.”

  And I did. I couldn’t believe they got me to climax again so quickly but they did. It was just as good as the first one and when I was spent Percy slowly pulled the toy out from my hole. Then they each leaned over to kiss my groin in several spots, licking where the dildo had been.

  “Was it good, baby?” Azyle asked as they snuggled down on either side of me. “Too much?”


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