Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey

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Resistant Omegas 5: Dewey Page 9

by Joyee Flynn

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  Half an hour later I was looking over a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo that made my head hurt. Finally I just flipped to the last page and signed my name where it was left blank for the Omega.

  “You’re not going to finish reading it?” Tristan asked quietly, worry lacing his tone.

  “You’ve read it, right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “It makes sense to you?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “These terms are good to you?” I asked, interrupting him. He nodded and rolled his eyes at the way I was acting. “Then I’m in. I trust you, Tristan.”

  “Us too,” Azyle agreed and took the pen from my hand, signing in his spot. Percy did the same but Tag started from the beginning and read the whole thing. That was my detail-oriented man.

  “So if Dewey comes to you and says he’s unhappy at any time you’ll bring him back here for sanctuary and he’ll have two years to find another inner circle?”

  “Yes,” Tristan hedged. “It’s nothing against you, Taggart. We’re adding it to all the new Omega contracts so the inner circles start taking this seriously as opposed to acting like they’re bought goods.”

  “No, I think it’s a great idea.” He signed his name and smiled. “Now we claim you, my love.”

  “Okay,” I squeaked, wanting to slam my head into the table at sounding like such a dork. Before anyone could say anything, I jumped up from my chair and raced up to my room. I heard three sets of feet on the stairs just as I hopped onto the bed. Finding the slick Azyle had left there from the other day, I set it by my hip and got naked.

  “Well if that isn’t an offering from the heavens I don’t know what is,” Tag said with a growl. In a flash they were all in the room, door closed, and yanking off their clothes. “Let’s start slow this time.”

  “How do you mean?” Azyle asked hesitantly.

  “Why don’t either you or Percy take Dewey, while the other takes the first, and Dewey can suck me off? We’re not leaving in the morning where we have to hurry all of this. I think we just need to make the group connection while handling everything else. I mean, our stuff still has to be packed and shipped to Wichita. I had to leave my car behind, et cetera.”

  “And I’d like to know more about the pack and Wichita before we just blindly move there,” I added, wondering if I shouldn’t have asked that before I signed my name on the line. Well, if the pack sucked it wouldn’t have stopped me from going. But it would help to know what we were walking into.

  “Good plan. I get Dewey,” Percy chuckled as if he’d just called shotgun to get the front seat of a car for a road trip. He was such a goofball.

  “Fine, but one day the reverse might be done,” I teased as I got into position on all fours.

  “No worries,” he whispered in my ear as he molded himself to my back. “I like cock in my ass and you’ve got a nice one. Anytime you want to try something new and top, you just let me know, baby.”

  “Thank you.” It meant the world to me that he’d even offer. I doubted I’d ever take him up on it but if I ever did, it wouldn’t be for a long, long time. He kissed my shoulder and I felt cool lube being poured down my crack. I moaned when his finger pushed inside of me. I stared up at Tag and let him see on my face how much I was enjoying it.

  “You really are the hottest thing ever,” he cooed as he lay down on the bed so he could kiss me. “I love you. If this gets to be too much you just say the word and we stop.”

  “No, I want this. I am glad you thought to do it this way instead of me taking you one at a time.”

  “You don’t like being the center of attention.” I never thought about it that way but when Tag said it out loud… I had to agree. I didn’t like all eyes on me. Sure, I liked when it was Percy or Azyle or Tag but all of them at once just made me feel like I had crap on my face and I should hide.

  “Thank you for caring enough about me to know that,” I whispered against his lips. He smiled and pulled my head to his, plundering my willing mouth with his tongue. At the same moment, Percy’s one finger became two and I moaned as he stretched me wide.

  “Fuck, his ass like sucks me right in,” Percy moaned as he added another one. “I can’t wait to feel it on my cock.” I made little mewling noises of agreement, so wound up and horny now that I might die if someone said we needed to stop. They both got the idea and Percy pulled his fingers free, replacing his cock in my hole.

  “Don’t you need to be stretched?” Taggart asked as he knelt in front of me and held his dick up as if it was my favorite treat… Which it was.

  “He likes some pain,” Azyle answered. I heard him grunt as Percy cried out in pleasure. “I just open him up slightly, slick up my cock, and shove it in. Drives him crazy.”

  “Yes, fuck me while I fuck Dewey!” Percy begged. I smiled up at Tag while I swallowed his cock down. At least things would never get boring with our new Betas… Apparently.

  “You okay, my love?” Tag asked me as Percy started thrusting from the force of Azyle moving behind him. Part of me wanted to laugh. Did he really expect me to answer right then since I had his dick in my mouth? “If you’re not just stop what you’re doing. Don’t bite though, please.”

  “Has he bit you before?” Azyle asked hesitantly, all moving ceasing.

  “No!” I yelled around Tag’s dick which came out more like, “Mow” of course. I think they got the point because Tag gave me a wink and Azyle went back to drilling Percy, which pushed the man’s dick deep into me. It felt fantastic… Much better than the dildo they’d been using on me. And I didn’t think anything could get better than that.

  It seemed I was wrong.

  I did everything I could to stay upright through the immense pleasure but it was hard. The force Percy was taking me with, by way of Azyle, was incredibly forceful. Don’t get me wrong, I loved every second of it. But if someone pushed me hard enough, even during sex, it made me almost fall over.

  Tag seemed to be happy with the blow job I was giving him because he moaned as his sac drew up. I was so focused on that that my own orgasm sideswiped me. Screaming out, I shot my load all over the bed as I sucked on the cock in my mouth as if my life depended on it. I was riding the waves of bliss when I felt Percy’s teeth sink into my neck.

  Another whirlwind climax hit me from the bite. Maybe that was a dire wolf effect because I never had that when my last inner circle claimed me? Either way I wanted more and often. My body started to shake from the exertion on me.

  “Dewey!” Tag grunted and came in my mouth as Percy filled my ass with a moan around my flesh. I heard Azyle distantly as my eyes just about rolled up into my head.

  “Holy shit,” Percy gasped as he licked the bite and braced his weight on his hands. I appreciated it because if he collapsed on me then Azyle would have on both of us and I wasn’t strong enough to take them both.

  Tag flopped back onto the bed, pulling out of my mouth. The moment he did I was dragged onto my side. We lay there a bit, a tangle of limbs and still connected.

  “I’d say that worked well,” Azyle gasped.

  Oh yeah. He took the words right out of my mouth but I didn’t even have enough air in my lungs to agree. I was still shaking from the aftershocks of my climax when my eyes closed and I was dead to the world.

  And Percy’s cock was still in my ass. Fuck it. They could clean me up while I slept.

  Chapter 8

  The next day I was sitting in my room packing up all my new clothes Tristan had bought for me with my stipend. Tag was busy with the High Council enforcers who had taken control of our old pack. He was figuring out how to get the rest of his stuff and his truck sent to Wichita along with his house being sold.

  Azyle was working on transport for what we did have since all of us and our belongings wouldn’t fit in his little four-door car they arrived in. He had asked me if I wanted to pick what we rented for the trip but I just shrugged. It was only an eight-hour drive so I didn’t care as long as someone didn’
t simply tie me down to the roof.

  Percy was making arrangements at our new pack, getting rooms set up, and informing the two Elders of the pack what was going on. They had decided not to blindside anyone and give them the heads-up we’d be there sometime tomorrow.

  Because they had all claimed me last night. We were official and I was now the Omega of the Wichita pack. I got to be with Taggart for the rest of my life with the added bonus of two guys I was falling for.

  So why did I feel like I was going to curl into a ball and sob? On top of that, something was going on inside of me too, not just emotions. I felt different. It was like no matter if I was inside or outdoors there seemed to be a static electricity charge following me. Probably not but I couldn’t think of any other way to describe it.

  I knew that Tag knew something’s up with me but when he asked I told him I just needed a little bit of space. And like the wonderful man he is, he gave it to me. Percy and Azyle weren’t as quick to want to leave me alone.

  “Let him process,” Tag said quietly when they all had been out in the hall. “There has been a lot in very little time happening and I don’t think he’s just had a moment to himself to catch up.”

  “No, we were afraid to leave him alone when you were in the hospital,” Azyle admitted. They backed off and went on their way. So I’d been in my room the past hour packing… I didn’t have that much stuff to pack. But Tag had been right. I wanted some time to just take a breath and deal.

  There was a knock at the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I smelled Tristan and invited him in.

  “Want to talk, pint size?” he asked with a tender smile as he leaned against the frame of my door.

  “It’s stupid,” I mumbled as I put away my iPad in the backpack made just for keeping valuable electronics safe.

  “Try me.”

  I sighed and motioned for him to come in and close the door. Then I led him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He raised an eyebrow at me but sat on the closed toilet lid while I hopped on the counter.

  “One thing I’ve learned in my time with Taggart is that dire wolves have even better hearing than normal ones. That man can hear a conversation from almost a mile away,” I explained.

  “That’s impressive.” Tristan whistled and giving an appreciative nod. “Okay, so I get the covert measures then but what’s going on with you, Dewey? We all know something’s up.”

  “I think I’m defective,” I blurted out but then kept rambling when Tristan’s jaw just about dropped to the ground. “All I wanted was to be with Tag and I got that. So why do I want to cry and scream? I got Percy and Azyle in the deal as well and they’re great. I mean, they’re hot, sweet, smart, and into me. What the fuck is wrong with me that I feel like my life is ending instead of finally beginning for real?”

  He leaned over and placed his hand on my knee and took a deep breath, implying I should do the same. I did and nodded when I felt as if the bathroom wasn’t going to spin out of control with me.

  “And there’s some weird electrical charge following me around,” I whispered as I stared at him with tears in my eyes. If anyone would understand freaky… It was Tristan. “I keep worrying I’m going to shock anything I touch like when your socks rub the carpet and it’s dry. But it’s more. I feel it in my gut.”

  “Which would you like me to address first?” he asked, giving me a wink.

  “Dealer’s choice,” I giggled as I wiped my eyes.

  “Could you hand me the toothpaste first?”

  I thought it was an odd request but I went with it. I turned towards the sink on the counter I was sitting on, and leaned over… And then I screamed when the toothpaste levitated a few inches above the counter and started coming towards me.

  “Dewey, wait,” Tristan said evenly when I leapt off the counter.

  “The toothpaste is possessed!” I shouted, looking at him as if he was insane for being so calm about this. “Run, dumbass! There’s a poltergeist or something!” I bolted from the bathroom and towards the stairs. I heard several sets of footsteps pounding up the stairs. Sometimes I did love that dire wolf hearing.

  “What’s wrong?” Tag asked as I threw myself into his arms and was so freaked out I crawled over his shoulder like a cat and onto his back. “Baby, what’s going on?”

  “Where’s Tristan?” Jared bellowed which snapped me out of my daze. I pointed toward my room with a shaky hand. Just then Tristan stepped out into the hallway with his hands raised in surrender. Except he was holding the fucking toothpaste.

  “Get that away from me!” I yelped and ducked my head behind Tag’s neck as if that would help or something. “The toothpaste is possessed. It moved all on its own!”

  “What?” Jared and Tag exclaimed together. I simply hid and shook with fear.

  “He’s coming into a new power and I might not have handled it well by answering his question with a visual,” Tristan grumbled.

  “What does that have to do with the floating toothpaste?” I asked as I raised my head and looked at the man. Then everyone was looking at me funny like I’d grown another head.

  “Wait for it,” Rhyce drawled with a chuckle. “Pint size will catch up in a minute.”

  “I’m not so sure,” Percy snickered and shook his head. “He thought the toothpaste was possessed.”

  “Don’t be mean,” I growled at him and wished I was big enough to pull a hockey move and yank his shirt over his head so he couldn’t see. Suddenly his shirt moved just like that. “Holy fuck! I did the toothpaste and that!”

  “Yeah, Dewey,” Tristan said with a wink. “It seems along with feeling emotions and being able to knock people out, you’re a telekinetic. You can move things with your mind. I figured it out when you said you felt an electrical charge following you around. I’ve met another telekinetic and that’s how he described it. You use the electrical charges found in the air to move things.”

  “Like shirts?” Percy grumbled as he righted his clothes.

  “You were being an ass,” I answered and waved him to be quiet. We had more pressing matters. “Is that why I’ve been so depressed today too?”

  “You’ve been depressed?” Tag asked, not sounding happy. Suddenly I wasn’t on his back anymore as he yanked me so I was hanging on to his front again. “Why are you depressed?”

  Suddenly I couldn’t breathe. I felt Tag’s, Percy’s, and Azyle’s sadness at my question so strongly that it was overwhelming. It was almost like a physical pressure on my chest that hurt.

  “What did we do wrong to upset you?” Percy asked in a concerned tone.

  “What can we do to help?” Azyle added.

  “Back off, guys,” Tristan whispered as I clutched my chest. “Your emotions are swarming him.” He lifted me out of Tag’s arms and knelt on the ground with me, letting me sit. “You’ve never had that many people you care about upset at once, have you?”

  “No, only ever cared about Tag,” I gasped, letting my body flop against the wall. “I can’t breathe.”

  “Yes you can. Focus on something small, the way your heart is beating. Count the beats and push everything else out of your mind,” Tristan instructed. I nodded and did as he said, the pressure alleviating slowly.

  “How did you know to do that?” I asked when I calmed down.

  “Tricks of the trade, pint size.” He gave me a wink and cupped my cheek. “It gets easier. You learn to control it.”

  “Control what? I don’t get what’s—” Percy started but Tristan barely flicked his wrist and froze the man.

  “If you focus on something small while everything starts to get hairy you can still control what’s going on. I felt their sadness too, and it’s hard not to get swarmed by it and feel like you’re falling over a cliff. I focus on making things easier, like Percy not talking just did.”

  “I felt a change in the electrical impulses in the air when you did that,” I whispered, staring at Percy. I concentrated, not on what he was feeling but the fact he was
frozen. I felt something snap into place mentally and I undid what Tristan’s powers had done.

  “Good, you’re learning,” the other Omega praised. “Now freeze him again.”

  “I’m not a guinea pig,” Percy bitched before I made him go stiff.

  “It’s the same concentration that makes each gift work,” Tristan explained as he searched my eyes. “Do the thing with the shirt again.” He placed his hand on my arm and closed his eyes. I focused on Percy’s shirt, this time pulling it completely off his body and over his head, setting it on the floor. “Yeah, that’s cool. I got it now.”

  I wanted to ask what he meant but instead he focused on his inner circle and as one all the flies went down on their pants. Sharing a glance with Tristan, we both burst out into peals of laughter.

  “Always good when you learn a new trick, baby,” Jared chuckled as he zipped his jeans back up. “Why don’t we give you some space to practice so the six of us aren’t standing around frozen as you strip us?”

  “Thank you, Jared.” Tristan gave him a wink and released Percy. “I’d really like to help Dewey with some control before he goes and learn how he can blanket Taggart with his power before he leaves.”

  “And then we’ll talk?” Tag asked me quietly. I could see the fear in his eyes.

  Before I could answer, Tristan did. “It’s not contract signer’s remorse, Taggart. It’s normal when one door in our lives closes that there is some sadness that things didn’t work out like we might have thought they were going to.”

  “That’s fine if that’s what Dewey’s feeling,” he hedged as he stared at me. “I’m just worried it’s more than that.”

  “I don’t know. I just feel dread and my new power was freaking me out so everything got worse and I was scared to leave my room. I don’t know what’s going on in my head.” I stared at my hands a few moments while everyone waited for me to say more. I just didn’t know what to say. “I’m going to talk with Tristan while we eat lunch separately and then maybe we can all go for a run before we talk.”

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Azyle agreed as he stepped towards the stairs. “My wolf definitely needs to stretch his legs some before the trip back.”


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