by Candice Stauffer

  Far off in the distant horizon, a flash of lightning lit up the sky, followed by a low rumble of thunder that lasted for several seconds. Struggling to harness his rage, he turned his head slightly and studied her as she walked beside him. She was perfection. He’d never met a more beautiful, more desirable woman. Luckily, enabling him to resist her, he knew it was more than her feminine sensuality and sweet, intoxicating scent driving him mad with lust. It was a trick of nature designed to trap him. She’d been created for him. She was his mate.

  She was a small woman. She couldn’t have been much more than five feet tall. How could a male feel empowered and receive pleasure from hurting a smaller, weaker female? She’d suffered terrible cruelty for many years. Evolved had tortured her. They’d abused her in many horrific ways. And, since she was several pounds underweight, they’d starved her.

  He had long ago lost his desire to find his mate. Even now, with her walking next to him, he didn’t plan to claim her. She was an unforeseen detour on a violent kill or be killed journey with no beginning and no end. The damn group had fucked with the wrong woman. His woman. His mate. The fact that he would never claim her as his mate didn’t mean he would allow them to get away with targeting and hurting her.

  After securing her freedom and ensuring her safety, he planned to send her away. He had no doubt she would find an alternative companion to share her life with in the near future. All the sudden, rage exploding in him at the thought, he knew he would kill any male dumb enough to touch her. Lightning streaked across the sky, jagged veins of vivid white-hot electrical currents, chased by loud crackling claps and deep rumbles of thunder. For the first time in several hundred years, he couldn’t prevent his emotions from merging with nature and wreaking havoc. It was unthinkable. He had long ago mastered the ability to remain in control of his feelings.

  “Why are you angry?” Hanna asked.

  He stopped and faced her. The idea of her being with another lover bothered him more than he expected. “I’m not,” he replied.

  Awareness in her eyes, she lifted her lip in a wonderfully, beautifully wicked as hell smile. “I’ve been in a storm created by a demon’s anger. It was a terrible storm. I’ve also had the misfortune of learning that a demon can manipulate the elements of nature. It’s like PMS on steroids.”

  He played her words over a few times in his mind. Sure enough, he concluded, she’d accused him of having PMS. After a few seconds, he managed to tear his gaze from hers. “We should get moving before the rain reaches us.” Not that it mattered. He could easily shield them from the rain. He needed to get her to safety and get away from her for a little bit.

  “Are you causing the storm?”

  “No.” His one-word reply, an ominous growl, revealed his foul mood. It was maddening. She was infuriating. Her ability to rouse and expose his temper didn’t make sense.

  He felt her reach out, expand her mind to search for the demon responsible for disrupting the atmosphere. Then, causing everything in him to go entirely still, he felt her mind gently brush up against his. He actually found himself holding his breath, savoring her touch until he felt her retreat.

  “It’s you.”

  “It’s just a storm,” he lied, unwilling to admit being unnerved by her.

  “It doesn’t feel natural.”

  “What does it feel like?”

  “It’s dark, edgy, and powerful.” She kept her eyes on his. “It feels violent and unstable.” She paused, her gray eyes slowly darkening like thunderclouds. “Aggressive. Bad tempered,” she laughed. “It feels like you.”

  That was better than being accused of having PMS. “You’re wrong.” He had the strangest sensation of falling. Her eyes were hypnotic. Magical. Beautiful. Her eyes were the entrance of her soul, a haven, a forbidden paradise. “It’s not me. It’s just a storm.”

  Shrugging, she smiled. “You’re a lousy liar for a demon.”

  He caught her shoulders and gave her a little shake. “Who do you think you are, calling me a liar?” She knew better. She knew damn well what he was. No mortal or immortal talked to him with such blatant disrespect. “I could’ve left you to die. I should’ve just…” he trailed off, realizing he’d just seriously fucked up.

  “I agree.”

  “No.” He was sickened by his outburst and horrified by her response. “I’m sorry, Hanna.” He wrapped his arms around her. “I didn’t mean it.”

  “Don’t waste your breath saying you’re sorry.” She pushed away from him. “I think it’s safe to assume it would be best for us to admit we don’t like each other and go our separate ways.”

  “No. You’re right. I am angry. It’s been a long time since I’ve been unable to contain my emotions.”

  Frowning, she stared at him. “I shouldn’t have laughed at you.”

  “I am not mad at you. It’s the situation.”

  “Why get angry at all? It’s not your situation. It’s mine.” Rather than wait for him to respond, she turned and started to walk away.

  He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. She was going to run from him. It was only a matter of time. She was waiting for an opportunity to slip away from him. He needed to find a way to convince her to stick around without using force. “You aren’t the groups only victim.”

  “I know that.”

  “They need to be stopped to prevent them from acquiring more victims. I know you don’t believe I have the means to ruin them, but I do.” He knew how to convince her to stay close until he secured her freedom, so he went on to say, “And, since you know more about them than I do, you can help me.” He paused to give her a few seconds to take in what he was proposing. “If you’re willing to tolerate my company for a bit.”

  “I understand that you believe you can destroy Evolved, but you can’t. The leader is far too powerful for anyone to stop. I have seen him torture and kill other all-powerful immortals.”

  He smiled. “You think I am all-powerful?”

  “The truth?”


  “I’ve spent enough time with demons to know you believe it. And you’ve definitely let me know that you can’t handle a person telling you that you’re not invincible.”

  “Some pills are harder to swallow than others.”

  “Maybe you should consider taking the next one in the form of a suppository.” She smiled, but her gray eyes darkened to convey the fury within her. “You won’t choke on it, and it just might help relieve some of your pent-up anger before it builds up too much pressure to contain it.”

  Grinning, he winked. “Thanks for the advice.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Her mouth twitched as she struggled to remain straight-faced. “I thought you might want to avoid the embarrassment of suffering uncontrollable eruptions in the future.”

  “You know you’re mean, right?”

  “I figured it would be best to make sure you don’t read too much into the fact that I don’t want any harm to come to you.”

  “You want to make sure I don’t assume you like me.”

  “That’s right.” A gust of wind came from behind her, causing her hair to cover her face. Gently pushing it behind her shoulder, he studied her face. “Despite being a demon, I don’t think you’re entirely bad, but I don’t want to give you the impression that I want to get to know you.” She shivered and rubbed her palms up and down her arms.

  He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to hold her close, to warm her. “You’re cold.”

  She tipped her head back to look up at him. “A little.”

  He took his jacket off and held it out to her. “Here.”

  “I am fine.”

  He got behind her and draped it over her shoulders. Her sweet, intoxicating scent filled his lungs. He would hurt her, destroy her. Not physically. He would die before he raised a hand to her or before he allowed another to harm her. His soul was dark. He didn’t merely love war. He was war. “I can’t change who I am. And, if I could, I wouldn’t.” Sh
e turned in his arms, looking up at him. She looked absolutely…oh, damn. “Perfect,” he whispered. He didn’t deserve her. Not at all. “You are perfect. But I am what I am. I can’t change it. I won’t. Not even for you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Frowning, she kept her gaze on his. He felt every muscle in her body tense. “I would never expect you to be anything other than what you are.”

  “I was just thinking aloud.”

  Seemingly amused, she laughed. “Don’t do it again.” Her lips parted in a sexy smile that captured him. Fully. Completely. The smile touched her eyes in a way that warmed his heart. He’d found her. His woman. His love. He saw the future in her eyes. And at that moment, he knew he would never let her get away from him. “It’s creepy.”

  He breathed in deep, drawing her scent into his lungs, savoring it again. For a moment, he could only stare at her mouth, an exquisite temptation more enticing than any other. Raw, insatiable hunger clawed at him.

  He had no idea how lost and alone he’d been. His life no longer belonged to him. He belonged to her, a woman he’d come far too close to abandoning, to allowing to die. He wanted…no. It was so much more than wanting. He needed more. He needed to taste her kiss, to feel her lips against his.

  “Have we met before?” she asked.


  “You feel familiar to me.” She frowned. “Don’t lie to me, Adam. They’ve taken some of my memories. I need the truth. I know you, don’t I?”

  “We’ve never met, but we have a connection, a bond.” He wanted to tell her the truth, but he feared it would cause her to run. She was everything to him. Everything. Nothing could ever come close to comparing to her. He couldn’t go on without her. He wouldn’t. He would never give her up. Not even to save her.

  “I know we’ve met before, Adam. You feel too familiar to be a complete stranger. Why won’t you tell me the truth?”

  He took both her hands in his. “You sense our bond.”

  Shaking her head slightly, she allowed her eyes to drift over his face. “I don’t understand. I shouldn’t want to trust you. I shouldn’t feel drawn to you. I shouldn’t feel so…”

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her. She didn’t try to pull away or resist at all. She actually leaned closer to rest her head against his chest. He felt the tension leave her body. His world was perfect. He’d found his woman, his home. His everything.

  When she tipped her head back to look up at him, he lowered his head and feathered his lips over hers. He expected her to pull away, but she leaned into him and returned his kiss. Needing more, he parted her lips with his tongue to deepen the kiss. The sensation of her body against his, intensified the firestorm of passion raging through his body.

  The instant she shoved away from him, he released her. “You shouldn’t have done that.” She stared up at him.

  “You kissed me back.”

  “You started it.”

  Framing her face between his hands, he brushed his thumb across her lips. “You liked it.” His heart thundered in his chest. A fire of need, of insatiable hunger devoured his restraint and caused his pulse to pound in his head.

  “I did,” she confessed.

  He leaned down and took possession of her mouth. For a few seconds, he thought she might resist. Then, pressing her body closer, she reached up and locked her fingers behind his neck. She met his kiss passionately, moving her body against his. Her kiss was hotter, more sensual than any other kiss. For a few moments, he allowed her to set the pace, to control the intensity of the kiss.

  Then, he parted her lips with his tongue. The taste of her kiss wasn’t enough, he delved deeper, his tongue exploring the erotic heat of her mouth thoroughly. He couldn’t stop kissing her. He needed more. Over and over again, he kissed her.


  At first, his kiss was gentle, but it turned into a hard and demanding kiss, a brutal claiming.

  She moved her palms over his firm, well-defined muscles, enjoying the way they tensed beneath her hands. She returned his kiss. His heart was beating, steady and strong beneath her hands. Hot currents of pleasure moved over every inch of her skin. Her body was on fire with lust, burning up for him. Needing him.

  While he was a stranger, she felt as if she’d always known him. She was a part of him. He was a part of her. Something deep inside her soul surrendered to him, to her hunger for him. He was a demon. He could easily overpower her mind and do as he wished with her.

  But no demon had ever been able to force her to believe in them. She was in serious trouble. She felt an attraction to him. Never, in all the years she’d been held captive by demons, had one been able to force her into a state of arousal.

  When she pulled away from him again, he released her. “That was…” she didn’t know how to describe it.

  “Incredible,” he said.

  “Intense.” She paused. “And weird.”


  “I don’t normally…I’ve never allowed a demon to kiss me.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I have never wanted to kiss a demon.”

  “I am very thankful you wanted to kiss me.”

  She frowned. “Did you use your power to cause me to feel more for you?”

  “What do you think?”

  “While I am tempted to blame you for my behavior, I don’t believe you would use your power to influence a woman to give in to you.”

  “I wouldn’t.”

  ~ TWO ~

  Hanna’s eyes went wide. She shook her head slightly, and then went completely still for a few seconds. She backed away from him and glanced around to search the area. “We’re being watched. It’s something other than…” as she trailed off, she turned her head slightly to focus on something down the path, “oh, shit. Not him again.”

  He’d been waiting for the son of a bitch to approach them. He didn’t need to look, but he followed her gaze, immediately spotting a male with a dark and, for lack of better words, nasty soul. “Do you know him?”

  “It’s Robert.” She knelt and took a knife from a strap around her calf. “He’s one of their watchers.”

  Adam allowed his mind to expand and search the area. He didn’t sense the presence of anyone other than Robert. Since she’d been worried about a demon following them, he wondered if she believed Robert was a demon. “The demon you sensed earlier?”

  “No.” She shook her head, tucking the knife in her waistband at the small of her back as she stood. “You can’t tell the difference? Robert is nothing. He’s a slimy, ass-kissing piece of human trash. I’ve dealt with him before. I can handle him. You need to leave before he gets a good look at you.” She nudged him out of her way and stepped away from him. “Get to your car and go.” She glanced over her shoulder. “The leaders of Evolved can see whatever he sees.”

  “It isn’t a difficult task for most demons. In this instance, it’s a good thing. I can use it to my advantage.”

  “No. It isn’t good. You don’t want Evolved to use one of their watchers to identify you.”

  “I want them to identify me. And, just so you know, he is not fully human.”

  She stopped and faced him, her gaze narrowing on his. “Are you serious? What is he?”

  “I am not sure. I’ve been trying to figure it out ever since we left the shelter.” He smiled. “But you have no reason to fear him.” He would let her know after he turned the son of a bitch inside out.

  “I am not afraid of him. I am afraid of the demons using him. You really should go before he gets a good look at you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He decided to change the subject to help her relax. “I thought you didn’t like me.”

  “I don’t.”

  He smiled. “I think you’re lying.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “Considering the fact that you’ve had a knife and didn’t attempt to use it on me when I kissed you, I think it would be better to stick around.”

  “Just because I didn�
��t use it on you doesn’t mean I won’t.” She shrugged. “You’re big. I’m not a fool. You could easily overpower me. I was waiting for you to let your guard down.”

  “You don’t think my guard was down when you were kissing me?”

  “You were kissing me.”

  “What were you doing?”

  “Trying to figure out how long I needed to pretend to enjoy your kiss for you to let your guard down.”

  “The first touch of your lips to mine. And you might find this odd but, after receiving such a tantalizing threat, I couldn’t possibly force myself to walk away from you now.” With a wave of his hand, he placed a hedge of protection around her as he followed her.

  She stopped and faced him. “What the hell did you just do?”

  “It’s protection.”

  “It feels too dark, too violent to be any form of protection.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re safe.” He shrugged. “It’s part of me.”

  “That makes me feel better.” She shook her head, turning to face the man approaching them.

  While he didn’t like it, he decided to permit her to talk to the bastard. He figured it would be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the damn group and the idiot leader with a god complex.

  Robert pointed at Adam. “Who the fuck is he?”

  “No one.”

  “Ouch. That hurt.” It was true. He didn’t like the sound of her voice referring to him as no one. “No one? One second you’re kissing me, and next, you deny our bond.”

  “I just met him.” She went still for a few seconds, glaring up at Adam, silently threatening him to keep his mouth shut. “He was driving by when your bomb exploded.”

  He was pretty sure she’d be mad as hell if she knew how entirely turned on he was by her attempt to scare him into silence. “Actually, I was in the house when your bomb…”

  “Stop,” she interrupted, jabbing his side with her elbow.

  “Stop fucking around, Hanna. I want you to get the hell away from him. I am taking you back to where you belong.” Robert reached out to grab her arm.

  Adam caught Robert’s wrist to prevent him from touching her. It was a reflex. The protective spell he’d placed around her would’ve stopped the son of a bitch from reaching her. “Hanna is under my protection.”


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