by Candice Stauffer

  His heart skipped a beat, and then it thundered. His flesh actually burned beneath her fingertips. How was that possible? He was a firedragon. He didn’t feel heat. Delicious, intoxicating flames of passion, of lust, burned in him. His body shuddered, and every muscle tensed with the effort it took to remain in control. “I’ve always run a little warm, but I seem to be struggling to regulate my temperature more than usual at the moment.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened with awareness. “Oh, my god,” she moved her hands. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…I was just…oh, god.”

  “Don’t apologize. I’m the happiest man in the world if that’s the way you intend to show your concern for me. I am quite fond of it.”

  “You are?” She flashed him a mischievous smile.

  “Way more than you would probably want me to enjoy it.”

  “I swear I’m normally not a touchy-feely sort of person.”

  “I am thankful you chose to behave abnormally with me.”

  “You should probably back up now, Gabe.”

  “Not yet. They’re talking at the end of the hall. I don’t want them to see me with you.” They were about to know they fucked up by harassing her.

  “Oh.” Frowning, she drew her bottom lip into her mouth and bit down on it. “You’re worried about rumors.”

  “Not at all.” He’d heard he would know when he was standing face to face with the woman he was meant to be with. It was true. He smiled, his gaze shifting from hers to her mouth and then back to hers. “Tell me what they did to you.”

  “You want details?”

  Hell no. But he needed her to tell him. “I want you to tell me.”

  “They just pushed me against the wall.” Her gaze shifted away from his. “They made some rude comments.”

  “What else?” He knew they’d hurt her. He could feel her pain. Her throat was aching.

  “One held me against the wall by my throat.”

  “Let me see.” He tipped her head back gently. “Your throat is bruised. I am so sorry.” He wrapped his hand around her throat and began to impart healing energy into her skin.

  “What are you doing? It feels strange.”

  “You have the ability to feel emotions from other people. I have a few abilities. One of them is healing.”

  “You’re a healer?”


  “I really think you should back away from me.” Her voice sounded breathless.

  “Not yet.”

  “You seriously need to move to save yourself.”

  “From what?” he laughed.

  “From me.”

  “I’ll take my chances. They’re still right down the hall. I don’t want them to see us together. I can hear them talking about you. They came here to find you.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. But don’t worry. I plan to get rid of them right away. You won’t see them again.”

  “You believe they will retaliate against me if they see you with me?”

  “If given a chance I do not doubt it, but I don’t plan to give them a chance.” He released her throat and pushed stray strands of her hair back. “I am being extra careful.”

  “Why do you surround yourself with such deplorable men?” Frowning, she shook her head. “I am sorry, Gabe. Sometimes I talk too much. I have a very bad habit of being blunt. It’s none of my business.”

  “Don’t be sorry. My current situation is…it’s a…”


  “Yes.” He nodded. “Very much so.”

  “You’re different from your traveling companions.”

  “How so?”

  “I like you. You don’t act or talk like a felon.”

  “I work outside the law.” He figured his mate had a right to know he wasn’t a law-abiding man.

  She tilted her head to the side slightly. “Doing?”

  “Eliminating violent criminals that target innocent people.”

  “Did you just tell me that you are a hitman?” She laughed softly, causing her body to move against his. She placed her hand over his mouth. “Forget I asked. I don’t want to know. There are certain things you shouldn’t share with people. I wouldn’t want to force you to kill me.”

  “I want to share everything with you.” The feel of her hand on his lips further stoked the fire of primal needs in him. Lust. Pure. Raw lust. He couldn’t hide the evidence of his instant arousal. “Everything,” he whispered against her palm.

  Rather than shy away from him, her gaze smoldering with desire remained on his. Her lips parted in a sexy, captivating smile that made him more rigid and engorged.

  “What about a kiss?” She moved her hands to the back of his neck and pulled him down to her.

  He was a firedragon and she, a human, was making him go up in smoke with her sultry voice and her nails raking the back of his neck. His arms swept around her, dragging her so close her body melted into his heavily muscled frame. “I was worried you would be offended.” Deep. Seductive. Intoxicating. His voice caused her body ached for his.

  “I am not in any position to judge you.” She was on fire, burning up for him. Needing him.

  He was focused entirely on her, on the way her body felt against his, on the desire burning in her eyes. “Why?”

  “While it’s not nearly as physically evident, I am feeling quite aroused right now.”

  Heat moved through her mind and her body when he bent his head and captured her mouth with his. At first, his kiss was firm and demanding, but then it turned gentle, almost too tender. She sensed he was holding himself in check. She didn’t want him to stay in control. She wanted him to lose his mind for her, with her.

  She felt his powerful muscles bunching, rippling against her body. Leaning back to look in her eyes, he framed her face with his hands. “I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you right now.” He gently caressed her lips with the pad of his thumb. “But…oh, damn.” He lowered his head and kissed her gently again. His tongue dipped and swirled in her mouth, but she felt him continue to fight for control. He was holding back.

  A wild, uninhibited part of her wanted to forget about his reluctance. His body was just so wonderfully hot, so rock-hard solid against her soft, feminine curves. She felt feverish and damp. And so damn wonderfuly achy.

  She placed her hands flat on his chest and pushed him back. “But what?” she asked, wishing she hadn’t as his heart pounded against her palms.

  He leaned down and tilted his head to the side as if preparing to kiss her. “I feel too much for you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She realized he was worried about being unable to commit to more than sex. He was worried about nothing. She wasn’t interested in more than sex, but she wasn’t sure how to tell him. She decided to totally change the subject. “Do you really go after criminals?”

  “I do. Why?”

  “It seems odd since many of your friends are on the darker side of shady, don’t you think?”

  “They are not my friends.” He didn’t get close to anyone other than Adam and Javier. He didn’t have friends. He lived a life of war. He didn’t trust anyone. Trust would get him killed. It would get Adam killed.

  “Why do you keep them around?”

  “They each serve a purpose or two. And Adam believes in giving second chances.”

  “Evil is evil. People don’t change. Not at the core.”

  “I agree.” He paused and took a step back, suddenly needing to put some distance between them. She was too much of a temptation. Way too much. “I’ll let you know when they’re gone.”

  She took his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you, Gabe. I am glad we had a chance to talk again.”

  “Talking to you has been the best experience I’ve had in a very long time. And you’re welcome, but it’s my pleasure and my responsibility. They wouldn’t have harassed you if we hadn’t brought them here.” He looked down at her hand, still holding his.

  “Oh, I am sorry.” She relea
sed his hand.

  “Don’t be.” He’d never felt his heart react to a simple touch. He placed his hand on her shoulder, moved it down her arm, and took her hand in his. “I like the feel of your touch.”

  “You do?”

  “Absolutely.” He released her hand and turned away from her. He began to make his way down the hall.


  He stopped and turned. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think someone is in my office.” She whispered, backing away from the door.

  Rather than waste a second asking why she believed it, he positioned his body between hers and the door as he placed a protective barrier around her.

  The second he opened the door, he knew she had no experience in fighting. She didn’t give him any room to move freely. Even after he entered, she remained right on his heels. The second he turned the lights on, she started to step around him. He extended his arm to stop her. “Stay behind me until I check it out.”

  He wanted to laugh. It was nearly impossible to think with her hand fisted in the back of his jacket. She remained close. Too damn close. He knew she was prepared to jump in front of him if he encountered an intruder. After a few seconds, he knew no one was inside, but he picked up on the scent of a male’s cheap cologne.

  He brought her to his side. “Does anything appear to be out of place?”

  “No.” She got in front of him. “But I smell…” She got closer to him and, placing her hand on his shoulder to steady herself, she rose on her toes and breathed in his scent. “It’s definitely not yours. You smell great. It’s…no.”

  “It’s what?”

  “I smell a man’s cologne.”


  “It’s familiar. It’s unpleasant.”

  “Because it’s familiar?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure.” When her gaze shifted away from his, he knew she was lying. The scent reminded her of another man. A man she feared. He knew it has something to do with the envelope she’d received earlier.

  “The truth.”

  He saw fear in her eyes. “I’m not sure.”

  He decided to let it go for the moment. “Do you have your phone with you?”


  “May I see it?”


  “I want to put my cell number in it.”

  She unlocked the screen and handed it to him. “Why do I need your number?”

  “To call me.” He entered his number and pushed send. “I want you to let me know if you have trouble with anyone.” He took his phone from his pocket to make sure he had her number on his phone.

  “You just used my phone to call yours.”

  “I did.”

  “You didn’t ask for my number.”

  “I wasn’t sure you would give it to me.”

  “A few minutes ago, I would’ve given my body to you.”

  “What about now?”

  “I’ll settle for letting you have my number.”

  “I should’ve kept you out in the hall.”

  She laughed as she took her phone from him.

  “Call me if you have any more trouble.”

  “And you’ll come running?”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “I’ll be close.”

  “You’re heading back to Russia in the morning, aren’t you?”

  “No.” He narrowed his gaze onto hers. “I’m not going anywhere.” He pointed at a door on the opposite side of her office. “Does the door lead to another room or a closet?”

  “It’s the back door to my suite.”

  He tried to open it. “Where’s your keycard?”

  “Do you think someone is in there?”

  “I don’t know, but I am not leaving until I check it out.”

  She handed the card to him. He swiped it, opened the door, and walked in. He could smell the same damn cologne. Rage welled up in him. Dark, ugly anger. A man had been inside each room. A man from her past. A man she feared. A man she feared telling him about. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he shifted his gaze to her bed.

  “What was that? Was that you?” She smiled. “You growled.”

  “Have you had any visitors recently?” He kept his gaze averted from hers to prevent her from seeing the color change.

  “Not at all.” She tugged his arm to force him to face her. And he did. “Why?”

  “The cologne is stronger in here.”

  “This is creepy.” She stayed close to him, following him, watching him, setting him on fire.

  He couldn’t stay in her room with her much longer, but he didn’t want to leave her alone in the room. “Do you have another room to stay in for a night or two?”

  “No. We’re full.”

  “Stay in my room tonight.”


  “Not with me.” He shrugged. “I don’t really use it.”


  “I don’t want you to stay here until I figure out who was in here and get rid of him. It won’t take long.”

  “It’s a very kind offer, but I am not staying in your room. I most likely left my door unlocked, and someone wandered in.”

  “The doors lock automatically.”

  “I’ll have Joseph reset the lock and make a new keycard.”

  He knew her mind was made up. He could easily force her to do anything he wanted, but he refused to do that to her. He would stay very close to her. Near enough to know if she was in trouble. Near enough to protect her.

  “What are the chances of you calling me if you feel threatened?” he asked.

  “I will.”

  “That’s not good enough.” He stared at her. “Promise me.”

  “I promise to call you if I feel threatened.”

  “For any reason.”

  She nodded. “For any reason.”

  “Thank you. I’ll stop by later to check on you.” Since he wanted to ensure her safety, he decided to use a compulsion. “The instant you feel threatened you will reach out to me. Don’t open the door for anyone until you know who’s on the other side.”

  She blinked a few times, pressing her hand to her head. “You don’t need to check on me. I’ll let you know if something happens. I don’t want you to feel obligated to babysit me.”

  “Obligated?” He laughed. “I want to see you later. I want to see you many more times in the future. I need to see you later.”

  Her smile went straight to his heart. “You do?”

  “Very much so.”

  “I think I would enjoy seeing you again.”

  “You think?”

  “I am pretty sure I wouldn’t mind it.”

  He kissed her again. It was a long, tender kiss. A passionate kiss. A kiss that made her feel cherished. Then, without saying another word to her, he left.

  ~ SEVEN ~

  Surrounded by darkness, Hanna woke up to the creaking of a door opening and shutting repeatedly. Unable to move, she panicked. Her heart raced as the volume of creaking increased. The sensation of being pricked by needles moved from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head. Something terrible was about to happen. She needed to get up and get away, but she couldn’t move.

  A frosty breeze moved across her face. “I’m coming for you,” a voice that resembled a growl rumbled close to her ear. “You belong to me.” It was him! The nameless demon she feared she would never escape. She felt his vile presence in her mind, in her body. “Only me.”.

  A stench, a nauseating mixture of mildew and decomposing flesh caused her to gag. She had returned to her prison. “Do not even try to fight me.”

  She would die before she belonged to him again.

  “You will not die until I permit it.” His voice seemed to come from every direction, but she knew it was coming from inside her mind. “You will kill for me again and again.”

  Terror rose in her to great heights. Her heart raced painfully. She needed to get up. She needed to run. But she couldn’t move at all. Not her legs. Not her arms. Not even her lips
to open her mouth and scream for help.

  “I am your God. You cannot defeat a being with such great power.” The room was dark, but not as dark as a black shadowy distorted image of a man slithering across the ceiling. He hovered over her, his features shockingly grotesque, staring down at her, his sunken eyes glowing red flames. “I am your master, your god.”

  Pain, more excruciating than any she had ever experienced, gripped her entire body. Every muscle in her body from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet cramped. The severity of pain increased until it became unbearable. She opened her mouth to scream but couldn’t get a sound out.

  “I live in your blood. Every part of you belongs to me. Your body. Your mind. Your soul. I own you.” He settled his crushing weight onto her and pressed her backside against the mattress. “Your last breath belongs to me.” When she tried to take her next breath, his large hands wrapped around her throat and squeezed.

  Gasping and choking, struggling to catch her breath, she opened her eyes. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds and massaged her throat. It had felt so real, but she knew it had been a nightmare. She was alone in the room. All the sudden, she started to feel hot. Really hot. Her entire body ached. A bone deep ache. And she was very thirsty. She didn’t want to move an inch, but she needed to get up to get a drink of water.

  She tossed the blanket aside and, deliberately moving slow to prevent further discomfort, she sat up on the edge of the bed. The movement caused her vision to blur, and her stomach to roll. She waited to move again until her vision improved. She stood up and, using the furniture and walls to prevent herself from falling, she stumbled to the bathroom.

  When she turned the light on sharp pains erupted in her head. Using her hand to shield her eyes, she squinted as she made her way to the sink. Leaning against the counter, she turned the faucet on. She was so dizzy and lightheaded. And so hot. She splashed cold water on her face and then looked up at her reflection in the mirror. She looked terrible. Her face was a sickly pale color, and her blood shot eyes were surrounded by dark circles. Her vision blurred to the point of causing her to lose her balance and to knock a large glass vase of flowers from the counter. She heard it shatter on the floor. Gripping the counter, she managed to stay on her feet. When she was able to focus on the mirror again, the demon who’d come to her time and time again during her captivity was staring back at her, his lips lifted in a cruel smile. “You belong to me. You cannot escape from me. I am your God. And I am coming for you.”


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