by Candice Stauffer

  He was so damn swollen and so damn hard, aching and throbbing, needing to bury himself inside of her body. He gripped her thigh, lifted her leg, and wrapped it around his hip. Returning his kiss with passion and hunger that matched his, she moved her body against his.

  A tantalizing heated sensation race through her body, causing her breast to tingle before taking her breath away when it centered between her legs. “Adam,” she whispered breathlessly, “I have never wanted anything more than I want you right now.”

  He released her leg and dragged his mouth from hers and then, forcing her to look into his eyes, he framed her face in his hands and tilted her head back. “We belong together for forever.”

  “That’s good because I plan to keep you for forever.”

  “I will never put anything above you.”

  “I know.” She linked her hands behind his neck and pulled him down to her. “I need you to shut the hell up and kiss me again, Adam.”

  “Are you feeling impatient, babe?” he asked, brushing his lips over hers.

  She reached between their bodies and pressed her palm against his cock. Even through his slacks, she felt heat radiating from it. Delicious heat that caused her sex to clench with anticipation. “Very much so. Now stop talking. I have waited for you to stop coming up with excuses to resist your need for me for way too long.”

  “That’s your story,” he laughed.

  “It’s our story unless you want to take time to argue over it.”

  “Why argue? You’re right. It’s our story.” Finally, he kissed her again. At first, it was a gentle kiss, but it quickly became something more urgent, more savage.

  When he lifted her shirt, she raised her arms to allow him to easily remove it. He reached behind her, unclasped her bra, pulled the straps over her shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. He kissed her again, cupping her breast and pinching her incredibly sensitive nipples. His lips left her mouth and began an erotic journey, cataloging every curve and every dip from her throat, to her breasts. His strong hands were everywhere. Caressing her. Massaging her. Inflaming her with lust, making her want him, need him desperately.

  He knelt in front of her and, kissing her belly, he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and then he pulled them over her hips and down her legs. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she stepped out of them. Next, causing her to hold her breath, he pulled her panties down slowly. Again, her hands on his shoulders, she stepped out of them.

  A shiver went from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head when she felt the heat of his breath on her inner thigh so close to her aching sex. She was nearly maddened by the sensations of his teeth gently nipping, lips brushing, and tongue licking her flesh so close to her most sensitive spot. Her entire body began to tremble with desperation. And then, nearly causing her knees to buckle, he swiped his tongue over her swollen clit.

  He lifted his head to look up at her. “Lean your back against the wall and lift your leg over my shoulder.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the wall and then she looked down at him. For a second, experiencing a sudden and unexpected sense of panic, she considered telling him no.

  “Do it, babe.” Coaxing her, he stroked her entrance with his fingers. “Let me taste you.”

  When she took a step back and leaned against the wall, he lifted her leg and draped her thigh over his shoulder. He didn’t hesitate. His mouth was on her. His lips. His tongue. His teeth. She threw her head back, tangling her fingers in his hair, her entire body trembling with hot surges of pleasure as he licked and teased her clit. It was almost instantly too intense. He devoured her until the pleasure turned maddening. It was so far beyond too intense. It was completely mind blowing.

  It was too much, but not enough. “Adam.” When he continued to feast, she yanked his hair to get his attention. “It’s too…I’m too…”

  He tipped his head back to look up at her as he slid a finger inside her and circled her clit with his thumb. “Too what, babe?”

  “I…oh…oh, god,” she breathed the words as she tossed her head back, tilted her hips toward him, and pulled his hair to bring his face to her.

  Tortured by the heat of his breath, by the hot whisper of its caress, she hauled in a breath and tensed. He licked her once. A quick flick of his tongue. She wanted more, needed more. So much more. And he gave it to her. His tongue, turning her body into a raging inferno of the most wildly divine pleasure, swirled over her, and dipped inside her. The pleasure quickly turned into intense pressure, a desperate need for release. Tightening her fists in his hair, she cried out his name as he hurled her over the edge of insanity into an explosive, soul-shattering release.

  Before the waves of pleasure subsided, he lowered her leg from his shoulder and stood up slowly, taking time to brush his lips over her belly, her breasts, and up her neck. She reached between their bodies and unbuckled his belt. She needed him. She needed to feel him surging into her, filling her. His mouth captured hers again. His lips, tongues, and teeth driving her wild with desire.

  She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and then pushed them over his hips. A deep, sexy as hell, growl rumbled in his chest when she moved the tips of her fingers over his cock. She felt his entire body shudder when she wrapped her hand around him. “This is what I need, Adam. I need you inside my body. Deep inside my body.”

  He was so thick, so hard, so damn hot that she trembled over the thought, over the desperate need she had for him to bury himself deep inside of her. “I need you. Adam. Right now. I need you inside my body,” she whispered breathlessly against his lips as she cupped his balls and squeezed them gently.

  Kissing her passionately, he caught her waist and lifted her. When she wrapped her legs around his body and arms around his neck, he stepped out of his pants and carried her over to the bed. Keeping one arm around her, he used the other to brace himself as he lowered her onto the bed. Just as he moved over her and wedged his body between her legs, he saw a shadow of apprehension in her eyes.

  His first urge was to merge his mind with hers to make sure she was all right, but he couldn’t. She didn’t want him to enter her mind. Doing so would upset her. It would likely cause her to distrust him.

  Supporting his weight with one arm, he pushed her hair back. “What is it?”

  “Nothing.” She ran her fingernails over his shoulders, down his back, and back up to his shoulders.

  “The truth.”

  “Not now.” She moved her hands from his shoulders to his back and, digging her nails into his hips, she arched her body toward his.

  “Right now, babe,” he growled, as he wrestled with his need to surge into her heat.

  “Damn it, Adam.” Frustrated, she smacked his ass. “I just…you know I am very screwed up, right?”

  For a second, his gaze left hers and drifted to her mouth before returning to her eyes. “Seriously? I had no idea.” He bent his head and kissed her from her chin to her breasts. “You taste perfect to me.” He traced her nipples with his tongue and then took then between his teeth and nipped them gently.

  She gasped. “What if…” she whispered breathlessly, arching and moving her body against his.

  “And the way your body responds to mine happens to be perfect.”

  “What if you can’t handle it, Adam?” She caught his face and lifted it to urge him to meet her gaze. “What if it gets to be too much?”

  “Too much what? Too much of you?” He didn’t wait for an answer, he captured her mouth with his, kissing her passionately, building a firestorm of erotic sensations as he shifted his body and pressed his cock against her entrance.

  She arched her back, savoring the feel of his hard, muscular body against hers, and the delicious heat of his heavy erection between her legs. He continued to kiss her passionately as if he needed her kiss, needed to feel her lips moving over his. His tongue dueling with hers, he entered her slowly, his cock stretching the walls of her body, filling her. “You’re so damn tight.” Lifting his he
ad, he looked down at her for a few seconds. “I will never get too much of you, Hanna.”

  He groaned as if in agony, his breathing turned harsh and ragged as he pulled himself nearly all the way from her body. “Relax for me, babe,” he whispered, between clenched teeth as he slowly buried himself to the hilt.

  His deep sexy voice and the sound of his breathing sent heat rushing through her body causing her inner muscles to clench around him hungrily. She took a breath and held it, shocked by the glorious pressure already building in her. She lifted her hips, wanting, needing him to fill her. Every muscle in her body tensed to the point of pain.

  The love in his eyes, the absolute devotion in his eyes, caused her heart to skip a beat. The need, the hunger burning in his eyes, took her breath away. She knew at that moment, she would never be the same. Nothing would ever be the same again. He was taking possession of her body. He was making love to her. But he was claiming so much more than her body. He was claiming her soul and handing his to her.

  Moving slowly, maintaining a steady, erotic pace, he made love to her gently. It was beautiful. It was wonderful. But she needed more. Squirming beneath him, nearly frantic, her body burning up, needing so much more, she bit her way from his jaw down under his chin and down his neck.

  Unable to monitor her thoughts, he was afraid to lose control. Being human her body could be easily injured if he fully allowed himself to let go. He struggled to remain in command of his mind and body. Then, completely annihilating his restraint, the erotic sensation of her teeth scraping his skin, sent shock waves of pleasure sizzling through his body and centering in his cock. He’d never been harder or more swollen.

  He groaned loudly, plunging deep inside the tight, silky heat of her body. His heart thundered in his chest. He pounded into her. Every cell of his body immersed in pleasure. Thrusting his hips harder and harder, faster and faster.

  Completely blown away by heat, by pleasure as his body surged into hers over and over again, she called out his name. She lifted her hips to meet each and every one of his wild, long, powerful thrusts. The pleasure created by each savage thrust intensified at an incredible rate until it became a raging firestorm of wickedly glorious ecstasy.

  Growling, he threw his head back, his thrusts becoming rougher and wilder. She unconsciously touched his mind. She was so damn thrilled by what she discovered. Nothing compared to knowing she’d enticed the darkest, most dangerous part of him to surface. Logically, she should’ve been terrified. But she wasn’t. Not even close. Knowing he’d lost control over her tossed all reason into oblivion.

  Ripples of pleasure moved through her entire body, traveling from her toes to the top of her head. She felt most intense heat and pressure building in her. No longer able to keep up with his ever quickening, furious pace, she dug her nails into his biceps and wrapped her legs around his hips to hold onto him.

  It was the single most amazing experience of her life. Each surge was faster and harder than the one before it, taking her to unbearable heights of pleasure until, calling out his name, she reached the final glorious moment of the ultimate release that went on and on.

  His release hit him suddenly and unexpectedly the instant her sheath clamped down around his cock. Roaring, he slammed into her one last time and captured her mouth with his as her inner muscles convulsed around him. The crashing waves of his white-hot eruption, the force of his hot seed flooding her body, shocked the hell out of him. He’d never expected an orgasm could be so amazing, so all-consuming. It was by far the longest, hottest release of his life.

  He trailed lips from the corner of her mouth to her jaw. Then, burying his face in the crook of her neck and shoulder, he fought to catch his breath. Then, bringing him to his senses, he heard her gasp and felt her entire body tense when she lowered her legs.

  He lifted his head and looked at her. “Did I hurt you, babe.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Not at all.”

  He never should’ve allowed himself to lose control. He could’ve seriously hurt her. “I should’ve been gentler.”

  “It was perfect. You were perfect.” She laughed softly. “So much so, I’m sure I’m going to feel it for a day or two.” She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him to her.

  “I should’ve been more careful with you,” he whispered, against her lips.

  “Stop it, Adam.” She lifted her head and bit his lip. “I’m not going to let you ruin my most wonderful sexual encounter with a man.”

  A soft growl, a warning escaped his throat. “Not a man. Your man. Your only man.”

  “I’m good with that as long as I’m your woman. Your only woman.”

  “There will never be another woman for me.” He bent his head and kissed her deeply, completely. Loving her. Adoring her. “I love you, babe.”

  “I love you, Adam.”

  He slowly, reluctantly pulled his body from hers and then gathered her in his arms so that her head was resting on top of his chest.

  “I’m wiped out.” She yawned as she snuggled up even closer to him, draping her leg over his body. “I might sleep for the next week or so.”

  He gripped her thigh. “I’ll try to resist, but I might attempt to wake you up in an hour or so, babe.”

  “I can’t promise you I’ll respond.” She laughed softly. “But I won’t discourage you from coming up with clever ways to do it.”

  “That’s very generous of you,” he laughed.


  After brushing her teeth for the third time, Larissa checked herself in the mirror for the tenth time. She couldn’t wait to see Gabe again. As she made her way through her suite to her office, she laughed at herself. She couldn’t remember a time she cared so much about her appearance. She went into her office and opened the door that let out into the hall. Rather than focus on Gabe, she glanced up and down the hall. “Where’s Javier?”

  “I sent him away,” Gabe said.

  “You did?” She frowned. “Why?”

  “You miss him?”

  “A little. He’s interesting.”


  “Very interesting. And very nice.”

  He frowned. “Would you like me to have him come back?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind.”

  “And if I mind.”

  “You’ll have to deal with it.”

  “I guess I’ll come back after I’ve dealt with him.” He turned away as if to leave.

  “Stop.” She grabbed his arm. “I would rather spend some time with you.”

  “That’s a relief.”


  “I would rather spend time with you than kill him.”

  Larissa laughed. She couldn’t believe how strong her feelings were for Gabe. It just felt right. She’d sworn off the idea of ever being with a man. She wanted to be with him.

  “What are you doing out here?” she asked.

  “Just standing around.”

  “You didn’t knock.”

  “I thought about it.”

  “Do you plan to stand out here all night?”

  “Unless you’re leaving.”

  “Why didn’t you let me know you were out here?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I just needed some time to think.”

  “What’s wrong, Gabe. You’ve saved me a few times. You know my deepest, darkest secret. If you have a problem, I might be able to help you.”

  “I don’t really have a problem. I just have too much on my mind.”

  “Okay. I won’t pry into your personal business.”

  “No. It’s not that I am keeping something from you. It’s nothing personal. I just need to…”

  “I don’t need details,” she interrupted as she stepped out of the room. “I was just going to ask Javier if he would mind heading down to the pool with me.” She shut the door. “I wanted to check out the damage in the locker room and maybe go for a swim.”

  “I am glad I sent Javier away.”


  He smiled. “I like the idea of going for a swim with you much more than the idea of you going for a swim with him.”

  Despite his smile and the teasing, she felt a heaviness in him. Dark. Moody. It was stronger than the pain she’d always felt in him.

  In the elevator, he stood close to her. When it stopped to allow more people to get in, he managed to tuck her in the back corner, keeping his body between hers and everyone else. It felt protective. Possessive. His actions always felt protective and possessive. It seemed so natural that she doubted he even knew he was doing it. Being so near him, she could feel the heat of his body. He wasn’t actually touching her, but he was driving her insane with lust. She felt as if he’d brought her body back to life. She’d long ago given up on the idea of even casual dating. All she could think about was him. His body. Touching him.

  She felt something in him reaching for her. Constantly. She loved and feared the way he made her feel. She felt something in her reaching out to him. It was like a powerful compulsion. She constantly struggled against the urge to touch him.

  Why was she fighting it? They were both adults. And she knew he wanted her. It wasn’t something he hid. She reached down and took his hand. He looked down at her and smiled, a smile that reached his eyes. He released her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulder when the elevator stopped at their floor. He walked with her. She really was going up in smoke.

  Just before they reached the locker room he stopped and turned her to face him. The floor moved, a tremor that went from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head. “What’s wrong, Gabe?”

  “I need to kiss you.” When he caught her waist and lifted her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his body. His eyes darkened as they drifted from her eyes, to her mouth, and back to her eyes. They shared something powerful, magical, all-consuming. For a few seconds, the world slipped away as they breathed together. “Kiss me.”

  His lips touched hers, moved over hers gently. Then, deepening the kiss, he captured her mouth with his and parted her lips with his tongue. Cradling her hips, holding her as if she weighed nothing, his kiss was so tender, so intense, and so damn hot that it caused her blood to catch fire with desire in her veins.


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