by Candice Stauffer

  One more quick question: Since you managed to get all eyes on you by fighting with Gabe, how will we know if one or more of these vampires react to the tracking spell.

  Adam turned his head to glared at Joseph. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Joseph felt Demetri’s mind touch his. Something is brewing. Kazimir has a few too many idiots surrounding the boutique. He gets off on shooting places up to claim as many casualties as possible. Let me go inside to shield the women or get your ass here.

  I have a situation at the club. Adam and Gabe decided it would be a good time to work through their feelings and kick each other’s asses. Do you need help?

  No. I can handle Kazimir.

  Keep them safe.

  I will. Who’s winning?

  It’s hard to say now that Adam isn’t throwing his punches.

  Eventually, making it outside, Adam and Gabe continued to fight. Toe-to-toe, exchanging powerful blows, both refusing to back down. They were both powerful, dominate male demons with stubborn natures and short fuses.


  The instant Demetri felt Joseph’s safeguards lift for him, he entered the front door of the boutique and locked it behind him. “Do you have any customers here?”

  “No.” Mia walked over to him. “What are you doing? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong. I just thought I’d stop in for a chat.”

  “Don’t lie to me. You’re supposed to be waiting outside. You had better tell me what happened?”

  He shrugged. “What makes you think something happened?”

  “You’re not sticking to the plan.”

  “Have you ever known me to stick to a plan. It’s not my thing. I get bored too easily. I like chaos. Nevertheless, this time, I wasn’t the first to deviate from it.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Adam and Gabe decided it’s a good time to work out their feelings by getting into a fight.”

  “What are you talking about?” Hanna asked.

  He looked at Hanna. “They’re fighting. Don’t worry. They won’t hurt each other. Not really. Every once in a while, ever since right around the time Gabe reached adulthood, they have a disagreement and settle it by kicking each other’s asses.”

  “That doesn’t explain why you’re in here.”

  “I’m sorry. Didn’t Joseph let you know I was coming in?”


  “Have you been experiencing communication problems with him?”

  “Not that I am aware of.”

  “That’s not good. I need to get back to working on my reputation for being evil.”

  “Why?” Mia laughed.

  “He’s starting to like me again.”

  “What are you protecting us from, Demetri?” Hanna asked.

  Demetri didn’t want to scare her. He truly appreciated the way she’d tried to comfort and care for Sara. Both women had been through hell together. “I believe Kazimir knows Adam left you here. His maggots are hanging around a little too close. Joseph needs to referee Adam and Gabe because they don’t want me around while their experimenting with the tracking spell.”

  Hanna frowned. “Do you think we’re going to be attacked?”

  “I am just going to stick around here to make sure Kazimir stays back. If he makes a move, I’ll deflect bullets until Adam and Joseph return.”

  “Why don’t you just kill Kazimir and his men?”

  “I would never resort to behaving in such a violent manner.”

  Mia laughed. “You’re full of shit, Demetri. If you’re expecting bullets to start flying, shouldn’t you get away from the window?”

  “I can’t.”


  “I want them to see me.”

  “Joseph’s protection would stop the bullets, wouldn’t it? The safeguards keep you out.”

  “Unless I choose to cross them. It hurts like hell, but I can do it. But Kazimir won’t physically cross them. He likes to shoot places up. He likes to make a scene. Bullets are tricky to deflect with safeguards if you’re not actually standing in the line of fire.”

  “Why are they fighting?” Hanna asked.

  “I’m not much for gossiping but,” he smiled, “since you asked; rumor has it that Gabe is refusing to claim his mate. It’s making him moody as hell.”

  “Why won’t he claim her?” Mia asked.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Do I know her?” Mia asked.

  “How bad do you want to know?”

  She took a step toward him. “Bad enough to hurt you if you don’t tell me.”

  “I liked you better when you thought I might knock you onto your ass and incinerate you with a bolt of lightning. You were much more respectful.”

  Mia laughed. “You might want to remember that I’ve learned to use lightning to incinerate the asses of annoying males.”

  “How could I forget? There are plenty of demons and vampires lining up for a chance to kick Joseph’s ass over it.”

  “What’s her name?”

  “Larissa Farley.”

  “Oh. my god. That’s wonderful. She’s amazing.”

  ~ TWENTY ~

  Larissa walked across the parking garage with Anne.

  “I can’t wait to actually see my baby,” Anne said.

  “Do you want to know if you’re having a boy or a girl?”

  “I am not sure. Do you really think they’ll be able to tell us today?”

  “I don’t know a great deal about ultrasounds, but I’m sure they will be able to tell you. You’re about six months along, right?”

  “Closer to seven.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be able to determine the sex.”

  Anne gasped. “Oh, god. It’s him.”


  “Yes. Oh, god. Oh, god. He sees us.”

  “It’s going to be okay.”

  “He’s going to kill me.”

  “No. He won’t touch you.” She turned Anne around and pointed at the elevator. “I’m going to stall him. I want you to start heading back to the elevator. Go to the front desk in the lobby and have them send Joseph to me.”

  Larissa dug in her purse for her phone as she turned to face Eric.

  “Don’t you dare walk away from me, Anne.”

  Larissa glanced over her shoulder. Anne had stopped and turned. She looked so young and scared. “It’s okay.” She motioned for Anne to turn around. “Get in the elevator.”

  “Come here.” Eric demanded.

  “Go,” Larissa said. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  “You need to leave, Eric.” Larissa realized she didn’t have her phone. “She isn’t going anywhere with you.”

  “Shut your mouth, bitch. She belongs to me. She’s coming home with me.”

  Larissa did the only sane thing she could come up with. She reached for Gabe, attempting to follow the path he taught her to use to talk to him. I’m in the parking garage, Gabe. I’m in trouble.

  It’s okay. I know. I’m coming.

  “Get over here, Anne. I want to talk to you.”

  “You’re going to jail unless you leave,” Larissa said.

  He took a step toward them. “You know you’re nothing without me, Anne. You’re a stupid, worthless slut.”

  Larissa glanced around, searching for anything to use as a weapon. How could she be sure it was Gabe’s voice in her head and not her imagination?

  You’re still doubting our connection?

  “I’m going to kill the fucking bitch. Is that what you want, Anne? Do you want to force me to kill the bitch? You know I’ll do it, don’t you?”

  “No. Don’t hurt her.” She looked at Larissa. “It’s okay. I’ll go with him.”

  “No. You don’t need to go with him, Anne. Help is coming.”

  Anne hesitated, glancing at Larissa. “I’ll be fine, Larissa. Thank you for everything.”

  Eric grabbed Anne and threw her against the side of a car. Larissa lunged for Eric. She didn’t have a
plan. She just reacted. Eric ended up overpowering her and throwing her to the ground. She got to her feet quickly.

  A burst of heat surrounded Larissa. “Gabe,” she breathed his name, his scent filling her lungs. She knew it was him. He was with her. He was in front of her, shielding her, protecting her, though she couldn’t see him.

  She moved, placing her body in front of Anne, knowing Eric would never get past Gabe. All fear and uncertainty vanished.

  Eric threw his lit cigarette at Larissa. It bounced off an unseen shield and hit him between his eyes. Screaming, he swiped at his face.

  She felt a rush of power, of incredible heat. Did he hurt you? She heard his voice in her mind.

  No. I hope it’s really your voice in my head.

  You know I’m with you. You feel me. She felt his arm wrap around her waist and pull her against his hard body.

  How are you making me feel you?

  It’s a secret. I’ll show you later. Keep your eyes on him. I don’t want you to be alarmed but he’ll try to attack again. I won’t allow him to touch you.

  Shouting every curse word Larissa had ever heard, and a few she’d never heard, Eric reached out to grab her. His hand burst into flames. He screamed and frantically brushed his hand over the front of his jacket to suffocate the flames.

  Another ability?

  A little trick I picked up as a child.

  Children aren’t supposed to play with fire. The next thing she knew she was staring at Gabe’s wide shoulders and back.

  “You just fucked with the wrong woman.” Gabe pointed. “Sit your ass down and don’t move an inch.”

  Gabe turned and wrapped his arms around Larissa and pulled her close. “As a child I didn’t always have the best supervision.” She felt the ripple of his hard muscles against her body as he lowered his forehead to hers. “Were you hurt?”

  “Not me.” She really wanted to kiss him. With all that was going on she shouldn’t feel such a powerful ache for him. “He shoved Anne pretty hard.”

  “The dirty whore deserved worse!” Eric shouted.

  Gabe brought Larissa to his side and faced Eric. “No more talking.”

  “She’s pregnant, Gabe. I’m worried. She fell hard.”

  Gabe released Larissa and then knelt in front of Anne. “Are you experiencing any pain.”

  Shaking her head. Anne tried to move away.

  He looked up at Larissa. Kneel beside me and take her hand.


  I need you to touch her, so I can safely check on her and the baby through you.

  “It’s okay, Anne.” Larissa had no idea what Gabe meant, but she placed her hand on Gabe’s shoulder and knelt. “Gabe is here to help.” She extended her hand. Nodding, Anne placed her hand in Larissa’s hand.

  Gabe placed his hand on Larissa’s shoulder. She’s afraid of me. I don’t want to cause her any more distress. Ask her if she’s in pain.

  “Are you experiencing any pain, Anne?” Larissa realized that Gabe wanted to connect through her because Anne was afraid. But what did he mean by safely?

  “No. I’m fine.” She was trying to wipe tears from her face with her free hand. “I’m so sorry Larissa.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Larissa said.

  I’ll explain why I needed to connect to her through you later. She isn’t injured. The baby is healthy and strong.

  Thank you, Gabe.

  Gabe reached in his pocket, pulled out a hanky and handed it to Larissa.

  Larissa handed it to Anne. “You have no reason to worry about him anymore.”

  “This is my fault.” Anne looked at Gabe. “He’ll come after Larissa now. He’ll kill her. I need to go with him.”

  “No.” Larissa shook her head. “You’re not going anywhere with him, honey. He’s nothing. He can’t hurt me.”

  “Larissa is right,” Gabe said. “I’m not going to allow him to hurt you, Larissa, or anyone ever again.”

  “He won’t give up. He’ll get out of jail and come back.”

  “He won’t get a chance to hurt anyone ever again,” Larissa said, knowing Gabe would see to it.

  Gabe smiled. “All you need to do is take care of your baby.”

  “She has a restraining order on him. I want to report this. I forgot my phone. Do you have yours, Gabe?”

  He reached in his jacket, pulled his cellphone out and handed it to Larissa. You don’t have to worry. I didn’t plan to dispose of him in front of her.

  I just think it would be best for her to see him taken away by the police.

  But you understand I plan to get rid of him, right?

  If given an opportunity to come after her again, he will do it. I am counting on you to make sure he never gets a chance to hurt her or her baby again. She gently scraped her nails up the back of his neck. I’m sure he won’t be in jail for long.

  As she was talking to the police, she noticed pink lipstick on his jaw and collar. She couldn’t believe it. She was mad as hell. His clothes were a mess. Disheveled. He was always dressed immaculately in suits that cost a fortune. Her stomach flipped. He’d been with a woman.

  She hung up and handed his phone to him. “They’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  He placed his hand on the center of her back. “What’s wrong?”

  She moved away from him. “Nothing.”

  She saw something sincere, something sacred in the way he met her gaze, as if she truly mattered to him. “You’re injured?”

  “No.” Wounded pride didn’t count. “I already said I am fine.”

  “What’s wrong, Larissa?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head. She couldn’t have been more conflicted. Her heart ached at the thought of him being with another woman. And she was mad as hell. But why? He didn’t owe her faithfulness. “Nothing at all.”

  Awareness in his eyes, he shook his head. “It’s not what you think, Larissa.”

  Giving him a look of annoyance, she laughed. “Let it go.” She pointed. “The police are here. Shouldn’t you leave?”

  He laughed. “As of the last time I checked, I am not wanted for any crimes. I will stay here to make sure they take him in.”

  She turned her head to the side to avoid meeting his gaze. She felt guilty for the dig. It was silly to lash out at him. He didn’t owe her anything. He certainly didn’t owe her loyalty. He had a right to be with as many women as he wanted.

  “Look at me.” He caught her face and tipped her head back to force her to look at him. “You’re wrong.”

  “I didn’t mean to insult you. You told me that you work outside the law.”

  “Stop deflecting. You know I am not talking about you taking a jab at my profession. I have not been with another woman.”


  “I don’t want or need any other woman.”

  “You’re a mess. And her lipstick is still on your jaw.” She smiled. “Not that it matters. I really don’t understand why you would feel guilty. We are not a couple.”


  “Not now,” she interrupted.


  Gabe watched her walk away from him to talk to the police. You are the only woman for me, Larissa. It was the truth. He wanted her. Only her. He needed her. He couldn’t even imagine being with another woman, holding another woman, loving another woman. I am wholly devoted to you. I meant it when I said I want to wake up every morning to your beautiful face.

  When she didn’t respond, he walked over to Eric and knelt. “You’re going to leave Anne alone.”

  "Fuck off,” Eric spat the words at him.

  “You’ll never see Anne again.”

  “Shut the fuck up you mother fucker. I told you to fuck off. I’m going to kill the whore the first chance I get. And then I’m going to kill that skanky bitch helping her.”

  “Are you talking about Larissa?”

  “That’s right. I’m going to fuck her and then I’m going to slice the bitch to fucking pieces.”

/>   “You just threatened to rape and kill the wrong demon’s mate. When you are alone in your cell tonight you’re going to bleed out. You’re going to suffer horrible pain, choking to death on your own blood.” He used his most powerful compulsion to ensure it. “Tell me what you’re going to do tonight, Eric.”

  “I am going to bleed out, I am going to die in my cell.”

  Gabe stood up and walked away from him. Within a few minutes, an officer cuffed Eric and put him in the back of the police car.

  When Larissa turned her head to look at Gabe, he walked back over to her. “Is everything good?”

  “Yes. Thank you, Gabe.” She wrapped her arm around Anne’s shoulder. “Let’s go and make another appointment for you.”

  He watched her walk away. He hated knowing she thought the worst of him. He hated that he caused her to think the worst of him.

  “What happened?” Javier asked.

  “The girl is pregnant. The idiot being taken away is the father. He beat her. He won’t stop coming after her until he kills her and her baby.”

  “I guess that means you will be heading to the jail to get rid of him?”

  “It’s done. He’ll be leaving his cell in a body bag.”

  “He really pissed you off.”

  “He did horrible things to her. He planned to do even worse things to her and to her baby.”


  “He threw a lit cigarette at Larissa’s face.”


  “He vowed to rape and kill her.”

  “Dumb son of a bitch.”

  “I will never understand why some males get off on hurting females. It’s disgusting and cowardly.”

  “Unfortunately, it’s nothing new.”


  While in the elevator Larissa kept hearing Gabe’s words play over in her mind. You are the only woman for me, Hanna. I am wholly devoted to you. I meant it when I said I want to wake up every morning to your beautiful face.

  “I am really sorry, Larissa,” Anne said.

  “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “He’ll get out and come back. He always comes back.”

  “You’re going to be safe here. You don’t need to worry about him anymore.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?”



  “No. He’s just a good friend.”


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