Disciplining Little Josey

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Disciplining Little Josey Page 6

by Laveaux, Serafine

  He started with his hand.

  When the first slap landed, Josey instinctively clenched her cheeks, only to be rewarded with a fire that increased tenfold in its intensity. Oh my god it burns! BURNS! Stinging smack after smack landed, and she was nearly ten spanks in before she finally learned how to keep her bottom from squeezing down each time. Tears flowed freely down her face now, and she wailed without restraint. Every inch of her backside was aflame, most especially just inside her bottom hole where the oil seemed to burn the worst. After twenty spanks he stopped and returned to the armoire, and her back sagged in relief.

  But it tightened up again when she spied his hand in the mirrors, reaching into the armoire and pulling out a leather strap. Oh sweet Jesus! The strap had to be three inches wide, heavy black leather at least two thicknesses deep. The way he wrapped one end around his hand made her heart seize in her chest. She dared not plead or beg though. Begging was a sure way to earn even more swats.

  Richard liked the look in her eyes when she got a look at the leather strap. Two parts horror and one part desire. That was the funny thing about Josey. She hadn’t yet figured out that the reason she disobeyed wasn’t because she was stupid or lazy but because she wanted to provoke him. Even now he could see her weighing whether to plead for mercy or not. She knew perfectly well if she did it would only increase her punishment; she’d been down that road before. He only hoped she was eager to go down it again. He wrapped the strap slowly around his hand, making sure she could see every move, and waited to see what she would do. The waiting excited him almost as much as the sight of the brilliant red flesh across her ass.

  With slow, measured steps he moved to stand beside her rear, her lovely, red, upturned bottom that begged for more color to be added. He let his fingers glide across the fiery flesh, tender and sensitive and swollen to the touch. She would feel the strap one way or the other, but he drew the waiting out to learn how much of it she wanted. One finger dipped down between the rounded cheeks and languidly massaged her feverish bottom hole. He was pleased to feel her wriggle beneath his touch, see her arch her bottom up even higher in response. Beg me to stop baby girl. A muffled moan from the carpet below made his breath catch in his chest.

  “Daddy, please,” she blubbered. “Please I’ll never lie again. I won’t forget I promised. Please!”

  Extra swats it is then, my beautiful baby girl.

  * * *

  The seats in the theater reclined fully, and Josey was grateful for it. There was no way she could have sat through a commercial, let alone an entire movie, on the bottom he’d left her with when her punishment finally ended. She lay on her side now, stretched out and clad in a SpongeBob t-shirt and matching boy shorts, with the armrest between them raised and her head and hand on Richard’s chest.

  Richard. Daddy. She didn’t know who he was any more. Sometimes when he talked to her he was Richard. Other times, when she was feeling sad or lonely… or punished… he became Daddy. It confused her to the point she had long since stopped paying attention to the movie.

  “What are we?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “What’s that?”

  She pushed herself up enough to look at him. I could look at that face forever, she thought. “What are we, you and me? Are we a couple? Are we just some people who signed an agreement? Are you Richard, or are you my Daddy? I don’t understand.”

  He ran his hands through her bangs and kissed her forehead. “I think we’re still figuring out what we are, Josey.” She considered his answer for a moment and then laid her head back down on his chest.

  “I almost didn’t come tonight,” she whispered sadly, and felt him stiffen slightly beneath her. “I saw the car at my apartment, and I thought, I’ll just walk past it, just go home, and eat some Oreos and read a book and never get spanked again.”

  “But I didn’t,” she said, pushing herself back up to look at him again. “I didn’t want to lose you even if it meant I had to be spanked, so I got in the car and I came and—”

  Richard cut her words off with a crushing kiss, catching her face with one hand as his lips devoured hers. Startled, Josey pushed against him, but as his wet tongue demanded entry, she forgot about being afraid or confused and yielded to his touch. In her dreams she’d kissed him a million times but never thought it could happen for real. His lips were warm and soft, his tongue insistent, and his hand protective against her face. Between her thighs she felt the needy ache that had hinted an appearance earlier begin to make itself known once more.

  He’d never considered that one day she might not come. It was an option of course. The contracts weren’t meant to be legally binding, but he’d never thought she might actually quit. He’d considered it once or twice in the beginning when she seemed so hopelessly cowed and afraid, but the cheesecake rebellion had convinced him to stick around and see if Mr. Green had been right after all. The idea that she might decide to back out made him sick to his stomach. I’ve got feelings for this girl, he marveled as she talked of going back to cookies and books and her boring old life.

  And then she told him she didn’t want to lose him and how she came back, and he forgot everything and drew her hard to him. Her lips were caught by surprise, and he could feel her heart fluttering as he pressed her against his chest. She tasted sweet, like forbidden soda and bubble gum, but it was the scent of the cinnamon on her wrist that took his breath away. Even as his tongue plundered her eager mouth, licking the soft skin within and tangling with her hot tongue, he saw her kneeling before him, proffering her naked ass to him in complete submission. The vision turned his cock to stone, sending it straining against the restraint of his jeans. He let go of her face long enough to set the engorged shaft free, then guided her hand to it. She touched it tentatively at first, then with growing confidence, alternately stroking and caressing. She lacked experience, but her cinnamon scented touch inflamed him all the same.

  “I wanna taste you,” he rasped hoarsely as her lips left his and moved to flit against his neck and the bare skin revealed by the opened buttons of his shirt. He wanted more than a taste. He wanted to bury himself in her sweet cunt, lap her juices, and fuck that cinnamon soaked little ass and watch her cum while he did. Urgently he pushed her back and moved to go down on her, but her piercing shriek froze him in place.

  “Oh god, my butt my butt, don’t push me back!” she wailed, and he swore at his stupidity even as he quickly pulled her back over on top of him. Fresh tears appeared in her eyes as she reached back to gingerly rub her bottom. “It hurts too much,” she whimpered as he wiped the tears from her cheek. “I’m sorry, I… I want you too.”

  Dammit, he swore silently. He wanted, no needed her badly, but he’d forgotten how much pain she must be in. He’d left her bottom a glowing mess, and…

  “I have an idea.”

  Josey straddled him carefully, one knee on either side of his head, and leaned over to place her hands on either side of his hips. The seats reclined fully but her perch seemed precarious at best, and if a knee were to slip she would likely fall upon his face. His cock didn’t seem concerned about the apparent danger as it waved eagerly in front of her face, the silken head seeming to strain towards her.

  “Like this?” she asked doubtfully and was answered by his tongue darting between her slick, hot folds. The warm, sweet scent of her moist pussy mingled with the spicy cinnamon oil that still liberally coated her, and as her legs splayed further to lower her lips closer to his, she felt his fingers return to massage and tease her well-oiled bottom hole. Shivering with pleasure, her mouth fell slightly open as she reveled in his experienced touch. When his tongue drove up inside her sweltering tunnel, she reacted hungrily, filling her mouth with his engorged cock that waved just before her.

  She was rewarded with a growl from behind, and the fingers that had been teasing her bottom hole now began to insistently work their way inside. Lowering herself to her elbows, she moved her hands to grasp the ridged shaft and st
roke as she licked and sucked along the ridgeline of his smooth head. She’d assumed the position again, although this time her cries were of pleasure instead of pain, and as his tongue quickened its pace between her folds, so too she quickened her attentions to his cock. Instinct drove her down upon the shaft, filling her mouth with him until her nose grazed against his taunt balls. Warm and musky he smelled, denim and flesh and arousal, and her tongue became frantic about his sweet heat, licking and caressing and tickling under the strange little dip where the ridge ran beneath.

  Tongue and fingers filled her now, parting the silken flesh and inhaling her juices that ran down both thighs. Every inch of her bottom burned, the cheeks, the crease between, but most of all her poor hole where the cinnamon oil had been so concentrated. The determined fingers within only served to inflame the flesh that much more, the nerve endings sparking like static, and yet she wanted more and found herself pushing back against everything that touched her.

  Fuck me, she begged, and though the words did not come out he seemed to hear them all the same. His tongue seized upon her mindless clit and drove it over the edge, sucking and nipping and flicking, while fingers drove into her, pussy and ass, until she could no longer hold herself up. Collapsed upon his chest, she continued to devour him even as her hips thrust against him and the lights washed over her eyes.

  Rewards of Obedience

  For the first time in her adult life, Josey felt alive and free, and she had Richard to thank for it. He’d allowed her to show her true personality, the one she’d tried to suppress for so long. Unlike the people at work or her parents or their friends, he never expected her to sit around and discuss serious or scary things like politics, world events, or the economy. With Richard, a day on the town might mean going to an animal shelter to play with the kittens or to the park to fly kites. Presents were of coloring books and crayons and fuzzy, footie pajamas, and she could wear striped socks or panties with ponies on them, and it was okay.

  She still hated exercise though, and often exasperated him with her reluctance to do more than exactly what he told her. It wasn’t until she came home one Tuesday to find a delivery man waiting on her that she finally discovered exercise could be fun.

  Richard had sent her an exercise bicycle, but not just any old stationary bike. This one came with a custom made seat, and as she read the directions her eyes widened and her cheeks grew warm. The instructions said that the instrument panel and “aftermarket additions” would be activated when she began to pedal.

  The instant the delivery guy was gone, Josey stripped off her jeans and climbed onto the new exercise bike. Tentatively at first, then with determination, she began to pedal. Immediately the lights on the panel came on and a noticeable hum could be heard coming from the seat. The instant she stopped, the lights and humming stopped as well.

  The narrow part of the seat had been converted to some sort of vibrator that powered up when the bike was in use, and as she picked up speed she felt the delicious vibration between her legs increase in speed with her. Instinctively she wiggled her bottom until the seat pressed tightly between her legs.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she groaned with pleasure. “You shouldn’t have.”

  An exquisite ecstasy flooded into her from the vibrating seat as she pushed faster, pedaling the vibrations to a fever pitch against her eager clit as the panties that lay between soaked through from the flood of her arousal. Closing her eyes, she saw him between her splayed legs, fingers slipping inside of her as he watched her writhe and moan before him. Another memory, this one of them in the mirror, her ass glowing lava hot as his hand paddled it into submission sent her opening up wide, and she groaned even as her calves screamed in protest of the brutal workout they were being forced to endure. When at last she came, it was with a jarring, shuddering climax that threatened to unhorse her as she convulsed in a chain of spasms.

  By the time she collapsed from the bike, spent and exhausted and satisfied, the panel showed she’d pedaled fifteen miles in forty minutes. “Daddy knows best,” she gasped as she sprawled on the floor. Staring in awe at the now silent bike, she decided a bike ride before bedtime had just become the best idea ever.

  * * *

  Every month Josey would have to step on the scale at Mr. Green’s gym, but Richard would always cover her eyes and tell her the number was a secret. Before the special exercise bike, the scale had barely budged, but now the weight practically flew off. It had been a little over five months since she’d first stepped on the scale, and her clothes no longer fit her. Richard had kept her well stocked with play clothes for their time together, but her work clothes now hung and sagged and looked worse than ever. It wasn’t until Mr. McDonnell called her to his office that she realized how bad she looked.

  He’d had her take a seat and then stared at her so long she started to twist and squirm in her seat like she’d done back when the Miller account was past due.

  “You’ve lost quite a bit of weight, Miss Tate,” he observed, and she grinned and nodded. “Quite an accomplishment. Unfortunately, that brings me to why I’ve called you in here. Is there some reason you aren’t able to get some new office clothes that fit better?”

  “Um,” she stammered, unsure of what to say. “Well, I don’t guess so. I mean, I didn’t even think about it, to be honest.”

  He nodded as if he’d expected as much. Tapping his pen on his desk, he studied her further. Josey started to squirm again, and then it occurred to her. Mr. McDonnell was just like Richard. He had to be. He’d said she’d meet someone like him through Mr. Green. Then she realized he was the reason she had Richard in the first place.

  “Thank you,” she said shyly.

  “For what?”

  “Mr. Green,” she replied, and for the first time in her life looked him directly in the eye.

  “Oh, that,” he shrugged. “Well, it seems to be working for you. Myers told me you haven’t been late in over two months and you’re staying on top of your accounts now. I was glad to hear that, Josey. That’s a big improvement.”

  She blushed, pleased with his approval. She had been trying much harder to get up on time and stay busy while she was at work. There were still times when she caught herself staring out the window, lost in daydreams, but for the most part she’d learned to stay focused on the jobs before her.

  “Now, I need you to work a bit on your appearance. I know you don’t meet with clients, Josey, but sometimes they come up for a look around, and I need you to present a professional look at all times. Can you do that for me, please?” Relieved she wasn’t in trouble and slightly embarrassed that she looked so shabby, Josey promised to get some better fitting clothes just as soon as possible and hurried back to her cubicle.

  Later that evening as she talked to Richard on Skype, she mentioned Mr. McDonnell’s comments on her weight loss and subsequently ill-fitting clothing. Almost immediately he insisted on taking her shopping that weekend. “You’ve under grown most of your play clothes anyway, might as well get everything at once.” She tried to protest at first. Shopping for clothes ranked just under going to the dentist in Josey’s experience, but he wouldn’t hear any more arguing from her, and finally she resigned herself to spending her entire Saturday trying on clothes.

  * * *

  Richard met her at Mr. Green’s facility early Saturday morning. When she staggered through the front doors, she looked as if she’d just rolled out of bed, and he doubted she’d even bothered to run a brush through her hair. He’d hoped she would have been at least a little bit excited about his offer to take her shopping, but she seemed borderline annoyed, and that served to annoy him.

  “Your first stop today is at the salon,” he told her as they pulled onto the highway in his black Audi. “Your hair really needs a trim, and I thought some highlights might be fun.”

  “I don’t wanna get my hair cut,” she whined. “I like how it is.”

  “Don’t whine and don’t argue.” Her hair looked like she trimmed it with
kiddy scissors, and he’d been itching to take her to a salon since they’d first met. Any other woman would have been thrilled, but she did little more than stare out the window and look bored. Just like an eight-year-old, he reminded himself. They don’t care for haircuts much either. He only hoped she’d put her sulky attitude back in the box once they reached the salon.

  The stylist wasted no time getting busy, and before he knew it Josey stood before him a different person. As requested she’d left the length alone, but long layers had been cut into it and three different shades of blonde and gold highlights had been woven through. The hot mess she’d arrived with was now impossibly straight and sleek, with a dozen shades of gold and blonde mingling together. Her bangs had been trimmed and blown to fall over her forehead, stopping just shy of her eyes, exactly as she liked them.

  “Beautiful,” he proclaimed, and for once she giggled and looked pleased, reaching back to stroke the silky smooth locks with wonder. He was relieved to see her earlier sulk had vanished at the sight of her hair in the mirror. The idea of bending her over his knee and blistering her bottom in the salon held its appeal, but the day would have been ruined before it had time to start.

  “She had beautiful hair to work with,” the stylish gushed. “She can pull it back in a simple ponytail at work, or put it into braids or twin tails for playtime.”

  Josey goggled at the stylist at the mention of playtime, and he grinned when he saw the woman give Josey a wink. As they were leaving, Josey tugged his sleeve until he stopped and leaned down for her to whisper in his ear.

  “Thank you.”

  * * *

  Josey hadn’t expected to like the results of her salon visit, and the two hours it took to get those results nearly drove her witless from boredom, but now she found she couldn’t stop touching her hair. It felt so soft, and the highlights had turned the lifeless blond to a silken mane of gold. For a while at least, the prospect of shopping all day didn’t seem to be quite such a bother.


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