Elder Lich Saga: Awakening

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Elder Lich Saga: Awakening Page 5

by Michael Sisa

  “How much food did you store in this stronghold?” said Lancelot. At the corner of his eyes, he saw Faith give an affirmative nod. It seemed that she had realized their Commander’s intent just from those words alone.

  “A month and a half worth of food. Harvest season has just ended. We basically have an abundant supply here,” said Moonsol.

  Lancelot nodded. “I see. Lord Moonsol, have you heard of the story about the Nekasha Tribe?”

  Moonsol creased his brows. He felt irritated that he did not know what the Commander was talking about. Still, he was sure that it was of no relevance. After all, what would a mere knight know, aside from snuffing the lives out of his enemies?

  Moonsol monotonously replied, “No, I haven’t.”

  Lancelot smiled, which further irritated the man before him. “It’s a story about how a small tribe defeated a horde of invading monsters numbering in the thousands. It’s an event that happened hundreds of years ago, but the historians of that time described it as nothing short of an amazing feat.”

  “Get straight to the point,” said Moonsol. The elderly woman beside him glared after the remark.

  “Long story cut short, the thousands of monsters were killed by the small Nekasha Tribe. Their warriors did not even come close to a hundred, but they managed to annihilate all of the monsters that tried to invade their land,” said Lancelot. “Our enemies greatly outnumber us, but at the end of the day, they are still nothing but monsters—and they will eventually succumb to their instincts.”

  The elderly woman stepped forward. “I see... So that’s what you are planning. There are indeed numerous records of cannibalism among goblins and ogres. You will use that to our advantage, no?”

  Lancelot smiled. “Exactly. The walls of this fortress are absurdly sturdy—we’ll use that to our advantage. Think about it. What will those monsters do if they are unable to eat for days, weeks?

  He stared at everyone. “They’ll start killing each other for food.”

  Everyone silently listened as the Commander of the knights continued. “Just like the Nekasha Tribe, we will hole up ourselves inside this fortress. A month should do the trick. Those monsters outside will eventually start eating their kin once they get hungry. Once they’re worn out, we strike. Furthermore, by that time, the injured soldiers would have already recuperated. Basically, it’s a battle of patience and perseverance.”

  It was a simple idea, but everyone knew that it was a good shot for their survival. Even Moonsol was left with no choice but to nod in agreement.

  “A month?” said a small voice. Everyone glanced at the source, and what they saw was a child, probably almost in his teenage years, with ash white hair and crimson eyes. He was quietly standing at the corner of the room, and if he had not spoken, they would have not noticed him.

  He walked towards the clustered officials, revealing a youthful face partly shrouded by the room’s shadow. His eyes glimmered for an instance. “I do not have high expectations of the so called Cardinal, considering the fact that his God is nothing but an insignificant existence, but he is my only current lead towards my goal. I shall meet him—soon.”

  Faith’s lips were partly opened and she wore a stupefied look. She was sure that she had left Jiablu inside their camp. “W-What are you doing here?! How did you get here?!”

  Her voice was croaking, like a pig being slaughtered in its last moments. She glanced at everyone in the room, and she saw that even Lancelot was surprised that the child was with them inside. It was indeed preposterous to let a child enter such a serious conversation.

  “Trivial. I can be at wherever I want. Priest, tell me, am I correct? It will take a month before we are able to meet the so called Cardinal of the Kingdom?” said Jiablu.

  Faith stared at him for a long time before she nodded. “Yes. But again, what are you doing here? I clearly told you to stay in your room! We are currently under a monster invasion! It’s too dangerous for you to wander around!”

  Jiablu answered the question with another question. “If this farce ends, will I be able to meet the Cardinal?”

  Faith wanted to slap her forehead in resignation. Just like before, the child was arrogant, definitely condescending. Still, she replied, “Yes. But that’s impossible. Right now, this fortress is facing a threat on the scale of a national level. It’s impossible to finish this war in such a short period of time.”

  Jiablu nodded once. Using magic, he channeled his thoughts into a certain individual, “Human—I want you to end this farce at once.”

  “What’s a child doing here?!” snarled Moonsol. He finally snapped. He ruffled his blonde hair then approached the child who remained standing still. He gripped Jiablu’s shoulder. “Get out! This is not the place for kids—.”

  The moment he locked eyes with the child, Moonsol screamed in utter horror. “Ahhhhhhh!”

  Everyone in the room was struck speechless as the man fell down butt-first on the ground. A pungent smell wafted to the air as a yellowish fluid dripped down between his thighs. His entire body trembled then eventually stopped.

  “Moonsol! What happened?” said the elderly woman. She immediately went to her grandson, and she was baffled by what she saw. The man had lost consciousness while sitting still and with his eyes opened wide. She shook his body in an attempt to wake the man up. “What happened?!”

  When she realized that her grandson was not going to wake up anytime soon, she stared at his source of terror. But all she saw was a child filled with curiosity. His crimson eyes remained fixated on the unconscious man she held in her arms.

  What did her grandson see? There was no doubt that his expression that time was of pure terror. Horror frightening enough to make a war veteran like him lose consciousness. She shivered at the thought.

  “Let me see,” said Faith. She briskly approached the two then cast her magic on Moonsol. The tips of her fingers glowed for a moment, and runes started crawling up their way into the unconscious man’s neck. After a split second of violent radiance, the runes vanished.

  Faith breathed a sigh of relief. “He’s completely fine. There are no physical injuries, and there is no sign of mana distortion. He’s just unconscious—that’s all. But the question is… why?”

  She looked at Jiablu for a few seconds, then to Lancelot. His face clearly stated that he also had no idea of what had just transpired. Everyone’s mouth were tightly shut as they pondered.

  The deafening silence was broken by the sound of door creaking as it opens. Jiablu took a step outside the room. His voice reverberated amidst the silence, “Priest, be true to your word. Once this war ends, you shall take me to the Cardinal.”

  The flames of the torches violently flickered for an instance, and Jiablu’s shadow loomed over everyone. “This farce shall end soon. Be grateful, insignificant ones.”

  Chapter 8: Unexpected Strength

  Raymond hummed a song as he wiped his sword using a worn-out towel. He had never been so happy in his life, and he did not know if he could be any happier. She had hugged him. She had hugged him tight.

  “Finally done!” he said in delight. He raised the sword up and stared at its polished beauty. It glimmered at the faintest touch of light.

  Again, his memories from before resurfaced in his mind. His lips crooked into an arc as he savored the euphoria. “She said she’ll remember my name! Hehehe~”

  He was still smugly grinning when a voice suddenly spoke to him. He jumped in surprise, and the sword he was holding fell down the ground with a loud clank.

  “Human—I want you to end this farce at once,” said the voice.

  It was oddly familiar, and Raymond was struck speechless when he realized to whom it belonged. He glanced left and right but found no one inside his room.

  Though he was sure that it belonged to that entity, he still asked, “I-Is that you? M-My God?”

  There was a small pause before the voice replied, “I am no God. Be careful of your words or else, I shall obviate yo
ur existence, mortal. There is no true God aside from the God of Death, Thanatos. As privilege of a fellow believer, you are entitled to call me by name. Jiablu.”

  By now, there was no doubt that it was the entity from before. Even though there was no one around him, Raymond knelt down. He said, “What can this humble servant do for you, Master Jiablu?”

  “I want you to end this war. Go out and kill all of the pests gathered outside this fort,” said Jiablu.

  Raymond’s eyes grew wide. What the entity was asking of him bordered the absurd. It was preposterous. Still, Raymond was ready with his reply. After he found out that Lady Sophia had risen from the dead, he was ready to give everything in return of such favor.

  “As you wish, Master,” said Raymond. He felt the presence of the entity vanish. He stood up and grabbed the hilt of his sword. Without another word, Raymond left his humble abode.


  Raymond walked through the Residential District of the fortress. The few people he encountered on the streets were spiritless, with their backs hunched in defeat. It was obvious to everyone that the chance of them being annihilated was high.

  After passing through a few intersections, Raymond arrived at a four-story building. He stared at its exterior, but his gaze was elsewhere. Inside that place, the most important person to him was currently recuperating. He wanted to enter and say his farewell, but he felt that doing so was not a wise decision. He knew that he was going to die soon, that going outside to battle a massive number of enemies alone was his repayment for the favor he had received. Peculiarly enough, what he felt was not fear but contentment.

  “This doesn’t feel bad at all,” said Raymond. He clenched his fists then made a salute. He said in a determined voice, “Lady Sophia, this soldier shall depart soon! I’ll make sure to take as much enemies as I can before I fall! For the fortress! For Rube!”

  Raymond did not notice that his voice had crescendo. The few people in the streets shot weird gazes at his direction. Still, he rigidly stood still. After a bow, he turned left and disappeared into an alleyway. He was unable to see the figure of the woman peeking through the curtains of her window.


  The walls of Rube Fortress spanned over twelve meters in height. Archers manned the battlements, and soldiers guarded the door. From the distance, everyone was once again able to see a sea of green moving towards their direction. The bells of the fortress rang.

  “Another wave! The monsters are coming!” said the soldiers.

  Immediately, the soldiers assumed their formations. The sounds of footsteps running in all directions reverberated, with the sounds of the bells ringing and clanking as the background.

  Amidst the commotion, Raymond approached the large wooden wheel that served to open the door. He approached the soldiers manning the area. “I’ve got an order from the higher ups. I need to go outside and inspect the status of the walls.”

  The three soldiers glanced at each other. They had seen Raymond numerous times before, and with his badly misplaced scars, he was a familiar figure. One of them said, “Something wrong with the walls?”

  Raymond raised a brow. “That’s what I’m tasked to find out. Open the door a little bit so I can get out. Be sure to close it tight after.”

  “W-What? Sure, we can open it right now, but I cannot guarantee that you’ll be able to come back inside. The monsters are very close to Rube as of the moment. You’ll die if you go out now,” said the soldier.

  Another one nodded. “That’s right. Also, I think there is a plan to barricade the doors with a large slab of stone. It’s Commander Lancelot’s idea. Word has it that we will first wear out the enemies.”

  “We do not have time!” snarled Raymond. “Quick! Open the door and let me out!”

  The three soldiers almost jumped in surprise after Raymond’s holler. Though hesitant, they pulled the lever and the door squeaked as it opened. The gap was wide enough for a single person to pass through.

  Raymond sternly said to the soldiers, “Be sure to shut it tight after I pass through. Got that?”

  Without warning, Raymond ran through the opening. He broadly grinned the moment he heard the sound of the door shutting. Not far from where he stood, he was able to see the clouds of dust swirling upwards as innumerable monsters approached their direction. The wave of monsters this time was far more numerous than the last one.

  Raymond pulled out his sword from its scabbard. A scorching sun. Innumerable monsters. It was not a bad way to die at all. At the very least, he was somehow confident that Lady Sophia would survive this predicament. The Commander of the Knights of Tesma was here. Raymond was sure that he would be able to do something.

  He prayed, “Oh God Thanatos, I’ve clearly told you that I am willing to give you everything in exchange for her safety. I am willing to give even my soul in exchange. Accept this meek life of mine.”

  Raymond gnashed his teeth then roared, “This is my resolve! For Lady Sophia!”

  He ran forward, alone and without anything but a single sword. Step by step, Raymond knew that he was closer to death. Still, he felt a peculiar contentment. He had done his part, his purpose. If this was how that entity wished for him to die, then he would gladly do so.

  He felt the pungent stench of death as he eventually came into close proximity with the invading horde. He gripped the hilt of his sword tight then made a slash. It was a strike that contained his entire might, his resolve, his life, his soul.

  “Eh?” said Raymond in disbelief. To his utter surprise, that single swing of his blade killed hundreds of enemies in an instant. Their severed bodies flew up into the air as green blood rained down the ground.

  His body instinctively dodged a mace from an ogre, and he returned with a vertical slash. Raymond’s eyes widened further when he felt the tremendous pressure from his strike. The ogre was instantly cleaved into two. His slash created a large fissure on the ground, and even now, his slash continued to cruise forward, decimating everything it encountered in its path.

  It was only now that Raymond realized the real intent behind the entity’s words.

  I want you to end this war. Go out and kill all of the pests gathered outside this fort.

  He was not sent here to die. He was sent here to slaughter his enemies. All one hundred thousand of them.

  Chapter 9: The Invincible Warrior

  The bells continued to clank in rhythm, signaling the start of another arduous battle. Tension filled the fortress as numerous soldiers moved about. Within the walls, a loud rumbling sound was heard. Those that glanced to its direction saw a massive boulder being moved by dozens of soldiers. They slowly pushed it forward, making it carefully roll through the cobbled ground.

  “Push!” said the soldiers. It was slow and gradual, but the large piece of rock started moving towards its target regardless. Everyone knew that it was meant to stopper the entrance, eventually stopping the invading monsters from entering inside.

  “Have the northern and southern gates secured! Move! Move!” shouted Moonsol. He bit his lips in frustration. He said to Lancelot, “Are you sure this will work? What if they break through it? We’ll be annihilated.”

  “This is our only shot for survival. We’ll just have to make sure to completely close the entrances,” said Lancelot. He was wearing his full plate armor, and behind him were his knights fully armed to the teeth. “Thank God Aquina that harvest season has just ended. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have enough rations to feed the soldiers.”

  Lancelot stared at Moonsol. "Is it fine for you to move? You've lost consciousness just a few minutes ago."

  Moonsol grimaced. He immediately dismissed the embarrassing thought. "I'm fine."

  Amidst the sounds of bells ringing and soldiers running, ferocious screeches and roars were heard outside the walls. Everyone felt shivers crawl down their spines when they realized that the invading horde this time was far more numerous than the previous one.

  “Are we really going to survive this
?” said one of the soldiers.

  “T-This is hopeless… we are going to die,” said another.

  Everyone’s faces were pallid as cold sweat flowed over their skin. As seconds ticked by, the roars from the monsters felt more proximal. They felt like a mere breathe away.

  “We are going to survive. This is Rube. It will never fall down against mere savages,” said a soft voice. Despite the deafening reverberations, it was loud and clear.

  All of the soldiers stopped to stare at the source of the voice. Her crimson hair was incandescent against her white armor, and her eyes were fierce and determined. There had been rumors that she was indeed alive, but seeing her in person made everyone burst into shouts of bliss. The previously crestfallen atmosphere turned ecstatic as the morale of the soldiers skyrocketed.

  “Lady Sophia! Y-You’re alive!”

  “It’s Lady Sophia! Ohhh!”

  Lady Sophia’s dimple sunk as she smiled. Her voice echoed through everyone’s ears. “Soldiers, thank you for your dedication to Rube. This fortress has survived more than a hundred years of onslaught from different monsters and nations. Believe in the fortress. Believe in its people. Believe in Rube!”

  Everyone’s body was filled with heat and vigor, and they immediately started to work on their roles with vehement fervor. Just Lady Sophia alone was enough reason for them to work their hardest. Everyone knew that she had dedicated her entire life for the fortress, and they felt more than obliged to do the same.

  The boulder loudly rolled through the ground, eventually stopping right before the large oaken door. Moonsol shouted his orders, and the soldiers immediately secured the large piece of rock, making sure that it would not move once the assaults from the mob starts.


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