Sunken Empire

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Sunken Empire Page 21

by Brandy Slaven

  It's several feet from Zanthus when Aukai zips between them. One quick wave of his hand and the creature disappears into the black void of a portal. It gets sucked through as though it was never there to begin with, all of its dark minions vanishing as well.

  Thanks, Zanthus tells Aukai.

  The two of them look uncomfortable in the silent few seconds that follow before Merrick is asking the question we all should probably be.

  Where did you send it?

  Aukai swallows hard and turns away from everyone as he replies, Somewhere I promised myself I'd never go again. A place where it won't be feared, as there are far worse creatures than it wandering around.

  I make a mental note to remember to ask him where such a place exists. Now is not the time or place to do so.

  We need to get to the surface, Rubi warns, fear spiking in her voice.

  My belief is that she’s merely frightened of the creatures making a return appearance until my gaze lifts to where she and Zephyr are seemingly sinking back down to our level. His blood is leaking out into the water at an alarming rate. Flipping my weapon upside down so as not to stab them, I flick my tail to shoot to where she’s struggling to hold up my barely conscious brother.

  What happened? I ask as I take his other arm to sling over my shoulder.

  Her worried gaze never leaves his as she replies, The thing bit him. It had some kind of weird-looking teeth in it’ mouth.

  They’re laced with venom, Aukai supplies, coming up to our side.

  Is there a reason you know this? Zanthus asks.

  Is that really the most important question we need to be asking? Rubi interjects in frustration.

  One of the very first times in my life, I see Zanthus look contrite as he replies, No, love, it’s not. My apologies, Aukai.

  Tucking himself beneath Zephyr’s other arm and relieving Rubi of her burden, Zanthus takes the lead. Easton and Caelan quickly catching up and taking point. The latter suggesting, Maybe we should take the underground passage?

  At my brother’s nod, they change course for the passage that is normally only used by the royal family and their guards. Hidden directly beneath the throne room it made the perfect escape were our family ever to fall under attack. As kids, we tended to use it more for leisurely late-night swims. All that changes now that we’re back and ruling the kingdom, but one step at a time.

  Panic is choking the ever-loving crap out of me. Those disgusting creatures weren’t anything as bad as the monster Aukai and I faced, but somehow seem more deadly. One of my mates is bleeding out of tiny punctures the thing made in his stomach. I’d be able to handle it if it was mere blood; I’ve never been squeamish in these situations. That would matter one hundred percent if the nastiness was pure blood, but it’s not. The red is intertwined and swirling around with a black taint. Add that to the fact Zephyr has barely been able to lift his head since being bitten, and anxiety sits like a wet, cold towel in my chest. At this point, it’s the only thing keeping me swimming and not sinking to the seabed right now. After two days of travel, a fearful fight with the creepies from nightmares, and feeding Aukai my magic while he opened the largest portal, I’ve thoroughly exhausted myself.

  I need rest, food, and to be relaxing in a bed surrounded by my mates. Not necessarily in that order either. I’ll take them however they come.

  It’s going to be a tight squeeze up here with all three of us.

  I overhear Zale telling Zanthus. The voices in my head took some getting used to, but I’d hazard a guess and say that mine are sexier than anyone elses. I snort in my mind, fighting a bout of manic giggles and drawing Aukai’s attention.

  He closes the small gap between us and wraps an arm around my back.

  Just a little farther and you can rest. Don’t give in to the exhaustion just yet.

  How did you know that’s where I was? I ask, glancing over to him.

  Shooting me a soft smile, he admits, I recognize the signs when I see them. I’ve been there and past more than a couple times.

  Don’t look at me like that, he urges. We’ve all got pasts. I’m just glad mine led me here.

  Me too, I tell him with a smile and tight squeeze on his hand.

  All of the talking distracted me from the tight tunnel we’re led through which would’ve otherwise probably induced a stronger bout of anxiety. Before I know it, a narrow set of steps fans out, leading to the surface. Aukai and I are the last of our little family to pop our heads out. Zanthus and Zale have already shifted and are dragging an unconscious Zephyr up the dryer stairs.

  Before we left the Keep, I’d been specific on what I asked for as far as clothing goes, and I’m hoping that it holds up. So far the top has, but now comes the real test as my tail shifts into my human legs and I begin to lift myself out of the water. Immediately, the stairs align themselves with my face as I start to tip over. Aukai is barely able to snag me in time to keep from giving the ground a high five with my nose. I thank him quietly as I give silent thanks to the Keep’s magic as well. The clothing I’d requested is simply a glorified bikini, with the one slight change of the bottoms being able to shift back and forth with me. I figured when this time came, there would be no sense in showing all the goods to our people. They may be kosher with all this nakedness, but I’ll stick to my stay-kini. Of course, it proves to not even be an issue.

  As Aukai and I ascend the stairs, a loud popping noise has us all covering our ears. For a split second it feels as though all the air has been sucked from the room. Chills race down my body from head to toe. Then it’s over, and I’m left gaping like a fish.

  The Zs are no longer naked, and neither are the guards nor Aukai. They’re all in some kind of formal-wear. Well, maybe what passes for such here. Their pants seem to be made of some soft flowy material that matches the color of the soft jackets thrown over a soft, open, white shirt. A wide, golden belt wraps around their hips, securing the open flaps of shirt and jacket. Both Easton and Caelan are dressed similarly, but where the four brothers’ colors match their tails, the guards’ uniforms are a dark navy blue.

  Then, for the first time, I notice a rustle of fabric where there wasn’t any moments ago. Glancing down, I’m shocked to find myself wrapped up in a dress of the same soft material. After seeing my mates, I’m not surprised to find it a dark indigo color.

  Horror replaces shock as I notice the blue on Zephyr’s jacket starting to turn a blackish red color. Blood and poison staining the beautiful material.

  Zale’s expression wears the same panic that sits in my chest as he notices it for the first time, too. Spinning around and grasping Aukai’s arm tight enough to have him wincing, Zale asks, “How do we stop the spread?”

  “Take him to the infirmary,” Easton suggests. “Even with no trained healers available, we might be able to find something to help.”

  Zale and Zanthus jump into action, throwing Zephyr’s arms around their shoulders so they miss the crestfallen look Aukai throws them. Allowing the Zs to get further ahead of us, I’m not oblivious to the mer still climbing up the stairs at our backs, but I have to know.

  “There’s not going to be anything there that can help, is there?” I ask softly.

  His grimace speaks a thousand words. Assuming and having my fear confirmed are two different things. My heart feels like it’s dropped to my stomach, and the acid is slowly eating away at it. We have to find a way to fix this. I can’t imagine my world without that bright gold thread. Rushing behind the Zs, I’m practically running as the two of them race up a staircase. Maybe when I’m sure Zephyr will make it out of this alive and our world isn’t in such turmoil I’ll get the chance to stop and enjoy the awesomeness of my new home. Today just isn’t that day. I’d give up all this grandeur to keep Zeph alive.

  I’m so focused on keeping up with my mates that I don’t even realize several mer are at our heels until Zephyr’s being laid down atop a soft mattress. Merrick and a couple others whose names I don’t remember head straight f
or cabinets lining one of the walls. They start ripping through the inventory, checking labels while murmuring to each other.

  “They won’t find anything,” Aukai announces to the room softly.

  Zanthus’ face drops into a raging grimace before he’s able to contain it. Thankfully, he gets it under control before saying, “You’ve seen this before. Tell us how to help him. Please.”

  The tacked on polite plea at the end holds no venom. Only a desperation for anything at all to save his brother’s life.

  “There’s only one thing that I know without a doubt can help him now,” he tells us. “Or should I say one person.”

  “Name him,” Zanthus demands.

  Aukai shakes his head slightly as he quietly vows, “It’s suicide.”

  Wrapping my fingers around his wrist, I clench it tightly in as much of a silent plea as Zanthus gave him verbally.

  His sigh is deep and loaded with regret. “We’ll have to take a portal to the pits beneath my home city. The path will be perilous and I wasn’t lying about the fact that we may not make it back. There are worse things down there than what we faced in the water.”

  “Is that where you sent the creatures?” Zale asks.

  “No,” Aukai replies with a clipped shake of his head. “Those monsters were made of darkness, so I dropped them into the forsaken abyss. The things we’ll find in the pits used to be mer and species from other realms. Where they used to be sound and sane, they lost any merit of conscious thought long ago. It was tortured out of them for decades.”

  “And you’re wanting us to rescue one of said senseless creatures in hopes that we’ll be able to convince them to help us?” Zale presses in disbelief.

  “It’s the only hope at saving your brother. There is one who owes me many favors and would be willing to do anything to be free of his prison,” Aukai admits.

  No one mentions that Aukai doesn’t sound as hopeful as his words. Plans are already floating through the air, and the men are jumping into motion. Zanthus is ordering two mer to stand guard with their lives at the infirmary doors as he and the others make haste for the armory. I get a quick kiss before they’re promising to return before leaving for the other kingdom. It’s the only reason I’m not freaking out.

  Instead, it gives me the freedom to focus on Zephyr for the moment. Merrick comes to his side just as I take a seat on the bed at his other. Without being asked, he hands over the gauze and cleaning solution. Together we set to work stripping Zephyr down to his pants.

  When I get my first look at the wound, bile burns the back of my throat, forcing me to swallow it before it comes all the way up. Holes the size of quarters mar the tanned flesh on the side of my mate’s stomach. Eight of them to be exact. White foam pours from the markings like pus mixed with his blood and the black tar looking stuff. Which isn’t even the worst part. Black veins spread out beneath the surface of his skin, until it appears to be reaching for healthy flesh.

  For a moment, I’m stunned and can do nothing but stare. It gives my eyes time to track the slow movement of the veins. Even with how slow it’s working through his body, it’s still too fast. At this rate, the others will likely only have hours to pull off a miracle. If they can’t, I’ll lose them all. Sucking in a harsh breath, tears fill my eyes, making it hard to see Zephyr and the wounds clearly.

  “Highness,” Merrick murmurs.

  His voice pulls me from the thicket of sour thoughts and has me blinking rapidly to dispel the tears. There will be a time to lose my shit, but this isn’t it. They’re all still alive, and we’re going to make it through this.

  Gathering armor and weapons gives me a weird sense of déjà vu. This is the exact thing we were doing all those years ago right before the kingdoms were cursed. After all this time, I wouldn’t dream of declaring war on our neighboring kingdoms. I’m actually looking forward to us all coming back from the brink of extinction and working together to rebuild our lands. This time is different. I’m not donning my armor for war. It’s for my brother and the sake of my mate’s sanity. Two of the people in this realm I’d do anything for.

  “Ready to say goodbye to Rubi?” Zale asks, slapping a hand on my shoulder. He tries to hide his frightened secret beneath the chipper tone of voice, but I’ve known my brother too long to not see straight through it. But I won’t call him out on it because, Poseidon knows, we’re all dripping with fear. Aukai most of all.

  I’ve been hesitant to accept him into our folds since he was born to be our enemy. However, if we’re able to pull this off and save Zephyr, I’ll let go of those prejudices entirely. If he’s tricked us all and is trying to lure us to death, I’m going to be sure to take him with me. The entire plan could easily be a farce were it not for that terror that’s present within his eyes and the shake of his hands.

  Watching the last of our guards latch his armor plate across his chest, I give Zale a curt nod. Leaving half of our people here with Rubi and Zephyr puts us at a severe disadvantage considering we don’t know what we’re going to be up against. Nevertheless, if this is an ambush, they’re not left here defenseless. We’ve just got to hope that the loss of her mates won’t drive Rubi mad.

  Stepping into the room and seeing her cleaning Zephyr’s wounds is enough to drop a grown mer to his knees, knowing this may be the last time I ever see her. She hands off the supplies to Merrick who takes her place instantly. The swish of her royal dress is enough to pull my attention to those beautiful curves. For a second, I wish I had more time to show her how much she means to us. She deserves much more than the trouble we’ve thrown her into since stepping foot inside this realm. My thoughts are much like a rolling thunder inside my mind as I watch her embrace Zale.

  He whispers reassurances to her around kisses and soft touches before pushing her my way. She slips right into my waiting arms and goes up on her toes to kiss my chin before murmuring, “Bring my mates and yourself back to me in one piece, please. When this is all over, my first action as ruler will be to declare a day to ourselves. Maybe a week.”

  I can’t fight the smile that springs forward and am rewarded with one from her that sets those indigo eyes alight.

  “That’s if I don’t beat you to it,” I promise.

  She gifts me with a lingering kiss that washes away all doubt of our mission. I’ll shift the tides to come back to her. Begrudgingly I hand her off to Aukai. Their moment is brief but with no less emotion than she showed us. When they’re finished, the only thing stopping me from staying right here with her is the sight of my brother lying in the bed behind her.

  Taking point with Caelan, I turn from them, and without looking back, I lead us to what I’m hoping won’t be our doom.

  We’d already discussed where to set up the portal. Seeing as the throne room is the most easily defensible if things get out of hand, that’s where we head now. A few guards will hang back and watch this side to make sure nothing comes through that shouldn’t. Aukai had nixed the idea of closing then reopening it, saying that he wasn’t sure he’d have the strength to do both. The entire thing feels like a setup, but we can’t risk our brother’s life if he’s actually telling the truth.

  Stopping in the middle of the room, I listen to Caelan bark orders to those staying behind. As he goes quiet, Aukai asks, “Ready?”

  I nod, and, in the silence, we can all clearly hear his sharp intake of breath. Hands moving slowly to lift in front of him, he begins a low murmured chant. It will be a million years before I admit it, but I’ve always been afraid of portal magic. There’s always that small chance every time you go through, you could get stuck in the between. Give me foes with weapons and magic any day over a gray matter you can’t fight your way out of.

  “It’s done,” Aukai announces. “Remember, it’s going to be dark. Keep your weapons close and don’t lose sight of the person in front of you. Nothing but bad things hide in the darkness there.”

  Showing what could be a sign of stupidity or courage, he steps through. Our people c
an’t be asked to save one of their rulers without one of us also taking the risk ourselves, so I step through next almost shoulder brushing Caelan. Easton, who’s under direction to guard Zale, is right on our heels with my brother.

  An inky sensation washes over my skin, making my stomach turn sour before the portal releases us into the blackest of nights. I can sense Aukai in front of me and the others at my back, but I can’t see them. He’d said the portal wouldn’t let in any light down here and that he’d be the only one able to find our way back by tracking his magic back to this spot. Semi-guiltily I’d considered that small fact was done on purpose so we couldn’t leave him here.

  Aukai lights a small flame lantern, and I almost wish he hadn’t. The darkness would’ve been better than what we’re greeted with. Cages upon cages of creatures line the walls. A snarling orc leaps toward his bars closest to us, reaching for our party without avail.

  “Don’t make eye contact with them,” Aukai warns. “It makes them go crazy. Let’s go.”

  I follow quickly but have trouble turning from the cages, for there are so many souls trapped here. Beside the orc is a half-man, half-horse creature that doesn’t bother stirring from his spot in the corner. All of the hair on his flank seems to have fallen out, and the skin is marred with what appears to be infected whip marks. His neighbor is a too-skinny cat of sorts who paces the front length of his cage. Saliva drips from his maw as though he can’t wait to sink his giant teeth into us.

  On and on the cages go the further we walk. There are no gaps, and none of them are empty. A voice slips through the bars of one of them as we’re beside it, and the sound forces my feet to shift in that direction. I’m almost within touching distance when a heavy hand lands on my shoulder.

  “Don’t listen,” Aukai warns. “It’s a siren.”

  As though his words dump a cold pitcher of ice water on my head, I can finally see through the haze. A hollow creature has his arms outstretched toward me, waiting until I’m close enough to grab. Taking two steps back, I cover my ears when it screams in disappointment. If my head wasn’t twisted to the side, I never would’ve seen one of our mer walk straight into the waiting arms of a fanged vampire, their eyes locked as though they’re the only two down here.


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