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Moore Page 8

by Jessika Klide

  "We do love a great ass. How are his eyes and his smile?"


  "No, what color are his eyes?"

  "Emerald Green! When the light shines on them, they are bright emerald green."

  "Damn! That's as rare as your light crystal green ones."

  "He takes my breath away."

  "No doubt. Do I even need to ask about his smile now?"

  "It's prefect too! It lights up his face. You can think Tom Cruise there. And his eyebrows are dark, almost black too. They match the darker hair underneath."

  "Ok, I'm thinking Brad Pitt now?"

  "Who?" I tease her, pausing then laughing. "Just kidding! No, he's not like Pitt. I'll snap a pic as soon as I can and send it to you."

  "So, let me get this right, you have found a man with emerald green eyes framed by dark brows, capped with a head of dark, yet golden, sun streaked hair on a body like Thor's?"

  "YES! He is a fucking fine feast!"

  "Wow! You better hook up with this guy. I can't wait to meet him now! Send me a pic ASAP." She speaks to someone on her end. "Hang on, Babe, I'll be there in 10 minutes." Then returns to me. "Sorry about that. We have a new girl coming in to train, and I need to watch her skills. You know the drill. How much is she going to need before we can put her on the floor?"

  "Yeah, I remember my two weeks of intense torture at your hands." I laugh.

  "You were the easiest one I ever taught, sweetie. Not everyone has your natural ear for music and your raw dance talent."

  "I thought Laura was doing your training?"

  "She's pregnant! I didn't text you?"

  "No! Oh my gosh! How did that happen?"

  "Unprotected fucking. It only takes one time. Don't you get caught! Too many people depend on your dancing for their living."

  "Don't worry, Cat, I've taken precautions. I'm not about to fuck up this dream I call my life. It's too sweet. So, has she left and gone back home?"

  "No, she is still working for me. I'm training her as a manager now. We have basically traded jobs. You hate to lose good girls, you know? And she's more like family."

  "Yeah, I know." I feel a twang of guilt at not returning immediately, but I know I can't until Moore is either more, or no more. "I'm sorry! I didn't ask how the club is doing. How's it going? How are the girls, and Bart?" I roll my eyes at myself. "I'm so caught up in this guy, I can't think straight."

  Cat laughs at me. "You're in love, girl! And you don't even know his name! But we're ok. We're still rolling in the dough, living the dream, but we miss you. Customers are starting to rotate back in too and they are asking when Surreal will perform again."

  "I know. Give me a couple more weeks, and I promise to return to Vegas. I'll know by then one way or the other on Moore."

  "I'm going to hold you to that. As a matter of fact, I'll have Bart schedule his jet to pick you up. Let's say on May 1st. May Day!"

  "Ok, I promise to be on it when it returns. Come hell or high water." I hear her cracking up at my southern lingo. "Give Bart a squeeze for me. Tell him, my green eyes are goo-goo over this guy."

  "I know exactly what he will say. 'Tell her to get her glowing green eyes back here or he'll be goo-goo! And if that man breaks her heart, I'll personally come down there and make his eyes goo-goo!'"

  We both crack up at the thought of Bart even using the term goo-goo. He is much too sophisticated for lingo like that. "Hey, before you go, I wanted to tell you I'm going out tonight. To a cocktail party. A colleague from work was supposed to go with someone else, but she canceled on him at the last minute. He begged me to take her place. He was so desperate, I agreed."

  "That's fantastic! What are you wearing? Did you buy a new dress?"

  "No, I didn't have time. He asked me yesterday afternoon."

  "Good! You are going to wear your Black & Blue Baby! It will remind you of who you are! You are not a hick from the sticks. You are our gold mine. Our million dollar, Baby Girl. Surreal! Star! The toast of Vegas! I know what you are thinking. It's possible someone has seen your show and might put two and two together, but as your manager, that's a chance I want you to take. Please, please, tell me you will wear it!"

  "I'm so glad you approve. It's too Diva for around here, but it's all I have."

  "The wives will be shocked, but the men will love it. They always have. Are you still working on your pole routines?"

  "All the time. It's all I do in my infinite amount of spare time. I've become addicted to exercise!"

  "Don't get too lean and toned now. Keep your curves!"

  "I'm not. Don't worry. I've been developing some new routines for Seary and I'm working on a killer return performance for Surreal to 'Happy.'"

  "Pharrell's 'Happy?'"

  "Yes! I have an idea that will send my return to the top of the strip."

  "I can't wait to see it! Have you seen Beyoncé's 'Partition' video?"

  "Yes, I've been doing it too. It's ready to go." I walk to the stripper pole. I remember Mrs. Smith's raised eyebrows when I asked about having it installed, but Bart is right, 'Money talks and shit walks.'

  "That's fantastic. I'll tell Bart to clear it with Beyoncé's people."

  "If I can't get the kinks worked out on 'Happy,' I can do 'Partition' and save 'Happy' for the 4th of July. It will be the biggest production yet. I've got some really cool ideas. I'll email James my production thoughts so he can start working on it. But let's not blab about that. How's the girls? I miss them."

  "They miss you too. Lola and Red, both asked when you were coming back this morning. Everyone misses your giggles including me. The dressing room and practice sessions haven't been the same without your silliness."

  "What? No one else cuts up or just busts loose?"

  "No! It's gotten more and more serious without you. Hurry home! That's an order! I need laughter!"

  "How's Lei doing?"

  "She's been doing great. I think you've officially saved another one. She's taken over your role as mood monitor and she'll sing 'Beautiful' or 'Invisible' to anyone who even remotely looks sad, much less depressed. She doesn't have the voice you do, but her heart is in the right place. It's really very touching, Siri. You would be proud."

  "I can't tell you what that means to me." I tear up. "Give her a squeeze from me."

  "I will. Listen, you know I have to run. It was so good to hear your voice. Take care of yourself. I'll let everyone know we are having a party when you get back."

  "I will. I can't either! I need some hugs! I'm home sick for y'all."

  "Love you, Baby Girl."

  "Love you too! Bye Cat!"

  I hang up. Gosh, it was so good to talk to Cat. I miss her and my life. I'm ready to go home! I am ready to be back in the spotlight. I miss dancing and performing! I miss Vegas!

  My iPhone dings and the invitation from Cat for May 1st is there. "The jet will arrive at 3 o'clock your time. Have your bags packed! You're coming home!" I smile at my phone. She is so organized!

  Chapter Twenty-One

  My stomach growls. Time to eat. I grab a chicken salad and a water then go back out on the balcony to eat. I pig out as I listen to all the parking lot traffic. When I'm done, I drink my water as I try to guess Moore's first name. Nothing fits him. He doesn't look like a Michael, or a Richard, or even a Lee. I shake my head. Nothing fits him. Back in the kitchen, I throw my meal away, grab another water then return to the balcony. I have to find out what his damn name is! When I step out, I hear his truck. It has a distinct sound, like purring. I walk to the edge of the railing to watch him. How do you properly dream about someone without calling them by their first name? Easy. You call him a Golden God. I smirk. If the shoe fits.

  I watch the Golden God park his truck. The spot next to my car is taken. He has to find another, but he finds one closer. When he gets out, he leans over the side of the truck bed. He is wearing a big armed, black tank top over a pair of plaid shorts and flip flops. The view even from this distance of his golden hair, bro
ad shoulders, perfect skin and perfect ass causes that sweet lurching feeling as my pussy tightens involuntarily. He stands up with two bags of groceries and a case of beer. He's been to the grocery store. I can see more grocery bags in the bed. He cooks too? This guy just keeps getting better and better.

  As he walks toward our building, he looks up to my balcony smiling. You know I watch for you. I wave then twirl around humming "Halo" again ready to find out what his name is. Going to my closet for my shoes, I slip into a pair of wedge sandals and pause looking at my reflection. My nipples are standing out happy at the thought of seeing him. Shit! I don't have a bra on! For the sake of time, I throw a t-shirt over the tank and head out the door. My plan is simple. Get his name! I will be standing at the elevator door when it opens. I will say … something! He will say something. I will tell him my name, and he will tell me his. There you go, perfect!

  When I step out into the hall, I see Lucy walking toward me. "Shit! Not now!"

  She throws her hand up in a wave to me. "Miss Wright, I toll Tony, ok?"

  "Ok, that's great. Thanks so much."

  "I speak with you."

  "Yes, of course. I was heading down to my car. Can we discuss it on the way down?"


  The elevator dings and I hear the doors slide open. Shit! Moore exits looking so fucking fine in that tank top. He completely fills out the large arm holes with his immense chest and bulging back. He pauses to look down the hall to my apartment, but when he sees me standing outside with Lucy, he turns away heading to his place with his groceries. I watch his retreating figure over the top of Lucy's head.

  She turns to see who I am gawking at then turns back frowning. "No. We talk here. Now."

  "Now? Lucy, it's Friday afternoon. Can't we do it another day, another time?"

  "No. Now."

  I open my door and invite her in. There were at least 2 more bags. He has to make another trip. All is not lost. Don't panic. But hurry!

  "When you go, we fix dis." She walks into the living room and stands by the stripper pole.

  "Yes, I already paid to have the apartment returned to the original state." I head back to my door and wait for her. "We're good, aren't we?" I open the door for her.

  "No. Not good. You pay rent too.

  "Rent?" I hear the elevator ding. I stick my head out the door in time to see Moore walk in. I've only got a couple of minutes to ditch Lucy. I look back to see that she has crossed the apartment and is standing next to me at the door.

  "Rent at repair."

  "Oh! I understand. I have to pay rent the month they are fixing it back."

  "Yes." She nods and looks stern at me.

  "Ok, I will pay it too."

  "Ok den." She smiles and follows me into the hallway.

  As I start to walk down to the elevator I see that she is still standing at my door. "Is there something else?"

  "When you pay?"

  "I'll pay it with this month's rent, if that's good." I am walking backwards towards the elevator.

  She nods. "Yes. Good." She points to my door knob. "We change dis too. No keys."

  "Ok. Great."

  "You in big hurry?"

  "Yes, actually I am."

  "Ok din." She walks away from my apartment. "We like parking idea too."

  "Good." I slow down and wait for her to catch up.

  "You get two free." She smiles at me.

  "That's fantastic. Thanks."

  "Umm hmm."

  When we get to the elevator, I ask. "Are you going down or up?"

  "Down too."

  I push the down button. Shit! She's going to be standing here when he gets off. We stand there in silence waiting for the elevator to arrive. When it dings and the door opens, Moore steps out holding four bags of groceries.

  His face lights up when he sees me. "Miss Wright." He speaks to Lucy too. "Good afternoon, Lucy. How are you today?"

  "Fine, Fly Boy." There is clear animosity in her tone. She brushes him aside, knocking his bags out of the way and gets in the elevator.

  He starts to say something else, but closes his mouth, stunned. The look on his face is priceless. I can't help but giggle. He winks at me and I stare after him, watching as he walks to his apartment.

  Lucy holds the doors open for me. "You come." She commands me.

  But what I hear is, 'you cum.' I whisper to myself. "I intend to." I rub my twitching palms down the fronts of my thighs, bending over slightly. Pushing my tits together, I smile at the motion of his perfect physique moving with perfect posture. His teresmajor and deltoid muscles are shown off by his tank top, but it's his ass that holds my eye. His gluteus is maximus! The whole package walking away makes me whisper. "The man truly walks like a fucking God!"

  Lucy asks, "What you say?"

  When he reaches his door, he shifts the bags to one hand, pulls out his key and looks back at me as he unlocks it. Shit! Busted. He grins and waits.

  I grin and turn to Lucy. "Oh, I said, 'I've left my car keys, Oh my God.' You go on down without me."

  "Umm hmm." She shakes her head as the elevator doors close. "Fly Boys, day no good."

  When I turn back to Moore, he has gone inside. I sigh as I start walking backward to my apartment. What if I walked down there, knocked and said, 'How about that bottle of wine now?' If I did that, I wouldn't be going to the cocktail party. Poor TD would cry for sure! Be patient. You didn't get Moore's first name, but you got a killer wink. One last obligation, then you can devote yourself totally to him. Finding out his name will pale in comparison to finding out what delights we will explore until May 1.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Back in my bedroom, I hang my Black & Blue Baby on the closet door. "Girlie, we're going to go to a cocktail party tonight where you will make the men drool and the women secretly cream themselves. Then later, they will fuck until the sun rises and fall into a deep satisfied coma." Flopping backward on the bed, I bounce. "And on May 1st, we are flying home with or without Moore but I sure hope it is with Moore."

  Home. Vegas. I stare at my dress in silence. For three years I have called Vegas home. There are so many great memories tied up in this dress. I've entertained so many people! You know what I should do while I'm waiting? I should update my Facebook fan pages. I've been neglecting them. I get my Mac Book Pro, and sitting with my legs in a yoga stretch on the bed, I open it to Facebook. I'm impressed every time I check my pages. The number of fans I have for Surreal is around 750k, but Seary has a very respectable 300k. To think that a small-town girl from the Deep South has made it so big in a place like Vegas is really overwhelming. I'm still the same little girl, but I'm so much more now. I really have an awesome support team surrounding me that makes everything run smooth. I need to do something special for them when I return to let them know how much I truly appreciate all they do. Maybe I'll fly everyone to Colorado for a few days.

  When I finish, I check the time. It's 8 o'clock. Time to get ready.

  After my shower, I apply a light brush of silver with a tad of smoky navy at the corners of my eyes. That will be enough to make my green eyes pop. Walking back to my closet to get dressed, I strut knowing I will turn heads, harden cocks, and wet pussies.

  It will feel good to be a Diva again. Cat was right. I lovingly step into my Black & Blue Baby, then lean over so my boobs fall forward, pull the specially designed bodice in place and close the miniature quick snap on the collar. When I straighten up everything settles into place perfectly.

  The diamond shaped bodice has a tight choker style collar of super soft black leather. There are no sleeves and no back. It is made of a special blend of spandex and micro fiber in indigo blue and contains a large heart shaped hole cut in the bosom. The top point of the heart lays at the top of my cleavage, flat against my breast bone. It then goes up and out, rounds inward, barely missing my nipples and ending in a point at the bottom of my cleavage. Hidden in the lining are push-up pads which keep my breasts plump in the heart hole and on full
display. A heavy black braid forms a bigger heart around the rest of the bodice. It starts at the top of the open heart, but the sides of this heart go down the outside of my tits, hugging them and also serving to keep everything in place while I maneuver on the pole. The sides move inward above my waist, traveling down below my navel, and finishing in a point at my hidden heart.

  I hear Cat's training voice. No one is immune to the sexual arousal tits stir within. No one! The dress was designed so that when I strut, my DD's jiggle with a grace all their own. Like an ocean wave, the eyes are spell bound. They can't look away.

  The super short, super soft, black leather skirt also forms the shape of a heart both in the front and in the back. The heart point in the front starts where the black heavy braid ends. It arches up over my hips, then around to the back, where it hugs my full, firm ass like a glove. Laying on the tops of my butt cheeks, the top point of the heart in the rear sits at the crack of my ass. The hem line, in the front and back, is cut at an angle so that only half of a bottom point is made, but the impression is of another heart shape. From the back, the only fabric you see is what is covering my ass. The cut, the lay, and the design makes the fabric move when I strut in my stilettos with each cheek rolling, like a heart beating.

  The whole dress is a fucking work of art!

  Instantly, I feel like the million-dollar baby I am. The final touch is my black leather stilettos. Which I slip into, then roll up in a classic stripper move, complete with hair toss.

  I'm feeling good!

  As Surreal, I always wear my thick hair down with massive big curls, streaked with blue and black hair paint, and laced with gold. It's very dramatic, very fly! To conceal my face and protect my identity, I wear a belly dancer veil and full mardi gras mask. But tonight, I'll wear my hair up, in a simple French twist. I dig around the dresser for my invisible clip. Starting at the nape of my neck, I form the simple knot then tuck the ends in and secure it. When I look in the mirror, it hangs softly. Now, to pull out a few, small, long strands around the nape and … wha la, an air of elegance while remaining cool and sexy.


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