Save the Sea

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Save the Sea Page 3

by G. Bailey

  “Will you be outside at least?” I ask.

  “Always,” he kisses my cheek and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I drop the blanket, not needing it anymore since I’m alone, and go to the other door in the room. It's another cave room, but the walls are smoothed down, and a string hangs from the ceiling near the door. Natural light shines in the room from a small hole in the wall, but it's still a little dark. I pull the string, and water comes out of the wall like a waterfall, splashing onto the floor and draining into the hole in the corner. I step in, moaning at the feel of the warm water. It’s not very warm, but it’s not cold, and that’s a bonus. I wash my hair with the soap I find, putting it back and looking up at the water. I know I can’t control my powers, not really, but I want to learn. It has to be possible to learn somehow. I reach into myself, feeling for the bond to my pirates, and then trying to control the water. I stare for ages, but nothing happens, and I drop my hand, feeling a little disappointed. My powers come out when I’m scared, but it’s too powerful, too much water releases, and it takes over me. I don’t like that, I want to have some control over my power. I get out of the shower, stepping onto the cold stone and grabbing a towel off a stone shelf I see in the corner. I dry my hair before wrapping the towel around myself and walking back into my still empty room.

  “Time is drawing near, you must speak to her, and then leave the mountains, my changed one,” the sea god’s voice whispers in my mind, powerful enough to nearly make me fall to me knees. I lean against the wall, holding my hand to my head as he speaks one more time.

  “Time is not on your side; the deal must be accomplished . . . or you will pay the price.” His voice finally disappears from my head, leaving me with a headache and a deep worry about the threat at the end of that. What price?


  Chapter Four


  Tucking my blue shirt into my high trousers, I look down and examine the rest of my outfit. I have on knee-high leather boots and leather cuffs that match on my wrists. I brush my long hair and pull it up into a high ponytail in the mirror, before stepping back. I look so different, it’s like everything has changed, other than my mark. I’m older, hopefully smarter, and more loved than I’ve ever been. I know I need to finish this war and end the king’s life. He took my father, Miss Drone, and Livvy from me. Even if Livvy betrayed me in the end, she was still only a young, foolish girl stuck in a horrible situation. I steel my back, look at the hazel eyes of my reflection, and nod to myself before turning and walking out of my bedroom. As I walk down the corridor towards the kitchen, only the sound of my boots clicking against the stone and the distant noise of voices can be heard.

  “Little bird, you look every bit the fiancé of six pirates,” Hunter’s gravelly voice says, and I turn to see him just behind me, leaning against the door frame of one of the other rooms. His black shirt is unbuttoned, highlighting his chiselled chest and putting his delectable abs on display. I trail my eyes over him, all the way down to his black trousers and heavy looking leather boots. When I look back up, his dark hair is slightly wavy with his purple feather tied into the ends of one of the many braids woven into his hair. I can see my mark on his forehead, it suits him. I finally glance down, to see the amused smirk on his lips, his deep blue eyes burning with a darkness I want to fall into. I’ve read somewhere that most people are scared of the darkness, and that they prefer the light. Yet, I like the darkness because it’s quiet, safe, and so very seductive.

  “When will I be the wife of six pirates?” I ask him, loving the sound of his seductive chuckle as he walks over to me.

  “Impatient?” he asks, the word pronounced slowly, giving me time to stare into his eyes as he pulls me to him.

  “Always, pirate,” I say, and he grins before kissing me deeply.

  “We have ten minutes until we have to leave, and Cass hasn’t eaten yet,” Jacob says, and I pull away from the kiss, ignoring the annoyed look that crosses across Hunter's face.

  “Coming,” I say, turning and walking over to Jacob who waits by the door. He holds it open, letting me into the kitchen where Ryland is sitting down at the table with Zack, but he doesn’t follow me in. Ryland looks more like his brother now, maybe because he doesn’t have on his pirate hat or the cloth he used to wear around his neck. Ryland’s hair is braided in places, and the top half is pulled away from his face. His blue eyes meet mine, and I realise he has his father’s eyes, more so than his mother’s. They are lighter almost, but I’m not scared of them when Ryland stares at me. He looks at me like he would jump in front of an army for me.

  “Where are Chaz and Dante? And where has Jacob gone?” I ask, as I sit down next to Ryland and clear my thoughts as I look between him, Zack, and Hunter. I smile when I look down at the toasted banana sandwich waiting for me and the glass of water.

  “We all have duties here for our jobs and to earn our food. Everyone is given a job in the mountain to make sure it runs well,” Ryland explains to me.

  “What kind of jobs?” I ask, and take a bite of the sandwich, chewing it slowly as Ryland explains.

  “Washing, cooking, helping the changed ones with the plants, getting water, feeding the dragons, cleaning the ships, and the one we all regularly do, training the army,” he lists them for me.

  “It makes sense, and it’s amazing to hear that everyone works together here, with the changed ones and not against them,” I comment before finishing off my sandwich. Picking up the water off the table, I down the rest of it.

  “It is amazing here. Everyone has a common goal and fear,” Zack says as he picks up some of the plates and takes them to the sink.

  “Or some may say a common hate,” Hunter interjects with a note of sarcasm.

  “Everyone here hates the king and wants him dead?" I guess.

  “Correct,” Ryland replies with no emotion evident in his tone. You wouldn’t know we were talking about the death of his father, not with how he says it. Ryland must see something in my reaction because he tilts his head to the side.

  “He is not, and never really was, any kind of father to me. Any bond that we may have had because of blood was lost the moment he laid a hand on you,” he tells me firmly.

  “And no one gets away with hurting you, Cassandra,” Hunter tells me, and I stand up, pushing my chair in.

  “Then it’s time I hear whatever plan you've got. We need to get on with what we have to do here before we take this army to the king, and I kill him,” I say.

  “You won’t be killing him. He isn’t going anywhere near you ever again,” Hunter demands gruffly.

  “It has to be me, and you have to support me on this, or it will never work. It’s in the deal I made with the Sea God. He must die at my hand, and I’m the only one strong enough to stand a chance against him anyway,” I say, not waiting for a response from any of them. Walking out of the room, I hear multiple footsteps behind me. I turn as I open the main door, and see all of their expressions as they follow after me. Hunter doesn’t appear impressed. In fact, he looks seconds away from throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me off somewhere where I can't get myself hurt. Ryland has a look of both amusement and worry, which actually also matches Zack’s expression quite well.

  “This goes against everything in us, but if we know anything about you, Cassandra, it's that we won't be able to stop you, only support you. Don't think you are doing this alone, though.” Ryland says, and I nod at him.

  “I want to support you more than anything, but I’m just frightened of you being up against the king once again,” Zack says, and I understand his fear.

  “I’m not the girl I was when I first got to that castle, and I will not stop until the king is dead. The world needs him dead, and I can’t live in a world where he continues to breathe. You’re right, the price of what I want is high. It’s risky, but it needs to be done, and I need you all at my side to do it,” I say, pausing to wait for their reply.

  “You will always hav
e me at your side little bird, but I won’t let you die,” Hunter tells me and walks out the door. Zack simply kisses my cheek as he passes me, and I know he doesn’t need to say it. He feels the same as Hunter does. I walk out the door, the light from the gap in the middle of the mountain momentarily blinding me. There are people everywhere, walking past us and continuing down the stairs as they go about their normal day. The people here are all so diverse; they appear to be from different islands and of all skin colours. Yet, they are all here, coexisting together. I walk past them, only catching glimpses of their faces as they stare at me. Most don’t look as they rush around the steps, carrying woven string bags and books in their arms.

  “You’re her! The one that fought the king and survived! The princess changed one!” a random girl shouts with an excited squeal, running over with three of her friends at her side. They all seem to be around ten years old, with excited smiles as they wait for me to say anything. What do I say?

  “Yes, I did, but I’m not a princess,” I answer, and the girl jumps up and down.

  “And you came to win the war, so my brother can be free! So all the changed ones can be, and you can rule as the new queen! I want to be just like you when I’m older!” she exclaims, and a young man runs over to us. His long black hair is pulled back, so I can see his changed mark on his forehead. It’s heart shaped, with half of it filled in. It suits the shade of his dark brown eyes and hair.

  “I’m so sorry for the children,” he bows at me. I go to say something when he says to the children, “Girls we have school to attend, and you know you can’t be late,” he says, clapping his hands, and they all run off giggling.

  “It was nice to meet them. Hello, I’m Cassandra,” I say, holding out my hand, and he shakes it. His eyes glow a yellow colour, and he lets go suddenly.

  “Take care, Cassandra, maybe we can speak again sometime soon. My name is Ace,” he says with a nod, and then runs off before I can even agree.

  “What do you think his gift is?” I ask Ryland as he steps to my side, and Hunter goes to the other.

  “No idea, but I would guess an element power. From what I've seen of changed ones' power, most seem to stem from the ground, from the very roots of Calais. Like your water,” Ryland answers.

  “I can’t wait to see another changed one use their gifts. It will be so odd for me,” I say, and Ryland slides an arm around my waist. Zack stays behind us as we walk through the people on the stairs. We walk around and around the caves, going up five flights of stairs. Once we reach the top, we walk around to a bridge that passes over the waterfall. This is the very top of the mountain by the looks of it. The top of the waterfall is visible, with a cave just above it. The bridge is made out of stone and covered in little drawings. There are two large dragon statues that hold a rose flower in between them. The stone rose looks like it has blood dripping down it for a second, but when I look away and back again, it’s just stone.

  “Blood for the crown, time is short,” the sea god whispers suddenly, the power of his voice making me sway a little, and Ryland holds me to him. Hunter and Zack step closer as I hold my hands to my head. Just as abruptly as he appeared, the sea god is gone, leaving me with another headache. Why do I feel like the sea god is getting more and more desperate?

  “What was that? Your eyes and mark were glowing a blue colour,” Hunter asks me, rubbing a finger over my mark. Zack rubs a hand down my arm soothingly, as I try to get my words out.

  “The sea god, still whispering but it’s different than it was in the dungeons. It’s almost frantic, demanding,” I tell them, and look back up at the rose. Blood for the crown, but whose blood?

  “I have to meet the masters. This can’t stop me from doing that. He can’t stop me,” I say, but I know the sea god didn’t really want to stop me. Maybe he was trying to warn me of something, but I have no idea what. I step away from my pirates, who don’t look pleased but lets me go.

  “We can’t go any further,” Ryland says just as I’m about to step onto the bridge. I feel it suddenly as I stand under the statue of the dragons and the rose. There’s a power coming from the bridge, and when I concentrate, I can see that the bridge is faintly glowing a blue colour now. I look back at my pirates, the three of them standing watching and supporting me even if they can’t follow me here. I know if I was in danger, they would find a way to bring the mountain down to make sure I was safe. Their love gives me strength to hold my head high, knowing that the next things I do will be so important to our future.

  “Be safe, but we trust you,” Zack says, placing a hand on Ryland and Hunter's shoulders as he stands in the middle of them.

  “I will be back soon,” I tell them firmly, and lift my head, as I turn and walk across the bridge.


  Chapter Five


  Water sprays against my face as I slowly walk over the bridge, to the open cave entrance on the other side that comes into view. The bridge is covered all the way down, with carvings of dragons and of a man controlling water. The sea god is depicted as well. There are words I can’t read inscribed all the way down it. I wonder what they say, what they speak of, and if it’s of any use for me to understand the sea god. I stop near the edge of the bridge, tracing my finger over the upside-down triangle I spot carved on the banister of the bridge. It looks just like my mark. I wonder if another changed one has had my mark before, if maybe the mark is reborn time and time again.

  “Cassandra of Onaya. The first female changed one to live in many, many years. It is an honour to meet you,” a man says from the shadow of the cave. The man steps forward into the dim light, his face hidden under a cloak. He lowers the hood as I step off the bridge, and move to stand right in front of him. It is the master I met when I landed here yesterday, the one that advised me. Dante seemed to trust him. I run my eyes over his fragile form and realise he is a lot older than I first thought he was. His white hair matches his pale eyes. I find myself focusing my eyes on his changed mark, still finding it strange to see other changed ones. I doubt I will ever be able to get used to it.

  “Master Light, there is another female changed one who lives. She is queen and should be respected. It is not her fault what happened to her, and she is one of our kind. We must not forget her. I will not,” I say, hating that she is overlooked like this. She may not have her senses, and she may have lost her mind, but she should be remembered. She is queen after all, and that demands respect on its own.

  “You are correct, of course,” he says, but his tone doesn’t suggest he cares much for my opinion of the queen. I doubt anyone will care much for her anymore, but she is Hunter and Ryland’s mother. I feel nothing but a deep sorrow for her and hope I can save her somehow. “Come inside, we have much to discuss.” I follow him into the cave, which opens up into a massive room. There is a table made out of solid white crystal in the centre of the cavern. There are four other figures wearing hoods sitting at the table, and Master Light walks ahead, holding out the seat at the top of the table for me.

  “Please sit, Cassandra,” he asks me. I take a seat where he indicates as he sits on the other side of the table. I smooth my hands over the stone, feeling the circle patterns etched into it. It is utterly beautiful and precious. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a piece of crystal this big before.

  “I am Master Light, as you well know,” he introduces himself again, “please introduce yourselves, masters.” They all take their hoods down at the same time, and I look at the masters on my right first. One is the purple-haired man I encountered last night. He nods respectively, which is much different from the look I received when I saw him last. I don’t know why, but I instantly don’t trust this master. There is something about him, and I will be watching my back around him.

  “My name is Master Igor,” he says bluntly, quickly turning away and not waiting for any reaction from me. I look over to the man on his other side, who appears so much different. This man has five large cuts over his face, almo
st covering up his mark but I can still see it. It’s a circle, with some swirls inside. His grey eyes watch me with a lot of intelligence hiding behind them.

  “Master Hid, at your service,” he says, bowing his head.

  “There is no need to bow to me,” I say, and he chuckles.

  “Your chosen are the princes of Calais, that makes you a princess by all accounts. If that didn’t garner my respect, what I have heard you did with the king earns you my respect for the rest of your life. Respect is earnt in actions, and you have done just that. A girl from Onaya, with nothing more than a mark, nearly killed the king and then vowed to go back. Most people would be scared, scarred, and destroyed from what I heard happened. But you are strong, resilient, and so very impressive, Cassandra of Onaya,” he says, and I stay silent, not knowing how to respond to that statement. Anything I did was to survive, until the king took everything he could from me and promised to take more, to destroy my world. I won’t let anyone take my chosen from me, and fighting back is the only way I know I will be able to survive this. I thought I did what anyone else would do, but maybe Master Hid is right.

  “You also have my respect, Cassandra. I am Master Pirate,” I turn at the sound of a deep voice to see the man who spoke on my left. He is a huge man, with an arrow mark on his forehead, black wavy hair that falls around his face, and a serious expression.

  “Pirate?” I ask.

  “My family name. My ancestors were some of the very first pirates, and I have forty ships that my family run. I left the king after he decided killing my child was the best way to control me. I want revenge for my little boy, and my army of ships will bring an army to his door and help me do just that,” he explains to me.


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