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BirthControl Page 10

by Sydney Addae

  “Did you tell Silas how you felt?” She asked, rubbing her stomach.


  That one word answer spoke volumes since the trip was still planned. “When are you leaving,” she asked Rone.

  “Tonight, I think. Maybe later today. But he wants to get it out the way and get back here as soon as possible. He’s thinking two, maybe three days tops.” Rone leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Don’t let sourpuss here scare you. La Patron has a small army in place to watch over you. He’s not taking your protection lightly.”

  She forced a smile. “Who’s he taking with him to watch his back?”

  “His personal team, minus Rese. But really, that’s just for show. I watched him take on all the Alpha trainees at once. The man is phenomenal. He moves like a hurricane, fast, intense—”

  “No, more like an earthquake in slow motion. He was all over the mat, taking them down so fast they didn’t know what happened. I’ve never seen anything like that,” Rese said, his voice filled with awe.

  “So you can’t beat him?”


  “Not a chance. No one can. Like I said, taking a security team is more for show than a real need. Anyone who tries to tackle La Patron has a death wish,” Rone said, shaking his head.

  “Perhaps…maybe that’s why someone had to find another way.”

  “Another way to what?” Rone looked at her.

  The idea grew in her mind. She sat up and looked from one son to the other. “How do you beat the top guy when he’s… well, the top guy?”


  “Come up with a way to get around the rules of whatever makes him the top guy.” She closed her eyes, getting into her theory. “I bet that’s why this human breeding thing is driving him crazy. He doesn’t know the rules. He’s not sure he’s still the top guy.” Her thoughts were sketchy but she tried to gather them to make sense.

  Rese snorted. “He’s still the head man in charge and he knows that.”

  “Does he?” She propped herself up on her elbow and stared at her sons, ignoring the doubt riddling their faces. “What if all half-breeds can morph into one consciousness like you two did in Maryland. He thought he’d destroy you if he broke that bond.”

  “But he didn’t,” Rone said with a look of interest. “We lowered our shields because his explanation made sense and we realized we’d placed you in more danger by telling the Alphas about you.”

  “He told me full-bloods couldn’t bond like that. What if a group, say five or ten, half-breeds had the ability to act as one? How does he control that?” She countered. This had to be something that worried Silas.

  Tyrone rubbed his chin. “I don’t know. That’d be one hell of a fight. When Rese and I link during fights, we’re almost impossible to beat. The idea of linking with another person, knowing their every move, fighting in perfect sync…I don’t know. That’s something to think about.”

  “Yeah, well the flip side of that coin…you bring one down, everybody else linked feels the blow and can be taken down. Case in point, my recent visit to the dark side,” Tyrese said with feeling.

  Memories of Rone lying in the hospital bed washed over her, dampening her mood. “True. But…if you didn’t know about that weakness, or if there was a way to break the connection before it brought everyone else down, that’d be a real challenge. One the full-bloods haven’t experienced before.”

  No one spoke for a few minutes.

  “La Patron knows we fight in sync. But I doubt he’s made that public knowledge. He’s not ready for the others to know a lot about our abilities. He keeps thinking we’re unique,” Rese said in a lowered voice.

  Rone snorted. “He hopes we’re unique. That way the problem with half-breeds isn’t too bad. Because if a lot of breeds operated the way Rese and I do, then he’ll have to make some decisions I don’t think he wants to make. Because it’ll affect his kids.”

  And that was the problem in a nutshell. Any decision he made would impact his own seed and that might come back to bite him in the ass. Releasing a breath, she grew weary trying to figure out shifter problems. One day at a time, one problem and solution at a time was her new mantra.

  “Your aunt and Mandy want to come for a visit. When do you think will be a good time?”

  “After I get back,” Rone said.

  “After the babies are born,” Rese said.

  “Sounds good, Rone. Not a chance, Rese. No way Renee’d wait that long. You know better. I was thinking in two weeks. I’ll be four months by then. Maybe I should have mom come at the same time, get all that over with.”

  “Mom, no one’s supposed to know there’s a human here,” Rese said. “Right now only a few people know. You bring in Aunty, Mandy and Nana, that’ll draw attention to who’s living inside.”

  Thinking over the situation, she looked at him. “Okay. Come up with a way my family can come visit me. I doubt Silas will allow visitors for a long time after I have the babies. Given the situation, I get that. But not seeing them at all is not going to fly. Renee is coming to visit…soon. Whatever you need to do to make that happen smoothly, do it.”

  Rone grinned and slapped Rese on the back. “Sounds good to me, Mommy.”

  Rese groaned and shrugged his brother’s hand off his shoulder. “Suck up.”

  Chapter Ten

  The drive down a dirt road to a house that stood alone at the end of the street. The whole neighborhood had a neglected feel to it. Many of the homes were in a state of disrepair with blue tarp on the roofs and windows boarded up. But there was something sad about the solitude of this weather-beaten dwelling. The upper windows were boarded, several rails were missing from the banister on the porch and the yard was overgrown in places.

  Picking his way across half lifting boards, Silas knocked on the door of the wooden two-storied home. Someone was inside. Looking at Tyrone, who stood next to him, he knocked again. Three wolves stood on the other side of the door. Silas reached out and stroked their wolves, introducing himself. The familiar feeling of home enveloped him as the wolves purred beneath his light touch.

  The door opened a fragment. “Yes?”

  That one word held fear and confusion. Silas’ wolf stirred, wanting to give comfort. “I am La Patron.”

  The older man’s eyebrows shot up as his hazel eyes widened in what appeared to be panic. He inched out the door and snapped it shut behind him. The dark tan of his skin testified he spent a lot of time outdoors. He stood slightly shorter than Rone, but with a brawny build. Silas sensed he was less than a hundred years old, but still in his prime. Hair the color of summer wheat covered his head. The only feature he had in common with the twins was his straight, narrow nose.

  “Josh Bennett.” His head swung from Silas to Rone and then back to Silas. “What…” He bowed his head, licked his lips, and then spoke. “What can I do for you?”

  “I have a few questions to ask.” Silas paused, waiting for the man to invite him in or offer refreshments. When that didn’t happen, he continued. “Your son Davian, have you heard from him lately?”

  Josh’s gaze turned to Rone. “Not since he left with that whore over twenty years ago.”

  Silas was pleased when Rone didn’t respond, although he sensed the coiled anger inside the younger wolf. “What whore? What happened?”

  Josh Bennett seemed surprised by the question. He returned his gaze to Silas. “He fucked some human in high school, claimed she was pregnant, and left the den to be with her,” he scoffed. “I told him he was a fool, humans don’t breed for us. He didn’t listen. Swore she was a virgin and that the babes were his. We fought a bit, he wouldn’t leave her alone.”

  “What happened then?”

  Josh scratched the stubble on his chin. “We kicked him out. I don’t know what happened after that.”

  “How old was he when you last saw him?” Silas asked, not liking the direction of the conversation.

  “He had one more year of high school. I heard he join
ed the service. He never contacted me or anyone else that I know of. What? He’s in trouble and wanting to come here?” There was a thread of hopefulness in Bennett’s voice.

  Silas glanced at Rone. The young wolf hadn’t taken his eyes off his grandfather since the man stepped outside.

  “Who’s left of his family?” Silas asked instead of answering Josh’ question.

  “My mate. My son and daughter.”

  “Aunts? Uncles? Other relatives?”

  Josh frowned. “Yes, my kin make up a large part of our pack. May I ask what Davian did to cause this visit?”

  “Contact your pack leader. I want to speak with him.” Silas waited a beat. “Now.”

  Josh nodded and stepped back inside.

  “Lets go to the car.” Silas walked off the porch. Hank opened the door and he slid in, Rone right behind him. Hank and Brad remained outside.

  “Thoughts?” Silas asked.

  “He’s darker than I thought he’d be.”

  “He’s a farmer, works the land. Pretty good from what I hear. No shame in that.” Silas glanced toward the house. Josh was talking to his pack leader, good. The leader should be here soon.

  “Yeah. I think he misses dad.”

  “Do you think he has an idea who you are? I didn’t introduce you because I wanted to see his reaction to you. No matter what, there’s a blood bond and I’m curious how the pack responds to you.”

  Rone removed his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes. “The pack? You think the pack will come?”

  Silas chuckled. “The Patron is on pack lands and did not visit the leader first. I deliberately broke protocol because this group has not submitted to the Alpha of this territory. He’ll be here later, but I wanted to talk to Bennett first. So yes, the entire pack will come to see why I am here.”

  Rone swallowed hard. “Okay. I think he’s not telling you everything. I think he knows more about what happened with my dad than he’s letting on. Maybe he’s afraid they’ll put him out too. But…this group will be hard on breeds. The way he spoke about mom, he hates humans.”

  Silas had picked up on the animosity as well. The front door opened. Josh stood on the porch looking at the car. Rone reached for the door handle.

  “We’re done talking to him. We wait for the pack and their leader, it won’t be long.” Silas reclined on the seat. “You and Rone don’t look like him.”

  “Just the nose. Otherwise we got lucky and favor mom’s family.”

  Silently Silas agreed. “Is there anything you want to know…about your family?”

  “Hmm? What do you mean?” Rone opened and closed his fists.

  “I am going to interview the pack. I need to find out what, if anything, was different about Davian. Despite how you feel about your dad, this is your pack. Or as your mom would say, your roots, family. If you could ask questions, what would you like to know?”

  Rone released a long stream of air and then swallowed hard. “Did he have a reputation as a liar? Did they ever consider he might not be lying? Did it hurt to turn away blood? I’d want to know if they missed my dad or if they ever tried to contact him.” He paused and stared at Silas. “Also, I’d ask what they think the penalty should be destroying a wolf’s life.”

  Slowly, Silas nodded. So often Rone appeared to be the easy-going twin that Silas forgot he was a vicious predator with a deadly intellect. Tyrone Bennett was not a wolf who forgot or forgave easily.

  Within ten minutes, twenty wolves filled the front yard of Josh Bennett’s front yard. “Do you want to talk with any of them privately?” Silas asked Rone.

  “No. It’d be best if they didn’t know about me and Rese. I don’t want anyone looking for mom and connecting dots.”

  “Okay.” Silas tapped the window and Hank opened the door. When Silas stood he looked over the assembled group, meeting their wolves, making sure everyone was who they appeared to be. Each wolf bowed with barely suppressed excitement when he greeted their wolf. There were interracial and same sex couples scattered through the group. It appeared the Bennett pack accepted any and all, as long as they were full-blooded wolves. Silas suspected that attitude made up the bulk of his nation.

  When he finished his assessment, he admitted there was nothing special about this group of full-bloods. There would be no light bulb moments of clarity today regarding Tyrone and Tyrese’ talents or abilities.

  He nodded toward the man he’d identified as the pack leader.

  “Sir.” The man returned his nod. “Ronald Bennett,” the leader said as he stepped forward two steps and bowed from the waist. “It is an honor to meet you. Please, may I offer you and your men refreshments?”

  Silas sensed the wolf’s genuine desire to serve and relaxed a bit. “Yes, that would be nice.” With deliberation, Silas walked toward Joshua’s porch. He sensed the gasp behind him, but continued up the steps. The pack leader was left with no other option other than to follow.

  There was a moment of hesitation, and then Josh opened his front door, allowing Silas entry. Silas glanced over his shoulder at Tyrone.

  “I’m not going in.”

  Silas nodded, entered the home and took a seat. He watched Josh fidget before instructing a woman, who must’ve been his mate, to bring refreshments. The pack master’s clenched jaw and reddening face probably had more to do with Tyrone’s grandfather being more hospitable than anything.

  Just as Silas received a bottle of cold water from Josh, he heard a young voice through the screen door and knew through his link that she spoke to Tyrone.

  “You smell funny, like pack but different.”

  Tyrone tapped her on the nose, but remained quiet.

  Silas turned to the pack leader. “I have some questions about one of your former pack members…”

  Chapter Eleven

  Tyrese watched his mom return the small handgun to its case. “I’m done, Rese. I’ve locked it up and I’mma put it in my room.” She glanced in his direction where he stood in front of the windows overlooking the rear courtyards.

  “Okay. You did good by the way.”

  “I should. I’ve been practicing for five days straight. Finally got my muscles to cooperate. I’m not as sore in my arms.” Her voice carried from her bedroom where he suspected she was trying to find a place to store her weapon.

  “I’m gonna take a shower and then a nap. Season the chops for dinner for me. Let’em marinade a bit. I’ll cook when I get up,” she called from her room.

  “Okay.” He looked out the window again and stopped. “What the hell?” He snapped out his phone and called Silas.

  “Jacque and the security guards from the front gate are standing across the yard with a woman.”

  “What? Who’s on the front gate?” Silas asked. Even from this distance, Tyrese sensed his building anger.

  “I don’t know. Mom and I just came back from the shooting range. I looked out my window and that’s when I saw them outside near your wing.”

  “Where’s Jasmine?”

  “She’s in her room taking a nap.”

  “Hold on.” There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while. “Damn, it’s Arianna.”

  Tyrese peered through the blinds, trying to see the woman better. “I see it now. But how’d she get here? Why’d they let her in?” His mind raced with possibilities. The last thing he remembered, the older woman wanted Silas. Had she come here for him?

  “Jacque is trapped. I could barely get through to him. Seems we underestimated her ability to use her gifts.”

  “I don’t understand. What gifts?” Regardless of her intent, Rese initiated security measures for his mom. He moved to the panel and locked down all the entries into this wing. Doors and windows were also secured.

  Silas swore so long and vividly that Rese stopped in his tracks. This was bad. “Remember when your mom went into heat and the wolves went crazy?”

  Tyrese groaned. He’d never forget seeing his mom in that condition. Or hearing Silas taking care of her proble
m. “Yeah.”

  “Imagine being able to target that…that heat to get what you wanted. It seems Arianna has been at this long enough to use her pheromones as a weapon. That’s how she got to the guards and Jacque. Don’t go anywhere near her. I’ve sent an alert to Alpha Theron. He’s on his way to get her. Hopefully she won’t do much damage.”

  Tyrese looked out the window again. “She’s got the Alpha trainees…” he counted, “at least three of them out there now. They’re all just standing there. How’s she controlling their wolves?”

  “That’s what I want to know. If this get’s out…that human women can control full-bloods like this, I don’t have to tell you what that means.”

  An arctic chill skittered down Tyrese’ back. It’d be an immediate death sentence. Wolves hated being controlled like that. He swallowed hard and gazed out the window again. “Yeah. War. Bloodshed. When will you return?”

  “I’ve got a few more humans and breeds to interview tomorrow or the next day. They are in remote locations and getting to them has been a challenge. Theron and Jayden will be arriving in the next few hours to hold things together until I get back.” He paused. “How’s Jasmine?”

  “Who? Annie Oakley? Turns out she’s a natural with a handgun. We’ve practiced every day since you’ve been gone and she’s feeling more at ease holding and firing it. She hits her targets ninety-nine percent of the time.”

  Silas laughed. “That’s good. I’ll call her later. I talked to Doctor Grimes. He allowed Cameron to go for a run yesterday. Have you seen him?”

  “No. I’m on lockdown with mom. I only saw Jacque through the window. Cameron’s not in that crowd though.” Tyrese looked again, the number of male wolves had swelled.

  “There are ten male wolves frozen in front of Arianna now.”

  “Damn. What is she up too?”

  Tyrese snorted. “She’s here for you, Sir. If I remember correctly, she wasn’t the brightest bulb in the pack. But she was focused on you. She’s the type of woman who wants the top dog, and that’s you, La Patron.”


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