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BirthControl Page 20

by Sydney Addae

  There was an audible gasp when they entered the natural spring area of the bath. Armed with directions, Jasmine didn’t allow them to stop and marvel, she continued around the maze of rocks down a steep passageway. No one spoke as they moved at a decent pace until they came to a large boulder blocking their path.

  She stared at the large object wondering where it came from. It hadn’t been in her vision when the directions had come to her.

  “Mom?” Tyrone walked over to her. “You okay?”


  “You were staring at that wall, everything all right?”

  “Yeah. No. No, it’s not supposed to be there. We need to travel that way.” She pointed to the rock.

  “You want us to push it out the way?” He and Tyrese headed toward the rock when a sense of wrongness covered her.

  “No.” She threw out her hand. “Don’t touch it. You can’t touch it. Come back, over here.” She waved them toward her and didn’t breathe until they had. Bending forward, she exhaled. “I have to do it.”


  “You heard me, now let’s get moving.” She walked to the boulder, closed her eyes, focused on Silas, and then placed her palms on the rock. A few seconds later her hands warmed.

  “Awesome,” Thorne whispered.

  Jasmine opened her eyes and a doorway through the rock appeared, and she started to step through.

  “Mom, wait for us. This might be like your bedroom door,” Tyrese said as he reached her.

  “Okay, go.” She looked at the rest of them. “Come on, we have to hurry. I don’t know why, but we gotta move it.” She entered behind Tyrone and the doorway disappeared. They waited for her to take the lead and followed quietly.

  “Dark.” Jasmine pulled out her flashlight and bent low to get through the next series of caves. Her neck and back screamed in pain, but they kept moving. They’d been traveling for over an hour when she held up her hand. She listened. The noise came again. Opening her senses, she heard the familiar hum.

  Female breeders? What were they doing underground?

  “Jasmine? Is that you?” Julie called.

  Jasmine palmed her pistol and sensed the others were doing the same.

  “We can’t allow you to go further, the rebels are all over the forest looking for ways inside to find the Patron. It’s only a matter of time before they find and kill him.”

  Jasmine gritted her teeth at the delay. Rose tapped her shoulder and pointed toward Tyrese. He made a hand gesture asking if he could take lead.

  “No.” she mouthed. The moment Julie showed her face, Jasmine planned to shoot her and keep moving.

  “We’re here to help you and the babies. Come, let’s work together and leave this place.”

  There was a rustling from behind, and then Thorne ran ahead before anyone could stop him. Shocked, Jasmine didn’t react until she saw Thorne fall to the ground twenty feet in front of her.

  “What’s he doing here?” another voice said.

  “Quick reload the tranq gun,” Julie said, panicking.

  In a blur of speed Tyrone ran around the corner, firing his gun. By the time he was done there was no movement or sound. Jasmine walked forward to meet the women she’d talked to for the past few months. Three women lay on the ground, their eyes open as they stared up at the ceiling. Rose cradled Thorne’s head and then placed it on her lap.

  “Is he…” Jasmine asked, looking down on the young man who’d become a part of her family.

  “No. he’s breathing. It’ll take a while for him to recover,” Rose said wiping his brow. “Honey, give Rese my bag, he may need those supplies.” Tyrone handed his brother the pack and slapped him on the back.

  “Let’s go, Mom,” Tyrese said.

  “Are they…”she pointed to the women on the ground.

  “No. They’re still alive. Eventually, we’ll take them to the cage in the compound so Silas can question them,” Tyrone said. “I have to stay here with them, make sure they’re okay.” He pointed to his mate and her brother.

  Frowning, she drew back and looked up at him. “Of course. I raised you right. Take care of your wife and kids first.” She patted his shoulder.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. The babies protested by kicking back. “Please, please come back safe. I can’t…just come back safe,” he whispered raggedly in her ear.

  She patted his back. “I will, son. I will. Take care of your family.” She pushed back slightly and looked him in the eye. “Do you have enough supplies? Food? Water? Weapons?” She ignored the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

  “Yes, ma’am. We’re good.”

  She patted his face and stepped back. “Love you, Rone.” She looked down at Rose. “Take care of our men, they can’t make it without us.”

  Rose gave her a watery smile. “Yes, ma’am. Love you.”

  Jasmine sniffed as she waved. “Love you too.”

  Tyrese placed his hand on her shoulder as they continued down the path.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After the last hour, Jasmine didn’t think she could crawl another inch. The caves had become smaller and the some of the paths didn’t deserve that name. They stopped and ate in silence. She checked on Silas, he was still unconscious but alive.

  “We’re close,” she told Tyrese.

  He gave her a tired smile. “You said that when we left the bathroom.”

  She chuckled. “I know. But I feel his pulse now. I hadn’t felt that before.”

  He nodded and pointed to her stomach.

  “I think they’re mad I’m moving them around so much, but they come from super stock so they need to suck it up.” She smiled, rubbing her belly.

  They sat against the wall to rest. She reached out to Silas and sent waves of love to him. His heartbeat strengthened as she talked to him about any and everything.


  She looked at Tyrese.

  “It’s time to move on.”

  She nodded and accepted his hand so he could pull her up. “This way.” She pointed right and they moved forward.

  “Jasmine, stop. Go back.”

  He hand flew to her neck and she stopped. “He spoke to me.” She whirled around and grabbed Tyrese. “Silas just talked to me.”

  Tyrese held onto her. “He wants me to get you away from here. The rebels are close to reaching him. It’ll be another ten minutes before Jayden arrives.”

  She looked at the ground. “I can’t leave you, Silas. If you die, I die and the babies die. We’re in this together.”

  “If they see you, they will kill you.”

  “Don’t they plan to kill you?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. They may try, but I can hold them off a little while. But not with you as a hostage. Please…please move away. Let Tyrese keep you safe.” She felt the pain of his words and stopped.

  “Let’s go Tyrese. Just far enough that the rebels won’t find me.”

  He nodded and backtracked their steps. Tears rolled down her face as Silas’ pain spiked when the rebels jerked him from beneath the rubble. She heard their taunts as they took him away. She sat against the wall and closed her eyes. Silas would need her help and she planned to give her all the energy she could spare. Within seconds she linked with him. “Can you link with him, share your energy?” she asked Tyrese.

  “I can try.”

  “Do it.”

  They both sat against the wall and fed Silas their strength.

  He grabbed control of the wolves who surrounded him and they dropped to the ground. One by one, they stopped breathing until there were no rebels left standing. Silas dropped to his knees with his head bowed.

  Exhausted, Jasmine pulled out from him and lay down. Tyrese released a breath and rested his head on his knees. They sat quietly for a few moments and missed the sound of footfalls.

  “I told you there was someone else in the caves.” Jasmine looked up into the eyes of Satan himself, at least that’s the imag
e her tired mind conjured. He kicked Tyrese before he could move and his unseen partner grabbed her.

  “Oh, ho. This one’s pregnant. And a fighter too.” The man holding her laughed at her struggles, finally knocking her upside the head.

  She slid into darkness.

  * * * *

  Silas’ head snapped up the moment he sensed Jasmine was in trouble. He ran back toward the cave but was slowed by the rubble. He tried their link and received no response. “Tyrese,” he yelled.

  “Busy here.”

  Silas ran toward Tyrese’s voice. He stopped short as Tyrese beat his opponent within an inch of his life. Silas passed them and looked for Jasmine. He couldn’t sense her and his terror grew. He picked up another scent, shifted and followed the trail. Tyrese remained human and followed behind.

  The travel was slow, but eventually Silas caught up with the man. He wasn’t a wolf. Silas shifted. Tyrese clapped him on the shoulder when he moved forward.

  There was a small crane someone had been using for mining. Right now this fool had Jasmine hovering over the edge of the cliff on a stretcher, “Who are you and why have you taken my wife?” Silas asked the man, trying to rein in his anger.

  “I’m Mitch. I guess you took out Robbie.” He looked at Jasmine, and pointed. “Funny thing about this one. I have two clients. One, a group of old women who paid me to kidnap her and bring her to them, unharmed. And two powerful men who paid me to find her and kill her. They were insistent that her babies don’t ever see the light of day.” He rubbed his chin. “Somehow I don’t think you can offer me a better deal.”

  “Why? Because you’ll never live to spend the money they paid you?” Silas asked.

  “Easy,” Tyrese warned through their link.

  “Well, that is a possibility. But not my reality. She’s going to die and then so will you. So it’s quite simple really.” He pressed a button and the stretcher fell from the ropes.

  In a blur of speed Silas ran and dove over the cliff, landing on top of Jasmine. Gunshots rang out above him. Holding her tight, he encased them in a layer of protection and prayed. No matter what happened they’d all be together, in life or death. A peace stole over him as they sped to the bottom of the cliff. The stretcher hit the ground with a hard thud. Pain rolled through his back. But he was alive. He touched Jasmine’s neck and released a breath, so was she. “We’re alive,” he sent to Tyrese and Tyrone. Opening his senses he recognized Jayden, Theron, Lyle and a few other Alphas were coming closer. “I’m down here.”

  “Sir, we’re sending down a lift. Can you place your mate on the cot? We’ll pull both of you up”.

  “Send it down.” Silas placed his forehead on Jasmine’s and thanked the Goddess once more for their lives and the lives of their pups. He heard the sound of the lowering cot and picked Jasmine up.

  “I’m going to put you on the stretcher first and then I’ll climb on. It’s strong enough to hold a six hundred pound wolf, so we should be okay.” He talked to her the entire time, and then placed her gently on the cot. His hands were red and sticky when he released her.

  Frowning, he checked her clothes. His heart dropped when he saw the blood pooling on the cot between her legs. He jumped on. “Pull us up. Now,” he yelled and then held tight as the cot made the excruciating long journey up.

  “Contact Dr. Grimes now. She’s bleeding. Have him meet us at the compound,” he barked out the instructions as fear grabbed hold and dug in tight. “Can’t this thing go any faster?” he complained.

  By the time they reached topside, Tyrese stood next to a stretcher. “There’s a jeep at the mouth of the cave, but it’s going to take a while to make it back to the compound.”

  He picked up Jasmine. “Tyrese come with me. Jayden, make sure the doctor gets to the compound. Theron, oversee the clean up outside, hide this place from any outsiders.” He looked at all the Alphas, his sons, who’d come to help. He bowed his head. “My mate and I thank you for your help. Please come to the compound when you’re done. And by the way, no rebels walk away from this.”

  Howls split the air as the wolves turned en masse and ran out. Silas spun and took off at a trot, Tyrese at his back. They came to a fork in the road and Silas never paused, but continued right. He threw out his senses. They were alone. He spoke a few words and the underground bathroom appeared. He nodded to Tyrese, who walked through first. They left the rooms and headed for the elevators. It opened when Silas approached. Tyrese walked in first. As soon as Silas entered with Jasmine the doors closed and it moved upward.

  “That took less than ten minutes,” Tyrese said frowning. “It took us almost three hours walking and crawling to get to you.”

  Silas rushed into Jasmine’s wing. “I need to teach her how to tap into my mind better.” He walked into her bedroom and stripped her. “Get towels and place them on the bed,” he yelled over his shoulder.

  Once her clothes were off, he walked into the shower holding her. Her beautiful skin was marred with healed nicks and scratches. He washed off the bulk of dirt and grime from her skin, wrapped her in a towel and returned her to bed. The bleeding had slowed to a trickle, but she was still out of it.

  He pulled off his wet clothes, threw them in a heap in the corner and sat next to her. “Jasmine…Jasmine, come on wake up for me. I need you to wake up now.”

  Tyrese ran in the room with a handful of towels and placed them next to Silas. “The doctor’s at the gate. Theron’s men are giving him a thorough pat-down.”

  “Clear him and bring him here.” Silas took her cold hands in his and kissed the back of them.

  Tyrone and his wife ran into the room, and then stopped. “Mom?”

  “She’s okay, just took a hard fall and started bleeding. The doctor’s at the gate.” Rose walked closer, but stopped at Silas’ growl.

  “When my mom got hurt, she always healed. Depending on what happened, it might take a few seconds or hours. If they hadn’t stabbed her in the heart, she’d be here today.” She placed a hand on Silas’ shoulder. “One thing about human breeders you have to remember, they’re hard to kill. They heal faster than full-bloods and can take a lot. She’s healing.”

  Silas inhaled and then blew it out gustily. “Thanks. I had forgotten. Thank you.”

  The doctor entered and immediately went to Jasmine. “She was bleeding but it’s slowed down,” Silas said, rubbing her hand.

  “That may be good for her, but not the babies. I need to make sure they aren’t bleeding.”

  Silas closed his eyes, wondering how he’d forgotten. “Tyrone, allow the gurney inside.”

  A few moments later a gurney was wheeled into the bedroom and Jasmine was placed on it. “This way.” Silas walked next to Jasmine, holding her hand as they left her wing and entered his private wing. As he approached, lights flickered on and gates opened. He pointed to a door. “In here.” They entered a large, fully equipped medical facility.

  “Perfect,” Dr. Grimes said as he walked in and put down his bag. He pointed to his assistant, who had been following silently behind the doctor. “Get her prepped for the scan.” He washed and dried his hands before removing his stethoscope and placing it on her stomach. “I need that scan right now,” he yelled, pushing the bed in the direction of the large metal capsule.

  “Won’t that hurt the babies?” Rose asked.

  “No. I need to see them,” the doctor said, nodding to Silas to place her in the middle of the canvas-covered plate.

  Everyone moved behind a wall once she was inside the capsule. Dr. Grimes pointed to the four bodies resting inside Jasmine. “They’re in distress. I need to get them out.” He looked at Silas. “If I don’t get remove them, they might die.” He pointed to the screen. “This little guy is in distress.”

  “Do it,” Silas said, his knuckles whitening until he relaxed them.

  Jasmine was rushed to the sterile area where surgeries were performed. Silas scrubbed, put on the proper gear, and walked inside. He held her hand and listened dee
ply. The heartbeats were sporadic and slowing down. “Hurry, their heartbeats are slowing down.”

  The nurse pushed a needle into the IV. “It shouldn’t be long. I’ve induced labor to have her expel the pups through the birth canal. If I cut her, her healing process is so fast I might hurt the pups.”

  Silas nodded as he stood by her rubbing her forehead. A few minutes later, Jasmine’s body bowed and then arched as the first two babies slid out one right after the other with ease. Silas heard their loud cries and wept with relief. The next moment the last two slid out. Dr. Grimes handed them over to the caregivers, who worked on the premature babies.

  “It’s done,” Silas whispered to Jasmine.

  Jasmine woke feeling like she’d been in a boxing match, and lost. Her head throbbed in pain. Her neck and back ached. She moved her jaw and winced. “What happened?” she asked Silas who lay next to her.

  “You took a fall over a cliff and survived.”

  “What?” she looked at him, certain he was kidding.

  “No. I’m not kidding. You almost died.” He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “You scared me, don’t do that again.”

  She shook her head. “Yeah, like I did that on purpose.”

  “I know you didn’t, but you missed the big event.”

  She leaned back trying to read his face. There was suppressed excitement and something else. Pride? What did he have to be proud of? Her eyes widened as her hands flew to her stomach. “Oh my God, my babies, where are my babies?” She pushed him aside and jumped out of bed. Naked, she grabbed his robe and wrapped it around herself. “Get up, take me to them,” she demanded.

  “Yes, your majesty.” He bowed, took her hand, and pulled her out the room.

  “Hey…” she looked around. “This isn’t my place.”

  “Nope. It’s ours.” He opened a door and pushed her inside. Four cribs were lined up with four nurses sitting next to each bed, some were reading, others knitting, but all appeared alert.

  Covering her mouth, Jasmine moved as in a dream to the first crib. “My daughter.” She giggled at the tiny baby with a head full of dark curly hair and her fist in her mouth.


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